A study group, ap. pointed by York County board of education to look into school zoning problems in the area, has been criticized by Stewart Roberts. president of Hillcrest Residents’ Association, in a letter to members of the group. Roberts, who is also a representative of Ward 6, said his group had “reached the point where we 7 find - ourselves questioning not only your produce of USA! Ideal for Mesh cnsp caesar salad romaine lettuce lresh lrom Pueno R1co' naturally sweet' deal dessert ‘ pineapples 4 beautnfuI. garden, 3 1/2 geraniums frozen Ponderosa Steak House Eéhtaloupés no. 1 grade . each all beef steakettes produce of Mexico rich in flavour swee‘ eating fresh rk, rib end 31/2 [3. average fresh loin rbasts fresh ork. tenderloin end 3 1/2 Ab. average Wieners loin rbasts ’Loblaws .143 bgef prime‘ rub steaks ‘method of doing business,’ but your business establishment as well." He said they wondered why the study had been extended to include the entire Richmond Hill area. Originally, four schools in the Richvale area, plus Beverley Acres, Crosby Heights, Jefferson and Walter Scott public schools, were to be covered. He said they weren’t 10.99 .69 E for tray of 18 pots 2|b chuck steaks try wxlh Adolph 5 meat mannade 132.08 m1.29 “31.34 1 lb pkg opposed to a town-wide study; the trouble was that nobody knew the study was being con- ducted. “Can you please tell us who would be required to present a brief to your committee from an area that has never been in- formed that such a committee even exists?" Stewart wrote. u..vn.... . -vVV. Also, Was any enort being made to contact areas where there wasn’t .78 each fancy peas Loblaws. frozen crescent rolls Pillsbury. 4's Monarch soft margarine Colonial cookies potato salad or cole slaw Loblaws boneless cooked smoked dinner hams Shopsy EOoked meats Loblaws sliced, vangty pack Ziggy_s, sliced €5lami any organized com- munity or parents' association? The letter also questioned the selection of people outside the board to the study group. Stewart said none of those named was to hold an executive position in any parents' group or local association. held “at least one executive position on a community level. and also acted as a lrepresentative of her school area to the school board meetings when \Crosby Heights‘ ac- ‘commodation problems were being reviewed." Richmond Hill Trustee, ‘ Eric Baker. who selected However, it had since been learned that one member. Mrs. Susan Stoner of Richmond Hill, topV'r'dUnd .143 4 3&1 .00 24 oz each 2 lb. poly bag ZZEiIZté 521.14 £1.88 1 lb. tub Richmond Hill Trustee. Eric Baker, who selected Mrs. Stoner, told The Liberal that when he called her to see if she would be interested in .59 .69 .93 1153 beet. steaks or roasts‘ bpngless snrlom tIp 3 ore grocery values dill pickles Loblaws. - po|§k1e ggolku. plain or garlic Royale. 2 piy, all colours bathroom tissue toilet bowl cleaner Hostess. regular or dip Sani Flush potato chips orange crystals Tang, 2's, flavoured fOiI wfap dishwasher detergent Van Camp. m tomato sauce beans with pork 2 Beynpld's, regular Calgonite. automatic - 50 oz. box beef. Irish 0r meat ball ‘S’Oup mix Souptlme M OOOOO h‘ a†vvvvv U85 cake mixes 39p13:1 .00 Puritan stews Paramount pink salmon Gay Lea strawbevry‘ bIAueberry_or orange u LCU gnaw-UV“, téueWigggilogurt ‘63) .67 corned beef or pastrami Shopsy cooked meat chubs trozen Rupen Brand, golden battered boston bluefish iggys, 7 varieties being a member of the study group, he asked her if she was a member of any association. She informed him she was with Ward 3 Ratepayers‘. However, Ward 3 hadn‘t taken any position on the schools, and we were concerned with people who were tied to one particular viewpoint." Baker said. ‘ The Hillcrest people. represented “a single school situation.†Baker all varielies medium ground 14 02, poly bag I 12" x25' roll box I ’ 19f! IOZ tlns 24 fl 02 m 4 env box 7 3/402 {In .89 .89 .49 .96 said “I was satisfied that she (Mrs. Stoner) was a good selection.“ 32 fl. oz‘ jar 225 g pkg Additional funding for two local projects under the new Young Canada Works Program was announced this week by the Hon. Barney Danson, MP York North. €851.08 Almost $5,000 for youth work The amopunt of $1,088 has been made 8 02. each I .59 .44 with the purchase of only 1 bonus item [gab 'groqng beet tresh‘ 31b pkg or ovez only 3 lb pkg'ov over only listed below beet; 2 lb p_kg 0: over on|y chickeri légs or breasts Elltie‘srtéaks nozen Swfljs de_e_p_hasla_d pvedressed young Eanadaigrade A‘ undev 20 lbs" Loblaws semi boneless cooked smoked hams - halves Schneudgrs Old Fasmoqed cooked Sï¬né'rï¬Ã©fl'l't'girjggys frozen Schnelders‘ 2 ID pkg szen Rupert Brand 30 oz pkg flsh & chips, famin pack Eaneless smokéd' hams bEéf iatties oiahéé pékoé tea pure lam. made with honey Flowerdale, 159 bags; Dex fvozen gvade A, predressed cornlsh hens. 4 pack only lre_sh Cy! to you! n_eegs Lawry s, 16 oz Jar seasoned salt Wï¬'o'l'é'b’dfk Iain SDQHCBV Farms 35500180 vanehes. 9 OZ Fab wnh lemon tresh borax. 5 lb box powdered detergent Guslo‘ 1202 pkg uuam xcnu pay '0' tomato 0. meat sauce spaghom table syrup cooked ham babygouda cheese Ambassador Ziggys Pally - strawberry raspberry. cherry or aDHCOI ' - ' 360 ml jam wnth pectin Jar . many more fine foods from Holland specially priced in our stores. Fine foods from Holland PRICES EFFECTIVE TO TUES MAY 24 EXCEPI MEA PRODUCE 8. BAKERY EFFECTIVE TO SAT MAY 21 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES RICHMOND HILL ONLY LELOblaws. W‘" 400 free ha of over each hamper tilled with $20. of fine foods from Holland One winner each week in each store for 3 weeks. Winners will be posted in store. No rain checks given on these items. Look for over 20 more bonus items listed throughout the store. Stewart‘s group also objected to inclusion of the second appointee, E.C. Nokes of Rich- Entry Forms in Loblaws Stores Free Trips to Holland for 2 - via K.L.M.‘2?!E.'n°e:‘°" mom than the price is right. available to “summer programming for physically handicapped children" organized byu Richmond Hill Town. _ The project of “York Regional and Municipal Publications, annotated bibliography“, has been awarded a further $3.808. fov Dad 5. 32 oz pkg ' oatmeal cookies Loblayvs. DO'Y garbaï¬Ã© bags McCorrmcks, 2|!) pkg ginger McBIg snaps Pele! Pan greamy. 3 lb lav péhnï¬t ’butt'er éï¬edder cheese édfn oil NeIISQn. 24 oz iéea tea Eanhborn - 225 ml plas bfle baby shampoo f'favour crysiéls Pet Care, whule, 30 lb bag chtvlritter Valiant lemonade or mm pynch 46 oz pkg P700! tluonde.» 100 ml lube tdétï¬paste Chn Free Iabncv 54 5 pkg so ener sheets 'C‘Gilfy’diabers vavuv-r .-._,..._ furniture polish lgddleg 0v ovgrnoghl, 12 5 b0: goblaws, regular a! lemon - - , u _ L Hamlam 48 oz mond Hill, who they felt was too much from the same general area as Mrs. Stoner. MAY 24 EXCEPT MEAT W1 49 pkg ' 60ml 2:21 .99 V Includes his! class accommodation In Amsterdam. meals and Sightseeing 26 x36 .ZOSDkg hn Dome 14 H 02 3970 ll"