Requited for a large tamlly practice in Richmond Hull, Experience an awn Please contact Lori at 8‘10 â€"â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 1. Experienced. Full or pan time. Busy salon. Good hours. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Hairdresser Full time (egulal posmon Requued Immediater Apply In person PART time counsellor, for midnight shift, in community residence for mentally retarded adults.‘898-3003. 72774561 qr727-2087 DENTAL Assistant required for busy dental practice in Newmarket. Prefer ceniï¬caflon or prewous expenence Apphin wflï¬ng.Box No 1659.The BanneL MATURE sales help‘ part time. 3-4 afternoons per week. Baywew Plaza. 884-3417. We have an opening for a capable person for an inside sales posmon. Mechanical or architectural drafting training would be an asset. CONTACT R. MASON WAITRESS/WAlTER Voyageur Restaurant Half Way House AM-FM -8 TRACK -SIEREO Custom Installed In yout car 0: truck‘ $9950. 476-2921 HAIRDRESSER 884-2321 “5 Help Wanted Toronto 924-8751 1970 Mustang Iastback, automatic, new mm and tires. 30 VW Beetle stationwagons and lll's. X973 Fm. 30,000 miles. 1970 Toyota wagon. as V: mils south at Aurora Sidemad on Don Mills Rd. Between 9 AM. and 5 PM. DISHWASHER Body and engine In excellent condition, 4 mags plus mes. 8~track and head phones. Tmted wmdows and reclining bucket seats. 4 speed. MUSISELL 727-8434 7 Top wages and goodihours Alcan Canada Products Ltd 95 Dunning Ave., Aurora 727-4238 Expeflenced HAIRDRESSER ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks miles 1967 PONTlAC FlREBlRD 1976 CONVERTIBLE Vandorf Motors Excellent shape. 47‘000 mules We have a good selechon 0| quath [econmluoned Volkswagens 1m sale We also speoalxze In Volkswagen body walk and general repavrs 884-9103 Expenenced All Wont Guaranteed “2 mule south ol Auma Sndevoad on Don Mills Road‘ Volkswagen Sale - Full hme and part tume Call 887-5150 Spring Specials 53 PONTlAC 884-4976 71 PONTIAC Doherty Motors 727-3322 1972 Toyota Corona Deluxe 895-5495 Hwy. 400 at Maple $800.each 881-4362 BEST OFFER AS IS alter 7 W“ HORNET Ha‘chback. 19.000 6 cyl. automatic. Walters Used 165 Wellington E. 727-3012. 727-3322 afler 5:30 pm 64‘000 mules "CHEAPIES" as is. $350. is. $250. "C 48 22 2c 22 2c 1971 VEGA, good f0! parts, must take complete car, 8881191‘ Airconditioned. 4 door hardtop. P.S. PR PW. AM‘FM rale. 54,000 miles, excellent condition. $2,350 certified or best otter. Air conditioning. WW8! smerlng power brakes. auto, new radials‘ executive driven‘ $2,995. aflerlpm. 2 door‘ V8. mileage 28.000. $3700 or near otter‘ 889-8740 AFTER 5 PM. 25 000 mn|es A-l condition Cam hed Bes‘oflex 884-6354 1975 Montego MX stantiér‘d',~rEd-Id sâ€"toï¬Ã© “gVu‘afdf ex~ cellent condition, certified‘ Asking “"5 77314247 1974 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME Deluxe. 2 door, automatic. V-8 tadlals, AM/FM stereo radlo, BEST OFFER ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks 1973 Mercury Comet 383 - 4 barrel‘ 4 speed ‘ransmissmn. Posttractlon. 51000 miles Plus many extras. 1 owner. Best ofler. auto. 1600 c.c. Immaculate, lady driven. 895-7960 71 Dodge Charger SE 1976 Volkswagen Rabbit Deluxe. V-8. brown. bucket seats. hardtop quality tape deck, $2,500. 755~1827 Loaded Including au-conditwmng Extellent condition. Best cash ofler. 1974/PONTIAC CATALINA 350 automatic. power steering DOWEI brakes. new paint certmed $2100 fum. 884-9898 or 223-3230 1974 Chev lmpa|a 4 wheel drive. quad-track, low range ttansmisswn. V8. aummanc. a|| powel. heavy duty tires. deluxe interior. 18.000 miles, Best reasonable oifer. 727-8705 Excellent condition. Many 1969 MUSTANG fastback. red. good condition. asking 3800, 478-2144 aka; 5 pm. 1967 AUSTIN 1100. $150 or best after. 7216281. 1972 MAIADOR, 6 cyl. power steering. power brakes. automatic Certiï¬ed. 8335400. 75 TRANS AM PS & B. factory forced an, radio, tape deck, 25.000 onglnal mules $3.950. 898-2953 Good running order. all power. arr shocks. radrals. 1976 AMC Cherokee Chief Aurora Gold station wagon. Fully equipped. new radiaI tires. cemlied. anate sale. Excellent condition‘ 773-5844 Evgs. Btonze‘ 39.000 mules Excellent condition $2,900. 68 BUICK WlLDCAT 476-2921 1971 CAMARO 70 CUTLASS 1972 CAMARO AFTER 5:30 PM 727-4501 884-0379 74 MGB Good camper DOSSIblllheS‘ $1.100 or offal. 773â€"5119 1971 VW FASTBACK 1969 Deluxe Sky Lark Buick 73 CUTLASS 69 Econoline 200 WINDOW VAN 884-1614 75 Ford LTD Brougham 884-2647 after 5 pm 893-1846 884-6822 727-6226 8 TIRES AND RIMS 727-5735 1977 22 3c Eves extras 1975 GREMLIN X. 34,000 miles, high performance, Al condition, 3 speed. standard transmission. Sport rims all around, Levr interior Navy blue metallic. Phone after 6 pm. Ask for Chet, 939-7028 1973 DODGE Wagon Special V8 auto PSPB‘ Walters Used Cats. 165 Wellingmn E‘ 727-3012‘ 1976 PONTIAC Ventura. 6 cyl. automatic. 8000 miles, Licence KNP971. Walters Used Cars. 165 Wellington E, 727-30120 Finished Interior. wmdows all round, Ideal for camping‘ Make me an offer I can‘t lefuse. 884-8614 4 door. standard. 24.800 well mamtaxned Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices. ' 889-0353 LN750 25' Insulated Van. 66000 miles 72 Ford Econoline Supervan 75 FORD TANDEM ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks Immaculate. Automatlc, 47000 miles, Certified. $1,550. Power brakes p0wer steering. run mng condmon. Any reasonable ottel. Metailic blue. 23,000 miles, 4 dr. auto. irans. leather upholstery, air conditioning, AM-FM radio. floor mats. fuel iniection. disc brakes, heavy duty battery, top condition etc. $4,150. 727-2717 1969 Buick LeSabre Hard Top 705-435-7874 Evg$ 1976 MONTE Carlo 14.000 miles. V8. PSPB Licence KPN128. Walters Used Cars. 165 Welling‘on E.. 727-3012. Automatic Snow tires. Radio. 37.000 miles. Certified, $850 or best 1972 OLDS Delta, speCIal Licence AP8672, Walters Used Cars. 165 Wellington E.. 727-3012. offer ‘68 - '69 Volkswagen car parts, '59 ‘ F750 Ford Cab and chasis truck. "as is". Best offer, phone 775-6907. Old Hwy 73183yvlew 475 Kennedy Rd 1966 CHEVY II. fan conditlon, $225 884-6943. 1966 CORVAIR, c0upe, automatic 500, 41.000 miles, good mechanically, Snow tires, work done, bi||s. some lust on fenders. $500. 727-4883. 1972 CAPRI automatic. silveL miles, $1,500 or 3516. 1971 TOYOTA Clown. certiï¬ed. 895 6784 0! 4781055. 1966 MERCURY Parklane 'good condition‘ 3550‘ certified. 884-6943, With Ihsulated cap‘ 6 cylinder. au- tomatic. certiï¬ed. $1.250 or best offer. 884-9613 1968 radio. 6767 TRUCK CAP SALE 1974 COUGAR XR7. excelIent condition‘ 40,000 miles. fully equipped. 727-6169 1975 PONTIAC LeMans 4 door V8 PSPB. 31,000 miles. JPU 878‘ Walters Used Cars. 165 Wellington E. 727-3012. '1'957 PLYMOUTH Wagon. good motor. As Is, 3125. 638-7446. After 1969 LINCOLN Mark “I dItIon 53250 833-5473 1976 DODGE Sport 6 cyl‘ auto. licence No. KFA997. Walters Used Cars. 165 Wellington St. E.. 727 1977 HONDA ATE-90. 3 wheel. all terrain vehicle. large knobby mes. never used. 727-9322 fibreglass auto top. Luke new Wlth 3 h.p. Outboard motm. $300. 1965 PONTIAC. 283 angina 832 1110. 1973 AUSTIN MARINA 3012 16 ft. BOAT. 30 H.P. motor, and trailer, good condition, $975. 727« 2563. 2‘5 Boats & Supplies 1968 FARGO 1/2 TON PICKUP 1972 VEGA 73 PINTO 1974 Volvo 881-3399 884-1355 VALIANT. 6 cyl. automatic good tires, as IS 5250. 727 atter 5 pm. afternoons and evgs From $239 MclENllE TRAILERS 884â€"0395 884-3915 884-9489 $1.450 BOAT 2.000 engine. no rust 45.000 best offer. 895- 8891831 2665812 mules V448 AND TANK Good condition. $225 or OHEL Must sell, 884-1614. 60 h.p. Gale Outboard Motor 1969 wlth camper back, sleeps sux. Mll‘l out-dnves. completely loaded wtth extvas. Excellent condmon, 312.800. 881-1344, 883-1500 Located Albert's Marina. Holland River Full electronics. twun power, outstanding galley. hot water system. mm! condmon. Must be seen to be applemated. Surveyed 1974‘ Pnced to sell. 12' featherweight. alummum, Manaqua. Complete with paddles and seats. ExceHent condition. $200 PHONE JOHN 0R STEWARI GORMLEY 887-5886 New Massey Ferguson 10 HF. Garden tractor wrth mower, $1.595. Demonstramr MF 16 Garden tractor wrth mower. $2,295. MF Heavy duty engrne oil $24 per case. MF Baler Twrne $10 per box. “5 Farm Equipment Black. lots of chrome. A-l condltton 3850‘ Enduro Good COHUIIIOH 900 m|les on re bunt motor $425 884-5113 1972 YAMAHA 360, good condition rebuilt engine, must be seen $525 Doug. 727-9634‘ Deluxe 36 ft. Aft Cabin Cruiser Willoween II “0 Motorcycles for Sa|e MOTOR CYCLE DT175 Used only' 1 month. [2519‘ mug Forced to sell for $900. 1972 TRIUMPH 500, 1973 HONDA trail CT70, owned by girl, going to College, excellent condition, 3350‘ 859-4490. Toronto 429-2220 or Boat, Bradford 1-775-7089 1974 SCOTTY HIGHLANDER TRAVEL IRAILER nght wergm. like new condition. 3 way fudge. tullet. furnace. awning and screen room 2 propane bottles. 3 burner range and many other ex- tras. $3200. Mrke Davrdson‘ days 884-2359; evgs. 884-4974 Fudge. stove. oven. heater. tonlet. ShOWEL hot and cold running water, sleeps 6. Two 20 lb. Propane tanks Awmng. A~1 condition. $3.000. New m '75‘ Excellent condiuo'n, $750 1975 TERRY HOUSE TRAILER Massey Ferguson CUSTOM CAMPER CONVERSIONS 71 Honda SL350 1977YAMAHA 30' Glen L TRUCK KAPS FROM $2" RAISED VAN ROOFS , FROM “49 FIBREGLAS RUNABOU‘I’S BOATS FROMV†CANOES SLIDE-IN CAMPER INTERIORS FROM 5176 EOUIPMENT‘ ACCESSORIES "SPECIAL ORDER" ITEMS DELUXE CUSTOM. MODU- LAR OR PARTIAL CONVER- SIONS REPAIRS OR RENOVATIONS ASSISTANCE FOR "DO IT YOURSELVES" STORAGE USED VANS SIeeps 6. Z bun Icebox. Excellen VAN WINDOWS $19.95 and up 884â€"5971 BRYAN 884â€"6035 13262 Yonge St. P.0. Box 933 Oak Ridges. Ontario LOG 1P0 - 1-7734473 Canoe 1972 17’ SHASTA TRAILER 832-2505 884-4117 75 LIONEL 85 Hardtop Camper 74 SUZUKI GT 250 884-8295 669-1043 FOR RENT 16.5 feet long‘ 595 per week 889-8040 2‘5 Boats 8 Supplies new ga range. sml won. $1,500. 7c2w48 SLEEPS 8‘ built-m stove. sink, etc Best offer. 1969 - 18' GREW, 100 h.p. Evimude motov. asking $2,500. 727-6204. SA|LBOAT (Sunflower), like new $170. Phone after 4:30 pm. 727 3970‘ Scamper Hardtop “5 Farm Equipment 74 Honda XL 350 13.75..Y.a.m.a.ha X.“ .12; .qugshch mint condition. $675. Never raced, 888-1738. 1973 KAWASAKI 350 33. Like New $650 or best offer. 884-1634‘ M TURF EQUIPMENT LTD. IANUHCTVREEI DISTRIUUYOR Woodbine Avenue (Don Mills Road) RR. 1. Keswick, Ontario L4? 3C8 Telephone (416) 476 4311 “4° Motorcycles for Sale Hydrostatic Drive Zero Turning Radius for unlimited Maneuver- ability Complete Speed and Directional Steering with Easy Fingertip Control Infinite Variable Ground Speed with Constant RPM on Drive Shaft Powerful, Top Quaiity, Cast Iron, Kohler Engines for Years of Service FrontMounted Mower for Full View Mowing EBROUWER 11 In: :0: IIDMFNT um 23 TRAVEL TRAILER Sleeps su. selflcontamed. Good con- dmon. 833-5370 Road and trail 1.646 miles Excellent condition 11623 Yonge St‘. Richmond Hill 12’ TRUCK CAMPER sleeps 8. furnace. tndge. stove wuth oven. shower. flush tallet. like new. 73 Kawasaki 750 $1,150 Small Car Centre FIFTH WHEELS no nucv suns muss ouu coco ou usuaouso mm 884-8328 BOAT traders for rent 2 days 315‘ 363-1954 “C43 King City Trailers good selection of CLEAN USED TRAILERS MAPLE LEAF TRUCK CAPS REPAIRS, HITCHES. AWNINGS STORAGE PROPANE GAS‘ PARTS & ACCESSORIES 1974 Glenelle 727-9828 23 Models to choose from! including P’ï¬bï¬â€™tin. 884-9274 1-727-8586 773-5497 nght we|ght gas saver Sleeps 4. Fully equipped King Road 2mi.wat ol Hwy. 11 1-7734260 of? BESI OFFER BOLER USED 3 TIMES MUST SELL $4,500 RENTA ch 67 727-8779 22 2c l7tfn w 43 13" sleeps 4, Clean and In good condmon, 51295 773-4002 Sunk. ICE box. cupboards and spare tire. Asking $1.200. 889-3935 Or 225-4470. Sleeps 6. ptopane stove. sunk, ICE box $1.000 884-2376 Hard top. fold down Apache trailers. Stove. fridge. furnace. Sleeps 8‘ Deluxe camping. - 1972 CITATION 22'. Sleeps 5. Sell- contained. A1 condition. Full bath, shower. water heater. 3 burner gas stove, fridge. furnace, 889-2724, 7' x 18‘ when erected. Sleeps 4 to 6. Spave tire and wheel. $375. 881-6325 cxw 43 1973 27' TRAVELAIRE Deluxe trailer. Perfect condition. Many extras including awning and screened porch. Sleeps 6. Less than 6.000 miles. £5,995. 884-3528. Nemrod tent trailer NIMROD soft top camper. Sleeps 4‘ Best cash offer‘ 8845576. TENT Trailer, good condition. 3450 773-4334. VlKlNG HARD TOP TENT trailer needs new canvas‘ Best otter. 884-7167. COMANCHIE Sales, camper supplies Custom van roofs. Custom mtenors. truck caps and canoes 773-4120. Locatuon ‘u mile north Stoumnlle Slderoad‘ Yonge St . Oak Ridges, 1971 HARD TOP APACHE TRAlLER Fleetwing Person wanted wrrh Industrial or gang mower to cut approx. 1 acre of weeds and long grass for a residential property in Oak Ridges area, Please call John Fisher. Dehvered In small and large quantities 230 Picked up In the held Don MIHS and Bethesda Slderoad 1‘: miles nonh of the Gmmley Sideer 888-1947 or 888-1040 Knappett's Landscaping & Garden Supplies Bayview and 18th Ave. Richmond Hill J 8. B Lawn Mower Repair 8. Service. Reasonable rates. RR. 1, 18th Ave., Richmond Hill. 8848630. m 42 Lawn & Garden Equupment SALES - SERVICE - PARTS SHARPENING Bayvuew Ave, nonh of Elgln MIHS. Richmond HI†Res. 773â€"4152 Bus. 964-1468 SOD FOR SALE 6 PM. Al STOUFFVILLE STOCKYARDS Approx. 100 reg'd and grade horses ol all breeds. Several quiet lamin horses. A few good reg‘d. horses. New tack and saddles sold by auctrono Complete tack shop on location. Field Needs Cutting 00 something new. vous Dating Ltd Bvampton 1} am ages welcome. DO you have a dnnkmg problem? If so AA can help. Wnte Box 84. Rlchmond HIII. or call 487-5591.", “ ARE- you wormed about someone with a dnnkmg problem? If so. contact Al- Anon. 366-4072 0! write P.0. Box 516. Richmond Hull. Confidently; m 'F'OR' INFORMATION CALL 6404193 FOR RENT LOST â€" Budgie. yeIIOw and green Tag No. 627, Beveriey Acres area 884-1408, LOSl â€" Cat. Centye St. W. area. Iortouse shell colom. Long hair Please call 884-7981‘ HORSE MANURE & SHAVINGS 7“ Gardening &Supp|ies Richview Campers it Trailers SCREENED LOAM 884-7233 Soft top GARDEN MIX TOP SOIL MON. JUNE6th 630 3. ton load Student Delivery $30 351 52° Personals HORSE AUCTION 889-3726 884-3089 Lost 8 Found Livestock Phone Rendez "453-1661? 9 pm All tfc42 1013c c4»: ‘6 chv 48 IFC 43 ch 48 Will vusn ladies Irl own home‘ Fully qualiï¬ed and licenced. Rea- sonable rates. Call alter 7 pm LEARN to fly. Introductory flight 35 Toronto Airways. Ltd.. Buttonville Airport. 297-1422‘ ï¬c32 INSTANT PRINTING IRENWIEW House. Year round resort rn Muskoka, otterrng specralized service for retired or handicapped persons. Short or long terms. Very reasonable rates. For lunger stays cost w0u|d be less than your pensions. it you qualify. PO. Box 331, Gravenhurst. Ontario. P00 160. tic“ BABYSITTER wanted for 2 school age children. ages 6 and 8. Hillcrest Mall area‘ 884-3847 Evgs. wanted 10! 2 yorung children 3 days per week. 8 am. - 6 pm. at doctor's house In Umonwlle. BABYSITTER and light housework, live out. 550 weekly. Start end 0! Augusf: 8813399. DAY care given In my home, Bevefley Acres, 884-7149. c2w48 DAYCARE given to children eve; 2 years in my home. Malkham Bayview area. 884-6163, DAY care given in my'home. large yard, hot meals‘ Prefer ‘oddlers. l7 Colbourne Rd., Thornhill. WILL babysnt any age. 7 days weekly‘ Hot meals. King City area. 833-5731. Ask for Ann. c2w47 The Printing Place 883-1307 5‘“ Daycare Wanted 7“ Miscellaneous FREE COFFEE WHILE YOU WAIT Photo Copying â€" 10 Printing at every description DAYCARE given in my home; any age 249 Bluegrass Blvd. 884-8709. HAIRSTYLIST MOTHERS’ Summer Helpers, Iive many available. 421-1549 c7v 73° Hairstylists TYPING done in my (Mnâ€"home. IBM Selecuic typewriter. 884-6872. EXPERIENCED housekeeper seeks steady work 5 days per week. 884- 8650. EXTERIOR PAINTING. cleaning eaves. general gardening. Reasonable rates‘ by student. Please call 851-3310 CLEANING woman wanted $26 day. Pleasant surroundings. Own transmutation Rep|y Box 158 The Liberal. 10101 Yonge St.. Richmond HIIL Young and Restless ‘8“ Rest Homes atound the house. June. Ju!y. August. $20. weekly. . Student welcome. Hours by mutual agreement CLEANING woman required once ever other week Experience necessary. $23. Bathutst-Carvjfle area. 88¢6057, SUMMER EMPLOYMENT 5 days a week, to look after a little gul, 21 months, plus light house‘ keeping duties. Reherences required. Mrs. Davudson. Days 884-2359. evgs. 884/4974‘ CLEANING lady required 1 day weekly. 884-9617. “CAMPING WITH A PURPOSE" Swimming. Canoemg‘ Ponies Archery. Crafts, Boat Ttips. Boys and Guls 9 â€" 15. 365 weekly Includes transportatuon. CLEANlNG WOMAN Serves East Ioronto Member of Ontario Camping Associa- tion; Careful supervuswn, Swimmmg, Ponies. Crafts, Hikes. Games‘ Mm: farm. Boys and Gills 5 - 10. REASONABLE ................ BROCHURES 5‘5 Employment Wanted GLENBROOK DAY CAMP MARKHAM 535 Employment Agencies EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE Babysitter 5‘“ Domestic Help Wanted 2’“ Summet Camps RON AT 889â€"6808 JOHN AT 889-4560 221-2761 8 - 830 am. and 7 to 9 pm FRASER LAKE CAMP 541 Help wanted 297-1211 HOUSEKEEPER EXTERIOR PAINTlNG AND WINDOW WASHING 889-9804 Daycare Required weekly 889-8553 439-3104 439-3104 CALL ClW‘8 clw48 live in. c7w44 tfc44' DEAD or crippled farm anrméls picked up promptly. 705439-2421 Call anyflme‘ Ed Peconi & Son,, Woodwlle. Ont, Licence No. 324C66. 11c 29 HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid for houseiul o! fumltme and appliances. Bruce's Furnnmre. 363- 1954 nus Georgran-style 2 storey solid brrclr home. 4 bedrooins. separate drnrng room. Irvmg room wrth marble lrreplace. completely broadloomed. French wrndows throughout. Double garage. Beautifully landscaped. Elegant Irvrng In the most desrrable drstrrct ol chhmond Hill. Must be vrewed to be apprecraled. Aslrrng $159000 SWIMMlNG Pool Sacnllce. L‘eadung Canadian Manulaclurev and Dustnbulor has aluminum pools lelt ovel lrom 1976 season Hall Pnce. Guaranteed Installations and telms, Call Collect days or evenings 1416- 2214840. "£27 311 305 ALUMINUM Doors, WIndOWS, awnings, railings. sldung. soffit systems. trough. ‘Free esnmates, Ron Woods 88fl-151t4k‘6 Pickup available Horsemanship, 5w1mmung. Hay rudes $55 weekly 881-5666 or497-3000 LEADING swimmlng pool wholesaler must dispose of 1976 all alummum pools In stock. Sacnluce pnce lor desparately needed lactory warehouse space. Brand new swimming pools Includes filter, walk avound deck. lence and wananty, SIZE 15 x 27', $1355 cash or terms Call PElC collect days or evenings 1A 416481-8802. llc27 Teakwood Furniture Piano Sale Direct from importers warehouse Open till 9 pm - EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED Hwy. 7, Bramalea. 791â€"2355 79 Doncaster. Ihornhlll 8810000 W: am going out 01 businus. We haw mm! thousand tropical Ilanb, succulents, cacti. vines, ivy: Ind flowering plants. Plant yow Terrarium: or decmatc yow home at reasonab‘e pnces Currier, Lesage & Willis - m’ib’fl'cé 51’. mam am can. 5:. m Won- mam-L - 1m KENNIDV ID. 79-2231 muquoL - I! DUNDAS ST. I. m-ms Connor 0! NW1. 5 1. WWW C mo DUPFENN ST. “7-H†Wane-mt m OPEN DAILY 9709 PM. SAMDAY TILL6 Selling Out Cosmo M usic Co. Ltd†Bed Chééterï¬elds $148 to $498 Articles For Sale Unable‘to relocate Articles wanted Displaced by New Auport GARAGE SALE CHESTERFIELD CLEARANCE CASH AND CARRY OR DELIVERY ARKANGED June 3. 4. 5th 10 AM. m 4 PM. Many household Items 200 Baythorn Drive Thornhil| 889-4062 884-5272 ChesTerï¬elds O LARGE WWW J. Greftegreff Greenhouses 294-5634 New & Used Comet of 17th Ave. Mathham v Pickering Townllne From $695 Hwy. 7 & Leslie Day Camp Boys and Girls 7 to 15 E.C. Stables CENTRES OVER 900 RICHMOND HILL- ONE ACRE ESTATE AT 102 HIGHLAND LANE AND 2’†Summer Camps ‘°‘ Real Estate 884-8045 ttc 4 BED, good mattress, kitchen table, enamel top. Dinette cupboard. Odds and ends, Suitable for cottage. Very reasonable. 773-5659. RUGS. matching 9 x 12 and 6 x 9. Stereo set 375. Call 881-4011 after 6 HINGE locking carrier, suitable for (am gutter Ioof top cars. $45. Kitchen table, seats 6. good con- dition. $20. 889-1692. Evgs. TIRES, G78 x 1 bicycle, 889-8821 "5 Articles For Sale POPLAR underlay. 20 sheets. 4' x 4', new, $2. each French glass door, 30", natural finish. hardware. $50. Secretarial desk, modern chrome and steel, 60" x 30" with 22" x 42" 3~ drawer return unit. plus locked tile drawer, 3220. Deluxe office coat rack, 12 hanger capacity. steel. enamelled construction, hat and boot she|ves, $85. Swwel executive chair, red leather upholstery. 825. Light oak singie pedestal desk with chair, $25, 881-6325. DOG House, well built. insulated, (or medium size dog. $15. After 4:30 pm. 884-3526 BICYCLE, boy’s HiARise. 3 speed‘ good condition. $40. Evgs‘ 773-5976 MOB|LE CB set. Audio Vox, plus antennae. 3 months old‘ Cost 3125. Sell 370, After 6 â€" see at 10142 Yonge St. Geneta| Electnc. window model. 16,000 BTU's. 20“ deep x 25" wide x 21" hlflh‘ Suitable for house. Commercial Gang Mower x 21" tor store 3 Reel 6 n. ’6" Cut with rollels and hydrauhc Mt. Hardly used. $1.500. 832-2305 POOL tabla 2 sets at Olympuc balls. pool cues and rack. 8125‘ Brown Naugahyde chau $66; antuque wmught Iron furmtute. for patio or dlmng room sunte, 90 Kawasaki street bike. $350, All In excellent condition. Basement Sale Garden Tractor, 10 H.P‘ With 42" Mowef and a Cultivamr, $5504 SAT, JUNE 4th 10 am. 103 pm. 207 Avenue Rd,. Richmond (Behind Hilluest) Many new items plus lots of household MAGRAW EDISON 10.000 BIU's. like new. Asking $150 Sat & Sun. June 4&5. 11 to pm. Plants, flowers, iabvic and guts. Cancened If ram. 9216 Bayview at 16th. Richmond HI" cm ta Cement blocks. 16‘ 15‘ each. 16" x 3" X Air Conditioner. JunE'ZI‘IE'énd 31d after 6 pm. Fumltme. househo|d items. Moving forces sale. 26 DELAIR CRESJQOBNHILL AIR CONDITIONER ELECTRIC. stove. Westinghouse. whlte. very good condition. 5130‘ GE. 2 dool (efrigerator. white. good condition. 5200. 884-8368 Evzs. Mechanics Tool Box Sat, June 41h and 11th Vanety oi househo|d goods 10 am. to 4 pm. 387 Fernlelgh Circle N.. Richmond Hill Scrap Skids for FIREWOOD - FREE Garage Sale 888-1032 884-9617 GARAGE SALE 881-5193 CABINET INCLUDED CALL AFTER 5 PM. 881-3252 884-6117 ROSEMAN 7889-4220 GARAGE SALE 889-4062 Boy's 3-speed x 8". 20‘ each cle