C-2 â€" THE LIBERAL. Special people open house The Richmond Hill Lions Club has completed‘ plans for its X977 Rosetown Ball to be held JUne The‘ Richmond Hill Chapter of the One Parent Families Association of Canada will be holding its dance Saturday, June 4 from 8:30 pm. to 1 am. in the Thornhill Community Centre. There will be a disc jockey, and buffet. Admission is $3 for members and $5 for guests. 11. The affair will feature reserved seating, music by Peter Appleyard and his band. and songs by television personality Mary Lou Collins. Tickets are $10 per person. For further information, call George Chassie at 884-2933. Sing/e parent dance l lluulvn. A friendly atmosphere is assured. The group's general meeting will be held at Wrixon Hall of St. Mary's Anglican Church on Wednesday, June 8 at 8 pm. Everyone is welcome. YCAMR needs you The York Central Association for the Mentally Retarded is looking for high school volunteers to help supervise. its summer programs. IA It." A_A m...» L:rv\n Seniors meet June 8 "y... .n... -_ . The associ-étiidhrneeds peoï¬le fill and part time for up trorsix week_s beginning July 4. A .4‘ _...‘1‘Ln .u .v -.. i Vï¬- IItug'ill be nnérating ï¬laygrBunds', arts, crafts and overnight camping excursions in the Rich- mond Hill and Markham ai‘eq. n. . 1 11:" This season’s last meeting of Richmond Hill Senior Citizens' Club 35 will be June 8. After a 2 pm. business meeting, the clubrooms (10149 Yonge) will feature entertainment by three female members. » -‘,, lllUlIu nun uuu n...u......... This is in association \i/itntwlie Richmond Hill parks and recreation department. Interested? Call Debbie Obar at 884-9110. uu vv A pianist, a violinistiand a soloist will provide a musical program. The Wednesday euchres will carry on all summer, as will an extensive series of trips, tours and picnics. - .. u -‘:__ _..:II I". n the hill Lvunu uuu r......--... A printed program of these activities will be distributed at the June 8 meeting. _ unuu "1...-.. _. For more infafniétion, call Dob Hick at 884- I736. idenl Friends of Anna Green, who lived in Richmond Hill for 12 years. will be happy to hear of her spring marriage to Robert Willms of British Columbia. VVAEHéjéughter of Della and Angus MacBean, became Mrs. Willms in a double ring cererggny at the Alliance Church in Kelowna. Mrs. Carolyn Bayley played the organ and. after the prayer of dedication. Mrs. Lorna Bohn sang “The Lord and l‘. _"i‘lâ€"le WillaS will be living at 106â€"205 Briarwood Road. Kelowna, BC. Langstaff girl weds DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of Iand,in accordance with the Weed Control Act, 1972, Section 4, 14 and 20, and any amendments thereof, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of Richmond Hill are destroyed by the date of June 6, 1977 and throughout the season, the Municipality may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes. as set out in the Act. The coâ€"operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited D. WELDON, F. FRANKRUYTER, WEED INSPECTOR CLERK MUNICIPALITY OF RICHMOND HILL ADVERTISEMENT ON THE REAL ESTATE PAGE Notice to property owners HEY KIDS FOR FREE COLOURING BOOK SEE N.S. SMITH Wednesday. June 1. 1977 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Letter carrier service recently approved for Richmond Hill's Cadillac- Baif subdivision does not indicate a relaxation in An Irish spring medley of familiar songs, led by members of the Catholic Women's League of St. John‘s Church in Newmarket entertained the residents of York Manor at the monthly birthday party for Ma_y. . v . ,r AL- nun -...l Dn‘n This manâ€"John Smithyes of Kingâ€"is certainly doing his share to alleviate the unemployment problemâ€"in bees, that is! Two-and-a-half million of them help pollinate his 5000 dwarf apple trees every season, making it possible for New service only infilling yuli’igriggret-ï¬yan, president of the CWL and Reta Hollander accompanied the group on their wash- boards. “MrsiVSarah Mount (92) and Mrs. Edith Leary (91) blew out the candles on the birthday cake. President Jean McMurchy of‘ the York Manor auxiliary pinned red rose corsages on the tv_v_o ladies. u un.,LaI Other residents with May birthdays included Mabel Kerr, Elizabeth Meakins, Catherine Dey, Gertrude Andrew, Catherine Wright, John Evans, Margaret Robertson, Mrs. G. Sisler, Ethel Cryderman, Jane Butler, Constance Roadhouse, Thomas Scott, Thomas Reid, Charles Matcalfe, Mary Ellis, Ann Sinclair, Violet MacNaughton. Mrs. Lyle Jarvis, John Lark, Clarence Dunn, Lorne Risebrough and Stan McLaughlin. The twenty-four birthday residents were given favours made of shells containing pep- permint candies. These were made by the girl guides of Trinity United in Newmarket. The York String Quartet performed at the Manor May 27, and Betty Gordon’s dancing school will en- tertain with highlights from the spring show Wed- nesday, June 1‘ , V....~ _. INSUKVanne Tyssen of Oak Ridges has been employed to assist recreational director Bruce Lohnes during the summer lllllllll||lllllllIll||IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE he piano @ teacher ï¬lllllllllllIIIIII|Illllllllll|l|l|l|l|l||llllï¬ Estelle Matkham 884-3787 The friendly neighbour. hood exercise. AK Employer of 2.5 million nannnmmm' \\.|||( KI Mn'kfliulny mm†‘ government policy aimed at containing the growth of the civil service work force, according to Director John Aiken of NORMAN LIGHTFOOT TORONTO TOKEN NO. 218 YCAMR "500" ELEVENTH WINNER IN 1977 customers to come and pick their own apples each fall. Smithyes has just been appointed director of the Ontario Farm Fresh Marketing Association. His number is 833-6698. $500 M|nlmurn All was subloc‘ m change wlmoul notice. Canada Deposit Insurance applicable on terms up (0‘ and Includlng, 5 years. Canada 'lf‘ust Hillcrest Mall (west side) It you operate a small business. you'll want to know about a business management seminar on taxation to be held at the Black Hawk Motor Inn in Richmond Hill Wednesday‘ June 22. Arranged by the,Federal Business Development Bank‘s Management Services and the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce, the day is expected to attract 40-50 participants. The case study method will be used to examine the implications of taxation for a small business. The Bank's Management Services operates in three main spheres; management training, management counselling, and information. A special Family Musical with talent from the local church will be presented at the Missionary Church at 7:30 pm. on Sunday, May 29. Family musical The final film in the series of Family Life films will be shown at the Heise Hill Church at 7:30 pm. on Sunday, May 29. AVAOLABLE ONLv AT Moum Bayview & Markham Rd.. Richmond Hill VWE RESERVE THE R[GHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES FRESH SECONDS GRANNY'S BUTTER TARTS§ TOMATO JUICE IGA FANCY CHICKEN, LIVER 0R BEEF CHAPMAN ASSORTED PEP DOG FOOD ICE CREAM JELLY POWDERS JELLO 79W43 Cool looking white polka dots on aqua or yellow background. Easy care polyester knits. Sun dressing The information service provides details of approximately 100 federal government assistance programs. Further‘ a pamphlet series titled ‘Minding your own Business' now covers 14 areas covers 14 areas. Management counselling is provided by retired executives to businesses unable to afford experts on a full-time basis. Management training, as well as providing seminars on various subjects of interest. also provides management courses to provincial educational inâ€" stitutions for the owners and managers of small businesses. 2 LITRE CARTON Hillcrest Mall 3 OZ. PKG ONE 002. DnV BOX 7m 71-day} ZI/W Sizes 10-16 . . . . . . $35.00 48 OZ TIN MULTILUX II provides clear continuous vision a! all distances with no 00 picuous : a re mg ‘ 2; ‘ lines. STEELES OPTICAL 6244 Yonge St Towne & Countrye mare Villowdale Phone 223-5168