8:00 AM. Holy Communion 10:30 AM. Morning Prayer. Church School, Krndergarten and Nursery School SERVICES SUNDAYS 8:00 a.m.. 9:15 am 10:30 am WEDNESDAYS 10:00 am. 7:30 pm Sunday, June 5. 1977 at 10:30 am MmlStEli The Rev. Ruben Shorten LUTHERAN You‘ll see demonstrations of flour milling. log squaring. shingle making, spinning, weaving and sheep shearing (weather permitting). THEME: "TELLING GOOD NEWS The East Central Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary will hold its last meeting of the season June 14 at 8 pm. in the home of Mrs. Margaret Heard. RR 2. Gormley. June 4 will see the opening of a three-week exhibition and sale of Henry Martin watercolors at the historic Gibson House, 5172 Yonge Street. Blair Bruce was one of Martin’s most famous students. The public is invited to the opening Saturday from 2 pm. to 5 pm. or from Monday to Saturday. between 9:30 am. and 5 pm. Admission is 50 cents for adults ï¬nd 25 cents for children and senior citizens. For more information, call Moyra Haney at 595-1567. It used to be a lot worse! Come to Black Creek‘ Pioneer Village throughout the month of June between 2 and 4 pm. A cross section of artisan and commercial establishments can be seen at Black Creek, representative of a rural settlement prior to 1867. Visitors can watch such craftsmen as gun- smiths, printers and millers working at their trades, using tools and skills almost forgotten. There's even a general store, complete with an old time candy counter. The Village, located at Jane Street and Steeles Avenue, is open 7 days a week. Admission is $2.50 for adults, 75 cents for students, $1.50 for senior citizens and $5 for families. After a short business meeting, coffee and dessert will be served. For more information, call Mary Hitchins at 884-3734 Every drop counts. Be a blood donor Tuesday, June 7 in the Lions Hall. Centre Street East in Richmond Hill. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE $1., THORNHILL S. 0F HWY. 78 W, 0F YONGE ST 889~593I SUNDAY SERVICES “We would like to get 300 donors,†says Betty Armstrong, Chairman of the Richmond Hill Clinic. $s<>swv>$¢<w 4 ' «xx, Come out from 2 pm. to 8:30 pm. Refresh- ments will be served â€" as always. Hospital auxiliary meets Don’t forget to bleed! ANGLICAN BAPTIST Presbyterian Henry Martin exhibit opens southern yorkregion scheduled events / See life as it used to be Think life is hard? UNITED P801¢995t8| For further information. call 661-6610 SY MARY SANGLICAN 10030 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL RECYOR {ev Bernald Barr81884-1394 Rev Fted Jackson 8842418 with Rev. Ella Taylor Rev‘ Margaret Taylor Nursery and Kindergarten Care Available 30 Wednesdays 10:00 AM Holy Communion Rev lame‘ RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge and Centre Sts 8844301 , ‘AUL S IVUIHERAN l Baywew Avenue ‘N LUIHERAN ‘ Watshnp Semce unday Chutch School DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK 'ASIOR \ap ’64 WC ‘6 10 00 a m 7 Bible School Classe tor all ages 11.00 a m â€" Momnng SPWICQ 700 p m â€" Evemng Serwce , Prayer meeting Wednesday . _ at 8_ 00 o m In Old Fashioned Country Chuvch r0l 75 0mm Stveel Member Baptist Convention 0! Onlano and Quebec) Rev DanaH Lamb BA B D Minusler , SUNDAY 945A M .cnmcn School 0! Bus, Mmlstty call 88l-28l8 [l 00 AM Morning Worship Ihe Greate IHI NEW 8|le IHl PRECIOUS BL ‘N’ #36 $6$’//M$$<///»fl$$933?AAQ‘; Rev 81 M on the Edge 01 the Cuty 7:00 PM. Shantyman Btuce Farebrother Everyone Welcome Shanty Man EVERYONE WELCOME M LDRICK ROAE BAPIINY CHURCI new 0' Wetdncn R1 m1 Rathnvxl Kin-o ST JOHN'S BAPTISI CHURCH Faster E. Corbett Sunday School Hour 11:00 AM. Seven Indispensable Things ~ Part V RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright Street Tel. 8843091 [HE me 884 7859 I' “’18 h Road 8. Sha )h age French honored by Lionettes The money was raised from proceeds of the Lionette concession at the Lion Bingo Sunday nights, and the club‘s monthly euchre. The eight-woman Richvale Lionettes recently pledged $1,500 to furnish a room' at York Central Hospital. Other activities included a yearly dance, tea cup readings and bake sales. There are monthly donations made to the young people’s wheelchair fund at Villa Hospital. For more information, call Mrs. J. Barton at 889- 7438. This was in memory of Edna French, a loyal member who died in December, 1975. Guests for the evening were Mrs. Laurena Graham of Woodbridge, vice-president of York West District; Mrs. Phillips of Kleinburg and Mrs. Audrey Arm- strong of Maple. Mrs. Boake served lunch. In place of a June meeting the members will take a trip to the Erland Lee Home in Stoney Creek, that week being Women’s Institute week at the home. The meeting took the form of a social evening. Mrs. Doris Beanland, who had just returned from the Officer’s Conference at Waterloo, reported on the conference with a promise‘to give more when she presents her program on Citizenship and World Affairs in March. Edge/ey women Mrs. Bea Boake, Teston was hostess in her new home for members of the Edgeley Women’s Institute Thursday, May 5._ Mrs. Evelyn Snider and Mrs. Doris Beanlandwere in charge of the program and kept the ladies busy with contests. Confirmation Class 10:00 A Divme Servnce 112001 (Sacrament of Holy Baptism) ALL WELCOME 11 AM. Communion 7:30 PM. Specnal evening Choral Service with the choits of St. Augustine of Centetbury Anglican Church (Toronto). Matk Dubois. conductot THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Director of Music ~ Richard PhIIIIDS Weighing matters carefully. This old scale is one of the items scheduled for sale at the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Flea Market Saturday, June 4 from 1-3 p.m. in the church parking lot. The ladies of the church will also conduct bake and rum- mage sales. Here Bettie Hazell of Kerrybrook Drive in Richmond Hill takes the measure of Gwen Lennox of Cartier Crescent. Fixtures of the old Manse will also be put ‘on the block’. _ 271 Cenne Street 889-5391 Yhe Revd, LB Burns. MA. 30.. PhD. THE MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rev Cecul Rosenbergev 88775846 SUNDAY. JUNE 5th 9:50 am - Family Sunday School 11 AM. ’ Other Denominations ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YONGE ST. MINISTER - REV, Wm‘ Wallace SUNDAY. JUNE 5, 11AM 7:30 PM, Evening Inspiration Wednesday Night 8 PM Karen Moore. Organist SUNDAY. JUNE 5th TRINITY SUNDAY Rev D Vanm M In 889 Morning Worship A WARM WELCOM AWAITS YOU Weigh out! Klnde Which "The Helald ot Tlulh IV Channe!3 Fame SUNDAY SERVICES H 00 a m -Blb|e Study and Morning Semce 00 p m »Communmn Semce 000 CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIS] Concmd Rd & No IHwy Help your Heart... Help your Heolt Fund WEDNESDAY 8 00 p m -B|ble Study a m ~Ihe Lerd's Suppet ) am -Famuly B-ble Hou )a m ~ Sunday School A Chutch of Ihe New Iestamenl 0td8l SUNDAY 12 30 D m AE Atkmson MIDISYEI - 669-1831 A Young»$ec 669-2784 RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL 24 Oak Ave Rnchvale SUNDAY. JUNE 5 ten to Grade 6 Bnbl‘ rGrade7and up - Evening Semce IUESDAY 7 Bible School and Player fi‘;‘r‘;$‘» ‘ ‘Photo by How 6 Bnble Have you ever heard of Meals on Wheels? Do you know where they go, and why? Well, they go to senior citizens, people with chronic health conditions. people convalescing from surgery. and wherever else they may be needed. Be out to lunch June 6 Why? So that people are able to stay at home, away from costly institutions. So that they can receive help where it‘s needed and yet retain their autonomy. All Saints‘ Church in King City will be holding its 16m annual chicken barbecue Monday, June 6 from 5:30 pm. to _7:_30 pm. .. -.. u ‘ n n ,n nnn wFor? -r-1_1_(-)r‘eV ihfbfrï¬Ã©tion, call Michael Ballard, 833- 5488. 76th King BBQ (1) Applicants Everest & Jenings, Canadian Ltd, File No : 32 V(P) Location: West hall of lots 2 8. 3, Con A. South of Snidercroft Road Proposal: To build a 30000 sq ft. addition to an existing factory on a ten acre lot All submissions received in the Office of The Trea- surer of Ontario and Minister of Economics and Intergovernmental Affairs, 801 Bay Street, 7th Floor. Toronto, on or before the 15th day of June. 1977 in respect of the foregoing requested amendment will be fully considered before a final decision is made thereon. ' Take notice that application for amendment to Trea- surer’s Parkway Belt Land Use Regulation ï¬led as Ontario Regulation No. 475/73 in the Town of Vaughan has been received_The application is: Under Section 32(9) of the Act. any interested person may request a hearing by the Municipal Board on an application for amendment to a reâ€" stricted area order. Ontario Thermoshell It’s more than home heat THE PLANNING ACT } AND THE PARKWAY BELT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT stand ignition. II also stops msmnlly on shut-off Pyou're buildings new home. or your furnace is on its 135! l-zgs. give SCI’IOUS though! to (ms amazmgly effluent furnace. "you pay S450 a year for fuel ml. ll could mean? savm); 0| $45! Chan \huws atcragc cfï¬cxcnc uld~xlyle burner-lurnacc units In a rccenl survey.- nI'CAnadIan humh You can we that mar 95% ml lhc unns were working hclnw (ht ()ur Clean-Stan Burner has other-aflvamages. [00‘ A hlghcr lurnacc efï¬uency than pnwided by older gun-lvpe burners. And lhn efï¬ciency can he maintained throughoul 1h: healing season‘ [I dig) reduces mu! cmmmnx In the almmphcrc. LEFI : The large. Irregular flame from an old-style gun burner. RIGHT: You can see the Clean-Stan Burner has a more znrense and slabIc flamtr ll 13 also cleaner so [hcre's less aegumulanon of cnergy-robbmg soorr 82.5% cfï¬clcnu ufour un-l. In fact. 40".) wcre wurkmg 10"» ur more below lhe cfï¬uenu' 0! [he lhcrmushcll unn! Thc average cfï¬uencv of all the homes wax 72.500: Now you know whx we say that [hlS amazing burner furnace unu muld reduce \'our fuel on] urnsumpunn h\ 10% or more How much fuel can you save? Town of Vaughan Clean-Start Burner in action! A more efficient design W. Darcy McKeough Treasurer 6! Ontario Minister of Economics and Intergovernmental Alfaurs Thermoshell means warm friendly service, practical payment systems and a clean efï¬cient way to control the temperature in your home. How it saves fuel. Your furnace gocson and offlhousands of limes cach mmer. Every lime it does‘ some fuel is not burn! clï¬cienlly. Result? Smoky flare-ups wivh energy«robbing sool deposrled on burner. furnace inferior and flue pipe. When it‘s shul mlsome ml may leak into the combustion chamber. [00. Perhaps you though! one furnace burner was much like another? Well. that's ccnamly not true anvmore! Compared lo conventional models, the new (hermoshell furnace with Clean-Starr Burner can reduce the amount of fuel you burn by as much as 10%. This advanced design is the result ofour continumg program to ï¬nd ways to conserve fuelr The lhermoshell furnax overcomeuhesc problems with a delayed -Ian-up that allows a slublhzed air flow/ml pressure to ensure splu- "HAM U rllt' 0‘ INEIIOXNI How much tuel can you save? '0.†mm '10 \"(I II (on-0mg munch "HAM ‘Ul Al! N They could be going to you, someday. Last year. 500,000 hot meals were delivered in this area â€" a non-profit service offered by 2,000 volun- leers. At least 30 per cent of the cost of these programmes must be borne by the community which they serve. and Community Care Services Incorporated has come up with a novel (and fitting) fqnd_raising idea. Buy a $3 ticket from CCSI and the Caï¬adian Restaurant Association will serve lunch at a restaurant near you on June 20. All proceeds go directly to Meals on Wheels. For information and tickets. call Louise Lewin at 961-3885. W. N. Girard, Manager “(v 01 noun \ulvm Iï¬wu’reoverï¬othis semoecansaveyoumoney. 10132 Yonge Street 884-1188 . GT 60 is a package of free ï¬nancial services. tailored to your changing needs. Premium savings accounts with interest calculated and credited monthly to your account. no-charge chequing accounts with free personalized cheques and free monthly statement and much more. Plus it includes things like free purchase of travellers cheques â€" for those trips you‘re going to make. Free deposit by mail, with postage paid both ways (saves a trip to do your banking). All of it very useful. 4 Come iï¬and talk [0 us'about GT 60. It‘s well worth the trip over. You’ll have a nice warm feeling for our products and services Thermoshell Comprehensive Protection Plan The 'I‘hcrmmhcll (Inmprchcnâ€" \n'c I’rmccliun Plan fur a \mall amounl. oï¬â€˜crx _\'uu an annual hcaIing \)'\[Cm chuck-up. rc- placcmcm of most turnacc parlx (when ncccxxarv) and cmcrgcncv \crncc. Annual furnace inspection An inctï¬cicnl l'urnacc can mull in grcalcr t’ucl cunxumpuun. Thc annual inxpcclmn and clcanuut \nll cnxurc prupcr pcrfurmancc and lung lll'c. Parts proteciion Thu plan cnsurc~ \‘uu prulcc- [Inn (In \'ll’an“_\' cvcr)‘ pan \‘1lal to [he upcratmn of mm hcaung umI. 'l‘hcxc arc iu\l \omc of th‘ \crvicc~ [hc 'l‘hcrmmhcll (Zom- prchcnxivc Protection Plan ofl'crx \'uu:* Labour included Our annual tcc Includo lahnur Emergency service Qualiï¬ed Icchmcranx arc rcadv [0 \cmcc mur unn dav or mghl, fur all rcpairx cmcrcd under th‘ Parts l’rnlcclmn l’lan‘ "l‘hc 'l‘hcrmmhcll (30mph:- hcnxn'c l’rmccnun Plan I\ \‘alld THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 1. 1977 â€" C-3 For more information please comacl TORONTO THERMOSHELL CENTRE 3975 Keele Street Downsview. Onlario M3J 1P1 Phone: (416) 661-2111 onl\ 1! _\our Iurnacc |\ In good “orkmg condition “hen you xlgn up {or 'lhcrmmhcll Scn‘icc. Thermoshell Equal-Monthly-Payment- Plan 'l'hc plan alluwx yuu to xpacc nut your heating hillx twcr tun month~ \nthout tntcrcst chargcx Thh muanx that fuel hillx rcmain wnxlant during thc mntcr month\. You can. it you like. cumbinc thix cunvcnicncc \\'|Ih our automatic “(Ihcquc Planuth mu don't cwn have [u \mtc out a monthly chcquc. Automatic delivery ï¬x a 'l‘hcrmuâ€" \hcll cuwlmcr. \‘nu'll ucl \uur hcanng ml dcln- crcd dumman- mlh (.JlLulaung Irum duh Icmpcmlurux. and mm [um luc! gunxumpnnn. our dcgrcc J.“ ~\\Icm L'ch (rack u! ap- pnmmalclx hn\\ much healing m] \nu haw nn hand at all Hme ‘\ hmllvln \arcn mdrumlx uxlahlhhcd Iur curd pruluclmn. There are great ideas for keeping warm in our Guide to Fuel Economy Thh Informauvc. ca~)‘-lu-rcad buuklcl l\ ï¬llcd with uwl'ul hunts In help wu cut l'ucl cun- ~umplmn and kccp your home wmturlahlc at lhc xamc umc. Fur your FRI-iii cup): cunt-act mur ’l'hcrmuxhcll (Icnlrc at the addrmx bclu“: This is Rev. Robert (Erisdalo of Holy Trinity Anglican Church. It was he. and not Archdeacon Reginald llowden. who wrote last week‘s church column about the llon Spirit.