Apartment gardening can give you a lift Nothing like a few sunny days to make you feel all that gar- dening’s worthwhile. Looking both pleased with the sun and her patch of lettuce, is Mrs. Apartment dwellers can enhance their high- rise homes by planting gardens above ground. Containers six to 10 inches in diameter can be used for small vegetables such as radishes or chives. Wooden tubs or window boxes are suitable for tomatoes, peppers or cucumbers. Balcony pots and hanging baskets of clay or plastic enable the gar- dener with limited space to grow an endless variety of annual flowers and vegetables. Ontario ministry of agriculture and food horticulturist John Hughes says the dif- ference between growing plants in containers and ground beds is that containers provide less soil. Therefore, the apart- ment gardener must add all nutrients the plant cannot derive from the soil in ground beds. Mr. Hughes says it will be necessary to add one or two types of fertilizer on a regular basis over the growing season. Complete fertilizers such as 20-20-20 or slow- release fertilizers in either powdered or pellet- form are suitable; Balcony gardeners should avoid turf and general fertilizers with high salt levels. “The old adage of ‘the more fertilizer-the bigger the plant‘ is valid only until you get too high a Amara FERTILIZER Whotesale - Retail Holiand landing 8955108 "AGmxiPhcemBuY' 176 Weldrick Road 881-0069 CONSTRUCTION SidewaIIs - Trench Excavating - cm; Septic Tali: 0 Draim (New and Repais) Bradford Fertilizer COMPANY [TD WELDRICK Res. 884263! Lettuce patching 727-9421 - Trending concentration of fertilizer in the soil and kill the roots†“Soil in pots or baskets should be porous, open and well-drained. A mixture of topsoil and peatmoss with 20 to 25 percent sand is suitable. 7 Soil that is too tightly packed will prevent free wuth saIer (read (0 pie venl slipping and orna- memal IRON RAILINGS ' Steel vemlorced One plece CONCRETE STEPS Installed days. - Patios I Sidewalks 0 Interlocking patio stones - Curbing for dvivewavs E: llower beds ' Scteen blocks. If this Hanging Planter Lamp was available in department stores it would be priced at 565.00. However this mail order offer from KING-RIE SERVICES eliminates high overhead charges resulting in savings of‘over 930.00. The Hanging Planter Lamp includes: - Approx. 16 feet of hanging chain and ceiling hook. - All lamp hardware - Approx. 12 feet of electrical cord, switch and plug â€" 14 inch lamp shade - 11 inch hanging basket. The lamp and planter are made of 100% acrylic heat resistant material that can withstand the temperature of a 100 watt bulb or planter light. ALSO AVAILABLE ORDER NOW AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT. EXCLUSIVE $34.95 OFFER KING-RIE SERVICES. BOX 523, MAPLE, ONT. LOJ ‘I E0 PLEASE SEND ME ........... LAMPS @ ‘34.95 0'“ 7* WWW'W‘III‘ZASI ENCLOSED IS CHEOUE OR MONEY ORDER FOR $ ............................ (NO CASH PLEASE) MAKE CHEOUE PAYABLE TO KING-RIE SERVICES, BOX 523, MAPLE, ONT. ADDRESS PROVINCE CHECK LAMP COLOURS: SHADED GREEN L] CHECK CHAIN COLOUR: GOLD [:1 BLACK C] hours. no! HANGING PLANTER LAMP w Ga rden i I19 plan shade planting 1355 Shawson Drive, Mississauga (1 Block N. of 401 â€" West off Dixie Rd.) Lotte Thelen of 51 Birch Ave., Richmond Hill, shown getting a good start on her backyard produce. 3 Year Guarantee UNIT PRECAST CD. 678-9331 FREE ESTIMATES water movement and will block essential oxygen from the roots." The small volume of soil in containers provides the plant with little water reserve so it is necessary to water the plants thoroughly until water runs from the bottom of the pots. Photo by Hugg) PLEASE PRINT By Lynda Nykor For some reason, most of us shrink from using our imagination when it comes to gardening in the shade. Usually we just fill up shady spots with impatiens or begonias and never think much beyond that. Butishade gardening, with a little plénning, can be iust as varied and rewarding as it is for beds in full sun here in York Region. Let‘s start with annhals and see what kind of color and interest these can provide: Salvia. pansies and aiyssum are worth combining with your impatients and begonias, if the shade isn‘t too dense. Nicotiana, snapdragons, lobelia and forget-me-not will tolerate some shade, perhaps on an east or west side of the house. Many petunias will also thrive there. Coleus, of course, adds foliage color. It is always a popular choice for shady spots. Before frost, take some stem cuttings for houseplants._ » G eraniums popular There are many‘ perennials -that add to the shady garden. VI Some of the best are astilbe, perennial foxglove, bergenia, bleeding heart, gasplant. most irises, monarda, ballonflower, and day~lily. peonies all tolerate some shade The versatile geranium is one of the most popular garden flowers because it will bloom all summer long with little attention. RF. Gomme, Ontario ministry of agriculture and food horticulturist, says it is easy to take cuttings from over-wintered geraniums to replenish the supply for this year's garden. CRIMSON RED D TANGERINE C] BROWN U BULB Er PLANT NOT INCLUDED The traditional method of over- wintering geraniums was to hang the plants in a cool, dark place in the fall. In the early spring the plants were potted. watered and cut back. After the new growth began, the plants were replanted in the garden. Mr; Gomme says a more vigorous plant can be produced by taking cutâ€" tings from these over-wiqterefi plants. According to Professor R.W. Irwin of the school of engineering, Ontario Agricultural College, a lot of water is wasted in too frequent waterings that are too short to allow water to seep deeply into the soil. He suggests watering the old ’plants and taking six-inch long cuttings when the new shoots grow ‘Water deeply and save water’ is the motto for greener lawns and lower watering costs. Water your lawn deep/y Columbines. dwarf asters, céralvbells, hosta and “Frequent watering 0F HlllCIEST MALI. ï¬ngers mumâ€"mm “MIME QA/{muousmâ€"nmu Luum/ _ _ /4 IlOCKS.SCOfl nunâ€"moguqu 'our; MOE; to My; ‘Iusoum’ m ..-____ A \\‘_ 889-1139 1" x 6†Spruce 4†x 4†Spruce 1" x B'CREDWOOD 50" SPECIAL CEDAR FENCING LUMBER Z" x 4†Cedar 28¢ FT. l†x 6" Cedar 27¢ FT 2" x 6†Cedar 52¢ FF :Lï¬ï¬‚tiflilfl HQME Slï¬lYï¬EJï¬Q x4†x 6†x 4†Cedar Spruce Spruce WOLMINIZED SPRUCE POSTAL CODE. results in shallow rooting and crabgrass. It also causes insufficient water reserves that cannot maintain the turf." The best way to en- courage deep water reserves is to water in the early morning. Lawns require one inch of water per week. This means one hour of watering to saturate 250 square feet of lawn. s1 .00 Pce SHADED 28¢ FT 44¢ FTA 26¢ FT. 55¢ FT. 58¢ FT Remove the lower leaves from the cutting and dip the end in a fungicide such as Captan. Plant the cuttings about two inches deep and two inches apart in a six-inch flower pot. ' Gomme advises using a soil mixture of coarse sand mixed with peat moss or vermiculite. Water the soil mixture thoroughly and place the container in a clear plastic bag under a lighting unit or in a window protected from direct sunlight. Once the cuttings have rooted apply a weak fertilizer. The cuttings should be ready for transplanting in about one month. Geraniums can also be grown from seed. However, if you have a strain of geranium you like, cuttings are best, Geraniums are available in a range of colors including red, pink and white and are attractive in patio pots or window boxes. The popular forsythia, spirea, deutzia, flowering quince, mock orange and kerria japonica will all do well with a small amount of sun. There are also a number of ground-covers that can make a shady garden an attractive spot. Try ajuga with its blue spring flowers. English ivy. pachysandra or periwinkle. Most flowering shrubs prefer sun in order to bloom but there are some that are custom-tailored for shaded locations. Some lesser known ones that will also adapt well to a fair amount of shade are the franklinia, the folhergilla. the fragrant daphne, the rose-ofâ€"sharon. and some of the viburnums. Some of the finest plants for the shady or semi- shady garden are found among the rhododendrons and azaleas. With an acid soil, a protected location and a minimum of sun these can be the most beautiful plants in any part of yourrgaijoen. 7» ' Don‘t f orget bulbs fof spririg bloom. Plant the early ones under deciduous trees and shrubs. They need enough light to flower before the leaves appear on the trees. Plant snowdrops, squills, crocuses. hyacinths and any of the early flowering tulips or daffodils. Professor Irwin recommends using good quality sprinklers to supply water evenly. A tin can should be placed near the sprinkler to deter- mine when an area has received adequate water. Newly-seeded lawns should be watered carefully. “New lawns shouldn’t be saturated until the root system is established. Water just enough to allow the grass seeds to germinate." TOP SOIL KEEP YOUR LAWN GOING (.4 FROM BETTER T0 BETTER PETUNIASâ€"MARIGOLDS SNAP-DRAGONS VEGETABLES 8 TOMATOES ETC TIX PLANTS BY BAG BASKET . AVAILABLE NOW call Heather Russell (416) 868â€"0234 Toronto Dominion Centre Royal Trust Tower, Suite 3706 PO Box 141 Toronto. Ont. M5K 1H1 Member of the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation. 93/s% paid semiâ€"annually on 5 Year G.I.C.‘s 1 8. 2 Years 8, 3 8. 4 Years 83/4%. $100 Rates subject to change CLEMENTS POOL CONSTRUCTION RICHMOND HILL NEWMARKET PHONE 8895042 8955170 All KINDS OF BOX PLANTS FOR SALE Hanging Baskets 0 LANIBCAPING JOHN RIDDER o GREENHOUSES THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 1, 1977 â€" C-5 GERANIUMS Time for Spring Planting . . . is here again \Janguord Trus’r lNGROUND-ALUMINUM OR STEEL VINYL LINER (CHEMICALS ACCESSORIES) YOUR AUTHORIZED DEALER IN THIS AREA SELF SERVED of Canada Limited $325 SALE PRICE each. AVAIIABLE 0N WEEKENDS ONLY. PHONE FOR DIRECT OUANTITY DELIVERIES OR FOR SMALL PICK-UP ORDERS. - Hybrid teas - FIoribundas - Chmbers I Grandillovas Your chance ROSES N0. 1 GRADE BRAND NAMES FRESH