The Minister. The Rev‘ Robert Shotten Sunday. 'June 12. 1977 at 10:30 am IHEME: "THAT ALL MAY BE ONE" Presented by THE WORSHIP COMMITTEE Nursery and Kindetgalten Cale Available $1 MARY SANGLICAN 10030 YONGE SYREET RICHMOND HILL RECIOR Rev Bernald Bane1884-1394 Rev Fred Jackson 884-2418 Rev‘ Bill Plentice 884-6929 SERVICES SUNDAYS 8:00 am. 9:15 am. 10:30 am WEDNESDAYS 10:00 am. 7'30 pm LUTHERAN 3‘ wll‘h‘!v'\l v- M§§;‘Wr9ï¬$’1’r‘r’rfrfrm r r N ’ ' '4A‘N‘ Maggot,98,0939VJ;/I$€$$$$’/W'$$Wx , HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGUCAN) BROOKE ST., THORNHILL 8. OF HWY. 78 W. 0F YONGE ST 889-5931 SUNDAY SERVICES ZION LUIHERAN (2 rmles south 0' Maple) Rev James S Dauphnnee Vice-Pasta: - 8846264 9:30 a m WOYS'IID Semce 10:30 am Sunday Chulch School If you are interested in helping, call Elizabeth Flood at 8832000. Two fine Canadians 100 Huntley St. programme will be aired for the first time on June 15 on Global TV. It is a parallel to the 700 Club programme, only it is Canadian. Help beat arthrit/Zs Mrs. E. Milsted Several carloads from Gormley attended the annual Mennonite Central Relief Sale at New Hamburg last week. There was a large crowd land prices were good. Quilts sold well, with the ‘highest price $1175 for the Tree of Life pattern. ‘Heise Hill ladies donated 62 quilts which netted $4195., with their highest one selling for $325, the Sunflower pattern. We feel this is an excellent contribution for such a small group of women. Heise Hill Church will be celebrating its Centennial on Sunday, June 19 with three special services. Watch for further details about this special event. The Youth Fellowship of the Missionary Church raised $630. from their Slave Days project, Wheels for Missions. They wish to thank all those who supported them with providing jobs for them to do. The Christian Fellowship Bookstore in Oak Ridges is having a Special sale through the month of June. This would be a good time for you to buy those Christian supplies. Communities now provide almost $2,000,000 each year for the training of arthritis specialists and for medical research. But $4,000,000 is needed by 1981. The Society is convinced the disease can be conquered in the foreseeable future. A good year for Mennonite sale The annual Sunday School picnic of the Missionary Church will be held at 6 p.m., June 10 in the church parking lot. Every one is cordially inVited to attend. Arthritis Society volunteers hope to double the' organization‘s fund raising efforts over the next five years. Field representative Mark Courtemanche said that only a minority of arthritis sufferers are receiving the best care which medicine can now provide. I Only with more people, more research and better communication can this situation be remedied. Mr. Justice Thomas Berger, commissioner of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline inquiry, and Harry Somers, Canadian musician and com- poser, will receive honorary degrees from Atkinson College at this year’s spring conâ€" vocation. It will be held June 11 at 10:30 a.m. Elizabeth Flood of Richmond Hill chaired a recent meeting aimed at developing plans for public education and fund-paising. Mr. Berger, a former politician and long a champion of the underdog (pollution, civil servant slander, native rights), was named to the BC. Supreme Court in 1971. Harry Somers is the second Canadian com- poser to receive the Order of Canada. He has written scores for CBC radio and television, and his play ‘Louis Riel‘ was sent to the United States; to celebrate that country‘s bi-centennial. ANï¬LICAN BAPTIST Presbyterian Come to the main York Campus, Ross Building. For further information, call 667-3441. 10:30 AM. Morning Prayer Nutsery School 8:00 AM. Holy Communion ST PAUL S LUTHERAN 10131 Baywew Avenue 15. DAUPHINEE PASIOR UNITED southern yorkregion scheduled events / Wednesdays 10:00 AM Holy Communion RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yange and Centre Sts‘ 884-1301 DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK "(I 46 10 00 a m â€" Bible School Classes for all ages ' ll 00 a m â€" Momung Serwce 700 p m â€" Evemng Semce Player meeting Wednesday _ a18 00 p m In Old Fashlo'ned Cauntry Chuvch on the Edge of the Cuty Instill the ï¬tness habit into your children. Get them involved in sports or activity. For a better Life- style for all the family, try bicycling or skiing. The adults in the family will beneï¬t too! 75 0110“! Street (Member Baptist Conventmn 0| Ontano and Quebec) Rev DanaH Lamb BA 8 D MIHIStel SUNDAY 9 45 A M ‘Chulch School r0! Bus. Mlnlstry call 881-2818 1100 AM. « Morning Worshm PREACHJNG IHE OLD {Hi NEW BIRIH IHi PRECIOUS BLO AND IN BLESS“) H Rev BI McSpauden 3510: Phone 884 7859 am RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wï¬ght Strept Tel‘ 884-3091 Pastor E, Cotbett SUNDAY, JUNE 12 “:00 AM. Sunday School Hour And Pastor‘s Message 7:00 PM Missmnary Committee Everyone Welcome SI JOHN‘S BAPTIST CHURCH WELDRICK ROI BAPHSI CHUR 19v 0' Weldnu K ROA a Road heel Strawberry Supper 889-5391 The Revd, J B Burns MA. 8 0., PhD SUNDAY, JUNE 12th - TR|N|TY1 Elders meet with Minister in Assem- bly Hall - 10:45 am. Servrce ot Conï¬rmation - Holy Baptism - Recog- nition of Members joining in past year by Certiï¬cate of Transfer - 11:00 And there was another factor â€" above all the excited compulsion to tell‘ the loving concern that others should have what he had â€" there was the command of Jesus expressed by the church in the words of Matthew 28.19, ‘Go‘ therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you;’. This command Paul felt compelled to obey â€" as he wrote, ‘Woe is me if I preach not the gospel’. He believed, and was so overwhelmed by the love of God in Jesus. that he spent the rest of his life telling others. Remember the story of the dream he had? A man from Macedonia was standing and calling to him, saying, “Come over and help us." We‘re told that Paul immediately tried to go to Macedonia. This feeling that he had to share with others the experience he had had was a real driving force in Paul‘s life â€" it sent him over most of the Mediterranean world, and eventually to prison in Rome. Paul had had an ex- perience which he just had to tell! It was on the road from Jerusalem to Damascus. He heard a voice saying. ‘I am Jesus who you are persecuting.’ But there was something else besides enthusiasm for the message which com- pelled Paul to speak. So far we’ve been talking mostly about Paul â€" but he was only one of many in the early church who felt that same compulSion to tell about Jesus. If we read Acts asking the question, ‘How did the people who belonged to the church come into it, how did they become Christians? â€" the answer comes out loud and clear Have you ever been bubbling over with something that‘s hap- pened â€" that you just can‘t keep to yourself? Semce at 10 30 am and 500 p m SUNDAY, JUNE 12 11 AM. Communion ‘7230 PM. Special evening Chaial Service with the choirs of St. Augustine of Centubury Anghcan Church (Toronto). Mark Dubois, conductor IHE MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rev Cecul Rosenberget 887-5846 SUNDAY, JUNE 12 Childten's Day 9:50 AM. to 11:20 AM. Combined service. Breaking of Acorn Missionary Banks. For further infdrmation call Louise Cooper at 832- 2408. Like strawberries? St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Maple will be holding its annual strawberry supper in the com- munity hall Wednesday, June 15 from 4:30 to 7:30 7:30 P.M‘ Gospel Sing with the Free Men Quartet. > The $4 admission charge ($1.50 for those under twelve) includes fresh strawberries, a salad plate, and home-made pies and cakes. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Cenné Sweet RICHMOND HILL PRESBYIERIAN CHURCH YONGE ST‘ MINISTER- REVV Wrn. Wallace Director of Musnc - Richard Phillips Telling the good news By Rev. Ella Taylor and Rev. Marg Taylor Other Denominations ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND Wednesday Night 8 PM Family Night A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU Kalen Moore, Organist BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 148 Thornndge Dr Thornmll Mmlstel Rev. D. VandevBoom M Th - 889-5225 ALL WELCOME ,«Mfmwxx/xxxx/ 4 a‘xt'vxw And perhaps even more important were the in- stances in which par- ticular individuals ex- perienced forgiveness. This experience of forgiveness was the vital core of the good news. God gave himself in his Son to die on the cross that men and women might have life. In being forgiven by their fellow Christians and learning to forgive each other, they understood more deeply The tremendous power of the Gospel was also shown in the‘ gift of healing‘ in special signs of God‘s caring for each individual human being and of his power to help. Peter and John healed the lame man at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple, â€" Ananias helped Paul to regain his sight . . . â€" that it was because, at a particular place and time they had heard someone proclaiming that Jesus of Nazareth. the carpenter’s son who lived, taught and worked miracles in Galilee, who was crucified by the Jews, was raised from the dead â€" that he was God’s annointed one. The telling of the good news was not only by word of mouth, but also by actions â€"â€" do you remember the song from ‘My Fair Lady' in which Eliza sings to Freddie ‘Don’t talk of love â€"â€" show me!‘ The early Christians didn‘t just talk of the gospel, they showed it. They demonstrated love by sharing their goods. They had been told that if only they repented and believed in him they would have life â€" and they had believed! TUESDAY 8 00 p m - Bible Schoth and Prayer 9 30 am -The Lord‘s Supper ll 00 a m -Famrly Brble Hour 1100 a m, » Sunday School Kindergarten to Grade 6 Bible School for Grade 7 and up 7:00 pm - Evenrng Servrce SUNDAY SERVICES l100 a m Bible Study and Morning Semce 700 p m -Cummun|on Semce Watch "The Hevald of hum 1V!3 flame CONCORD CHURCH 0F CHRISI Concmd Rd 8. No 7Hwy Help your Heart... Help your Heart Fund WEDNESDAY 8 00 p m ~Blb|8 Study A Chulch of The New Iestament UIGEI SUNDAY 12 30 p m Rev. Ella Taylor ..... just ordained AE Atkmson Mlmsler 7 669-1831 A Young-Sec 6692784 24 Oak Ave Richvale SUNDAY, JUNE 12 RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL They searched hard for another explanation, but were eventually forced to acknowledge that the That forgiving spirit is still to be found in the Church today. There's a very small local church a long way from here which has very recently gone through a very painful and at the same time heart-warming time â€" they found that they did not have the money they thought they had in the bank and when they tried to check up it looked as though their treasurer had not been banking all the money received. This is illustrated so well by the shortest of Paul‘s letters; to Philemon on behalf of the runaway slave. While returning the slave to his master. Paul asked Philemon to forgive him and treat him as a brother in future. Paul was certain he wasn‘t asking too much. than words alone would have enabled them to do the wonderful accepting forgiving love of God. Thermoshell It’s more than home heat secpnd [gniljogm [I also stopsmsmnlly on shut-off Our Cleaï¬-Stan Burner has other'aflvamages. 100. A higher furnace efï¬ciency than pruwded by older gun-type burners‘ And this efï¬ciency can be mainlamed throughout xhe healing season, [I also redwes soot cmjssnons [0 the atmosphere u re bunlding .1 new home. or your furnace 15 on its last l'cgs. give serious thought [01.3115 amazmgly efï¬cienl furnace. lfyou pay $450 a year for fuel ml, 1! could mean a savmg of $45! LEF1 : The large‘ Irregular flame from an Old~Sl)‘lC gun burners RIGHT: You can see Ihe Clean-Start Burner has a moremrense and stable flames It IS also cleaner so there's less accumulation of energy-robbing soot. ’ Chan shows average efï¬cxency of old-style burner-furnace units In a recent survey ofCanadian homes. You can see that over 95% of the units were working below the 82.5% efï¬cxency of our un-l. In fact. 40% were workmg l0°o or more below the efï¬cncncy of the lhermoshell unit! The average efï¬cxency of all xhe homes was 72.5%». Now you know why we say that this amazmg burncr‘ furnace unu could reduce your fuel oil consumption by 10% or more! How much fuel can you save? Clean-Start Burner in action! A more efficient design treasurer had been taking sums of church money for himself over the years. In the end admitted that it had started with just a few pounds which he‘d intended to put back, but gradually one thing led to another and the sum embezzled grew larger. What were they to do? The man wanted to leave the Church. But the man had been a member since he was a child, he was part of their fellowship. So they persuaded him to remain. He‘s paying back a bit each week, although he‘ll never pay it all back â€" and the church, in spite of the hurt. and without minimizing his fault, is showing him that forgiving love which is at the heart of the gospel! Not only Paul and the apostles, but every member of that early church, felt the com- Thermoshell means warm friendly service, practical payment systems and a clean efï¬cient way to control the temperature in yOur home. from the churches How it saves fuel. Your furnace goeson and offlhousands of times each winter. Every time it does. some fuel is not burn! efï¬cmnlly Result? Smoky flare-ups wi'h energy'robbing soot deposited on burner. furnace inmrior and flue pipe. When it’s shut off some oil may leak Into the combustion chamber. 100. Thc lhermoshell furna-L‘e overcomes these problems with a delayed «an-up that allows a slabxhzed an flow/oil preusure [0 ensure splu- Perhaps you thought one furnace burner was much like another? Well, that's certainly not true anymore! Compared to conventional models‘ the new Ihermoshell furnace with Cleanâ€"Stan Burner can reduce the amount of fuel you burn by as much as 10%. This advanced dcsign is (he resulr ofour continuing program to ï¬nd ways to conserve fuel. ’0.“ mm» Hill“ "0011' ll (nuvrmunumuou In“ "Will" U 'IIIIOSIIH 'ulufl ml! (\lll “All Iun How much fuel can you save? Ema Will“ "Doll" 0 “DIES Xum'lfl So to us today â€" Jesus says; “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore. and make disciples of all nations pulsion to share what they'd been given â€" many of them doing it in very small ways. W. N. Girard, Manager 10132 Yonge Street 884-1188 charge chgqumg _ \mth no stung: attached No minimum balance. No monthly charges. No “extrasâ€. Guaranty Trust offers this free servnce for a very SlmplC reason. Because people who start coming to us soon ï¬nd out we have some other advantages to offer. Like our longer hours. Drop in soon and see why people are coming to Guaranty Trust. You’ll have a nice warm feeling for our products and services Thermoshell Comprehensive Protection Plan The Thermmhcll (inmprchcnâ€" xivc PI’OIL‘CIIUH Plan {or a ~mal| amount. oï¬â€˜crx you an annual healing \yxtcm chuckâ€"up. rcâ€" placcmcnl of mm! furnacc parlx (\vhcn nccmxary') and cmcrgqncy ~crvicc. These are iuq mm: of Ihc \chiccs the Thermmhcll (Zom- prchcnxivc Protectiun Plan ofl‘crx \‘uuzi Annual turnace inspection An inctï¬cicm furnace can mull in grcalcr t'ucl Cumumpllun. The annual impccnon and clcanuul mll cnxurc proper pcrt‘ormancc and lung lit'cl Parts protection 'l‘hh plan cnxurnw you protec- tion on Virtually cvch part \'I[al [0 the upcrauon of your healing uml. Labour included Our annual fee mcludc~ labour for all rcpam covered under [he Pam Protccnnn Plan. Emergency service Qualiï¬ed Icchnmam arc ready [0 xcrucc \‘(xur UnlI dav or mghl. With features like thew. the Thermoxhell Comprehensive Protection Plan could soon pay for itself in Icrmx of furnace performance and xervice. not to mention the peace of mind the plan will give you, "The Thermmhell Compreâ€" hcnxivc Protection Plan ix valid For more information please contact TORONTO THERMOSHELL CENTRE THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 8. 1977 â€" C-3 3975 Keele Street Downsview. Ontario M3J 1P1 Phone: (416) 661-2111 0an 11' your t‘urnacc it in good u'orkxng condition when you \lgn up tor 'lhcrmmhcll Service. The plan allow you to spacc out your heating bills over ten month\ without interest charges, This mcanx that fucl hillx rcmain conxtant during the “inter month. You can. if you like. combine thix convcnicncc \\’l(h our automatic "(Ihcquc l’lan"â€"\o you don‘t even have to \t'ritc out a monthly chcquc. Thermoshell Equal-Monthly-Payment- Plan Automatic delivery Ax a 'l‘hcrmo- xhcll cuwimcr. you'll gut your heating oil deliv- crcd automatiâ€" calh Calculating from daily icmpcraturcx and your paxi iucl wn~umpnnn. our dcgrcc da\ \ulcm keep track of ap- pnmmaich how much heating on! \nu haw on hand at all nmw A huxlI-inxatciymarginis C\13Nl\hcd for cxlra prniccuon‘ There are great ideas for keeping warm in our Guide to Fuel Economy Thix informative. easy-Io-rcad booklet ix ï¬lled with useful hints to help you cut fuel con- xumplion and keep your home comfortable at the same time. For your FREE copy. contact your Thermoshell Centre at the addre~~ below MULTILUX II provides clear continuous vision at all distances with no wuspicuous age revealing ifocal lines. (4 STEELES OPTICAL 6244 Yonge St. Towne & Comm-ye Sflgare illowdale lPhone 223-5168