VIKING wnnger washer, exce|lent condition 8847495; after 6. 884A 0389, 41 lAMONT AVE., SCARBOROUGH, STOVE, fudge. table and chairs, couch. box bed, washer, trunk, Chtistmas lights. 889-1302. pleO ICD FURNITURE DESIGN [II]. June 18 and 19, 10 to 4, 15 Apple Orchard Path. Thovnhill, 889-0419, Household goods. plants. ladies' clothes, furniture, toys, appliances. White gold sing|e setting diamond engagement ring with matching wedding band. $300. Call Susan 773-4524 ’ fURIflURE MANUFABIIJRER , OPENING Neighbourhood Garage Sale 10 am, - l p m, Sat. June 18 47 Duh Dr.. ThomhIII AMIQUES. furmture. mlSCEIIHHEOUS Items. c 1,, 5 SNOW BLOWER This is a program through which The Liberal, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Richmond Hill will award property owners for maintaining their gardens and homes at high standards. There are also sections for commercial and industrial properties. All you do is nominate your property or your neighbour's for judging. The judges will rate the following on a point basis: Take a moment now and enter your property with the form printed below. Winners will be announced in August. I understand that the Awards Program is open only to propenies within the Town of Richmond Hill. MAlL OR TAKE THIS ENTRY FORM BEFORE JULY15, 1977 TO: THE LIBERAL P.0. BOX 390, 10101 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Lac 4Y6 Address Have y0u entered your property already? You will be eligible to win a special award if you nominate your property for the/Beauti- ï¬cation Awards Program. Name Phone Street address and no Nominated by l herewith nominate the property listed below Rose Award. Name of ptoperty owner (if known) 305 win an award for your property! - FANTASTIC VA; j " ' ~* DESIGNERS m: 2 Richmond Hill Property Beautiï¬cation Awards Articles for Sale 773-5742 1. Originality of landscaping 2. Overall cleanliness 3. Maintenance of planted stock 4. Appearance of lawn 5. Use of color in flowers/shrubs 6. Contribution to neighborhood twm auger, McKee TRUE REBIIGTIGNS 35% TB Thursday - Friday 9 - 9 pm. Saturday 9 - 5 pm. Complete bedrooms, dining rooms, wall units, cabinets, dressers, tables, chairs, mirrors, drapery and upholstery materials, plus odds and ends. Ideal for the handyman. GARAGE SALE after 5'30 A TOTAL OF 40 AWARDS WILL BE AVAILABLE NOMINATION FORM THE LIBERAL 1977 ROSE AWARDS Please present this ad hr an additional opening “3°43 Cement blocks. 4 x 8 x 16. 15 cents each. 881-3252. 134 Doncaster Ava. Hullcrest Area 15 Lnllooet Cres. SatJune18 lO-Spm. 15 Cu, ft. lreezev. dryer. T.V. black 8. white console. dumng room table‘ 6 chaus. Many othev useiul Items. Umt 6, Thornhill MODERN onled walnut dinette suite. 1 year old Kenmore Powermate vacuum, etc‘ 881-2250. ALUMINUM Doors, wmdows. awnings, ratllngs. Siding. soffit systems, trough‘ Free estimates Ron Woods 884-1514. DINING table, teak 6 chairs. 884 4993. Teakwood Furniture Direct from Imparters warehouse Open t|l19 pm. EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED Hwy. 7. Bramalea. 791-2355 79 Doncaster. Thornhlll 881-0000 305 Garden Tractor Bolan. 7 hp‘ Mower attachment 832-2649 291-2591 Articles For Sale GARAGE SALE (416) EVGS manger-yawn m4 TFC 46 for The Liberal 1977 AND MRS. BERNARD COLE 0F MISSISSAUGA. MANY THANKS TO DRS‘ LUK DOUCET â€" Nelson and Susan are delighted to announce the birth of the" daughter, Amy Rose, June 8. 1977, at York Centtal Hospital. NOKES â€"Ronald and Sheila, a girl, 7 lbs.. 5% 025.. Angela Kimberley, June 12, 1977, 4:19 pm. York Central Hospital, A sister lor Christopherl Mother and baby well. ROY AND DIANE LONG are pleased to announce the brrth ol their ï¬rst children, twin boys, Kristopher Adam and Kevin Alexander on May 16 In York Central Hospital. First grand“ children for Bob and Gert Long and fourth and fifth grandchildren tor Cec and Pat King, Richmond Hill.‘ Special thanks to Drs. Bate and Fullerton and nurses on the fifth floor. AND HOWSLEY AND THE NURSING STAFF DiEéo'unt ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL OF THEIR BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL TINA, 8 LBS. l 02‘ ON JUNE 13. 1977 AT YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL, RlCHMOND HILL. SECOND GRANDDAUGHTER FOR MR MCINTAGGART GARRY AND JOYCE m Births ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE INFORMATION CENTRE BACKUS -HI, I am Jason Backus Big Boy and I am very happy that my brother Kristolfer Todd arrived at the Toronto Western Hospital on Wednesday. June 8, 1977, at 3.01 pm. weighing in at 7 lbs, 2 015. Mommyand Daddy (Candee and Rob) say he looks just like mes Mammy and Poppa Turner 01 Richmond Hill and Nana and Grampa Backus. of Toronto, say they are glad they have another grandson to spoil. Partial Lrstlng Superror 9 puece Mrssuon oak dlnrngroom surte mth large prllared court cupboard 9prece Mussmn walnut dunrngroom surte. 9 piece Queen Anne drnrngroom surte round table 9 piece mahogany Duncan Phyle dlmnglOOm surte Wal nut and mahogany bedroom sucte Mahogany Govenors Wlndthrop desk ball and claw leet Camel back sola mahogany lrame Mahogany break- lront chrna cabinet Sprnnel and knee hole desks Chrppendale games table Wrng back and Ian back chairs Walnut and sohd cedar chests Wal- nut and mahogany double l0ur poster beds Rockers Occaswnal ChallS A lrne assonment ol end and carved lamp tables plus SI|verware porce- Iarn, brass. lamps and chrna‘ etc Terms Cash or Cheque AUCTIONEER DAVID P VERE 416-957-7338 SALES CONDUCTED BY WEST LINCOLN AUCTION SALES NOTE A VERY FINE AND CLEAN OFFERING NEXT SALES DAIE JULY 3rd 12:30 PM. AUCTION SALE FOR PARK LANE RANCH RR. 3 SCHOMBERG FORMERLV ITEMS OF THE LATE WM PARKER. LOT 31 COM). 12 TWP 0F KING. 1" MILES SOUTH OF 9 HIGHWAY 0N CONC 12 T0 19th SIDEROAD THEN WEST ‘2 MILE. Sale Includes mrsc. fari'n machrnery 3 pt H. Rotary P To. Cutter. Ferguson 2 fun. plow. 3 pt H P.T.0. auger. Sedore Loader. Ford loader. Crrcular saw on hard rubber. 4 wheel wagon. cut down rubber trre wagon & raclr. old truck chassrs. log sloop sleighs. box slerghs. cutter frame 7 slrdrng horse stall doors. Quebec heater. Gurney stove. srngle beds. wooden lawn charrs. 2-35 prece set ovenware (new). 2 metal ollrce desks. number of shovels. axes. adg. old wrenches. misc. wooden pulleys. bolts barn hinges. old harness. etc. Many other mlsc. Items. Terms Cash. ovenware (new). 2 rr number of shovels‘ wrenches. misc. woo WALTER SCOTT SCHOOL AUCTION SALE (Telephone: 2483415) The INFORMATION CENTRE will be held on two cor» secutive days at the Victoria Square Community Hall on: Tuesday June 21, 1977 2:00-5:00 pm. 8 7:009:00 p.m. Wedr-wday, June 22, 1977 200500 p.m 8 700990 p.m Mr. L. Dutchak, Seniov Project Manager, Ministry of Tiansportation and Communications Planning and Design Section, 3501 Dufferin Street, Downsview, Ontario. M3K 1N6. For further information please contact: Between Highway 7 and Regional Road 14 (Govmley Rd.) in the Towns of Richmond Hill, Markham and Whitchurch-Stouï¬ville, The Ministry of Transportation and Communications invites you to attend an Information Centre on the proposed Highway 404. This information Centre has been arranged on an informal basis to provide interested citizens an opportunity to review and discuss the preliminary designs for proposed Highway 404 and associated roads improvements. WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE L01 SUNDAY JUNE 19th 1 pm YORK FARMERS MARKEI 7509 YONGE SI IHORNHILL Tues. June let 7 t09 p.m. r SATURDAY JUNE 18th GARAGE SALE 3"†Auctions PROPOSED HIGHWAY 404 IN THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORK GORD ORR, AUCHONEER REGIONAL MUNIALITY N YORK cleO HERE I am at last wrshing to express my srncere apprecratron to my frrends and nerghbours. The chhvale Lions and Senrors. for their get well wrshes. flowers and gifts. dunng my stay rn York Central Hospital. My heartfelt thanks also to Drs. Hayaml and Culnan, the 3rd floor nurses and the very competent staff that received me In Emergency. â€" Thomasma Lane. Auction Sale including 12 top quality sows. Some wrth pigs, others due to farrow at sale time. 10 Chunks. number of fat pigs. pig feeders and troughs. scales. srx farrowrng crates. seven brooder lamps. lnt. 434 Dresel tractor. 840 hours, power steering. excellent condition, MAH 44 tractor. 1966 Chev one ton truck wrth dual wheels and horst. 24,000 miles. excellent condition ~ certified. JB and D 24' weed sprayer (new), Ford 3 Point Hitch spring tooth harrow (nearly new). J-D R Manure spreader (Good). Cyclone seeder P.T.0. driven, 3 Furrow Plough. M-H SDflng Tooth Harrow. Int. Still Tooth cultivator. 6 section Harrow. 8' packer, Int. One-way Disc. Hay wagon, 3'poml Hitch Tractor blade, Cockshutt Delivery rake. Coolshult spring tooth cultivatOr. 200 gallon gas tank wrth pump, 3 grain augers wrth motors. 28' bale elevator with motor. 2 wheel barrels. 250' perforated drain pipe. 32' ladder, fence stretcher. steel fence posts. 5 gates. tarp 10' x 14', Hay and straw. Quantity of lumber. 7-12' sheets of galvinrzed roofing, 3- 10' construction packs. New tire 750 x 16". bags. tools. shovels. scrap iron. The property of Edgar Fuller at Buttonville (opposrte Feed Mill). Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd.. Uxbridge. 416- 852-3524. m 50 FOR Mr. & Mrs. erbert Witherspoon lslrngton Ave. Klernburg Opposrte Royal Bank Sale Includes Ford 8N Tractor. Oak drnrng room surte. extension tables 6 chairs. low bullet. square front Chrna cabinet; Wicker rocker 2 arm rockers. Bow end bedroom surte, 2 drawer dresser wrth approx 4 lt oval mom; 2 old wash stands. old prne pantry cupboard stated to be over 100 years old Lower DOING†of old krtchen cupboard wtth llour and sugar buns; Mrsc. old wooden charrs. pedestal wrcker tern stand; 2 Ird coal or wood annex; Relrrgeramr wrth upper door freezer. 4 burner stove. wnnger washer wrth pump (above 3 Items very good and clean). Seth Thomas Mantel clock‘ Torlet basm and prtcher set at Norrtake chrna for 12 approx 95 pieces but lamp rugs. mrsc DlCtUreS. garden hand tools and dishes. Terms Cash cheques wrth |.D. only FOR KEN RAVEN. 7974 KIPLING AVE WOODBRIDGE. OPPOSITE PRESBY- TERIAN CHURCH. Sale Includes 4 hrghback WIndSOf arm chairs. Captarn chair. 4 Italran rush seat chairs. oak dressers, Westinghouse electnc 4 burner stove. Srmphcrty washer and dryer: Arr condrtroner: Westrnghouse AM/FM stereo quadtnx outlet. old beer 5rgns. Carlrng Red Top. Canada Bud Blue Top. Stanley H.D belt sander. H. D 8er. saw and ‘7" dnll, Mrsc saws and hand tools. GE Lawn Mower. Mrsc dishes. _cookrng Items rncludrng set of Wearever. Mrsc. books rncludrng number of Geographrc. 2 hunhng horns. 2 powder horns. Other mrsc, Items mcludrng lurnrture. Property sold. movrng to England Terms. cash 0r cheque wrth | D. Thursday, June 23rd 6 PM. Machinery and Pigs 660 AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING JUNE 22nd. ~ 6:30 PM MONDAY EVENING JUNE 20th 6:30 PM Cards of flanks 309 GORDON ORR AUCTIONEER CORD ORR. AUCTIONEER Auctions BENNETT, Cliff â€" In Iovrng memory[ of a dear husband. father and; grandfather, who passed away Juner 14, 1976. ‘ Sadly missed along lrfe's way, Quretly remembered every day, No longer In our lrves to share. But In our hearts, he IS always there. Ever remembered by wife, Babe, chrldren and grandchildren. Salad plate‘ Strawbernes. Home baking. Adults $4 Children $2 4:30 pm. m 7.30 pm In the Estate of Christina Gauthier ALL Persons havmg claims against the Estate of Christina Gauthier. late of the Town of Richmond Hill. in the Regional Municipality of York. who died on or about the 22nd day at October. 1976. are hereby notilied to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of June, 1977. after which date the Estate will be distributed. with regard Only to the claims ol which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersrgned will not be liable to any person ol whose claim she shall not then have noticed DATED at Richmond Hill. this 2nd day of June. 1977. MAY WILSON, JUNE 29. WEDV Teston United Church NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM GORDON STOKES late of the Town of Richmond HIâ€, in the Regional Municrpality of York. who died on the 23rd day of April, 1977. must lile claims With the undersngned solrcrtors on or before the 6th day of July. 1977, alter which date the Estate will be distributed wrth regard only to the claims to which the undersrgned shall then have notice and the undersrgned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED at Richmond Hill, this 5th day of June. 1977. end EGAN, David â€" In Iovrng memory of our grandson. David, who passed1 away June 8, 1976. Your presence we mrss Y0ur memory we treasure. Lowng you always, Forgetting you never. Sadly mrssed by grandparents, Rose and Wally Bond. STOREY â€" Ron. on June 17, 1976. We do not forget. nor do we Intend. We think of you often. WI“ to the Forgotten by some you may be‘ In Our memory you WI†ever be â€" Mom and Dad Wed. June 15th 7 p m. to 10 p m Blessed Tnmty School, 3205 Baywew Ave. Willowdaje 6‘5 Coming Events 810 “5 In Memoriam MESSRS. UWLOR. leCLAIRE, HOBSON a. MACHON, Barristers and Solrcrtors, 10265 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill, Ontario. c3w49 Strawberry Festival FLEA MARKET Legal Notices Administtatrix of the Estam of the Estate of Chlistlna Gauthier, by her solicitors, Herman and Human 9350 Yonge Street Richmond Hill, Ontalio Solicitors tor the Executots c3w50 GIANT NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS 1605?. Dru/121’s MUM/6 (5/9) 843-4710 Tues. - Sun 10 a.m. - 5 pm 7:137:15 REID, George Richard Suddenly, at Midland on Thursday. June 9, 1977. George Reid. beloved husband of Lyllian Montgomery of Victoria Harbour. dear father of David of Elmira, and Grandpa ol Jane Ann. dear brother of Annie (Mrs A. Forte) and Leslie. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, Yonge St, Richmond Hill. Service was held on Saturday, 2 pm. Interment Sherwood Lutheran Cemetery, Maple. CALVERLEY, Horace Joseph Peacefully, at his home in Richmond Hill, on Saturday. June 11, 1977. Horace. beloved husband 01 the late Isabel McCormick. dear father of Ruth (Mrs. Joseph Rabinowitch) of Richmond Hill. Edna (Mrs. Donald Ryerson) ol Toronto and Jean (Mrs. L. Mautner) ol Toronto and the late George, loved by his nine grand- children and two great grand» children. brother of Bruce Calverley of Midland. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Yonge St., Richmond Hill, Service was held in the Chapel on Sunday at 4 pm Cremation. MR. and Mrs, Robert Jackson of Richmond Hill. are happy to an- nounce the engagement 0! their only daughter. Mary Ann. to John Leggat. son of Mr. and Mrs, James Leggat, ol EHOUSE‘f â€"@ EBROU < 0 Thornhill DOUBLE- / msuwm * cunrounzo HANDLE RICHVIEW LAWN ‘ GARDEN EQUIPMENT 5‘5 Engagement Aulumali: "CORD EUTTEH keeps nylon cord at upnmm cunmg lengln 555 Deaths SALES - SERVICE A PARTS FOR MOST POPULAR MODELS 11011 BAYVIEW AVE., RICHMOND HILL PHONE 884-1361 SAME PROPERTY AS RICHVIEW GARDEN CENTRE , Thrifty Two-lb "Tiger"! “x pAnAMCUNT‘ /\W k. \- J, ' ‘ .1; 4‘: AI RT" 7v \. i V J' i THE FINE PINE PEOPLE AUTHORIZED DEALER Oakvil/t 30/ KobMSOII 5!. (4/0) 84226†FRI 9:30 A.M. -9:00 P.M CANADIAN cA I'FERGU MonA -Sat. 9:30-5:30 A sturdy. lightweight trimmer for , smaller yards. lighter cutting chores Enjoy a warm mime/1w Visit one ofour showrooms Wr/tc’for a brochure Dept I 6’01 70/ 35mm a4 complete 5516mm affair/y 6711111141le [71216 gumiturc J WANT TO HIRE soMeofl Advertise the job with a low cost "CLASSIFIED AD" in... E11: Iibtt‘al PHONE: THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 15. 1977 â€" B-ll 80 light. so easy to control ABINET MAKERS ps omTAmofl’“~ 19% MOTOR: Permanonl Magnm CUTTING DIAMETER Full 7 HANDLE Double msulaleï¬ SPECIFICATIONS: ROTA-SHEAR 2 - STOCK NO. 2601 NO BACK BENDING OR KNEELING ‘lurdy enough lordemandmg'sevvw Hwy/1am b’tmé K11. atflwy 7 Mon-Sat. 9:30-5:30 FRI. 9:30AM. -9:00P.M Comes complete with 8844105 - 5 a 2511533061 0! 05v ny'on Lmung (om Vha L’JVGAS mmuyaawsmme Rnnucemen: spool, B'DERSIIV nnslaned mmoul IOOIS le HOVAC .60 s, m awkward and ham easy to reach wim. N EW. N EW ‘yclu‘ I2,500 RPM