[he following meetings of civic interest have been scheduled during the next two weeks: Wednesday June 15, 7:30 pm. - by-laws, procedures, fire and personnel. Thursday June 16, 8 am - office of commissioner of warks engineering committee meeting. Monday June 20 7:15 pm. - council chambers, regular council meeting. Iuesday June 21, 7:30 pm - council chambers. planning committee meeting. Public Meetings - New Ollicial Plan Tuesday June 16. - Oak Ridges Public School 8 pm to 11 pm. Big pipe construction moving Regional council last week received a report on the progress of the York-Durham bfearéssed Canada grade “A†fresh frying or roasting 21/2 - 3 lb. size THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, Jello frozen Ponderosa Steak House IIU all beef steakettes pkg cut from Canada grade A beet. roasts. boneles: cut from Canada grade A beef thick cut, famin steak boneless top round lb Loblaws cooked picnic style bottom round wtfnom Canada grade A beef. roasts boneless cross rib smoked pork shoulders no cut from Canada grade A beef. boneless stewing beef jelly powd_ers bonelegs blade or short rub roasts ivic Corner £233; chicke'r'fs'" June 15. 1977 all flavours J “M08155 “h M m) J Ivonlquanevs unlh who! bad- 5 00¢ s .98 $43: .99 1:51.28 1.38 Cu! from Canada grace A 0881 cube steaks fresh quarter pork Iom. by the Includes 9 chops. centres and pork chap: fresh chicken legs or breasts reviousl frozen. sliced ee ï¬ver 1.1 8 (Limit 4 per family) 1.00 Stage 1 includes the interim expansion of six treatment plants; collector sewers in south Maple, south Richmond Hill, south- west Markham and Pickering. Ajax and Frenchman‘s Bay. Sewage System, almost two years after an agreement was signed to approve its construction. As well, it involves a trunk sewer from Dufferin Street to Squires Beach on the shore of Lake Ontario, and the first phase of the Duffin Creek Pollution Control Centre. Plant expansions have been completed at Aurora. Newmarket and Frenchman’s Bay. [it Unionville and Markham, plants are being expanded in two phases, the first of which is complete. It is estimated all mï¬zazra'gr Sighpéiders bacon mml snzzlers end SIICGS 4O cut from Canada grade A beef fresh quarter pork loin. by the package includes 9 chops. gentres and ends mixed pork Chops (plus 20¢ deposit) cottage rolls sweet pickled. vac pac Shopsy. assorted flavours par-fay dessert regular. all beef or country maple expansions will be complete by mid summer. To date, the Maple, Leslie, Sandy Beach, and Highway 401 collectors have been completed, as well as 90 per cent of the North Don-Bayview Collector. Tenders haQe been called for the con- struction of pumping centres at Liverpool Road and Bayly Street. By the end of this year, all but the Rich- mond Hill and Central Duffin collectors will be under way or complete. This represents 16 miles of pipeline. Final design work has been completed for Stage 1 of the Trunk Sewer (29.5 miles from the lake just east of the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station to Dufferin and Steeles in Vaughan. By midsummer, 42 per cent of this trunk will be under 1.88 1.18 .49 1.28 13 02. each .49 wieners 2199 Z & W Foods. by the piece large bologna Ziggys. sliced Loblaws braunschweiger Loblaws sliced macaroni]. cheese loaf. luncheon meat. mock chicken 0r bologna summer sausage bk; Hversausage cooked meats Shopsy pdtéto salad or cole slaw frozen Highliner Brand cod in batter new potatoes Loblaws all flavours ice cream from California no. 1 grade long white construction Stage 1 of the Duffin Creek Pollution Control Centre, complete by early 1981, will handle 40 million gallons daily. The remaining sections will be completed gradually over the next 30 years. The rest will be complete by the fall of 1980. All but 11 of 74 privatelyowned properties on the centre site have been acquired. Four expropriations have been necessary for the whole system, which will involve 1,171 properties. The report assured councillors good relations had been maintained with the public while the project has remained on schedule for its 1981 target date. For further informatibn, call Project Manager Cecil Wilson at 965-1654. cooked ham Loblaws sliced 6 oz. pkg. each 14 024 pkg 3.1:: 1.69 24 oz. each .49 3.98 :35 .42 3.95 1.19 foivt bunch green plants more grocery values Kraft CE cheese sllces Floral Dept. special! 2 1/2" pol beautilul exollc lerrarium shoncake, digestive. arrowroot or nice Peek Frean biscuits ï¬dtéto Chips Lays, regulï¬ar or dip Wylers crystals. 3's - all flavours cake mix macaroni & spaghetti powdered drinks Betty C_rocker snackin cake - all flavours Primo Club House. pimento manzanilla olives tendervflfles Kraft - crunchy or smooth peanut butter ddgfood Purina - seafood, gourmet, beef or Iiver Romar 90. beef Welch's. pure raspberry jam bathroom tissue mung wunwflww. .. , f 't d ' k 4"" H] I n S 02. tin I glape. unsweetened pure grapefruot mice 170m concentrate or sweetened pure orange luuce trom concentrate 4 0... ,V , Cot‘onelle. 1 ply - white. punk. yellow or green Allen's - ogange. g_rape_, wuldtgerry or strawbetry mu'shrooms baby - regular Riviera, pigces and stems deodorant Sunpéc dririks 3n"; shampoo Johnson‘s Eve_rynught - balsam. strawberry or lemon whole beets Culverhouse. choice baby oil beans with pork Scomes - yellow or rediscover white facial tissues Air Care, solid - herbal. lavender or rose air freshener Tetley tea bags Post‘s alphabits cereal Welch‘s. pure strawberry jam spaghetti sauce Primo - meat .ubby's. deep browned in tomato sauce PRICES EFFECTIVE TO TUES. JUNE 21 EXCEPT PRODUCE & BAKERY EFFECTIVE TO SAT. JUNE 18 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. RICHMOND HILL ONLY ELoblawsn - Skeel veiMovced. One with safety tread lo pre menial Installed days. CONCRETE STEPS ALSO AVAILABLE 0 Patios - Sidewalks - Imavlocking patio stones 0 Cuvbing (or driveways 8 "owe! beds t Screen blocks. all shapes IRON RAILINGS Candain process singles IOU'S, not 1355 Shawson Drive, Mississauga (1 Block N. of 401 â€" West off Dixie Rd.) . 1602 pkg- 3 Year Guarantee UNIT PRECAST CO. 678-9331 FREE ESTIMATES 6 - 10 fl. oz. tins - sleeve 1.39 12,3fl. ‘ oz. bottle1 IJ I 125 ml.1 1 9 bottle I g 39 oz.tins I Jce 28H. oz.tin I 59 box I r058 69 pkg. I 14 oz, pkg I . 56 0232'; .09 1:3; .97 ‘13:: .77 ‘53; .33 m1 59 02.jar I n 4ro|l pkg. I 03.121 .67 7 oz pkg 9.75 bag I 2 lb pkg 1 oz. jar 43 oz.tin I 1.37 llllll .73 49 79 69 83 .97