A combination of batik which is a process of waxing and dying fabric by stages, embroidery and trimmings, the at- titudes of the dolls seem to be influenced by South American art work. The faces are quite stark and pose intriguing questions of the artists symbolism. Lois Schklar‘s batik dolls, which started as a homespun project in a fellow artists garage, are by no means the traditional play doll. As an art work they almost become sculptural wall hangings. Fabric dolls made with iron on crayons, paper dolls made with brown paper shapes and stuffed with newspapers, and bottle dolls decorated with fabric all innovative form of scrap art which appeal to the imaginative child. American born, Mrs. Schklar immigrated to Canada five years ago with her husband Steve. A graduate of the Atlanta School of Art, she is also a member of the Y0rk Guild of Potters and has The workshop which will be held once a day at the Toronto Island, will enable children to make dolls using varying techniques. A doll maker of unusual talents, she will conduct a doll making workshop for children on June 24, 25 and 26. At the same time she will exhibit her dolls and some of them will be for sale. By Nazneen Sadig Lois Schklar of Cypress Point Court will be making Thornhill‘s contribution to the Mariposa festival a unique one. 41 lAMONT AVE., SCARBOROUGH, Iflll FURNITURE DESIGN lTD. doll! What A-2 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. June 22. 1977 Teak, Rosewoad & BESIGNER’S CHOICE FURNFPURE Yew Wellev At Ross Hodsoll C Editorial 8 Accounting . . . . Circulation Display Advertising . . . . . . Classified Advertising '. . . . MEIROSPAN NORTH DIVISION Robert Maxwell Gs Jean Bake! Pearce .hm Dawes Adverl NormanSIunden Producllon Managev Lanv Johnslon News Editor. Markham Vaughan Edntior Tom Gale News EdllOl, Ruchmond HI" Edmon TELEPHONE THE LIBERAL DEPARTMENTS DIRECT TRUE REflUCTIGNS FROM 35% T0 78% CLASSIFIED â€" am 105. 3014313 Home dehvery o! The Liberal IS 80 cents every 'Dul weeks, by mail $9.90 a year In Canada, $15.00 a year outside 0! Canada. No Iocal mall deluvevy wheve came! servuce exlsls. The Ltbelal IS published each week by Metrospan Communny Newspapers leued. Thls newspaper I: a membev o! the Canadian Commumty Newspaper Assocaauon and me Audu Bureau of Cuculauon ‘ I a Thursday - Friday 9 - 9 pm. Saturday 9 - 5 pm. Complete bedrooms, dining rooms, wall units, cabinets, dressers, tables, chairs, mirrors, drapery and upholstery materials, plus odds and ends. Ideal for the handyman. NEW IN TORONTO Please present this ad hr 31 additional opening “3%. Advems E11: “ifihtral omecr 1‘0 YOU FANTASTIC VAL UES ON The conlems, both edllonal and advemsung of The Libel", Richmond Hill, are protecled by copyright and any unauthouzed use us pvombned. :neval Manag‘ ASSISlanl Ge sung DileClO! 10101 Yong. 5mm. 9.0. box 390, MC 415‘ Ontario TELEPHONE _ aauln mom exhibited at their craft shows. A petite brunette and mother of three children, she created her art form with the involvement of children in mind. She recalls her own pleasant associations with fabrics Second Class Maul Registration No 0190 ( "HARG EX al Manag‘ VOLUME 99. NUMBER 51 291-2591 (416) 884â€"8177 884â€"0981 884-8177 884-1 105 CIRCULATION â€" BOWL 881-3376 Thornhill Er Toronto Customers Call Lois Schklar and daughter . . .batik dolls are art form Responsible tor volunteer art projects at Bayview Fairways public school, she has con- tributed in significantly artistic forms. as a child Functioning as a mother, wife and artist 881 -3373 Per all Depts Digcdunt she feels her husband’s encouragement a vital factor in her achievements. Plans for the future centre around the creation of a portrait doll â€" a photographic process where the por- trait is applied directly to a silk screen. Sears This applance can save Shaving. Blades shave closer and last longer. No after- shave irritation from soap. Plumbing. appliances. Cuts scum and scale. Pipes and drains resist clogging. Time and labor. Clean less often because lilm and din are removed more completely. Coflee, tea, soup. Refined water brings out the natural flanor. It makes sense to have the best water available. A Sears water softener can save you money, make life a little softer. See them in action at your nearest Sears store! Cleaning. Use less cleaner. Home gleams when lime spots and soap film disappear. Water heating. No scale so water heats faster and you save energy. Cooking. Foods taste better Vegetables stay tender, re- tain appearance. Complexion. Skin feels fresh and smoother. Use less cream and moisturizer. you money (Photo by Hogg) Demonstrations at Sears Find out now? This Wed.,Thurs..Fn,1:30 p.m‘ lo 9:30 pm This Sat. 9:30 am. to 5:30 p.m. Sears. Store hours: Mon.. Tues.. ijhmond Hlll Sat. 9:30 am. to 5:30 pm Hillcrest Mall Wed. Thurs.. Fri. Carrville Rd. and Yonge St. 9:30 am; to 9:30 pm. A group of school principals has asked York County board of education for more support in dealing with delinquent students riding in school buses. of transportation privileges for a period of The group specifically cited smoking as one of the main problems. although pointing out “other forms of misbehaviour are often more serious and dangerous. In a letter to the board last week, the principals said solid support was necessary to maintain a safe transportation system, as well as to teach a “sense of responsibility" to the students. Either way, the driver was expected to handle all situations, while driving the bus in an exemplary manner. In dealing with any offence committed by the students while on the bus, “the most effective tool appears to be suspension Board looks at leave Student bus behaviour “dangerous, serious†A motion by Vice-Chairman Doreen Quirk of Markham to investigate board policy on leaves of absence for its teachers, was approved by York County board of education Monday night (June 13). Mrs. Quirk said she was concerned about the number of such leaves occurring while so many teachers were out of work. The policy will be examined by the staff relations committee and will report back to the board by the second of September. AT THE NEWMARKET COMMUNITY CENTRE 221 Cedar Street, Newmarket, Ontario Tel: Oshawa - 723-1216 1st AND 3Td TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH Office hrs. 9:00 AM. to 3:30 P.M. A Citizenship Officer will be present to take app/ica tions for citizenship and answer enquiries. CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP APPLICATIONS ENQUIRIES Sears That would involve a warning to begin with, with parents being in- formed of the incident, with a three-day suspension of privileges for a second offence, and a five-day suspensioh for a third one. “We see the onus on the parent to ensure the suspended child gets to school during the suspension period," they said. The principals said they needed flexibility to apply suspensions, withdraw privileges and discipline sttglen‘ts as necessaljy. H time. the principals said. They deemed this appropriate, as parents bore responsibility for children. The board approved tï¬e report in principle, with the request staff develop This should be carried out through a “graded punishment†carried out at the discretion of the principal, they said. Maximum suspension would be 10 school days and no more than one weekend. a policy along guidelines contained in the report. The letter was signed by the following prin‘ cipals: Al McQuarrie, Sutton District high school; Ron Graham. Jersey public school, Keswick; Robert Stover, Parkview public school, Unionville; Ed Griffith, Nobleton senior public school; John Hincks, Roselawn senior public school, Thornhill; and Merv Witherow, Huron "Heights Secondary school. Newmarket. Now offers our own “No Fuss†financing to_ suit your needs - “up to 5 months equal billing†available to homeowners â€" this is a "Limited Time†offer on our efficient blown insulation method. START SAVING NOW WITH OUR LOWER SPRING PRICES AND OUR OWN FINANCING PLAN "No extra charge - No interest financing" Don't Delay - Call Now - 884-0385 ATTIC INSULATION UPPER CANADA INSULATION LIMITED The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Vaughan does hereby proclaim the week of June 19th to 25th,1977 "SENIOR CITIZENS' WEEK" "SENIOR CITIZENS' WEEK" in the Town of Vaughan. G.A. WILLIAMS MAYOR