Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Jul 1977, B5

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For laundry, Bath and rec rooms. Sun Decks 889-3820 or 77545390 “‘7 0 CUSTOM BUILT REC RWMS. BARS I GARAGES. ADDITIONS 0 PORCHES. CEDAR FENCING 0 COTTAGES 0 UNUSUAL JOBS CARPENTRY AND cusmM WOOD WORKING Acwunn'ng-Bookkeepinglncame Tax By the week, mam/I or year Kenneth M. Pal 889-1377 Bookkeeping & Accounting Services Qua/fry Painting Written Guarantee Phone for free brochure 270 Enford Rd., Richmond Hill | Bookkng | BV (‘umpelenl Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) Ross I30 (‘entro St. W. - 8844788 HAGERMAN JONES & CO. BOOKKEEPING & INCOME TA)’ Pail; 11$ A Car FREE ESTlMATES Ken Moore Carpentry KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM QUOTATIONS T. PRICE & SON CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Additions, Renovations 8 Rec. Rooms 83 Roseview Ave. Richmond Hil|, Ont. Tel. 8844171 ACCUl/IV T Ill/G SERVICE Alf Catenaro K.A. SMITH CARPENTRY J. C. HUGHES Mumme 495-0502 or 8845543 Limited Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Telephone 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario Before 1 pm - After 5 [my BOOKKEEPING. PAYROLL INCOME TAX ITALIAN, GERMAN, ENGLISH Custom cabinets Rec. rooms and bars Renovations Sundecks 10256 YONGE ST BOB ROSS CONTRACTING For small busmessES Corner Agency FREE ESTIMATES Phase phone 8841834 Accounting Sewices 0 CARPENTRY ' CUSTOM HOMES 889-5683 Carpentry Auto RuSt flifii MARLENE PARISI. Insurance 884-5441 884-8209 883-1680 884-7530 889-7250 TFf‘. A? TFC 51 "c" TF5“) TFC 35 "(J1 "£2 I Contractors I Landscaping Er design services - New Homes 0 Cottages w Renovationsl - Residential Exteriors - Custom Cabinets 0 Etc. Everything your house needs, we repair and service THORNLEA CONTRACTORS "We Do It With Lumhet" 881-3191 Buying a house IS a manor capital Investment. Unnotlced deiects' can be very costly to repair. Before you buy have 3 HOUSE & PROPERTY CHECK done. BOX 213. THORNHILL L31 3N3 or WALKER CONSTRUCTION J. WELBORNE & SON BL'ILTAND REPAIRED Fireplaces, Extensions CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT R. David Armstrong CUSTOM BL'ILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates FREE ESTIMATES JALO BUILDING SERVICE 889-9821 a . s m Bnan H. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 10265 Yonge Street Phone: 8M8651 - 889-8275 DON’T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIMEH Stone 8 Brick work Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years' experience CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES Chartered Accoumants 887-5720 - 883-1664 50 Yonge Street 5. Aurora. Ontario Joscelyn Laughlin Harper, Tory & Associates BUILDING WE 00 ALL KINDS Specializing in Fences, Wooden decks‘ Cottages also Kitchen 8 Bathroom Renovations SERVICE DIRECTORY Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountants 10355 Yonge Street Richmond Hill. Ont. RIM-447% CAVEAT EM PTOR BUYER BEWARE Richmdnd Hill Contracting Cn Ltd. General repairs 887-5031 Chartered Accountants 10256 Yonge St, Richmond Hill ROSENBERG & COMPANY Masonry Consumer Information Box 1294 110 James St. St. Catharines. L2H 7A7 685-4811 REID & BRADLEY 4474595 FOR HOME OR BUSINESS USE OUR 884-2882 91 m 1333 3331220 evgs Hp? 56 Cassandra Blvd., 889-3726 883-3033 8844092 Don Mills. "C M "(N "c I TFC 48 c2wl Hcl tfc2 C Roan/v1; C TREEWURK C PLUMBING O STU/Ml HEMUVAI C leAfl~UP O EXTERIOR PAM/771W ISoffil OShllllvrx O “imlmu [Stained Glass I TREES - HEDGES - FIREWOOD‘ REMOVAL TRIMMING CABLING CLEARING 0F RDOFS ETC. FIREWDOD AVAILABLE Split or unsplit Lowest prices Fully insured animretlatis! Complete stripping 8 refinish'ng sewice. Antique furniture bought 8 sou. LUMBABDI CONTRACTING G AND D GIORDANO REUABLE REASONABLE 881-3019 _, Lamps and hangings. Custom made Repairs and Installation, Free est:- mates. 751-9022 m WIH do large or small areas Mott mowev Reasonable rate Fat mate infatuation CALL Hounsome's Lawn Service Ltd. 833-5927 F0 R W)! TEHPRUUFING call/CRETE A130 PA 7/08, Elf/MAINS, PURCHES Lac. a 1373 Home Improvements 8848506 x3('l-I\'l‘l(ES'l‘. r: RI(‘H.\10\I) llll.l Will do large or small areas Mott mOWEI Reasnmhle rate Fol more inimmation CALL Hounsome's Lawn Service Ltd. 833-5921 Weed Cutting 0 Doom FRI-2H HS'I'I HATES JUIIN \lzu'l'HI‘IE Weed Cutting GENERAL HANDYMAN MacPHEE ALUMINUM 'Residemial 0Commetcial 'Armsnong 'Manninglon Milk Carlisle Landscaping Gardening -Landscaping J.S. Adams Flooring (20., 884-2031 Gardening-Snow Removal RR 1 Ruchmond Hill STAINED GLASS WINDOWS Marilyn Drew Custom flotatfiling Gardens, lawns sodded Garden manure, etc. Cushion Flooring 884-2255 Free Estimates Furniture Stripping Flooring 881L522? We Will Strip For You 783-5868 661-7642 EVGS. 0le y m2 221-1466 Antiques 833-6475 .I-qu‘s .Fascia O.\\\ nin,‘.{O Railings ":36 TFC 46 TFCZS TFC 38 h‘c31 EXTERIOR PAINTING MOVING CLEAN UPS ROOFING EAVESTROUGHING RELIABLE v REASONABLE Interior Design & Taping, Dem/rubs, accaustic caiing [r sprayed ceilings. New & old WWII. Free estimates. He makes hwsecalls! xx Baker .\\'9. Richmond Hill â€" 8K4 0 Alterations 0 Repairs RECREATION ROOMS PATIOS WINDOWS - DOORS CHIMNEY REPAIRS CONCRETE PATIO OR PRECAST SLABS PORCHES - STEPS Typewrners Adding Machines Sales 8 Stamina A/f's Office Machines Richmond Hill 881-1997 DRY WALL Er PLASTERING FOR ALL THE CARE 8 REPAIR YOUR HOME WILL EVER NEED Call "THE HOUSE DOCTOR" Additions & Renovations Free permits, plans & drawings Call Now & Save 884-4506 SIDEWALKS PLANTER BOXES TYPEWRITERS \[)l)l\(‘. MACHINES SALES- RENTALS l..H. SIMS CABINET WORK Excellent workmanship 884-8646 STONE WORK Renovations NICK UPTON 887-9365, Quality Roofing 9 years experience Free estimates HANDYMAN G. ROCKETT Office Machines - ALUMINUM SID/IVE 0 WINDOWS o DOORS CALL BILL R. TURNER 88451 62 889-4729 833-6073 ‘arpentry After 6 pm. 888-1985 Lic, 8342 Quality Workmansh/p Reasonable Rates FREE ESTIMATES 832-2238 767-5380 York Aluminum Home \mPFOVEIHELtS 292-2319 INSTALLATION 8 SALES CO MET. LIC. 3-888 "<10 TFC 4E IF‘C Ml "C 51 "(152 tlcl STUDENT OPERATED Painting Wallpapering Stucco FRANKS PAINTING INTERIOR EXTERIOR [Optometrists i RESIDENTIAL » COMMERCIAL C & L Painters 884-9026 A.W. Kirchen, O.D. DALV CONSTRUCTION 8840856 PAINTING & DECORATING Free Estimates Professwnal finish guaranteed ARMAND PAVING 00.. Kafl Bundschun 884-4832 EXTERIOR PAINTING SERVICE FREE ESIIMATES HUGH BARR 889-2773 m PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R.E.Dunn 727-3303 Excellent rates All work guaranteed Onafity workmanship DECORATING Peter Elliott CONCRETE CURBS SIDEWALKS PATIDS ALSO Finishing rec rooms Free Estimates TRUE STUCCO Paperhanging Interior and exxeviov stucco Repairs. New work All work guaranteed Fasl and efficient Free estimaKes Call anytime 889-2163 Free Estimates 889-4672 PAINTING PAINTING Suite 204 PmIessional Bldg. 22 RICHMOND ST‘ RICHMOND HILL By appointment Painters mu 832-2667 884-2827 8843962 Paving 833-6812 and TFC 42 "(’9 TH: 51 "CW1 tfcl IFC "€36 tfc14 tic 44 New and rebuilt lawnmowers Repairs to all types and role tillers, pumps, chain saws, small air-cooled engines. Cutting I [Spring Clean Up] IT ALL STARTED WITH THE WORKS IN THE DRAWER Repairs to all makes of T.V.'s Major Appliances, Vacuums & Antennas installed Sweetheart Peter York Home T.V. 10510 BAYVIEW AVE. I Photography I EXPERT TREE REMOVAL LOT CLEARING GARDENING ONTARIO LAWN SERVICES FREE EST/MA r5 889-2645 m A We haul anything - anywhere Clean up patios, hedges, etc. 884-0194 and Wastes Energy Update you! insulation at a reasonable cost‘ 8899398 RICHMOND HILL PLUMBING Er BRAINS LTD. Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning Electrical DEAL SERVICES SHARPENING REEL AND ROTARY CHAIN SAWS. ARC AND ACETYLENE WELDING CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY UNIT 18. RICHMOND HILL 8844165 HENRY'S PLUMBING SERVICE Phone for free estimates 447-5814. All-'0 BHUY/VS PHD TUGRAPHEB SPECIALIZINO IN BATHROOMS AND KITCHENS ORAINS AND CONCRETE 120 ARNOLD AVENUE THORNHILL HEAT LOSS COSTS MONEY TREE CUTTING PRUNING SHRUB REMOVAL Lawnmower Iles & Servic TV Service Repairs - Installation All types of Pools Free estimates 0 FAMILY PORTRAITS 0 WEDDINGS 0 COMMERCIAL 0 PUBLICITY Swimming Pool Plumbing & IMMEDIATE ANDREWS LAWN MOWER Same hourly rate for 24 hour service Nick 88445077 Insulation McKINLAY INSULATION "BLOW-IN METHOD‘ 884â€"9230 883-3500 889-6725 MOVING CARTAGE 8846364 SERVICE 749-4107 883-1 835 7734138 cZwl "C 38 IFC 51 TFL‘IJ tfcl IFC 30 IFC A NC 48 CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL” Professional renovation and design of buildings Er landscaping. Specializing in patios, retaining walls, grading Er sodding, tree planting Er re- moval. GROUNDS & BUILDING MAINTENANCE DISC BRAKES â€" PADS & LABOUR $28.50 COMPLETE MOTOR REPAIRS $32.50 Leonard's Floor Cleaning 61 Oxford St., Richmond Hill, Ontario 884-6477 Raymond & Co. Contractors Any Living room, Dining room and adjoining Hall regardless of size 1650 DUNDAS HWY. EAST - RESTYLING - REBUILDING By Craftsmen Also complete lawn 8 garden care. - Call us regarding our “Holiday Lawn Maintenance Program" For consultation Er appraisal call Workman’s Prices D AND B POOL INSTALLATIONS FEQQE Gardening-Larifliaping Reliable Automatic Transmission Estimates - No Obligation SYONGE ST, AT EDGAR THORNHILL Upholstering Carpet Cleaners 11160 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill Auto Brake Repairs Automotive Repair Reba/7r [7 Repair Transmisu‘ans. Body 8 Paint Jabs. 889-7821 SPECIAL 884-3353 881-2449 833-5040 Upholsterers JULY SALE! Pool Installations THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. July 13. 1977 â€" B-5 If you have been thinking of putting a pool in your yard, then now is the time to do it. We at D and B have a wide variety of inground and above ground pools to choose from and from now until the end of July all of our pools have been sub- stantially reduced in cost. For example you can have a 16 x 32 in- ground rectangular pool completely in- stalled for the low cost of 54239? We are also offering reduced prices on concrete decks installed with pools. We have been in the pool business far 7 years and all work is guaranteed one full year. Pool walls and liners guaranteed for 10 years. ‘Diitrcult access at sight extra charge. After 9 pm. call Paul at 226-9801 or Rob at 883-3016 278-4244 or 277-4681 For information call "C 46 MW 47 tfcl "C I I Water Pumpsz Pumps Sales 8 Service 852-7264 Advertising; [Ming Servicel OLawn Mannenance 'Swmeg 0 Painflng 0 Handyman Services Randy [Building Traaéq Paul's Appliance Service 773-4592 G 8 D WARREN CONTRACTORS ROOFING 0 ANY SIZE .AIIII’ TIME 0 ANY DISTANCE 24 HOUR SERVICE MINOR REPAIRS For prompt reliable Refrigeration Er AIC service call CANADIAN ADVE‘IHSWG ADVISONV w OService. Maintenance and Installations ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS REC. ROOMS. ETC. 833-5009 lets you know what’s what. 833-5543 8844420 7734453 884-4135 CARTEfi TOWING SERVICE SAUDER WELL DRILLING LTD. General Repairs Sheet Metal Work Free Estimates Woodbridge Appfiance Repairs ' 851-0120 Handyman I 297-4235 Lic. B3734 Paul "(‘9 flc40 c2w2 c4w2

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