Correspondent & Chip store or at the door. Millie Stewart - 773-4424 Dr I V9 SU C C 988/: U/ The Viking Club is taking its Viking Ship to the Bradford Salad Festival Parade on July 16. It seems that the ship is in real demand for the local parades. After the parade is over, the Vikings Mrs. Doris Smith, chairman of the Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox chapter of the Canadian Cancer Society would like to thank her canvassers for all their hard work in helping to raise more than $2,500 in this area alone. Thanks also to all the families who dug deep in their pockets to make the drive a success. Library notes With the long summer days ahead, pm. in the Viking Club. The tickets are $5 per couple and the price includes a buffet and dancing to the dreamy or swingin‘ music of a disc- jockey. Tickets are available at Rudy‘s Fish more and more people are looking for oak ridges lake Wilcox more an more to read. Our library has much to offer. There are shelves of lovely, dreamy romances for the dreamers in the crowd. There are hundreds of ad- venture packed mysteries and action stories. For those who find reading a strain on the eyes, there are large print books that help ease the strain. There is a special service for the shut in. This is handled at the main library in Richmond Hill, and the number to call is 834-9288. Richmond Hill library has an up to date audio-visual department. Here you may borrow movies, slides, tapes and the necessary equipment to show or play your choice. The number there is 884-0130. If you are looking for a particular book and you just can't find it, ask the librarian, and if they don’t have it, they will arrange to borrow it for you from another library. History wan ted It seems that I am always asking you THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, July 13. 1977 â€" A-7 Viking ship is big a ttrac tion in area parades to hunt around for something in your attics. Well I am at it again. This time the librarian, Mrs. Fleming at the Charles Connor Memorial Library is looking for pictures, ar- tifacts or newspaper clippings from days gone by. We know that these items are valuable to you, but they will be well taken care of. The idea is to use them for a display during Discover Richmond Hill Week in September. It you have items that might be of interest, please call Mrs. Fleming at 7736533. I now have the list of donations from the recent Lions Bike-a-thon. The charity is chosen by the rider. The charities that will soon receive their cheques are: Aurora, Lions. Aurora Navy Cadets, Bond Lake Skating Club. Canadian Cancer Society, Crippled Children, First Oak Ridges Boy Scouts, Navy League Cadets of Richmond Hill, Oak Ridges Men’s Softball, Oak Ridges Minor Hockey, Our Lady‘s Guild, York Central Hospital Auxiliary, The Viking Club (who will forward the money on to their favourite charity), and the Lake Wilcox Youth Group. ‘ L' fresh quarter pork loin cut from Canada grade “A†beef prime rib steaks .135 I Loblaws. as 85 pkgs. I I lb. Loblaws hot dog or . hamburg buns freshly ground medium . round beef foil wrap b. I no. 1 grade produce of U S A.’ ‘ pork chop includes 9 chops. cenues and ends mixed tomato ketchup by the package $ 15 fl. 02. bottles 12" x 50' roll, box price 1/2 price venenan vanilla 1 litre lastic ub returnable bottle. plus 20¢ deposut Fanta or Sprite big black beauties 3 fresh 750 ml bottles - cherries produce of U S A 'no 1 grade‘ pound a†digestive. nice or Shortcake 2‘99)“ 5- froze†Peek Frean 8 apple 37 1 99 ' ' 1502.tin- - oz _-_- ~ bISCUIts neoag . hI-pie org . Ontario grown Lawry's - all varieties ' Nordica, creamed coflage cheese 30 cut from Canada grade “A†beef bone in 3 to 4 lbs. Braising Ribs ore fresh p from California‘ full Ol IUICE' valencia oranges California no 1 grade new crop baking potatoes Floral Dept Special handsome exotic dieffenbachia 10 lb bag 4 Inch pot PRICES EFFECTIVE TO TUES JULY 19 EXCEPT PRODUCE & BAKERY EFFECTIVE TO SATJULY 16 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. PlCHMOND HLL ONLY ideal for fresh criSp Caesar salad romaine lettuce 4 mi. I .63 02. envelopes .39 BARBECUED BEEF RIBS either short ribs or braising ribs 1 pkg. Adolph '5 Meat Marinade 2 cups Barbecue Sauce, any flavour Marinade Braismg Ribs in Adolph 5 Meat Marinade according to package directions. ensuring meat is pierced With a fork at 1 ’2 intervals. to enSure deep down flavour Coat ribs With barbeCUe sauce and place on barbecue gril13 above hot coals Usmg a brush. coat exposed Side of ribs With barbecue sauce while cooking iRernainder of Marinade liquid may be used to baste exposed Stde of ribs if deswed instead of barbecue sauce) After 12 to 15 minutes turn and coat exposed Side. then cook an additional 12 to 15 inute Will serve6 to ni 70a“ roduce lb bag I 1 .39 1 .. chunk light 61202 tin each ready cut Catelli $ fresh country cut fryer pans frozen New Zealand frozen Maple Leaf Shopsy potato salad or cole slaw 98 Gusto. frozen Gay Lea {-79 Clover Leaf tuna orsalmo - macaroni Hellmannjs mayonnaise . frozen predressed Canada grade A young turkeys under 12 lb. lamb shoulder chops golden fry sausage 3&8: Loblaws boneless. cooked smoked dinner hams Z 8. W Foods. by the piece large bologna cooked meats - 1 lb. pkg. Loblaws variety pack more grocery deep browned in tamato sauce or With pork and tomato sauce Libby’s beans Libby s A in tomato sauce with cheese 2 spag hetti Kotex â€" regular or super sanitary napkins Swrft 3. premium beef luncheon meat cheese pizza soft margarine . 1- LOblaWS ; more than the price is right: # I“ | ["1 llâ€"C “NKSAI pink 7.75 oz. tin $ 6 oz. pkgs. more meat values 13 hindquaners Wllh whole back) 13 trontquaners With whole back 8 neck] 13 Wings 2 nglelSl lb. I .85' .98 1.18 .1.98 .49 1.1 5 23.22.. .95 values 79 79 28.32.88 ‘22.: .85 1 .99 69 14 fl. oz. tins I 2 14 fl. oz. tins I 22 oz. pkg- 1 lb. sleeve I