Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Jul 1977, B7

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10.00 a m - Bible School Classe for all ages 11 00 a m - Morning Sennce 7 00 pm, â€" Evening Semce Prayer meeting Wednesday at'8;00 am An Old Fashioned Country Church on the idge of the Cuty Laurie and Jeremy Knight are planning to host September and are still looking for some a talent show on Richmond Hill’s Cable 10 in unusual acts. They make a compatible team. Laurie Knight of Kirby Sideroad, Nashville, Jeremy and perhaps Cousin Jugs, are planning to organize and host a talent show on Richmond Hill Cable TV, Channel 10, in September. Laurie, a 16-year-old graduate of Don Head Secondary School in Richmond Hill, is a self- taught ventriloquist and Jeremy and Cousin Jugs are her working partners. “Just recently, I co- hosted a show called Jester‘s React which appeared on a Scar- borough cable station," she said. “This gave me practice in actually She is aiming for a TV career, has appeared on numerous cable stations in the Toronto area, and performed on Romper Room last fall. Rev. Bill Prentice 884-6929 945 A M ‘Chwch School SERVICES r0r Bus. Ministry call 881-281! SUNDAYS 8:00 am 1030 am 11:00 AM -Morning WOIShID WEDNESDAYS 10:00 am, 7:30 pm. Jomt services with Richmond Hill - United Church, at St Mary‘s Anin Richmond H.” can. ammo rh....h _ PREACHING 1H BAPTIST HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE ST., THORNHILL S. OF HWY. 78 W. 0F YONGE 8T4 8896931 SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 AM. Holy Communion 10:30 AM. Morning Praye! Nursery School Laurie, Jeremy and Cousin Jugs hoping to organize talent ShOW ANGLICAN ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN 10030 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL RECIOR . Rev Bernard Banet 884-1394 Rev Fled Jackson 884-24!!! Rev Wednesdays 10:00 AM Holy Communion So far, Laurie has managed to get a couple of singers and six dancing acts from Jennifer Morton School of Dance for the talent show. Her first encounter with a ventriloquist was at the Kleinburg Binder Twine Festival when she was 14. hosting a show, which is what I would like to do for a career.” It involves proper breathing and tongue positioning, and anyone can learn it if they are determined enough, she said. Ventriloquism takes a great deal of deter- mination and practice. “We still need short play scripts and actors, unusual acts, an im- pressionist, and more singers," she said. Cletgy on Call Rev, Bernard Rev. Harold M Rev. Keith Kn RICHMOND H1LL UNITED CHURCH Yonge and Centre 813.. 8841301 Combined Summer Services in July 8:00 A.M. - St Mary's Anglican 1&00 A.M‘ â€" St Mafthew's United 10:30 AM. . St Maty's Anglican LUTHERAN ST, PAUL'S LUTHERAN 10131 Baywew Avenue 1.8. DAUPHINEE PASTOR 10:00 am. Worship Service Vacation Church School Aug. 22 ~ 26 9:30 - 11:30 am. F0! Information phone 884â€"6844 ST. JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxiord Street (Membet Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Rev Dana H. Lamb BA BB Mlnlster SUNDAY 9 45 AM - Church School rpf Eggs: Mrlmstry caTI 881-28l8 Harold Martin 884-5526 Keith Knill 7736023 wBemard Barrett 8844394 UNITED Richmond Hill Baptist Church 50 Wright Street Tel: 8843091 - 11:00 AM. - Asst Pastor G. Miller - 7:00 PM. - Pastor E. Corbett Warm welcome at each service Every Sunday of the Year In his red, blue and yellow patched overalls and cap, Jeremy sang his “But I wanted something different; it was too much of a copy,“ she said. “So I bought Jeremy a new outfit." Jeremy, who is just. a poor country boy, used to be modelled after Charlie McCarthy and dressed in a top hat and tails. She learned through books, and it has just been recently that she has been able to create a lot of variety in her “inside” voices. “I was just standing at the bus stop and all of a sudden I had a lot of different voices come to me," she said. “Now I can do a little girl’s voice and am working on an old lady‘s voice.” 8:00 pm. - Bible School and Prayer 59m“ 3‘ 10130 “'1 and 5100 DJ" METHODIST 10:30 am. to 11:30 Morning Worship in Sanctuary Children's church & Nursery in lower auditorium The Sunday School Bus will continue to operate each Sunday morning. No 7:00 pm. Service Wed. 7:30 pm. ' Home Bible Study & Prayer Fellowship THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre Street 889-5391 The Rad. J.B. Burrs MA. 80, Ph D. SUNDAY. JULY 3lst TRINITY 8 Divine Worship - 10:00 AM. 7 Wed. August 3rd 7:30 PM. RlCRVALE BIBLE CHAPEL 24 Oak Ave. Richvale. 9.30 a m, - The Lmd's Supper ll‘00 a.m - Famnly Bible Hou Kmdevgarten to Grade School tar Glade 7 and up 7:00 pm ~ Evening Semc TUESDAY Presbytern Short Wfion of de Communion Other Denominations Pastor: Rev. Robert C. Quick 884-5029 SUMMER SCHEDULE '77 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH July 3 to September 4 212 Hillsview Dlive ALL WELCOME 884-5029 unday wow Anyone wishing to appear on the show should call Laurie at 893- “I’m hoping this show will be an on-going program on Cable 10,” Laurie said. “If enough interest is shown it could turn our really well.” They have performed witn Laurie in hospitals and at birthday parties and will help her host the planned talent show. He is a country boy as well, but is a little more sophisticated than Jeremy. Cousin Jugs is a little more subdued in his brown checkered suit. rendition of John Den- ver’s song, “Thank God, I’m a Country Boy” with his shrill, high and sur- prisingly loud voice. SUNDAY SERVICES 11 00 am Bible Study and Morning Serwce 700 pm -Commumon Semce SUNDAY 1230 pm, Watch "The Hetald 01 Truth IV. Channel3 Bame Evening Service Cancelled in favour of Stayner Camp Wednesday Night 8 PM Family Night A WARM WELCnMF AWAITS YOU CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Rd & No 7 Hwy WEDNESDAY 8'00 pm -B:ble Study Rev A Church of The New Testament Order IHE MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rev. Cetul Rosenbevger 887-5846 BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 148 Thornndge Dr. Thomhlll ev. D. VanderBoom Mm - 8896225 A E. Atkinson MInIstev - 669-1831 A, Young - Sec - 669-2784 JULY 31 His body was located the following day in eight feet of water after dragging operations. In the first one, Egon Muschkat, 48, of RR. 3, King City, drowned while swimming alone in Preston Lake near Vandorf. July 17. York Regional Police reported two drownings in separate areas of the region last week. It is entitled “Com- munion” by Karen M. O'Donnell. 1 know you ..... not by your words but your spirit which drifts from your heart into mine. The application can be made either vertically or horizontally i.e. whether it involves communion with God or com- munication with fellow man. Two people dro wn in York during week PASTOR E. L. ANDERSON RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIS'I‘ CHURCH The current issue of “LISTEN” magazine, a 'journal of better living, has this short poem on its back cover. It is not by the multiplication of words or {Ill '1‘: Antonio DIANE E. SMITH, Clerk, Town of Markham, 8911 Woodbine Avenue Markham, Ontario L3H 1A1 Proposed By-Iaw to stop up, close and sell a portion of the original road allow- ance between Lots 25 and 26 (18th Avenue) at the western limit of Warden Avenue. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Markham shall hear in person or by his c0unsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudically affected by the By-law and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be held Tuesday, August 16th, 1977 at the Municipal Offices, at 7:30 pm. or as soon as possible thereafter. The proposed by-law and a detailed Plan showing the lands to be affected may be seen at my office, Municipal Building, 8911 Woodbine Avenue, Buttonville, Markham, Ontario. TAKE NOTICE THAT the Corporation of the Town of Markham intends to pass a By-law to stop up, close and sell an irregular shaped portion of 18th Avenue running approxi- mately 400’ to 450’ west of Warden Avenue. The Town of Markham hereby pro- claims that ‘6 “19’ ' o OOOgPo R K‘ “1‘s Mann‘“ The Library staff looks forward to seeing you then! Due to difficulties arising from the heavy rains in July, Village Library renovations are slightly behind schedule. The re-opening date is now set at ‘ PROCLAMATION be declared Civic,Holiday. Thank you. ATTENTION THORNHILL VILLAGE LIBRARY USERS WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 10, 9 am. THORNHILL VILLAGE LIBRARY 10 Colborne St. in old Thomhill village For information call 225-0512 MONDAY. AUGUST 1st. TOWN OF MARKHAM NOTICE Q TOWN ‘ 0F MARKHAM F W4“A "Mn-an!“ . n I A- It is not necessarily that the person liked, has to be bubbly. for of our Lord it is recorded that the people heard him gladly and that He spoke as one having authority. Even if at the outset. Each reader I am sure, can recall when meeting someone, even for the first time. he or she has said, “I'm going to like this person." Thé opposite may also have been true. much profession that a healthy religious or human relationship is established. He then called police, who recovered the body. Police said the man tried to find his friend â€" who he said was not a good swimmer â€" after he disappeared under the water, but without sucâ€" cess. Domingos, 39, of 57 Waneska Ave., Etokicoke, drowned while swimming with a friend in a pond on Concession 7 in Georgina. from the churches Anthony Roman, Mayor. Later, he survived the downfall of the Babylonian empire and under the new ruler Darius. “was preferred above the presidents and The Scripture gives us an insight into the inner strength of this hero “forasmuch as an ex- cellent spirit was found in the same Daniel“ (Dan. 5:12). It is significant of the prophet Daniel whose very life was threatened at times, that his rescue was sought by the same king when he became captivated by the young man‘s intense loyalty to God and his refusal to accept a conflicting life style. the life styles may con- flict, there evolves ad- miration for the one who sincerely and courageously stands for principle. Show Colleges have you In mind. They can lill your evenings wilh new interesls. A! Show Colleges; evening school will give you the! new opportunity. You meei people with OC'IOn ideas, You find new friends. You learn a valuable skill. You brush up on old skills, Typewriiing Bookkeeping and Acazounting Shorihond ...Powerreoding.,., the mind developing possibili’ies are endless. You get a head start ‘ A” "new advantages from just 2 evenings a week‘ Ge! involved, Get ahead. It's more Ohun a school. W5 0 life- style. Don" miss it! They are cooling system specialists, servicing radiators, air-conditioners, heater cores & installing Hayden Transmission Coolers. ENROLI. NOW CLASSES JULY & AUGUST for summer people The evening school... Toronto. Ontario MJP 2H4 481-6477 2119-0 OAKVILLE 2‘ '9 < S SCARB. 2] 19 ~ NY N. York 2] 19 ~ RH Richmond Hill 2] l9 - E E'ob. 2436 Yonge Street 10087 YONGE 51., RICHMOND HILL FAST SAME DAY SERVICE FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 12th HAYDEN with the only guarantee that holds water WE ALSO CARRY ORIGINAL REPLACEMENT CORES FOR MACK TRUCKS llllllBlE IHANSMISSIflN [IE 884-7170 Today, would He rebuke some of His professed followers with the words recorded in Luke 9:55, “Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of." Many of us may plead as did David of Old --~-“OGod. . .renew a right spirit within me.“ Psalms 51:10. Thoughtfully reflect on Proverbs 16:32, “He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.“ Our Master reproved his disciples for manifesting a haughty and vengeful spirit toward the Samaritans. princes, because an excellent spirit was in him" (Dan. 6:3). SUMMER 0 FALL THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. July 27 You can Offers Escorted ' MOTORCOACH TOURS plus many fouls to Florida. Nashwlle, Quebec City Moosonee. Vermont Foliage. etc. COLONIAL WILLIAMSBURG 8- PENN DUTCH / 9 DAY AGAWA CANYON & MACKINAC ISLAND / 6 DAY KENTUCKY GEORGIA 8- TENNESSEE / 9 DAY OR CALL 363-6119 MARITIMES 8: NEWFOUNDLAND "18 DAY nepm July 24. Aug 21, Sign "33.331 b'cn 2 NEW ENGLAND 81 CAPE COD / 7 DAY Depart Aug 11 Sspl 3.10.17 Ocl L155 29 EAST CENTRAL ONTARIO, 6 DAY (Japan July 23. Aug 2‘. Sup! 24. L 0cl.15 Depart Evevy Mpnday '0 Sept ‘9( WESTERN CANADA / 23 DAY Depan Aug 20. Sap! 17. 2d, I Ocl I Dopan July 21mm 16. 27 5. Sup! 3 Doipiarl july '23,. dud 71â€"3: $597 3271.0. Depavl July 23. Aug 13 Sept 10!: 24 CALIFORNIA / 23 DAY MARITIMES ’ 12 DAY Depart Aug 8 NOTICE OF PUBLII: MEETING TAKE NOVICE THAI l PUD'IC Meelmg 0' Inc Liquol LICenCE Bond 0' Emma will be held I! YHE UOUOR LICENCE BOARD OF ONTARIO. 55 LAKESHOfiE BLVD EASY. YORONYO, ONYARIO. on IUESDAV. AUGUST 9m. 1977. u the hour a! 1:30 o'clock m the allemoon. ll which tune the Board run near applucmons lo: new licences m accordnnce with The Llnuor anence Ad. 1975 and ReflulllIDHS thereunder The Iollowung esllblnshmenl has applied lo: a IICQHCE ol the class mancncd. and (he appI-cnlmn w-ll be enlenamed II the alovemenlmned Inclhon and “me. Pup“ Cum lunar-M and ham 10720 Venn Strut. Richmond NIII Dining Lounp LkOlICI AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any pub son who Is vesudent In the mun-cuplllly Ind obgetls lo any appllcmon may hle lhl gmunas oI ob'ccluon In nelson at me mm and plum ol the muhng or m will“ (cop-0s al which wall be 'omufled to manual) lo: Elecumu Dueclot. anuor Licence Board 0! Onmio. 55 uheshan Boulcvnd Em. TORONYO. Onllno. MSE 1A.. MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT. 1975 Orrin!) swel . 1977 â€" 8-7

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