There will be a trio and quartets featuring Eileen Bourdessa (violin). Betty Thomas (cello), James My husband. Guy Saunders, is the President of the York Pioneer and Historical Society. As you know the Society owns and operates Sharon Temple Museum at Sharon, Ontario, two and On Sunday, August 7, and again on August 28, the York Symphony Orchestra is performing an afternoon recital of Haydn and Mozart in the Temple. a half miles north of Newmarket on Leslie Street. On June 15. Mr. Ross Bayley expressed in a letter to the Aurora Banner his concern regarding the possibility that employees of Gray Coach may lose their jobs in the Newmarket and Aurora area. Or at best, forced to relocate in an attempt to keep their jobs due to the Ontario Highway Transport Board granting Greyhound a license to operate over the most profitable routes, previously exclusively serviced by Gray Coach. The Ontario Highway Transport Board was requested by Mr. James Snow, Minister of Transport and Com- munications to review their decision. Temple to host our orchestra On July 21, the board released their report to the minister recom- mending its decision on Nov. 22, 1976 should be affirmed. Because of the decision and the probability the Ontario cabinet will uphold the board's report, we would like to direct a number of questions arising from the July 21 report to our Member of Parliament, Bill Hodgson. 3. Is GO Transit presently building their own maintenance garage and also purchasing their own rolling stock, to become self-sufficient? If so, would this not be further lost revenue for Gray Coach? 4. The report constantly mentions that com- petition by Greyhound, on the specific routes will improve the service to the travelling public. It does not emphasize the large 1.9How many jobs will be lost in the Newmarket- Aurora area? 2. How many drivers will be forced to relocate in an attempt to keep their jobs? Gray Coach drivers may lose jobs, reader says Letters 'Summer is far too short to waste any of it through lack of ready cash to buy the things you need in order to enjoy it to the full. Clothes. sports equipment, holiday accomodation â€" all yours with a low cost, life insured personal loan from Victoria and Grey. Get your “sunshine†money here WCYURM and GREY VIUI Ullll'land TRUST COMPANY OFFICE HOURS 10355 Yonge St., Richmond Hill CALL G.A. JUBY MANAGER TUES - THURS. 9:30 ~ 4:30 FRIDAY 9:30 â€" 6:30 SATURDAY 9:00 - 12 noon Serving more and more people since 1889 884-1 107 Also, on the grounds and in the log cabin and in Doan House there will be demonstrations of Pioneer crafts, spinning, rug hooking, open hearth cooking. rug weaving, chair caning and quilting. Refreshnients {will He available. The grounds are open from 10 am. to 5 Knowles (violin) and Karl Rohowsky (flute). The board suggests Gray Coach employ its own board of directors separate from the Toronto Transit Com- mission. The time for the recitals will be 3.30 pm. The charge will be the regular admission to the grounds, $1. The report continuously states Gray Coach is inefficient. The report also states the President of Gray Coach, who is a‘part time appointment. by the city of Toronto, averages only one day per week. Its own executive team, a set of objectives that allows to make clear trade offs between ser- vice and profitability. portion of freight that is available. Would it not be reasonable to assume that one of the main reasons Greyhound ap- plied for these specific routes, was for the large international freight from Buffalo to Toronto and also the domestic freight moving from Toronto to Sudbury which would connect with their afâ€" filiate company to Western Canada? 7. The report states that drivers who lose their jobs could be rehired by Greyhound. Is it not true that the Union local for Greyhound is located in Calgary? Would this not require Greyhound to hire from that area first before they could recruit drivers from the Ontario local? If their findings are correct. why was Gray Coach not allowed to reorganize? 5‘ Why was Greyhound allowed to service only the express routes and not forced to accept local service routes as well? 6. Did the president of Greyhound actually state during the hearings that Greyhound would not run local service routes as it is impossible for these routes to be com- pensatory? Wé feel. allowing Gray WILLOW SAUNDERS 35 Woodlawn West Toronto. Ontario Mr. Hodgson, the most disturbing fact during our discussions with the local drivers, is the young people of their families. They were unable to understand why the Ontario government would allow an American bus company to jeopardize their fathers‘ job. Coach this opportunity should have been the first step. before issuing the license to Greyhound. Discussions with our local bus drivers, they are confused and very upset. They believe Gray Coach is as efficient as any other operator. They would like to challenge all bus com- panies to operate an express service and local service and local service routes, and be more ef- ficient. SALCLOTH CUSHIONS GARBAGE BAGS COUNTRY YARN JIM WILSON York North Liberal Association LAWN CHAIRS 399 BIG JOHN (10 TO A PKG.) CANVAS 93¢ Those delectable goodies which were taken to picnics and church suppers in pioneer days and which the family often enjoyed at home were made by mother and daughters who were being taught the fine art of cooking. By the time these daughters had married and had families of their own they often didn‘t need a recipe to follow as they “just knew“ how to cook â€" the feel of a just-right pie crust, the look of a perfect cake batter, etc. Back in 1850 a housewife asked for her recipe for ginger cake which always received high praise, replied, “I always take some flour. just enough flour for the cakes I want to make. I mix it up with some buttermilk, if I happen to have it. just enough for the flour. Then I take some ginger, some like more, some like less. I put in a little salt and pearlash (a type of baking soda, crude potassium carbonate), RESGE’S 0L PAINTINGS POTTNG SOL FACELLE TSSUE 8 ROLL PKG. LIGHT BULBS yesterdays by mary dawson PACKAGE OF 2 BEST BUY 249 ‘/2 LITRE BAG VELVET and then I tell John to pour in molasses till I tell him to stop.†I wonder what would have happened to the cakes if the housewife had become distracted and John had gone on pouring molasses â€" and pouring molasses â€" and â€" â€" . The same women‘s recipe for doughnuts was just as vague. “Take some cream in a bowl. Break in an egg or two, and some sweetening, then put in one thing and another til it's just right Have your lard real hot. and if you use your judgment they‘ll be good. “One pound of baker‘s bread cut in slices and placed in a deep dish, one- half cup butter (spread each slice with the but- ter), one cup raisins seeded; mix with the bread. Into one quart of ‘milk put one-half cup sugar, two-thirds cup of Another recipe from The Liberal files of December 7, 1889, told how to make a plum pudding in more explicit fashion. 183 VS Ladies knew 2 ROLL PKG. LUNCHEON SPECAL! HOT DOG FRENCH FRIES SMALL DRINK cooking arz‘ PAPER TOWELS A recipe for ginger- snaps, published that same year, read: One cup molasses, one-half cup sugar, one tablespoon vinegar, two tablespoons warm water. one teaspoon soda, flour to mix so can pat out in hand, one tablespoon ginger. molasses, three eggs well beaten. small teaspoonful vanilla. pinch of cassia. nutmeg and salt; turn this mixture over the bread; steam two hours and a half. Sauce â€" cream one- quarter cup of butter with two cups powdered sugar, flavour with vanilla. CIVIC HOLIDAY For dumplings the housewife was advised to take one egg, half cup sweet milk. two teaspoons baking powder, pinch salt and flour to stiffen. Drop off teaspoon into boiling chicken or beef stew and let boil with pot covered for 10 minutes. PANTY HOSE ALL <: FOR JUST FREEZE POPS QUEEN SIZE FACELLE PKG. OF 36 EVERLQST HHTHERUSTUD. MAKE IT LAST WITH EVERLAST 249-8521 5 YEAR FULL REPAIR GUARANTEE LASTING BEAUTY HIGHER RESALE VALUE MORE SAFETY QUIETER BODY FREEDOM FROM ROAD DUST DON'T LET THE RUSTBUG GET YOUR CAR Call TORONTO 123 WENDELL AVE LUNCHEON NAPKNS TROPICAL PLANTS SUMMER CANDY RUNNNG SHOES 249-8521 1002. c PKG‘ PACKAGE OF 160 689 DARE BOYS' 3" POTS RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. July 27. 1977 â€" A-5 BRAMALEA PHENTEX BEAVER PEANUTS ROI PICNIC PLATES KNEE HIGHS 99¢ 83¢ PACKAGE OF 70 139 LADIES' 6 OZ. 2 LB. BAG