By MILLIE STEWART 773-4424 OAK RIDGES â€" On a lot muggy night, one of he major problems we ill face is getting to sleep. You add a few young leople and their souped 5p cars using Yonge St. in ak Ridges as a drag trip at midnight or later, ind the problem becomes I nightmare. Trying to see who can I out of the Burger pot parking lot and queal their tires the ngest and the loudest cut from Canada grade "A‘ boneless seems to be the big game every summer. At that time of night, the noise carries quite a long way and has awakened many an adult, not to mention the little children and babies. York Regional Police have been called on countless occasions, but as soon as they leave, the racket starts all over again. If not that night, certainly the next night. residents of Oak Ridges, are finally realizing a long time dream of moving to Alberta. Before they leave, son Dave and his wife Lorrice of 31 Lake Ave. are holding an open house. All the Carruthers‘ friends are invited to drop in between 2 and 4:30 pm. and after 7 pm. on August 6 to say ‘hello‘ and clean-up after the hectic winter sports season. This summer, the clean-up crew has gone a bit further. The paint work has all been changed to a beautiful cream and orange, making everything nice and bright. Almost all the boards are being replaced around the ice surface. to wish them a fond They are being freshly farewell. OPEN HOUSE Fred and Bernice Carruthers, long time ‘ 6 bottom round London broil steaks ~“m5â€. i'gr‘éae ‘ Ontario new crop potatoe 10 V _. A Loblaws charcoal briquets 20 lb. bag frozen New Zealand lamb shoulder steaks SPANKIN’ GLEAN .. stems & pices Loblaws mushrooms 10 fl. oz. tin cut from Canada grade "A" beef boneless sirloin ti Every summer, Bond Lake Arena gets a major enjoy a tasty salad Ontario grown no. 1 grade cucumbers painted and a new syn- thetic kickboard is being installed for ease of maintenance. cut from Canada grade "A" beef Some of the protective screens are being replaced with plexi-glass for greater safety. Of special interest to many, will be the extra large viewing windows in the lobby that are being installed with a special tempered glass. This fall, when you first start to use the arena, you will find it much brighter and safer. ST. PAUL‘S The church will be closed during the month of August. If you need a frozen, store packaged Red Spring Blue Bonnet p soft _ margarine 1 lb. sleeve minister during the time that Rev. Knill is away, please call Rev. Bob Shorten of Richmond Hill United at 884-1301 or at home at 884-2551. You may also call Rev. Morar Murray-Hayes of St. Matthew’s United Church at 884-3606. There will be no Vacation Bible School this summer. BRETHREN IN CHRIST The Sunday School picnic will be held August 1. The buses will leave the . . . l',2’g'~/l.lml“u' MA I ' 'w-lucfli In?!†I . a". ‘. exceptional value sicle panskmned cooked returnable bottle church at 10 am. bound for Midhurst Park. If your children will be there without a parent, there is a special consent form available at the church that must be signed. Everyone is welcome to join in the fun. Each person or family must bring their own lunch. Drinks will be supplied and the admission to the THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. July 27. 1977 â€" A-‘l Noise seems louder on the hot nights about 4 pm. SENIORS The Wheelhouse Club is open all summer for those members who would like to drop in for a social afternoon. Why not give some of your friends a call, and arrange to meet oak ridges lake wilcox Last week I mentioned that our blind athlete, Ray Jackson had some Ont. Games For the Disabled buttons for sale. Mrs. Fleming at the library has asked Ray to order 50 buttons for her to sell. park will be paid by the church. The buses returning to the church at will be avisit'? plus 20¢ deposit. 750 ml. btle. there for a cup of tea and BUTTONS more meat values cut from Canada grade "A" beef steaks or roasts boneless top round lb.1 . part skinned. shank or bull portion cooked smoked ham lb. .98 "93h country CUt 43 nindquaiieis With whole backl i3 Ironiquaneis with whole back a neck) 6 8 3 wings 2 claim fryer parts ‘ 9' lb. - macaroni 8. cheese Ioaf. luncheon meal mock chicken or bologna. sliced Loblaws cooked meats 6&3: u Shopsy potato salad or 24 oz cole slaw each . Shopsy corned beef or pastrami 4.13:1 1 .28 more grocery values White Swan 2 ply. all colours 2 roll 9 9 pkg. I reg & border paper towels Fleecy fabric softener 33%;“ .89 Stokely. cut green beans. cream style corn SUVQESZtables 3 027%". . :Snrznato ketchup .69 :iigisce peas 4 ozlflé's'1 Biipiiï¬iiigiï¬aiiï¬iiém 03.8.3.- .53 iibiivgicé°§arrois;1 .00 Avon - sliced or whole choice potatoes 3 0233'. .89 tid bits. crushed or sliced Aylmer pineapple 02.134" .39 Accent .1231 .1 9 Sn ersfanc frenchs eseasone gyrdeen ybeariyls 3d .23.". .89 Welch‘s pure 55 oz. jar I grape, jam orjelly war-sweetened. allflavours 23 3 1 ‘ otizri I orange pekoe Flowerdale tea bags ‘88:.1 .99 Monarch - barbecue, re ular chicken crisgp 6.33: .55 WW Ontario grown fresh picked green beans 3 pounds1 Ontario grown nourishing 8. fresh radiShes or 5 bunches1 '00 green onions Ontario grown fresh picked 1 4 bunches I Ontario grown! nourishing 8. fresh 1 romaine lettuce 4 for . produce of South Africa! no. 1 grade granny smith apples poundl49 floral dept, speCial moon cactus each2l59 Civic Holiday for your shopping convenience The following Stores will be 0 n Monday, Aug. 1st m Civic Holiday BAVVIEW VILLAGE SHOVPING CENTRE 125‘ DANFORTHAVE E 372 PACIFIC AVE rAiRViEw MALL DUFFERIN MALL 1951 EGLINTON AVE w RICHMOND HILL HEIGHTS 17i7 AVENUE RD KINGSTON RD SQUARE PLAIA TOWNE A COUNYRVE SQUARE 2280 DUNDAS ST W J01 MOORE AVE 480 ST CLAIR AVE W LAWRENCE PLAZA 26OLAKESHORE RD E OAKVILLE GOLDEN MILE PLAZA MILTON MALL AGINCOUFIT HALL 2747 EGLINTON AVE E normal shopping hours for remainder of the week PRICES EFFECTIVE TO TUES AUG 2 EXCEPT PRODUCE & BAKERY EFFECTIVE TO SAT JULY 30 Richmond Hill only WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Loblaws more than the price isright'. If you still want to buy, one, you can pick yours up at the library for $1.