B4 -â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. August 3. 1977 Quality Painting Writren Guarantee Phone for free brochure 270 Enford Rd., Richmond Hill AWMWW Tu Bymweelc montharyou KmthMPd I~ Bookkeeping g», Paint [IS A Car ACCOUNTING SERVICE HAGERMAN JONES & CO. Bookkeeping & Accounting Services BOOKKEEPING B INCOME TA). 0 CUSTW Blll‘l’ RE m BN3 0 GARAGES. ADDI'HONS 0 PORCNES. CEDAR FENCING ' COTTAGES ' UNUSUAL JOBS Allypasoszpumywuk By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) Ross I30 Centre St. W. - 384-1788 KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM QUOTATIONS BODKKEEPING, PAYROLL INCOME TAX ITALIAN, GERMAN. ENGLISH MARLENE PARISI. 889-7250 For laundry, bath and rec rooms. Sun Decks 8893mm: Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liahirlty Telephone 727-94839 Rear 47 Yonge Sweet 8. Anton, Ontario CARPENTRY AND CUSTOM J. C. HUGHES CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Additions, Renovations 8 Rec. Rooms 83 Rview Ave. Richmond Hill, 0m. Tel. 884-4171 Accounting Services AH Catenaro Comer Agency Ken Moore Carpentry FREE ESTIMATES 10256 YONGE ST WOOD WORKING K.A. SMITH CARPENTRY T. PRICE 8 SUN Auto Rust Repairs Insurance For small busmesses BOB ROSS CONTRACTING FREE ESTIMATES PhasephomBMIBM W1pJTL-Aflflsflnl.‘ Wumm FOR HOME OR BUSINESS USE OUR x SERVICE DIRECTORY Cus‘om cabinets Rec. rooms and bars Renovations Sundecks 884-5441 889-5683 Carpentry 883-1680 Limited 884-7530 0 CARPENTRY 0 CUSTOM HOMES 8831377 TFCS'I WC 4? "c" Ht 3] Buying a house is a major capital investment Unnoticed detects can be very costly to remit. Wow you buy have 3 HOUSE & PROPERTY CHECK done. BOX 213, THORNHILL L3T 3N3 or DON'T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIMEH | Contractors | Bnan H. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 10265 Yonge Street Phone: 88443651 - 889-8275 CHARTERED» ACCOUNTANT R. David Armstrong 68mm. THORNLEA CONTRACTORS "We Do It With Lumber" s . I. .ngin Fences, Wooden decks, Cottages also Kitchen 8 Bathroom Renovations Chanel-ed Accountants 887â€"5720 - 388-1664 50 Yonge Street S. Aurora, Ontario CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates 881-3191 - Nuw Homes - Collage: -. Ruuuvuuons 0 Res-denim Exleuovs 0 Custom Cabmels 0 Eu: A Evelylhmg your house needs, we repau and serwce CAVEAT EM PTOR BUYER BEWARE Chartered Accountants Fireplaces, Extensions General repairs Landscaping 8 design services 887-5031 Joscelyn Laughlin Harper, Tory & Associates Cluttered Accountants 1035 Yonge Street Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-44745 Box ‘294 110 Jams St St Cadmium [ZR 7A7 Consumer Information J. WELBORNE & SON BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years‘ experience WALKER CONSTRUCTION FREE ESTIMATES JALO BUILDING SERVICE 889-9821 mm ROSENBERG & COMPANY Stone 8 Brick w0rk REID it BRADLEY Chartered Accountants 10256 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Richmond HiI'I’ Contracting Co Ltd. BUILDING WE 00 ALL KINDS CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES 889-3726 447-4595 884-2092 Masonry P1 3841833 38411202ng m7 883-3033 884-2882 DonMis 885-4811 IFC 3 "(ll "cl "cl flcz Fumiuneflatis! Complete striping 8 refiniqu setvice. Anï¬qua fum'tute bought 8 soil G AND D GIORDANO FOR: ROOFING, PATIOS & SUNDECKS FENCES 0R EXTERIOR PAINTING CALL RANDY HOWIESON What have you? Clean basements, garages DEPENDABLE REASONABLE RATES ‘Resndenual 'Commemal OAvmslvong 'Manmnglnn Mills Hounsome's Lawn Service Ltd. 833-5927 .. MAN WITH TRUCK TO DO ODD JOBS HAULING Weed Cutting CALL Hounsome's Lawn Service Ltd. 833-5927 Home Improvements I Soffil O Shutters . Windows .Siding Weed Cutting LUMBARDI CONTRACTING Q MDHNE . "EMU/7K I PLUMBING . S TDRM flfMal/Al C WUP . EXTEND}? PAINTING Gardening- Landscaping Will do large or small aveas. Mott mower Reasombb rate Fa mom Mmï¬m CALI. FOR WA IrmaaF/Ns 001mm ALSO FA 7705. CHIMNEYS, PURCHES WI†do large or small areas Mott mower Basset-Ha me Fol me inlumalim J.S. Adams Flooring (30., 884-2031 GARDENING REASONABLE RATES x3 (‘l-IN'I‘IU'I ST. E RICHMOND Illlll HOUSE PAINTING GENERAL REPAIRS Marilyn Drew Antiques 833-6475 O boars FREE ESTIMATES JOHN \lacl’lll‘Zl-I RELIABLE REASONABLE 881-3019 Cushion Flooring Gardening-Snow Removal RR. 1 Richmond Hill MacPHEE ALUMINUM HELP OUT A STUDENT Free Estimates Furniture Stripping GENERAL HANDYMAN Flooring 884-2255 EVENINGS PLEASE 832â€"2577 We Will Strip For You 752-1389 633-1689 8845227 221-1826 JOE. AFTER 5 [:81]?! .l‘Iaves .I-‘ascia .Aunings O Railings YFC 46 HEM TFC 5 IFC l - KITCHENS - H - BATHROOMS - E - SIDING 136 Yonge St. N. Aurora Additions & Renovations Free permits, plans & drawings Call Now & Save 0 Alterations 0 Repairs RECREATION ROOMS PATIOS WINDOWS - DOORS FOR ALL THE CARE & REPAIR YOUR HOME WILL EVER NEED Call "THE HOUSE DOCTOR" He makes hwsecafls! 884-8646 DALV CONSTRUCTION 884-0856 Interior Design & EXTERIOR PAINTING MOVING CLEAN UPS ROOFING EAVESTROUGHING Renovation Experts Wm DRY WALL it PLASTERING CONCRETE CURBS SIDEWALKS PATIOS ALSO Finishing rec rooms Free Estimates Excellent workmanship 884-4506 . ALUMINUM SID/NO - WINDOWS A o DOORS CABINET WORK TRUE STUCCO Renovanons NICK UPTON 887-9365 . Interim and exteliov stucco Repairs. New wovk All wovk guaranteed Fas! and efficienl Free estimates Call anytime Carpentry RELIABLE A REASONABLE Quality Roofing HANDYMAN 9 years experience Free estimates 884-6162 R. TURNER "SERVING YORK REGION SINCE 1950" Yotk Aluminum CALL BILL GbéWtVWorkmanship GUARANTEED Reasonable Rates FREE ESTIMATES 832-2238 767-5380 After 6 pm. 833-6073 Home Improvements 833â€"6812 88%1985 292-2319 INSTALLATION 8 SALES CO Give Heart Fund w TFCSI TFO“. TFCSI tic“ tfcl - ROOFING - EAVESTRDUGHS ED’S CONTRACTING CONTRACTORS RENOVATIONS CONCRETE DECKS - PATIOS POOL INSTALLATION & REPAIRS Painting Wallpapering Stucco CHIMNEY REPAIRS CONCRETE PATIO OR PRECAST SLABS PORCHES - STEPS Quality Craftsmanship Free Estimates RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL Concrete work Patios, Drywall General Repairs C & L Painters 884-9026 SIDEWALKS PLANTER BOXES STONE WORK PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R.E.Dunn 727-3303 L.0.I.D. PAINYINGL DECORAYING Karl Bundschun 884-4832 G. ROCKETT Peter Elliott Paperhangnng Free Estimates 889-2163 PAINTING 727-941 7 889-4729 88} 1504 884-2454 Painters 222-7048 221-7670 Free Eshmales LII 8342 and “w 4 TFC W1 IFCJ "C 00 ltc Id "(IO "£3 TFCJ "(16 FRANKS PAINTING INTERIOR EXTERIOR CALL Plumbing, ‘ Heating, Air Conditioning [Spring Clean Up Update your insulation 8‘ a reasonabIe cost. Experienced UnuverSIty Students 883-3500 884-9000 I TV Service We haul anything - anywhere Clean up patios, hedges, etc. 884-0194 883-1835 HENRY'S PLUMBING SERVICE Electrical DEAL SERVICES 3899398 7734138 lT ALL STARTED WITH THE WORKS IN THE DRAWEi IEuï¬Viiding Trades| SPECIALIZING IN BATHROOMS AND KITCHENS DRAINS AND CONCRETE 120 ARNOLD AVENUE THORN HILL 749-4107 W Ptofessmnal hmsh guaranteed PAINTING Er MAINTENANCE Vi Repairs to all makes of T.V.'s Major Appliances. Vacuums & Antennas installed Sweetheart Peter York Home T.V. ROOFING G & D WARREN CONTRACTORS Excellent rates HUGH BARR 889-2773 W Rich 884-1083 Dave 884-0274 DECORATING 10610 BAYVIEW AVE. HEAT LOSS COSTS MONEY ' TYP'EWRITERS Al)l)l\(1\l.\(‘lll.\'ES SALES - RENTALS LII. sms xx Baker Ave. Richmond Hill â€" 8844743 UNIT 18. RICHMOND HILL 8844165 Typewmers Addirg Machines Sales it Sewice Ali’s Ofï¬ce Mauhines Richmond Hill 881-1997 Plumbing & ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS REC. ROOMS. ETC. Repairs - Installation All types of Pools Free estimates Painters PAINTlNG Insulation IMMEDIATE McKINLAY INSULATION "BLOW-IN METHOD" 832-2667 Swimming Pool Nick 8846077 General Repairs Sheet Metal Work Free Estimates Office Machines Woodbridge MOVING CARTAGE 851-0120 297-4236 Lic. 83734 CHARGE} TFCdZ "C ‘2. tfcl WC 3 IFC 48 flc40 ":10 TFCI Year round comfort is added to your home with a slash in fuel costs when you have a proper thrckness of Insulation. Call Us Now To Inspect yours. Estimates - N9 Obligation m 9018 YONGE ST,, AT EDGAR. THORNHILL I. Optometrists I Professional renovation and design of buildings 8 landscaping. Specializing in patios, retaining walls, grading Er sodding, tree planting 8 re- moval. GROUNDS & BUILDING MAINTENANCE A.W. Kirchen, O.D. Complete service to all makes of pools. Repairs to ï¬ltration systems. Hard bottoms installed. Pool closings a specialty. All work guaranteed. For home delivered or mail subscriptions! please call 8840981†R.P.W. POOL SERVICES Raymond & Co. Contractors HEATING COST T00 HIGH? Also complete lawn 8 garden care. . Call us regarding our “Holiday Lawn Maintenance Program" For consultation 8 appraisal call YOU CAN PURCHASE REPRINTS OF PHOTOS TAKEN BY OUR STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS. - BESTYLING - REBUILDING By Craftsmen Professioml Bldg. 22 RICHMOND sr. mcumouo HILL E‘Eflï¬ï¬‚ Workman's Prices Gardening-Landscaping Addnmmal Prints 8" x 10" PRINTS 8843962 Upholstering Let us blow comfort right Into your home Reliable Automatic Transmission “CAMWAY INSULATION C0." PHOTO REPRINTS! Automotive Repair PO. BOX 390 RICHMOND HILL, ONT. L4G 4Y6 Rebuilt 8 Repair Transmissions. Body 8 Paint Jabs. Pool Installations 889-7821 833-5040 "PAYMENT MUST BE IN ADVANCE AT THE LIBERAL RECEPTION DESK" SALES TAX 7% "Sâ€"S-Sâ€"r WANT T0 BUY 881-2449 Upholsterers 10101 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL OR MAIL CHEOUE TO "PICTURES" 2949859 MARKHAM. ONT 497-0074 "A NEW SERVICE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF OUR READERS" $63k. any: annual 1.0981 @btiï¬hmtl | Tree Cutting I Phone for free estimates TREE CUTTING PRUNING SHRUB REMOVAL 447-5814. "C 3 Additional Prints 5" x 7†Prints "C l WC 51 WC 3 WC 4] 1 Photography I 1 Electricians I OLawn Mannenance 'Swmeg 0 Painting 0 Handyman Services Randy CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY All-"C BBUYIVS. PHOTOGRAPHER New and rebuilt lawnmowels Repairs to all types and roto- tillers, pumps, chain saws, small air-cooled enaines. SHARPENING REEL AND ROTARY BLADES, CHAIN SAWS. ARC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Lawnmower Sales & Service OService. Main‘enance and Installations ...by Ursula Liane 6123 YONGE ST. WILLOWDALE 225-8881 0 FAMILY PORTRAITS 0 WEDDINGS 0 COMMERCIAL 0 PUBLICITY Floral Arrangements ARMAND PAVING 80.. FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS Duality workmanship All work guaranteed Janitorial Services Carpet Cleaning LEONAHD'S FLOOR CLEANING 8846477 u Handyman 884-4135 For weddings, parties, etc‘ Arranged m my home 833-5543 833-5009 Call 884â€"4502 Carpet- Upholstery Cleaning 884-6864 ANDREWS LAWN MOWER 889-4672 $350 6 Paving 889-6725 SERVICE Paul $500 EAC EACH "C49 TFCM c4w2 "€51 c5w5 flc3