Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Aug 1977, p. 7

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are Humb er grads John Vesel displays his pool monitor which, by someone Who may jump 0" fall in the in effect, babysits swimming pools when no [300' Md sounds the alarm. Monitor costs one is around. Gadget reads waves caused about $280- Moniz‘or tel/s when someone is in your swimming pool' The p601 monitor sets off an alarm when Graduates and their areas of study are as follows: 'I'n Old Fasvfiud‘néé tountry Cl on the Edge of the Cuty Ten Richmond Hill students were among nearly 2,000 people who graduated from Humber College recently. Carol-Ann Young, Early Childhood Education; Roderick P. Lawrence, Law Enfor- cement; Dianne H. Frater, Travel and Tourism; Grace M. Monik, Travel and You may give your child all the swimming lessons you feel he needs to be drownproofed, but there is always that nagging feeling in the back of your mind when your child is out of sight. It seems as if every summer, a toddler falls into a swimming pool and drowns. A Thornhill company has invented a device that may calm these worries for many 01 owners. The nnn mnnitnr cote What about the neigh- bor’s child who cannot swim? Will that fence keep him out? SUNDAYS WEDNESDAYS 70 Hill students 00 a m 7 Mommg Semce 00 n m â€" Evening Semce Prayer meetang Wednesday HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE ST,. THORNHILL S. 0F HWY. 78 W. 0F YONGE SI 889-5931 SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 AM. Holy Communion BAPTIST ANGLICAN ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN 10030 YONGE SREET RICHMOND HILL RECIOR Rev. Bernard Barret 884-1394 Rev. Fred Jackson 884â€"2418 Rev. Brll Prentrce 884-6929 10:30 AM. Moming Prayer Nursery School Wednesdays 10:00 AM. Holy Communion age SERVICES 10:00 am 800 am WC ‘6 Our neighbours from St Matthew's United Church and St. Mary's Angli- can Church jom us. "A Faith for all Seasons" Nursery and Krndergarten carg available The monitor costs $280; that is half the cost of a similar American system and the installation of the pool monitor is much simpler, Vesel said. The ceremony marked the largest graduation in Humber’s 10-year history. Tourism; Judith L. Reynolds, Travel and Tourism; Gay A. Peppin, Journalism; Susan A. Powell, Nursing Assistant; Donnalee A. O‘Hara, Nursing-Osler; Barbara D. Veitch, Early Childhood Education for the Developmentally Handicapped; and Brian E. Gilpin, Ski Area Management. The pool monitor works with a sensor in the pool which picks up the waves made by someone jum- ping or falling in, says Vesel. someone enters a swimming pool when the monitor is turned on. It is a brainchild of Charles Rhodes and John Vesel, two PhDs who have set up a company, Adaptive Micro Elec- tronics. located on Glen Cameron Road. LUTHERAN RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge and Centre Sheets 8844301 The Minister: Rev. Robert Shorten 10131 Baywew Avenue 13 DAUPHINEE PASTOR 10:00 am. Worship Semce Vacation Church School Aug. 22-26 9:30 - 11:30 am. PM Information phone 884-6844 75 Oximd S_treet (Membel Baptist Convention of Ontano and Quebec) Rev Dana H Lamb 8 A B D Minister SUNDAY 9 45 A M ~Chutch School r01 Bus. Ministry catl 8811818 11 00 AM. - Mommg Worship Sunday. August 7 at 10:30 am Babysits pool UNITED - 7:00 PM. - Pastor E. Corbett Walm welcome at each semce Every Sunday of the Yea! Asst. Pastor G. Mule! SI JOHN‘S BAPTIST CHURCH ‘AUL S LUYHERAN Richmond HIII Baptlst Church 50 anht Sheet Tel. 884-3091 - 1100 AM. - 8.00 p m V Buble School and Ptaye‘ The unit could be used for motel swimming pools, but this has not been pushed because of restrictions on in- stallation in in-ground A prime source of sales is expected to be to people with pools and small children. So far, most sales have been through security dealers rather than swimming pool installers. 10:30 am. to 11:30 Morning WDlSth In Sanctuary Chnldren‘s chutch & Nursery In lower auditonum ' The Sunday School Bus wull continue to operate each Sunday morning. No 7:00 pm. Semce Wed. 7:30 pm.- Home Bible Study & Player Fellowship Presbyterian The company brought out a new model this year and it “wasn‘t quite ready” for the start of the pool season. METHODIST THORNHIU. PRESBYIERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre Stteet 8896391 Ihe Revd. J.B. Bums MA. 80.. Ph. D‘ The unit is placed inside the pool at the edge. The sensor is two and a half inches in diameter and 15 inches long. The main box is nine and a half inches high, seven inches wide and three and a half in- ches deep. Because it is operated from a six-volt lantern battery, Vesel says there is no shock hazard. SUNDAY, AUGUSI 7th TRINITY 9 Dmne Worship 10:00 AM. Wed Aug. IO 7:30 PM. Short Celebtatim of Holy Communion ALL WELCOME (INTERDENOMINATIONAL) FALL SEMESTER COURSES (SEP. 19 - DEC. 9) Doctrines of the Faith - Tuesday Ev LITE in the Spirit < Thursday Ev Health and Salvation -Wednesday Mc Teachings in Ephesians -Thursday Mt Other Denominations Pastor Rev. Robevt C. Quick 884â€"5029 SUMMER SCHEDULE '77 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH 212 Hlllswew Dnve 884-5029 For further information call 884-3061 or 889-6789 July 3 to September A LAOS SCHOOL OF LAY MINISTRY BIBLE CHAPEL Oak Ave . Rlchvale RICHVAL N0 FEES ALL WELCOME Bible Serwce a After developing the product for a year, marketing is now sta‘r- ting. It is estimated it will save buyers 20 per cent on fuel bills. 9:50 11 AM 7:30 The system minimizes energy requirements on buildings that operate heating, ventilating and air conditioning equip- ment, said Vesel. “Our primary product is a micro-computer controlled energy saving system,” said Vesel who worked on space craft power systems in California before the company was set up in 1974. The pool monitor is actually just a sideline for Adaptive Micro Elec- tronics. The company will probably be working on a model for commercial use for next year. pools. A commercial pool would require special installations. SUNDAY 1230p m Watch "The Hevald of Iruth Wednesday Night 8 PM Prayer Serwce CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIS! Concovd Rd & N9 7Hwy SUNDAY SERVICES loo 3 m -B|ble Study and Morning Semce 0 p m -Commumon Semce WEDNESDAY 8 00 D m ~Blble Siudy Rev. D. VanderBoom MJh -889-5225 A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU IHE MISSIONARY CHURCH GORMLEY Rev (Zeal Rosenbetgev 887-5846 BEIHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH A Ch New Ie: - Tuesday Evenings < Thursday Evenings Wednesday Mornings - Thursday Mornings A E AHUHSO" Minister . 669-18 A Young Sec 669-2784 48 Th‘ AUGUST 7 Family Sunday School Speaker James Clubme Evening Inspiratlon nch m Ihe ‘tament Ovde and Task Force seeks homes in Region 300 Hill Witnesses to attend assembly Jehovah‘s Witnesses will convene this summer in 15 cities throughout Canada with a total of 22 conventions on the agenda. John Bell. spokesman for the Richmond Hill group. said nearly one million people are ex- pected at the "Joyful The most recent trend, Miss Hodgins said, is calls concerning families Recent calls have in- cluded an 18-year-old youth on probation; a family with no immediate funds being evicted from its home; a teenager leaving an upsetting home situation, enabling him to take the time he needed to determine his future, and a mother needing time to think after leaving her husband. Operating for the past year and a half, the task force operates a registry that provides short-term accommodation for people in emergency situations. The Emergency Housing Task Force of York Region is looking for residents willing to open their homes to people in need. While the registry is basically an agency resource-referral service, the co-operation of the general public in providing homes ensures the success of the program, said summer co-ordinator Kim Hodgins. Proposed By-law to stop up, close and sell a portion of the original road allow- ance between Lots 25 and 26 (18th Avenue) at the western limit of Warden Avenue. TAKE NOTICE THAT the Corporation of the Town of Markham intends to pass a By-law to stop up, close and sell an irregular shaped portion of 18th Avenue running approxi« mater 400' to 450' west of Warden Avenue. The proposed by-law and a detailed Plan showing the lands to be affected may be seen The C0unci| of the Corporation of the Town of Markham shall hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudically affected by the By-law and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be held Tuesday, August 16th, 1977 at the Municipal Offices, at 7:30 pm. or as soon as possible thereafter. at my office, Municipal Building, 8911 Woodbine Avenue, Buttonviile, Markham‘ Ontario. Clerk, Town of Markham, 8911 Woodbine Avenue Markham, Ontario L3R 1A1 DIANE E. SMITH UP YOUR BLOCK (and back again. That’s as far as you need to walk to be a bit fitter than you are now). A é TOWN OF MARKHAM NOTICE Hawaiian/077' u Walk a block.Today. Workers" district con- ventions. He said 300 delegates from Richmond Hill will attend a fourâ€"day assembly scheduled for the Woodbine Racetrack in Toronto. About 12,000 people are anticipated to attend that meeting August 11 to 14. Since the registry operates as an agency referral service, the majority of the persons placed in the homes have an agency worker who handles contacts with the registry and the homeowner. The majority of the people using the service are residents of York Region, necessitating the appeal to York Region residents. For more information on the registry contact Kim Hodgins at 898-1551 in Newmarket. In a recent one-day period, the registry tried to handle four such calls, but it is difficult to place families. The task force includes representatives from the Children’s Aid Society, the Ministry of Com- munity and Social Serâ€" vices, York Central Hospital’s Mental Health Clinic, York Region’s Health and Social Ser- vices Departments, the Richmond Hill Social Planning Council and Helpmate Information Centre, Probation and Parole Services. facing eviction '[7/0/7 The principal address of the convention will be delivered by Li Greenlees of New York, Sunday, August 14 at 2 pm. His subjecf will be “How God’s Kingdom Can Benefit You”. “The program is divided into four sec- tions," he said, “in- cluding information on training children. responsibility of youth in today‘s world, making a success of marriage and the problems affecting family life.” he said. “It has been revealed that 2,333,115 people attended our conventions world wide in 1976.“ Mr. Bell said. “This included meetings in 56 countries.“ Mr. Bell said the conventions are designed to discuss the pressures affecting modern society in day~toâ€"day living. at the International Sculp- ture Exhibition in Paris, France? Answer: David and-Roydon Rabinowitch of 310 Kerry- brok Drive. Who is representing Rich: mond Hill this September Substantial savings on Thompson’s entire stock of fine quality name brand furniture. Our stock includes furniture manufactured by Gibbard, Vilas, Simmons, Barrymore, Deilcraft and many other top Canadian furni- ture companies. WEI-CHAIRS g " e1 ‘83, r W \ 'fk ' 3" 't» ’3" “1‘?” "s; > f, STARTS TODAY 0 Safety wheel locks O 8" front casters 0 Removable / adjustable footrests OEasy folding ' Thompson ’5 56th annual AUGUST CORRECTION NOTICE THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. August 3. 1977 â€" A-7 Due to difficulties arising from the heavy rains in July, Village Library renovations are slightly behind schedule. The reopening date is now set at The Library staff looks forward to seeing you then! On page 9 of the “Kenmore Days’.’ flyer distributed recently in your area, we have incorrectly advertised a harvest gold range (227 454 076 Dl) at $229.98. The correct rice should read $299.98 to reflect a 10.00 extra cost for a col- oured model. The white model (227 454 070 DI.) is shown at its correct price of $289.98. ATTENTION THORNHILL VILLAGE LIBRARY USERS Sears sincerely regrets any inconvenience this may have caused our customers. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 9 am. THORNHILL VILLAGE LIBRARY 10 Colbome St. in old Thornhill vi||age For information call 225-0512 Sears

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