The Richmond Hill Study Committee will meet at 7.30 pm. Wed- nesday, Aug. 17, the York County ' Board of Education has an- nounced. Committee to meet August 7 7 The meeting will take place in the Area 3 office of Beverley Acres Public School, 283 Neal Drive. Kenneth Wark retirement is announced The retirement of Brigadier-General Kenneth A Wark of Rich- mond Hill was announced in Ottawa last week by Defence Minister Barney Danson. Brig-Gen. Wark joined the RCAF in 1942, trained as a wireless air gunner and served with 45 Air Transport Group ferrying aircraft overseas from Montreal. Tickets are still available for Richmond Hill Senior Citizens who wish to see the Irish Rovers and Vera Lynn on august 25 at the ONE. Purpose of the event is to continue the study of school accommodation in Richmond Hill. He has held ap- pointments at 12 Air Defence Group in Van- couver; Air Defence Command headquarters in Montreal; Centrol NORAD Region in Kansas City; National Defence headquarters in Ottawa, and as base commander of CFB Ottawa. He also served with 435 and 436 Transport Squadrons in the Burma- China theatre. Interested people should contact Don Hick at 884-1736. Tickets available C-2 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. August 10. 1977 Help your Heart... Help your Heart Fund IN THE MATTER OF THE DNTARID HERITAGE ACT. 1974 5.0. CHAPTER 122 AND IN THE MATTER OF THE LANDS AND PREMISES KNOWN MUNICIPALLY AS 37 AND 39 CDLBDURNE STREET, THURNHILL IN THE TOWN OF 1'ake notice that the C0uncil of the Corporation of the Town of Markham on the 14th day of June, 1977, decided to designate the lands and buildings. known municrpally as 37 and 39 Colbourne Street, Thomhill, Ontario, as a property of architectural and historical value or in» terest under The Ontario Heritage Act, 1974, 5.0. Chapter 122. MARKHAM. IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SHORT STATEMENT OF THE REASONS FOR THE PROPOSED DESIGNATION: The lands and buildings comprising 37 and 39 Col- bourne Street in Thornhill, Ontario, are recommended for designation for archi- tectural and historical reasons as good examples of a type of building preve~ lant to the area in the middle of the 19m century. The double or semi-de- tached house was a common sight in the early stages of Canadian do mestic architecture, especially in milling villages such as Thornhill. This particular double house was owned by Thomas Hamill Robinson, a carpen- ter, and he most likely rented it to workers from Thomhill's mills located along the nearby Don River. ‘ The property and dwell-7 Ings are important in terms of the local street- scape as the easternmost units of a series of houses between Yonge Street and Church Lane. This area forms the best pre served and perhaps the m05t typical section of the old village of Thornhill. Notice of Objection to the designation may be served on the Clerk within thirty days of the 10th day of August, 1977. » DATED at MARKHAM this 10th day of August, 1977‘ NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DESIGNATE ane Clerk Action Priced Kellogg’s CORN FLAKES 1.5:: 5 9 ¢ COME ON DOWN TO A&P AN D REALLY SAVE! Monday 9 a.m Tuesday 9 a.m Wednesday 9 a.m Thursday 9 a.m Friday 8:30 a.m Saturday 8:30 a.m Granny JOLLY MILLER ORANGE FLAVOUR BUTTER TARTS 99¢ Soft Margarine â€" (Soft Whipped 16-01 tub 69c) BLUE BONNET 59¢ CRYSTALS 5 9¢ 6 pm. 6 pm 9 pm 9 pm 9 pm 7 pm 3 l°â€"9 Q1. 59 (Prepriced) WITH THIS COUPON I'UNCHEi'S'ï¬' 9 MEAT 1:26 ¢ Action Priced 79¢ H THIS COUPON 79¢ UGUST 13(h, 1977. SARETTES No. 617 .)) ALL PRICES SHOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, AUGUST Bovril Cream of Chicken, Beef Noodle, French Onion, Chicken Noodle, Chicken With Rice Pkg of 2â€"8-0: tubs Action Priced RANTEED IROUGH \UGUST Pkg of 12 Action Priced! lO-Fl-OZ TIN for