This year, Richmond Hill students were joined by Mississauga students making a total of 12. "The aim of the program is to offer students of English literature easy ac- cessibility to places and events of historic and literary interest related to places and events of historic and literary interest related to the curriculum." she said Being right there, makes the literature come alive which is more difficult to achieve in a Canadian classroom remote from the scene. The York County Board of Education agreed to give students credit for the course but the teacher‘s salary was absorbed by the students’ fare. This is the first time such a course has been offered and plans for expanding the program next year are being made because of the amazing success this year, said designer and teacher of the course, Mrs. Esther Beaupre, the head of the English department at Richmond Hill High School for many years. SHOP 'N SAVEAT Seven Richmond Hill students returned recently from a five-week summer course in English Literature held at Brunel University, Uxbridge. just outside of London, England. Near London, Eng. STRAWBERRY JAM 10454 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HIL 884-2752 BUSLNESSMEN’S LUNCHEONS SERVED FROM 12 NOON TO 3 PM ALL PURPOSE GRIND MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE WHOLE POTATOES APPLE JUICE IGA CHOICE [GA MIXED (ENVE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP CHICKEN. BEEF OR LIVER PEP DOG FOOD Richmond Hill students back from course IGA ALLENCOURT ‘QEFFECIIMEiTILSATURDAVKSEPI-s AYLMER RASPBERRY 0R Bayview 8 Markham Rd.. Richmond Hill WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OUANTlTIES AVAILABLE ONLY AT “There is a growing trend for lay people to minister within the community and this apprenticing program is Both part-time and full- time students are ex- pected to study in the classes which will generally be 2 to 3 hours in length. Classes consist of in- struction, meditation and sharing and follow the doctrine that “we only know what we do". The fear of spiritual dictatorships could be one of the main reasons Rev. Ron Armstrong of the Emmanuel Anglican Church in Richvale wishes to set up a school of lay ministry at the church on MacKay Ave. The school is scheduled for two semesters, the first running from Sept. 19 to Dec. 9 and the second from Feb. 6 to May 26. Cost for the student was reasonable because the Student Travel Society was able to get some bargains through student Lay ministry school to begin Sept. 19 (ENVELOPES) 25 OZ TINS 1902 TIN 1 LB, BAG 3:299“) Three of the eight full- time students have of- fered to devote the next year to work and study in this non-profit organization, said Mary Hutton, a nurse who works in the intensive care department of a Toronto hospital. “Mrs. Hutton has specialized concerns to deal with patients with terminal illnesses as does another nurse, a VON who wants to be able to deal better with the spiritual side of her patients. in combating loneliness. for instance,“ said Rev. Armstrong. rates but perhaps the Board of Education will pay the teacher's salary next year since the program appeared to be The Laos School of Lay Ministry will include a program titled “The Christian in the Com- designed to thoroughly train the volunteers to work in nursing homes, hospitals and with ter- minal patients," said Rev. Armstrong. $359 Fee for the 20-week course is $15 and babysitting will be available at a nominal fee. to get along with your spouse and child and Pat Curran speaking on car repairs. There will be 20 speakers on a wide range of topics including Alan Borovoy from Canadian Liberties Association, Marcia Unger who will speak on good buys in Toronto, an MD. from the Canadian Cancer Society â€"- Mario Bartilitti from the Markham Family Services on how “I would recommend this trip to anyone. It is such a great learning Students will be taught prayer. praise and worship. experiments in meditation, listening, and letting go. Specific The Tri- Congrega- tional Church, 1080 Finch Avenue East at Revel is sponsoring Kaleidoscope for Women, focus on topics of current interest. such a successful en- deavour. Lay Evangelism, hospital Chaplaincy and family life are representative of the types of series which will be offered. Course to focus on current subjects munity†which will work in conjunction with other church programs such as hospital visiting trainingi experience. and I think everyone who went would agree.“ said Linda Kenny, a Richmond Hill student. The school hopes to meet financial needs through gifts from friends and students of the school although there is no set fee. Any adult Christian may join the school on a part-time basis. Interested people should call 884â€"3061 or 8896789. prayers for problems such as depression, cancer and arthritis will be taught so the volunteer can help the individual to better deal with his life. The course starts October 5. from 9:30 to 11:30 am. and continues every Wednesday. Registration will be at 9 am. on October 5. For further information call 494-5878. Region cal/s special meet York Regional Council will hold a special meeting this morning (Aug. 31) at 10 a.m. at the regional chambers to review the Robarts, Archer and Mayo Reports on regional government. Council was supplied with a synopsis of the reports at its regular meeting last week. dEnn is moore They also Wrote a larée essay to gain the Grade 12 credit. The study was a survey of English literature from Elizabethan to modern times and students visited Stratford. Hampton Court and Windsor. the Tower of London. and London theatres. Students were asked to keep a journal which was ch_e_ckedr periodically. SCHOOL OF DANCING presents a Sparkling New Season of... A 20 YEARS OF TEACHING EXPERIENCE IN RICHMOND HILL. * TAP 1" R.A.D. BALLET * BATON ' * POINTE *MODERN JAZZ NADINE SPITERI Interest and fun for everyone. Conducted tours of 24,000 acres of vineyards, and Niagara’s major wineries during the Vintage. PLUS! Wine Gardens,Street Parades, Concerts. Coronation of Grape King and Queen. Wine tasting parties, dances. Open air arts and crafts shows; Canada’s Grape Stomping Championship. Organized Campouts. For Free Colour Brochure â€" send name and address to: FESTIVAL. P. O. Box 1444, St. Catharines. Ontario. L2R 718 OR Phone toll free â€" 1-800-263-7209 Come to the K3. (593K. \_\ 'n. u WV, \ , \ \.-»1::"" ,‘v ’ ‘ “a ‘ ' i /’ \Q‘j\\\l\wfll"«;. I / ‘ or“ 1 32:» sew A I x ‘1 ‘ \ \ y Saturday, September 17/ 77 1-5 pm / STUDIO OPENS SEPTEMBER 12th. BAYVIEW PLAZA, RICHMOND HILL “9 NIAGARA GRAPE AND \X/INE FESTIVAL REGISTRATION DATES (AT THE STUDIO) |iranr "YOUR BINGO CENTRE FOR ALL SEASONS" No. 1 Jackpot *buuuu No, 2 vbuum Wed. Aug. 31st. No. 1 Jackpot 56 No's No. 2 - 55 Nn's Early Birds at 7:35 pm. - Reg. Games & Specials at 8 pm. $$TWO JACKPUTS$$ RICHMOND. .HJLLLEGIDN BINGO meet mmGpre! September 16 - 25 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th (2 to 9 p.m.) WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7th (2 to 9 p.m.) FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 9th (2 to 9 p.m.) JUBILEE FESTIVAL NO PLAYERS UNDER 16 YEARS ADMITTED Bayview Ave. & North Taylor Mills Drive Legion Hall, Ohio Rd., ofl Elgin Mills Road E at the THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. August 31. 1977 â€" C-ll $6000" "Dismal!" CLASSES FROM 3 YEARS OF AGE AND UP SPECIAL CLASSES FOR HOUSEWIVES: MODERN JAZZ TAP DANCING ALL CLASSES TAUGHT BY EXPERTS