Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Aug 1977, C5

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RICHMOND HILL â€" l/2 ACRE $62,900 â€" Tennis Court? Swimming Pool? There‘s room for this plus a large vegetable garden on this 52 x 434’ homesite. At- tractive spotlessly clean 2 bedroom bungalow with workshop and garage. Call John Cryer. GUARANTY TRUST C0. OF CANADA 883-1721 727-1201 NEWMARKET $49,900 â€" Move right in to this spotless 3 bedroom twin bungalow. New ultra modern kitchen. Finished recreation room. Close to plaza and GO bus. Call Al. Richardson. 'éllflflulllllulllllllIllllllmulllllllllflIllIIIIIIIIIIIIllIll"lllllllIlllllllllmlllllIIIIIHI|IIll"IllllllllulllllIIIIIIIIHIIIIII||IIlII||||llllllllllIlllIllIIlI|lIllIIIlllIlllll|lIlIllllllllll|||ll|l|IIIIIlllII||||||Illllllllllllllll|||llllllllllllllllIll|IlllllllllllllllIlllllllllfllllllmlllllIIHIIIMNIIUIIIIIIIHIHIIIIIllllllllllllllllllll"IIllIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘I|||IllWINIIININMlNllIllIIIIllIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIlllIlIIIlllllllllmllllllflllllfi STOUFFVILLE ESTATE 99 acres of scenic farmland has 2 acre spring fed pond, sand beach and hundreds of mature trout. Century home has been enlarged and completely renovated while retaining the charm and flavour of the 1800‘s. Asking $475,000. Call Bill Corcoran. BAYVIEW â€"â€" SHEPPARD $87,500 â€" Japanese Red Leaf Maples frame the entrance to this stylish 7 room home. Rear garden features inground pool and cedar deck surrounded by manicured lawns and gardens. Delightful kitchen and bathrooms. Recreation room and bar. Ask for A]. Richardson. Located Keele St South, King City Immediate occupancy THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. August 31, 1977 â€" C gullllllllllll|IlllllllllllllIIIllllmllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllIll|lIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllll||llIl|lllllll|||||||||llHlI||||||||||||IIIII|Ill||lllllllllllIllIllll|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllll|llllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIHIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIlllllllllIlIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIllIllIllllllllllllllIIIIllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE WAREHOUSE SPACE .506 per ft. plus costs. 1 year sub lease 10,000 sq. ft. MANUFACTURING Represented in 71 Cities Across Canada E112 ‘2‘ Factory 669-4669 tow-Industrial Space or Zfihtral Classifieds 884-1105 - 1106 With outside storage in Maple 16‘ Clearance Days 889-2777 Evgs. 889-1050 IndustnaI/Commema Newly decotated 4‘54 Richmond Hill 773-5230 749-4520 LARGE HOME â€" LARGE LOT Beautiful solid brick 6 bedroom â€" versatile for 1 family or 2 families (approx. 6,000 sq. ft. on 3 levels) Basement is finished â€" sliding door walkout to garden â€" Pond and stream. $155,900. Irene Benoit 889-9330. 4 BEDROOM LINK Hillcrest Mall â€" easy walking distance â€" special appeal in kitchen â€" looks over sunken family rm. Lot 43’ x 125‘. Irene Benoit 889-9330. COMPLETE â€" MOVE RIGHT [N Central air is only 1 fine feature of this immaculate home. 3 bedrooms, main floor family rm., super kitchen, double garage. Owner anxious. Irene Benoit 889-9330. THORNHILLâ€" 5 BEDROOM Quality, space, prestige area. 3 yr. old tudor â€" circular stairs (up and to finished lower level) Just lovely! $225,000. Irene Benoit 889-9330. 1,250 sq. ft. to 2,500 sq. ft. Bayview - Elgin Mills Rd.. Richmond Hill JUST LISTED! â€"$64,900 Beautiful old 3 bedroom home surrounded by mature trees â€" completely renovated â€" large country kitchen â€"â€" separate dining rm. â€" 2 baths. Garage. Irene Benoit 889 9330. 1,100 Sq. Ft. Block Factory RICHVALE DOUBLE LOT $89,900. Beautiful treed lot, 92’ x 302’. Ideal location! Walk to Yonge St. & Hillcrest Mall! For more information call Georgia Devost 889-9330. WALK T0 HILLCREST MALL $56,000 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! Beautiful brick townhouse, 3 bedrms., 2 baths, walkout to balcony, built-in garage, walkout from basement. Extras Galore! See it tonight, Georgia Devost 889-9330. “THORNHILL GREEN” $105,000 Immediate possession. 4 bedroom, 2 storey, double garage, 18 x 36 inground pool. Main floor family & laundry rms. Terrific value! Georgia Devost 889-9330. 832-8926 s225 month DAVE INDUSTRIAL UNITS ‘2‘ Factory Bunldmg 050. ft. tow-Industrial Space Young & Biggin REALTY WORLD famnly with 2 horses. 2 cats dog Within 30 mules of Don and Sheppald. OccupanCy January lst. Reply: THE LIVBERAL A Box \77 TWO bedroom house or apartment. former superintendents. vety reliable. Mrs. Fenn, 8848105, 895- 3949‘ TWO teachers looking for apartment 0: house Reasonable rent. Miss Hoffman‘ 881-1611. 9 am - 4 pm. ‘3‘ Wanted To Rent MEMBER BROKER LIMITED REALTOR RICHMOND HILL, ONT 0395 YONGE SI FARM/RURAL HOME WANIED FOR ADULT and 3 Valley after UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom'flat wuth palkmg. must be quuet for study. requnred by smgle professuonal accoumant, nah-smoker, 6613711. 9 - 5. Don Dickson. we DO you have a dunking problem? If so AA can help, Wnte Box 84. Richmond Hllr, or call 487-5591 ARE you wormed about someone Wlth a dnnkmg problem? It so. contact M- Anon‘ 366-4072 Or wnte PO. Box 516 Rucnmond HI”, confidential. DO something new vous Dating Ltd Brampton 11 am ages welcome‘ Requires room wtth cooking facumes in quiet home‘ Will do light house- work. Reply: Box 178. The Luberal 10395 Yonge St. Richmond Hill, Ont. MON. SEPTEMBER 5th LABOUR DAY 12 O'CLOCK NOON Al STOUFFVILLE STOCKYARDS Approx, 100 horses of all breeds. several quiet children's horses. new saddles and tack, including 6 new show saddles. to be sold by auctron. Horses sold in order of arrival. For Information Phone 1-640-4198 Will open In September in Rnchmond Hull/Aurora Dustnct Shana M Conway. BA. LR.A.M.. Enghsh and American named In opera. musmal comedy and rental work Wide experience as chou con- ductor and a fme concert pianist, H Interested please call IRENTVIEW House. Year round resort m Muskoka. otterrng spenalrzed semce for retired or handrcapped persons, Short or long terms, Very reasonable rates. Fur longer stays 1/: HANOVERIAN Hunten 16 H.H.‘ showing successfully 888-1724 PIANO TEACHER SPANISH lessonsr Learn the very easy way. Private and group lessons starting Sept. 884-0920, Satutday. September 3rd sharp. Held indoors at Vandorf Road. 1% miles east of Don Mills. Sound and well mannered English ridden horses and DONISS‘ Some tack. 888-1175 cm WORKING gitl with two children wnshes to rent apartment or share house. Please can Nancy at 884- 3927 or 8846502. Pick your own daily Lehman's. 18th Ave“ east 01 Rich. mond HIII between 6th & 7th Conc c2w9 FRESH PICKED DAILY i CORNER OF HILLSVIEW AND YONGE VALLEY PARK FARM ‘ Horses & Ponies Boarded A NEW VOCAL COACHING STUDIO Fishing - Ice Fishing \ Skiing - Skidooing Parties Arranged Kosher Food Arranged Food - Lodging 884-9340 or 884-2517 "’4 Wanted To Rent Horse Lovers Day Camp Box stalls. $70. to $95 pe: mo. 8318975 or 88Hil33 Informatmn or Resérvafions SCHOOLHOUSE INN Pmt Salem. LOK 150 ANNUAL HORSE AUCTION 792 ‘3“ Rest Homes 705-538-2611 Responsible Lady TOMATOES per bushel PEPPERS $6 per bushel SWEET CORN SWEET CORN 884-5272 52° Personals 351 Required COSMO MUSIC CO Richmond Hill. HORSE AUCTION (AFTER 6 00 PM.) "’9 Musical 727-9760 108 Instruction Farm Ptoduce & Supply PEARS FOR SALE 889-4405 1PM. T0 6 PM Resorts be less than yom pen I quality. PO, Box 331 0n!ano.P0(IlGO m5 Livestock Tutoring Phone Rendez "453â€"1661". - 9 pm A” [It AZ c2w8 32 4c 11c 44 clw9 ;2u 8 There are only a few vacancies left for students who wish to attend Grades 1 through 8 for the upcoming school year. Apply to: ‘ Regusteted pups. red and black and tan‘ A nursery school program for 3 to 5 year olds located at the Richmond Hill Baptist Church, 50 Wright St. Registration for fall term to take place at school on September 1, between the hours of 10 am. and noon and 1 pm. to 3 pm. Meet the head teacher and vrsit the school. The York Region Family “Y” Day Noroery offers an excellent all day program for your pre-schoolers. Ages 24 months to 6 years. Open' from 7:15 am. t06 pm. daily. In the "Y" Building at 83 Dunlop St, Richmond Hill $37.50 per week. We also have a few part week and half day openings available. Phone Lois Ball 884-4811, 773-4591 formerly with the law firm of STEWART, ESTEN of the City of Barrie has joined the firm for the practice of law at 597 Davis Drive Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 4W3 Phone: 895-8600 Toronto Line 8,87-9121 effective September lst, 1977 under the firm name of WENMORE FINANCIAL LTD. 10140 Yonge St., Richmond Hill 884-0677 ED ANTOSZ 773-5268 FOR MORE |NFORMAT|ON CALL LINTON, LECK, PETERSON & MONTEITH Barristers & Solicitors are pleased to announce that ROBERT BRUCE CARSON, B.A., LLB. ‘Y’ PLAYSCHOOL DOBERMAN LINTON, LECK, MONTEITH & CARSON THE COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL CANIS OBEDIENCE CLASSES 889-5202 NEED DAY CARE THIS FALL? 5“ Daycare FIRST, SECOND & THIRDS NEW LOWER RATES THE HEADMASTER THE COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL R.R. NO. 3, KlNG, ONT. LOG 1K0 416 - 833-5366 MUST SELL BORROW ON THE EQUITY IN YOUR HOME DConsolidate Debts and Reduce Payments Home Improvements 'Purchase Real Estate 884-4811 START SEPT. 14, RICHVALE LIONS CLUB GRACE E. PROBERT 712Nursery School 610 Fast Personalized Serwce In Your Home 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE 225-6989 ‘“ Mortgages Legal Notices MORTGAGES 350 Pets 52w? DAYCARE available, small children. 884-53154 c2w9 RELIABLE day care given in my home, any age welcdme. Ex- penenced. Cedar Ave” Markham Rd., 8844472, c2w9 KITTENS â€" free to good homes. 884 6965. . 541 Daycare C2w 8 c2w 9 sealed tenders properIy marked will be received by the Regional Clerk until 11:00 A.M.7on for the undermentuoned contract in The Regional Munici‘ pality of YOIk. CONTRACT 34 -77- 45 GARFIELD E‘ WRIGHT‘ CHAIRMAN Tenders shall beideliveted to the Clerk's Office, 62 Bayview Avenue. North Entrance, 2nd Floor, Newmarket, Ofitario L3Y 4W9. Tender documents may be purchased for the sum of Teri Dollars ($10.00) per set. NO REFUNDS ARE ALLOWED. A certified cheque or bank draft for not less than fifteen per cent(15%) of the value of the tender will be furnished by the Contractor when submitting the tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 5“ "" “3 Interior and exterior painting of the Dalton Road Standpipe Township of Georgina Community of Sutton Spemfications, Information to Bidders. Tender forms and Tender Envelopes may be obtained at the office of the Engineering Department, The Regional Municipality of York, Woodbine Avenue, one and one-quarter miles north of the Au;o7ra Road on or after 11:00 AM. Wednesday, August 31. 19 . Partlal Irstmg. Outstanding 3 prece Victorran bedroom suite, Queen Ann dresser. 6 prece burl walnut olfrce executwe set. Including desk, swrvel charrl 2 side charrs. hall tree etc. 7 plece apartment srze dlnlng room surte. Duncan Phyle chrna cabrnet, Grandmothers clock. prne blanket box. Ewardran wardrobe and srdeboard. 8 piece walnut dining room surte, corner chair. 5 hanging orl lamps. Cuno cabmet. solid oak lllmg cablnet, d0uble lockers. Bentwood hall tree. odd walnut chma cabrnet, poster bed. occasmnal charrs. odd lamp tables. 7 plece mahogany dmrng room smte. old pictures odd dressers. 9 prece Mlssron Oak dlnmg room surte, Wrndsor charr. prne hall seat. wall telephone. plus many other Interestrng items m- clucrng an extra large assortment of glass. srlver and Ichrna too numerons to list. Terms cash or cheque AUCTIONEER DAVID P. VERE PHONE 1-416-957-7338 YORK FARMERS MARKET 7"Nursery School Ministry of Transportation and Communications 3501 Dufferin Street Downsview, Ontario M3K 1N6, Telephone: 248-3081 between 8:15 AM. and 4:30 PM. Buildings open for viewing on Thursday. September 1, 1977 between 2 PM. and 4 PM NOTE: No employee of the Ontario Government will be allowed to participate in this auction unless he/she has pri0r written approval from his/her Deputy Minister. Ministry of Transportation and Communications District No. 6 1201 Wllson Avenue Downsview. Ontario, Telephone: 248-3825 NOTICE: A permit is required to move a building along, across or over a Provrncial Highway and/or 3 Municipal Road or Street. Persons who may be in- terested in purchasrng this building for the purpose of moving it intact or in sections to another location. must obtain information regarding permits from the District Office noted below and from Munici- palities concerned prior to the sale. (1/2 MILE WEST OF DON MILLS ROAD) A frame bungalow with 3 bedrooms on a concrete block foundation. Sale to be held at the property on September 8th, 1977 at 12:00 Noon. Usual Ministry terms and conditions apply as to rem0val of basement, excavations filling and perfor- mance bonds. A twenty-five hundred dollar ($2,500.00) performance bond to insure that the work is completed to the Ministry's satisfaction rs required. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1977 AUCTION SALE OF BUILDING FOR REMOVAL TOWN OF MARKHAM SOUTH SIDE OF 19TH AVENUE SALE CONDUCTED BY WEST LINCOLN AUCTIONS PREVIEW SUNDAY FROM 11 TILL SALE TIME. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1977 AT 1:00 PM. 7509 YONGE ST., THORNHILL 309 Auctions c3w8 6“Tenders Sale of furniture, china, some quute old at ng City Arena south 0” the King Road lust east of Keeie St. opposne IGA. Sale includes oak chrllonier and dresser With oval mirror. Oak table. 2 bedroom suites, teak dinette. table 4 chairs; electric stove. washer. dryer, antique hall mirror. 43" x 55". 0|! lamps. items of Beleek. Royal Doulton. Norrtake. cut glass. dmner sets one at Royal Albert. Cockatoo. crystal. yellow rose bowl satan glass (mint condition), Slag and bracket blue with good gold spooner. chemist scales lrom Scotland. Vaseline green Epergne. 1917 calendar plate, Chesterfield and chair. Westbend 6 HP outboard motor. 1970 Epic Station Wagon (Good condition). 1967 Ford Econoline H.D, van. Both to be sold as IS. (Wagon with reserve bid). Westinghouse air conditioner. Teth cash. CheQues wlth l.D only. DESCRIPTION AUCTION SAE WED‘ SEPT‘ 7 â€"7 PM GORD ORR. Auctioneer ROBERT N0. VERNON REGIONAL CLERK

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