A-8 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. August 31. 1977 phoneâ€"9n g1“. .m Jeff is the creator of “Bubblegummersâ€, which is a single frame comic starring freckle- faced Amy‘ She was born in 1962 when Jeff began cartooning for the Toronto Telegram. “I went down with a writer I was working with at the time and we really lived hand to mouth. In fact, we used to sell blood for a bit of money and a free meal,“ Jeff said. “The result of this trip was that we were told our Later on, he decided, as many people do, that the action was not to be found here but in the States so he headed to New York to see if his product was salable. Great Lakes Publishing Features Syndicate is their “babyâ€. so to speak, and even though the idea began as a joke. it is now very real to them and the 10 other cartoonists who joined the co-op type operation. Included in these, is Jim Simpkins creator of “Jasper†and Jim Craig, who illustrates “Spiderman†comic books. Jeff and Carol Wakefield (of 41 Arnold Cres.. Richmond Hill,) found out the hard way that if you want to get something done. you must do it yourself and that is one major reason they decided to create the only all-Canadian cartooning syndicate in the country. "Bubblegummersâ€Amy lives on Arno/d Cres. By DIANE MARSHALL idea was good but it needed the proper promotion and they were not really interested at the time." Cartooning in a lot of ways is a dead end profession and it is necessary to make your own jobs which is what a syndicate is supposedly for. However, Jeff found it difficult to work with the Toronto Sun syndicate because they were not promoting his work to a large enough degree. He criticized the existing “Canadian†syndicates because they blatantly promote American comic strips while the editorial section is declaring Canadian nationalism. m swam HAVE BEEN one or was GEEKT MOMENTS or 2555mm! Jeff and Carol Wakefield “This is the first time anyone has attempted to make something out of Canadian cartoons and it is a necessity that we succeed," Jeff said. “We cater to local weekly papers so they can have something different from the dailies." It costs newspapers $1.75 a week to run “Bubblegummers†which is circulated to 50 papers across Canada and will be appearing in a North is a nonâ€"profit organization in which members use their own resources and share the work load although Jeff and Carole say they get stuck with most of the paper-work. Great Lakes Syndicate a nonâ€"profit ' wunavzrz HAPPENED ' 10 THE VAYs WHEN avazvmme 1 smzwpe She is a commercial artist and writer who drew the posters for the Grey Coach campaign and has had drawings published in Toronto Life, Miss Chatelaine. the Toronto Star and Weekend Magazine. The syndicate was granted free mailing privileges to anywhere in Canada and has also been helped out by Ontario Arts Council, the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association and Miller Features, a Canadian clip-art service. Besides this venture. Jeff and Carol have interests in many other artistic endeavours. Dakota newspaper in September. Wmm How cm? I wAewr 802M A CINNAMON BUN / 1F “L’M 5%97123 The Wakefields live at the corner of Elizabeth and Arnold Sts. with their five-year-old son, Tim, and quite a large feline family of eleven cats. Jeff has been teaching cartooning at Sheridan College for three years and works at the Hospital for Sick Children drawing medical charts and graphs. She has designed the covers for “The Viewer", aguide for Pay TV which she and Jeff collaborate on. They have worked on various advertising campaigns which have been quite successful and Jeff is sure that he could use Amy successfully as a bearer of public service messages if given the chance. HAWENS EVERY TIME I HAVE ACME'TO wmc OFF INTO THE SUNSE‘T/ ’ W/M/EN/szE WEMUESTYa‘fl/E mot/MAINS, THEZMJA/é magsâ€. mm. 50qu