Trivia & Good Trash To Make Our Corp Cash Sunday, October 2nd A-6 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. September 14. 1977 12:30 to 5 pm. B.P. Service Station LOG Markham Rd Discount on quantity 390 Sunset Beach Rd‘. Oak Ridge: I LARGE SHOWROOM! - m YONG! ST. m-ua M C†5'. and» Wu!- er MON. 0 IIIIKENNEDY ID. m-mn MI! NW. 01. - 1! DUNDAS 51’. I. 275-113! manna lawman.- . mousszmu s1: “1-1176 OPEN DAILY 9 1'09 PM SAth TILL‘ 0F ReatAnthues. collections. suttes. choice household turmshlngs, player piano, appliances, Chma Doll collec- tion. kerosene lamps. antique pme bedtoom suite. and pieces. 20/85 Heigman and Case Model S/RtC,_Trac- tors. Farm Implements. some 3 pomt hitch types. Snowmobile cuttel. set single dnving hamess. farmers, handy- man‘s tools. Miscellaneous articles of all descriptions. etc. Bed Chééterï¬elds $14810 $498 FOR DAVID H. REED At Part Lot 31. Cons. 5E. Twps. of Markham on 19th Avenue. 1 mule west of Kennedy Road (Almrra). Known as Upsan Downs Farm. Sale at 12:30 PM. Terms Cash day of Sale. No Reserve. - as Farm Sold‘ See Posters for Partrculars, etc. Contact: Clarke. Prentice. F,A.l. Auc‘troneera Markham 640-3686 CHESTERFIELD CLEARANCE AT KING CITY ARENA. OPPOSITE I.G.A. STORE. Sale include; Wall telephone with shell. railway signal telephone. 2 2 large railway signal switch lights. 4 hand railing lanterns, Trench make. cutter with original name plate. 2 buggy seats. 2 buggy wheels. pr. of antique car lamps. 6 hip style kit- chen chairs. 2 Duncan Phyte tables and chairs one set with bullet. large wicker rocker, old pub chair, stereo scope and cards. crooks, tabacco tins and tea caddy. French proiiincial 9~ drawer dresser with mirror. desk and chair. oak typewriter desk and chair. old pine pie board. steamer and metal trunks. leather covered trunk. set of brass chemist scales. cow bell. large brass hand bell. items of brass. l arrow back and I pressed back chair (ref), pine top table. misc glass and china. depressron glass. 78 big band records, picture trames etc. 74 Honda motor bike. ST. 90 to be sold subject to a reservebid. Terms: Cash. Cheques with ID. only. Gord Orr Auctioneer. CASH AND CARRY 0R DELIVERY ARRANGED AUCTION SALE APPROX. 2,500 BALES 0F Clover and Timothy SATURDAY SEPT. 17TH I] AM. HOUSE SOLD. OWNERS MOVING TO FLORIDA (Household FurnitureAntiques-Power & Hand Tools). 2 pc. Chesterfield set maple dresser. chest of drawers. hi-boy, synphunic AM/FM tape deck Panasonic air conditioner. barometer. GE colour pertable 19" TV. Admiral 21" B&W TV. kitchen suite. McCullough 12" chain saw. B&D skill saw. 8&0 sander. 8&0 saber saw. electric drill, planes & 8. battery charger. llourescent light fixtures, 2 china cabinets containing cranberry class. green glass. carnival glass. line glass. soup tureen. grog ladel. oil lamps. powder box. pocket ink well, wine glasses, shaving mug. etc. Pine rocker. old stamps & post cards. pictures. drum table. lobster trap. cherrywood dresser. encyclopedias, spitcion. and much much more. Many ol the antiques are from Nova Scotia and Cape Breton. THE PROPERTY OF BOB & BARBARA LELA CHEUR. 229 ZELDA CRES.. R|CHMOND HILL (TAKE ELGIN MILLS T0 BLUE GRASS THEN SOUTH TO 2ND STREET.) YERMS CASH. AUCTIONEER CHARLIE DUNN. 773-5952. Richmond Hill, For pick-up. call 884-2184 You: suppmt IS appreciated Richmond Hill Lions Majorette & Drum Corp SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 24th, 1977 AUCTION SALE 5¢ PER COB You cut, haul and bale. $700 Tender. sweet & deliciOus Pick your own Chesterï¬elds AUCTION SALE 884-6027 Needs 309 WED. EVENING SEPT. 21 - 7 PM 773-5952 CENTRES OVER 900 CORN Auctions AND and Yonge St‘ c2w11 DININGROOM .suite. 9 piece‘ contemporary desngn, walnut. $975 88%303. TELEVISION. COIOUL 25" R.C.A.. good condition. Black and white console. 884-5721. STUDENT desk and chair, like new 884-3503‘ 305 OF VARIOUS BANKRUPTCIES OF HOUSEâ€" HOLD MERCHANDlSE SUPPLEMENTED BY OTHERS BY PUBLIC AUCTION“ Stock: Chesterï¬eld sets. steleos, lamps. colour T,V.'s‘ kitchenette sets, coflee tables, swivel rockers. etc, etc. Terms: Cheque. Cash. G. Wilson, Auctioneer. COME ON DOWN TO A&P. WE PICK THE /' ACME" BEST IN FAMOUS BRANDS. Articles For Sale We have been instructed to se|_|_the 'B'AN‘KRU PT STOCKS. AT 13130 YONGE ST., OAK RIDGES FR'DAY SEPT. 16th 7:30 PM. MONDAY, SEPT. 19th 7:30 PM. Gay lea Yogurt 2:44.00 PRIMO PASTAS Box of 200 sheets Priced with Pride! KAM luncheon Meat â€"â€"â€"â€" Action Priced GREEN, LAVENDER, PINK, WHITE 8. YELLOW Bicks Dills Facial Kleenex Tissue “"9 Auctions 79w SWISS STYLE, ASSORTED FLAVOURS '1: 89¢ POLISH, PLAIN OR WITH GARLIC REFRIGERATOR, like new, $175 Refrigetaton old. good for beverages $40. Stove, like new, $150. 884 4380 after 7 pm, DRAPES. wide, 95" long. I brocade 335‘ 2 high chairs, 1 each. Junio: boy's bicycle. g candition, $20. 881-2315. Evgs Action Priced Spaghettini â€" Ready Cuts or Spaghetti Facial pink 510. good Partial Listing: 9 piece Misswn style dining room suite. very heavily carved. 9 piece Mission Oak. 9 piece Walnut Sheraton and 9 piece Mahogany Duncan Phyte diningroom suites. 6 piece apartment size walnut dinette with Windsor chairs. outstanding 6 piece Philadelphian bedroom surte. 8 piece carved walnut bedroom suite, 7 piece twin walnut bedroom suite plus several other sets. Mahogany 3 sides glass Chippendale china cabinet and matching bultet. Walnut and mahogany breakfront china cabinet. Governor's Secretary desk with ball and claw leet. Mahogany lady's writing desk Mahogany drop leal table and 4 chairs. Solid and walnut cedar chests. French Provincial sola. Antique Victorian and mahogany blanket boxes. Single and double walnut and mahogany tour poster beds. Jenny Lind spool bed. Wing back and Fan back chairs. Windsor chairs. rockers. East Lake and Empire arm chairs. Walnut parlour table. Mahogany and Chippendale coflee and end tables. 2 tier tables. Drum tables plus quantity at other fine hausehold and antique turnishings. Also a large collec- tion at miscellaneous sterling, silverplate. Depression. tapestries. bone china. Avon bottles. pictures and frames. mirrors, lamps. china and brass plus hanging lamps. TERMS: CASH 0R CHEQUE AUCTIONEER: DAVlE P. VERE 1 - 957.7338 SALE CONDUCTED BY WEST LINCOLN AUCTIONS PREVIEW SUNDAY FROM 11 AM. TO SALE TIME AUCTION SALE SUN. SEPT. 18th, 1977 1 pm. THE YORK FARMERS MARKET 7509 YONGE 31., THORNHILL No. 1 Grade BILLY BEE HONEY BUTTER PEANUT York Brand, Smooth We redeem all food store coupons! BROWN BREADS WWW REGULAR OR ALL BEEF WITH THIS COUPON MAPLE lEAF WIENERS “'49†LIMIT ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. VALID UNTIL SEPT. I7, I977, WITH A MINIMUM $5.00 PURCHASE EXCLUDING CIGARETTES No. 630 WWWW ASSORTED COLOURS WITH THIS COUPON Imus m: 59’ LIMIT “I W In Wm. VALID UNTIL 591'. I7, 1977, WITH A MINI“ $5.0. WAS! EXCLUDING CIGAETTES Ho. 6" WWW IW'Aa Whole Wheat or Cracked Wheat Jane Parker -â€" Sliced 24-min! MAKE OFFER 273 Engine running. 318 engine parts, 318 and 327 transmission, Chesterfield & chair $95“. Kenmore dishwasher $140â€, Teakwood settee 350°“. freezer $50°°r 884-6136 Quality trees. 1 yea! guarantee Mummum 15 delivered. "Cedarkmg" Regd. 1966. 239 Empress Ava. WilIowdale (plantation at Omemee‘ Ont.) 225-6691 new no Sat Sept 17th 10 am. to 3 pm. 4 Families, New and used items. 283 and 286 Kerrybrook Dr., Richmond Hill If rain - next week. GARAGE SALE CEDAR HEDGING SPECIAL FALL PRICE 305 Action Priced! Articles F0: Sale Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday ' Friday Saturday clwll clw ll A WIDE VARIETY OF FAMOUS NAMES. THEIRS AND OURS. 50 YOU CAN BE VERY CHOOSEY. THE PRODUCTS YOU LIFE BEST IN ALL KINDS OF SIZES TO SUIT YOUR INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY NEEDS. Good condition. Accordian, 120 Bass $125. Trumpet $65. SAL SEPT. 17, 10 AM. - 5 PM 13176 YONGE ST., OAK RIDGES Iools. antiques, miscellaneous items Belt sander, disc jig saw. GARAGE SALE Beginners Instruments, 889-4223 Action Priced! Sealed lenders plainly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until 3 pm. Monday, September 26th. 1977 For Road Culvert Construction-Major Mackenzie Drive, West of Huntington Road. , Earth Excavation-1080 cue ydst ‘ Fill material-1200 cu. yds. Granular material-2,045 tons Arch Culverts-60 it ~16 ft. 7 ins., X 10 ft. 11 ins. ' Plans, speciï¬cations and tender documents can be obtained from the MuniCIpal Ollice in Maple on deposit of a $15 lee which IS refundable upon return ol the same in good condition within 30 days of the above closing date. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Mr. R.H. Kraft. P,Eng‘ Town Engineer. Town of Vaughan. Maple Ontario ' SOFT ‘ MARGARINE 9 a.m. 9 am. - 9 am. 9 am. 8:30 am. - 8:30 am. - - 6 pm. 6 pm. - 9 pm. - 9 pm. 9 pm. 7 pm. TENDER FOR ROAD CULVERT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO. 77027 Fair Lady 609 Tendets TOWN OF VAUGHAN