Brain patterning project continues Since this is a seven- day project, men may have some time to spare on Saturday or Sunday Shelly will be re-assessed again in October. CARNIVAL It was raining Sunday, September 18, but this did not dampen the en- thusiasm of some of the younger residents of German Mills who carried on with their plans to hold a Muscular Dystrophy Carnival on Framingham Drive, although the location was shifted to the garage. Ruth Dessau, 23 Framingham; Heidi Frank, 34 Framingham; and Lyn Langlois, 26 Cobblestone, organized a bubble gum blowing contest. cannon ball. sock Shortly before the article was written a program of patterning was established and many volunteers were needed seven days a week. Mrs. Park received a good response but now that Fall is here she finds that still more volunteers are needed. Also. by the time you are reading this, Mrs. Park may have had her third baby. Those interested in volunteering a small portion of their time are asked to call co~ordinator Maureen Rose at 494-2232. Final show Oct. 4 'ï¬ckets will be on sale for the annual dimer, which takes place on Nov. 29 this year. Regular features of the show include a plant sale, library and refreshments. Visitors are always welcome to the society’s shows and admission is free. Prospective members can call membership secretary Phyllis Bishop at 889-1834. Thomhill and District Horticultural Society will hold the final flower and vegetable show of 1977 at 8 pm. Oct. 4 in Heintz- man House. If the frost holds off it should be a record show with a wide variety of vegetables, roses and late annuals competing. There will be classes for specimens and decorative design open to both seniors and juniors. Marion Jarvie will demonstrate the process used in drying flowers for arrangements. With the aid of slides, Murray Smithe will discuss lilies and their culture. The Parks are mem- bers of the Good Shepherd Parish and Shelly Park, half of a set of twin girls, was born with brain damage. By DOREEN LIVINGSTONE 884-9922 Last June I wrote an article on the plight of Shelly Park and her mother Leslie Park. By MARILYN MCDONALD Whitehead to lead York-Peel Liberals A. Roman, Mayor. The Council of the Town of Markham has proclaimed that the month of October be de- clared PROCLAMATION "United Way Month" THE TOWN OF MARKHAM RICHARD WHITEHEAD Second ballot The Corporation of Mike Exall of Seneca College will present a program on cross country skiing with pre-season conditioning exercises for the crossâ€"country skier. There will also be tips on equipment. techniques and waxing for the beginning skier. CROSS COUNTRY If you are interested in cross-country skiing you may want to visit the Thornhill Community Centre Branch Library next Tuesday, October 4 at 8 pm. Taking Markham Transit at that time of day can present a safety hazard. If you’ve never lived in a can of sardines, then you probably will experience it by forcing yourself onto a crowded Makham Transit bus shortly after 3 on a school day. As a result students who are not participating in after school activities have to find their own mode of transportation, either by hitching a ride on a bicycle, walking home or taking Markham Transit. A call to Markham Transit asking for more or larger buses brought the response that star» ting in October there will be larger buses on that route. The real problem lies with the school bus. Because most of the students have found other means of getting home, I saw only three students getting off a school bus at a stop near my home one day last week and one of these was on crutches, so there was no alternative. Why have an after-school bus service at all? Believe it or not, although school is of- ficially dismissed at 3 p.m., if your child waits for the school bus he or she may not come home until 4:30 and that’s on a nice day. A call to the Board Office promised that the matter would be looked into. The reason that the students on one of the routes get home so late is because they are not picked up until 4:20: The bus driver has to pick up students from four elementary schools prior to coming to Thornlea. Julie Stainsby of Framingham, Toby Gilad and Leanne Langlois of Cobblestone assisted the organizers. WHATSERVICE Those of us in the German Mills area who have children attending Thornlea for the first time this year are probably aware that the school bus service is appalling. Despite the wet weather there must have been a good turn-out judging by the $48.92 that was collected which will be donated to Muscular Dystrophy‘ toss, a ball throw and a button toss. Apple juice was served german mills Diane E. Smith, Town Clerk. A long time resident of Bolton, Whitehead is a partner with his brother Don in the family operated Whitehead Bros. auto firm. Richard Whitehead will be the York-Peel Liberal candidate in the next federal election. Whitehead, 33, of Bolton, defeated Hector Massey, 45, and John Donnelly. 31, at the York- Peel Liberal nomination meeting last Wednesday. September 14. A former deputy- reeve of the village of Bolton he served as Caledon Regional Councillor until he was defeated in last December’s Municipal election. Hector Massey, 45, is a King Township dairy farmer and York University professor. John Donneliy of 131 Kingsview Dr. Bolton, is an operations manager DA'I'SUN’S NEW SIO. EVERYIHING IT [0sz AND ‘NO mans. Is there really enough room to keep the family happy on a day-long trip? How many winters will it withstand the salt? What about fuel and maintenance costs? Gas will soon be $1 a gallon and service costs can be frightening. Take a walk! No feeling is worse. Before the new wears off, the doubt sets in. Got the blues? Want to get away from it all? 'I'O EVERY CANADIAN MOTORISI WHO EVER EXPERIENCED NAGGING DOUB'IS AFI'ER BUYING A NEW CAR. “For sedans with 4~speed tra'nsms for 0rtho~Pharmeuticals. a division of Johnson and Johnson. It took two votes before Whitehead emerged as the winner. John Donnelly was knocked off in the first vote, After Whitehead had been declared the winner, both Donnelly and Massey congratulated him. [Janna/1.71m)â€- ( Walk a block.Today. Close to 600 people jammed into the Imperial Ballroom in Nobleton for the nomination. Special guest speaker was Eugene Whalen. Federal Minister of Agriculture. Total number of votes were not released by the meeting organizers. Whitehead attributed his victory to the hard work of his supporters throughout the York-Peel riding. “I'm not a one man band." The York-Peel riding ’[f/flfl comes into effect in the next federal election. It comprises the Town of Caledon, King Township, Aurora, Newmarket and the Townships of Whit- church-Stouffville, and East Gwillimbury. Until an election is called the present elec- toral boundaries are in effect. Whitehead, as president of the York- Peel Liberal executive had asked his supporters, not to engage in publicity demonstrations. Whitehead's cam- paign at the meeting was surprisingly low-keyed. There were few Whitehead buttons. but several people wore, “Vote Hector Massey“ name tags; John Donneley's supporters stood at the door of the ballroom passing out buttons to the people entering the building. cheerleader group moved through the Ballroom yelling. “Give us a D, give us a 0. . .“ The voting took place after all three candidates had been nominated and after each had delivered their platforms. In a powerful nominating speech, Robert Williams, of Bolton, said Whitehead was. “The only candidate who can win this riding.“ Williams tracied Whitehead's rise from poll clerk in the Liberal The Nissan design people asked these and gets this clos dozens of other questions. Newanswers were found. kind of price. Then came months of improving and testing. What about the little but important things? The Finally a new car took shape, the most carefully wipers that don’t wipe? Door handlesthat jam? thought through car in the company’s history. Annoying squeaks and rattles? How well is it made? The new Datsun 510. What’s the competition coming up with? Does We call the 510 the car with ‘no regrets' What’s the competition coming up with? Does We call the 510 the car with ‘no r it look and feel like a leader rather than a follower? because we’ve never seen a car that Canad rrding to available industry sources at press trme ' He suggested that he didn‘t “have all the an- swers.“ “My experience in government is looking after people and their problems, and I will build on that strength.“ In his campaign speech Whitehead said that Canada has too much government. “I have learned in my years on Council we give too much service to people that don't need it and not enough to those who do. When I had anything to do with it, the Government always spent less money for better service." Whitehead got a round of applause when he said he would carry the same principle to Ottawa. Association to president. Whitehead. he said, had attended every con- vention for 12 years.“ of Peel Region‘s social service committee and chairman of the Town of Caledon’s official plan task force. The nomination was seconded by Bolton resident. Jack Lindsay. He also mentioned Whitehead‘s performance as the previous chairman He also took a potshot at his probable rival in the next election, Sinclair Stevens, Progressive Conservative MP for York Simcoe. calling him, “The doom and gloom soothsayer who beats on continually about the government but offers no reasonable alternative.†The candidate also WHERE THE SMART MONEY ’S GOING. touched on the need to preserve national unity, and for price and wage controls. After he had won the nomination an exuberant Whitehead predicted the Liberals would win the riding in the next election, which he suggested would be in June. z 500 Elgin Mills Rd. East, Richmond Hill, Ontario no 561 : OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0.000.000... Send this couï¬on or ch11 884-9105 Find out more about Natural Gas, the first choice fuel of most new apartments. the prime choice for all industrial and commercial applications. Remember. a Power (ias Burner, available on a rental basis from the Gas Company. can update your present heating system with no capital outlay. Company or Busincsx Address City Postal Code I am interested in information about: ' Rental Power Gas Burner [1 Rental Water Heater E] Building Heating [1 Other applications (specify) Commercial pmperty owners! Natutal Gas is available for dependable clean heating with no capital outlay ATTENTION ame lonsumers’ ï¬as 23151911: $. MADE BY NISSAN 280 2-8 210â€"F-10-SPORTRUCK-200 SXâ€"510 tndlt gets this close to perfect for this Ranks with cars like Granada and Volaré’ in power to weight ratio. 110 HP OHC engine delivers 36 MPG.“ in combined city/ highway driving Sophisticated new rear suspension for smooth ride and precise handling. One of Canada’s most comprehensive anti-corrosion treatments. Datsun extended maintenance intervals. Seats a sixfooter with headroom to spare. Designed for maximum passenger and luggage space. Practical instru- mentation and interior appointments fully coordi- nated for appearance and comfort. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. September 28. 1977 â€" B-ll CHILDREN OF ALL AGES INCLUDING TEENAGERS NEED FOSTER HOMES. ROOM AND BOARD IS PAID. ALL THEIR EXPENSES ARE COVERED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL-THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF METRO TORONTO HELP A CHILD .ndmons, and optional equipment at 221-1161 ('unudian lint-rm for ('unudian Industry Phone