Even though the annual fund raising drive is half a year away, there is some urgency in getting the board going. “We need to get out and talk t6 peeple in places like service clubs. particularly service clubs, they are the ones who get the heart attacks," she said. A new volunteer board is needed for the heart fund in Thornhill and Richmond Hill. 7 Fiéld co-ordinator Cicely Thomson explained a local board is needed for the educational part of thepntario Heart Foundation program. C-4â€" Heart fund needs board In two communities 883-4149 Rev. Fred Jackson 884-2418 Services: Sun. 8 am. and 10:30 am Wed. 10 am and 7:30 pm Fifth Anniversary Services and Renewal Weekend Fli. 6:30 pm. Annual Church Banquet 8:00 pm. Evening Semce Sat 10 A 3 pm Chutch Planning Seminars Sunday SENICBS at 9:45 am, 11 am & 7 pm. Weekend Speaker. Rev. Claude Horton, Executive Secretary at the Free Methodist Chutch In Canada Music Ministry: JIm and Mane Aletander Solonst With aocordwn mnpamment About 16 cents of every dollar raised goes to the Whether it waQ because James was too young at the time to do anything constructive with the property, or because he simply had no interest in it; it was not until around 1873 that James Eckardt finally made a move towards making use of his land. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE ST.. THORNHILL 8. OF HWY. 78 W‘ 0F YONGE ST 889-5931 Up to this time, he chose to live with his first wife, Sarah Jane Size whom he married in 1859; on land owned by her father. The property, on which the 102-year-old structure rests, was willed in 1842 by Godlip Eckardt, to his youngest son James Eckardt, then only 15 years of age. Travelling through the Four bays wide, the house is township, one occasionally comes sheathed in varying shades of red across a Heritage Building that is brick. constructed of brick from the Lighter brick appears on SHOWbaH BriCk FaCtory once certain corners to accentuate the operating 0““ 0f the Village Of shape of the house which is based Am An €rror‘l’nlov nrncc nlnn ulifh Q 137 Main Street in Unionville, is one such Heritage Building. SUNDAY OCT, 2 TRINITY 17 10:30 AM. ChoraI Eucharist & Harvest Thanksgrving 10:30 AM. Church Schools Kindergarten. Nursery School Wednesdays 10:00 AM Holy Commumon ANGLICAN BAPTIST Clergy: Rev. Bernard Barrett Union ville house is 702 years old St. Mary's Anglican Church 10030 Yonge St. Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. William Prentice JAMES ECKARDT HOUSE BY ASTRID TAIM (sexenth in a series) EVERYONE WELCOME Rev. Robert 0. Quick 8846629 In 1875, the building he THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. September 28, 1977 212 Hillsview Dnve Several shades of local brick Sept 30 to Oct 2 884-1394 8845029 Efï¬e; 1000 am a for all ages 11:00 am It] Mam 7:00 pm. Prayer rr ‘Membel 1:00 am - Morning Semce 00 pm. - Evening Service rayer meeting Wednesday at 8:00 pm. An Old FashIoned Country Church on the Edge of the City 9:45 AM. ~ Church School For Bus. Mumstry call 881-2818 11:00 AM. - Morning Worship Pioneel Girls Youth and Adult Studies Nursery Available Meetings lor the whole family New Resudents Espeually Welcome to all Semces 11 am. & 7 pm. At Both Semces Pastor E. Corbett Tuesday 5:30 to 8:30 pm. “FAM|LY NIGHT" Supper. 5:30 to 6:30 Gladed Meetlngs at 7 pm Chnstlan Service Brigade PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPIIST CHURCH Come: of Weldnck Read and Bathurst Street Rev. BI McSpadden Pastor Phone 884-7859 ST, JOHN'S BAPIIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Street I Baptist Convention oi Ontano and Quebec) Rev. Dana H. Lamb BA B.DV Mln‘lstel Richmond Hull Baptist ChUlCh 50 Wught Stteet Tel: 8843091 9:45 am. Sunday School Hour Classes for Adults SU NDAY Bible School CIasses Lighter brick appears on certain corners to accentuate the shape of the house which is based on an irregular cross plan with a rear addition projecting out of the eastern appendage. designed, and which we now see, was erected. And shortly after he moved into it with his second wife, Agnes. Two interesting features this house possesses are in the conâ€" struction of the bay windows. The principle bay window on the west facade is two storeys high and segmented in a fashion that gives an odd line to the roof projecting above it; especially noticeable when viewed standing across the street and a little south of the structure. The second bay window is located on the south wall and is only one storey high. Square in appearance and composed of several narrow romanesque windows, the glazing is separated from each other by decorated wooden trim. educational program aimed at cutting down the annual fatality rate of 77,000 in Canada from heart- related diseases. Most of the money raised, 73 per cent, goes to research. Last February, under the chairmanship of Ellen Leon, nearly double the amount of money was raised in Thornhill than was raised the year befgre:_ “It will be a shame if this orgahizational effort is lost," said Mrs. Thomson. VIthould be, if volunteers for a board do not come forward. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH 271 centre Street Yonge and Centre Streets 889.5391 884-1301 The Revd. J. B. Bums. MA. 8.0., um...“ pm, pm". mm..." PhD. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 2nd, TRINITY 17 Drvrne Worshrp 11:00 AM Sacrament of Holy Baptism Church School begins In Church wrth Parents. ALL WELCOME Other nun-um u snvuuuv.w.“.. October 2nd - 11 AM, WORLDWIDE COMMUNION Theme - 'The World's At Our Table' lnlant Nursery and Church School for all ages dunng hour of wOlSth. Collee afterwards 7:30 PM. KERYGMA Study for adulls Cornbrned YOUIH GROUP lor Sr. Teens 15 years and up Presbyterian UNITED Other Denominations ndelgarten SUNDAY 12 30 p m Watch "Ihe Herald 0! Irth Mom )Upm ~C 8 00 p m ~8|b|e Study CONCORD CHURCH OF CHR ncovd Rd 8. No . New Te m - BIDIE SchooI and Player Minister 569-183] A Young- Sec 66972784 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 Bible Classes 1 l 00 a m Morrung Semce o m vCommumon Semce RICHVAL BIBLE CHA 4 Oak Ave Rx A Church at [he WEDNESDAY tamenl Ovde Atkinson I 669-183] hvale Hwy A hand-cranked iron sewing machine and a pair of folding curling irons were among the artifacts which attracted customers to the Women’s Institute booth at the recent Thomhill Jubilee festival. W/ played a part in Festival success By MARILYN MCDONALD The booth was set up in the old Wesleyan Methodist church on Centre Street and manned by WI members dressed in costumes from the 18005. Humane society half way to goal In the past 15 years the Ontario Humane Society has grown from a small community based group to a province-wide con- cern. With animal shelters in most major areas and a third veterinary clinic being built the society is only just beginning to grow. Executive vice-pre- sident Tom Hughes feels that it will be another 15 to 20 years before the society is fully equipped to meet modem needs. At Sunday’s open house, Hughes said that the purchase of the Rectory of Rev. E.H. Dewar on Yonge Street was an important step in the growth of the Humane Society. The location, which is to be used as a head office. is more accessable than the society‘s former downtown site. There will be more money to put toward other society needs now that there is no more rent to pay. There is, however a large mortgage on the two acres of land and the house. Hughes estimates that it cost $250,000 to purchase and renovate the house. By LESLIE ANNE REID Serwce at 10:30 am. and 5:00 pm LUTHERAN The society is presently 9.30 AM. Sunday Church School 11 AM, Worship Semce J.S. DAUPHINEE, PASTOR 31 PAUL S LUIHERAN 10131 Bayvuew Avenue BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 1481h0rnndge DL Thornhlll Mmuster Rev, J. Mulder M.Th. ‘ 889-5225 The bake sale and treasure tables were popular and profitable. Both were sold out by four o‘clock. One young customer bought up all the bran muffins and returned later with instructions from her grandmother to buy all the home-baked muffins she could get. The Institute mét last Thursday at the Erica trying to raise enough money to pay off this debt. They are about halfway to their total and had hoped to have the money by the new year. The recent York County tag day effort raised $4,700 but that is only a small step to paying the more than $100,000 remaining. Sunday’s open house and garden party was designed to let the public know of the changes in the society’s location and to emphasize the need for funds. The turn-out was better than expected for a rainy day. Secretary-treasurer R. A. Hosegood has planned a mail campaign starting October 12 to help with the fund-raising. More than one million pieces of Mbre than 700 children had entered the society’s poster competition. lnstill the ï¬tness habit into your children. Get them involved in sports or activity. For a better Life- style for all the family, try bicycling or skiing. The adults in the family will beneï¬t too! 39" MATTRESS BOX SPRING $4995 AND COMPLETE inside thornhill â€" mum maï¬a 15 you unrnmy lube! â€" luxuflouo mu ulnod to loam - mm.“ nu lul flora-morn bom “an 39" H mm.“ up. an.» OPENING SPECIAL ' 'I I 9.†54"Ilpumh-uaupt.1n.oo OPENING SPECIAL BO" "mum upl. 239.90 OPENING menu I 79.†FAMOUS SLEEPGUARD ‘ORTHOPEDIC SLEEPSETS’ MATTRESS MAN 'ELï¬ï¬'E'ï¬â€™Ã©" Mfg; YOUR BUCK AN INCH DISCOUNT STORE 10 )3 A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP TONIGHTmm STARTS AT MATTRESS MAN TODAY! 7604 YONGE ST. THORNHILL 889-2852 MATTRESS MAN’S SAVI ’60. LIMITED OFFER oEAST FREE DELIVERY OFREE PARKING Alva Thompson will be the Thornhill branch delegate to the November 8 area convention at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto Carol Nealey, sister of Mrs. Lex Jamieson was a guest from Arizona. Mrs. Nealey acted as cashier for the WI booth on Jubilee Saturday. Road home of president Anne Jackson. Once the Thornhill house is paid for there will be other uses for the money. Andrew Trawford, director of Veterinary Services at the Mississauga hospital sees a need for improved and extended hospital services. hand delivered mail will be sent out to promote the Humane Society’s cause. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH u! canme ’ 'I 39.90 “I comm 26 CHURCH SI, THORNHILL mm PASTOR: F. BOND SUNDAY SERVICES 10.00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 AM. WORSHIP 7:00 A M. EVANGELISTIC. WORSHIP WEDNESDAY 8 00 P M BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER Global’s gOt I 9:30 - 11:00 am. Mon. to Fri. 10:00 - 11:30 am. Sat 1:45 am. Sun. Night with JESUS CHRIST 3‘;le MAINSE ‘j o 405 call count-Adm o upoclnl 2" lnyu oi loom both ulau. om gal-Mom hm o muhlqumod can: 39.. be: updn mmobucfon? sPEc. INTRODUCING MATTRESS MAN’S ‘SLEEPWELL SLEEP SETS" mmooucfonv SPEC. INTRODUCTORY SPEC. The purpose of Amendment No. 74 is to create a new designation in the Ofï¬cial Plan called "Theme Park" and to designate the subject lands as such. The uses permitted are: indoor and outdoor theatres, permanent amusement rides and exhibitions, games of skill and chance, permanent structures for the sale of food and drink including alcoholic beverages, hotel, motel, campground, trailer park, service station, administration and maintenance buildings including those for sewage and water treatment facilities and parking facilities. The northerly parcel of the subiect lands may be used only for a hotel or motel, a campground, trailer park and a service station. The southerly parcel may be used for the remaining uses named above. Amendment No. 74 refers to the alternative means of access to the lands, water supply and sewage disposal. The developer will be required to enter into site plan agreements prior to the construction of any buildings or structures. Council has enacted By-law Number 15677 to implement the Official Plan Amendment to permit the above uses on the subject lands. It is intended to have the Ontario Municipal Board consider the approval of this by-law at the hearing on October 31 st, 1977. Amendment No. 74 to the Official Plan of the Vaughan Planning Area affect lands in Concession 5 on the east side of Highway 400 and on both sides of Major Mackenzie Drive comprising a total of 320 acres. The parcel on the north side consists of that part of Lot 21 lying between Highway 400 and Jane Street and the parcel on the south side consists of those parts of Lots 20, 19 and the north half of Lot 18 lying between Highway 400 and Jane Street. ' Both parcels are designated Rural in the present Official Plan which means that the predominant use shall be for agricultural or farming purposes and forestry, recreational uses, country residential estates on large lots and highway commercial and agricultural commercial uses are also permitted. THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby appoints Monday, the 31$t day of October, 1977 at the hour of ten o'clock (local time) in the forenoon at the Municipal Offices at Maple, for the hearing of all parties interested in supporting or opposing this application. If you do not attend and are not represented at this hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entetled to any Iurther notice of the proceedings. in nu: cvciu urc UULIbIUII I5 reseiveu, persons IaKIng part In the hearing may request a copy of the decision from the presiding Board Member. Such decision will be mailed to you when available. DATED at Toronto this 23rd day of September, 1977 In the event the decision is reserved, persons taking par} in>the hearing may request ..__.. -x .L- 4.4;, , .- TELEPHONE IAVI '40. SALE ENDS SATU RDAY Z OCTOBER 1st I“! 6 P.M. I SE'c. ’ I 29.95 Whornhill Village IN THE MATTER OF Section 44 of The Planning Act (8.8.0. 1970, C. 349), - and - IN THE MATTER 0F 3 reference to this Board by the Honourable John R. Rhodes, Minister of Housing, of an application by The Camatim of the Town of Vaughan for approval of pro posed Amendment Number 74 to the Ofï¬cial Plan for the Vaughan Planning Area FESTIVAL HOURS: MON, TUES‘, WED., SAT. 10 A.M. - 6 RM THURS FRIDAY 10 A.M. - 9 PM JUBILEE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD ‘ I 49.95 ' ‘l 89.95 SPECIAL! 54" ORTHO REST MATTRESS BOX SPRING $8995 AND APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING 100% LIVING Q CALL (416) 961-1500 EXPLANATORY NOTE AND LEGS COMPLETE EEELES AVE HWY, NO. 7A HWY. NO. 78 . mick 15 you nan-My labol c luxulloally qulm lo learn 0 lully pubum cynic! bad." 0 um llrrn can Ipflflfll lot lull back Iuppon o mulching be: 091.00 dodgnod Io gm "In wiped ' 39" mnmou. box spran & log: INTRODUCTORY SPEC. '9’.†54" muflrou. box Iprlng I: log. INTRODUCTORY SPEC. ‘ 'I 19.95 THORNHILL MATTRESS MAN INTRODUCING MATTRESS MAN’S ‘RIVIERA DELUXE SLEEP SETS’ IAVI '50. R772737 SECRETARY like “Uni-um JOHN ST