, Top qualifiers for the boys were David Kehoe, 585, Paul Rigon, 566, Greg Byer, 547, Scott Miller, 537. Barry Combden. 498, Drew Marshall, 450, Heinz Prachter, 445, Tom Price. 411. and Joe Tuck as spare with 402. By MIKE KYTE Eighteen competitors qualified for a spot in the Master Junior Regional Roll-offs on the weekend, nine of them boys. For the girls it was Kim Regan, 562, Stephanie Gibbens, 515, Bridgette Fletcher. 498. Cheryl Edwards. 485, Martina Stephens, 472, Janet Cormier. 416. Lynda Thornhill Minor Soccer Club House League wrapped up its 1977 season with finals mat- ches played on September 24 in each division. 18 in bowling roll Despite the cold weather, many fans turned out to view the games and lend support to their favorite teams. All things come to an end and so did the four- game win streak for the Thornhill Colts of the Toronto Touch Football League. The Colts were fettered 15-14 Tuesday night of last week by the Toronto Packers whom they had beaten earlier. “They were waiting for us," commented team spokesman John Stevens. The game was played at West Humber under what Stevens described as “deplorable field conditions due to the rain." which resulted in a low score. rain." which resulted in a low score. Thornhill‘s failure to convert its second touch- down cost it the game. Both Colt touchdowns were set up on in- tercepted passes by Dave Langley and Steve Overgaard. Offensively it was quarterback Langley leading a diversified attack which saw him tossing four touchdown passes to Mark Edwards. Dave Smith. John Stevens and Duncan McLeod and scoring himself. the other one I Aunitl nnetlu nnninn m on. Melanie Starkman of the Gormley L’Equipe 21 Hairstyling team makes a great stop here (or did she?) in this Region of York Inter-District Playoff Both Colt touchdowns were set up on inâ€" tercepted passes by Dave Langley and Steve Overgaard. Thornhi/l Colts lose as win streak ends Fina/e for Thornhi/l soccer 0 FREE DIAGNOSIS 0 DRIVE IN SERVICE 0 LOW PRICES 0 3 HOUR SERVICE 8 AM. to 5:30 PM. DAILY: 8 AM. to NOON SAT, CENTRES IN WILLDWDALE, SCARBOROUGH it WEST HILL Avoid costly engine or transmission repairs! FOR FAST SERVICE TO ALL MAKES ...CALL THE PROFESSIONALS 10 POINT SYSTEM I. DIAGNOSE PROBLEM 2. REMOVE RADIATOR 3‘ CLEAN WATER PASSAGES 4. PRESSURE TEST FOR LEAKS S. REPAIR AS NECESSARY 6. APPLY PROTECTIVE PAINT 7. TEST THERMOSTAT & CAP 8. INSPECT ALL HOSES 9 RE-INSTALL RADIATOR TOT REPLACE COOLANT Jorda" "lines spon- sored th ape and Wine Festival tournament in St. Catharines and not the Master Bowlers Association, as stated here last week. The top qualifiers after 10 games were John Papas, 2.911, Don Gor- man. 2889, Dave Cat- tanachi, 2,888, Jergin Rump. 2.816, Stu Jones, 2,796, and Jim Elliott, 2,759. Final showdown saw Papas edging out Gorman by 230 to 196. John Papas tation of trophies was held after each game at Thornlea School. Bolton. 412, Denise McLeod, 373, and Lisa Dunford as spare with 369 . Results of the finals matches were as follows: SQUIR'I‘ DIVISION Howson Sports and Tunemaster were mat- ched in the final and in a delightful display of soccer from the smallest members of the Thornhill 375 OHIO ROAD RICHMOND HILL 884-9245 or 7734227 Thornhill‘s Dave Smith was credited with both touchdowns on passes from quarterback Langley. Smith is now the top scorer in the league to date with 48 points in five games. Earlier the Colts had chalked up their fourth straight win in a row via a 37-14 breeze over Toronto Hustlers. The Colts received fine defensive performances from Willie Wilson and Mike Burkart to hold the Hustlers to just two touchdowns. Did she, didn't she? club. Howson Sports won the trophy by a_ 2-p_score. The first half was scoreless, but then GREG STAINES scored the eventual winner for Howson and RANDY GWYN added the inâ€" surance marker late in the game. St?ong play by STEPHEN ANDERSON Although Ian Cameron from Richmond Hill and Diane Ingram from Newmarket failed to qualify for the final round, the tournament wasn't a total loss for our area. won $4,000 for his first place finish while Don Gorman pocketed $2,000 for second place. Al Snow, who bowls in the Friday Night Majors at Hilltop Lanes. picked up $200 for a day’s bowling which also saw a 433 game in a losing ef- fort. As stated last week, October is the Ontario Kidney Foundation Bowlathon. All money collected during the bowlathon will be used to further the research for a cure of kidney disease. Sandy Hawley, well known Jockey. is the honorary chairman for “The Great Race" and has pledged his support. At all bowling centres, bowlers will be asked to obtain sponsors for a game rolled during their league play; A_ll Bovi/lers' pledge sheets will be eligible for Dnve Out See Our Fatalities and Play ow Course any Monday Thuï¬idav. Jom Now for 1978' {$500 lnnialion Fee Cancelled). Enjoy a Private Goth Sw1mmung, and Soaal Club in Metro Tmonlo ‘ M1le North of 07 on Woodbine mg; 297-1711 BUTTONVILLE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB At a Private Club for the Balance of 77 By Joining Now for 1978 Free Golf! For a Starting Time soccer match last week. Anyway, Keffer Real Estate girls won the game and the championship 3-0. and STEVE SUWALA for Howson and by MICHAEL RUSCET’I‘E. SKIP TAYLOR and IAN BAER for Tunemaster made the game that much more enjoyable. Congratulations to coach FRANK AN- MOSQUITO DIVISION DERSON and the boys of Continuing a trend for his Howson Sports team. high scoring games set your major prizes-trips for two to each of the four major classic horse races in 1978, the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness, the Belmont Stakes and the Queen's Plate. Coming up this weekend the Master Bowlers travel to Kit- chener to bowl in the Oktoberfest Classic. This ‘tournament is a wim safety (read (0 pie venl slippan and orna- mental IRON RAILINGS 0 Steel remimced One piece. CONCRETE STEPS Installed in houvs, not days. 0 Patios - Sidewalks 0 Intetlockmg patio stones I Curbing for driveways E: Howe! beds Ucheen blocks. ALSO AVAILABLE MARKHAM RICHMOND HILL ARENA EXCITING JR. HOCKEY EVERY TUESDAY Richmond Hill Rams 0.H.A. Jr. "A" 7:45 PM. \ Tues. Oct. 11th 1355 Shawson Drive, Mississauga (1 Block N. of 401 â€" West off Dixie Rd.) 3 Year Guarantee UNIT PRECAST CO. 678-9331 FREE ESTIMATES twoâ€"day event with a 10â€" game qualifying round followed by match play to decide the final winner. It‘s sponsored by Bowlerama Ltd., and should be a great start for the Masters. If you have any bowling news to announce or anything covered on the bowling scene, drop me a line or phone 884-9818. soccer thornhill minor early in the season. L.M.L. Financial became the Cup winner as they defeated Tony's Grading 15-0 in a lop-sided game. L.M.L. had the wind in the first half and used it to advantage as they went ahead 6-0. Scoring for L.M.L. were MITCHELL WINEM~ AKER with five big ones, MICHAEL LUSI'I‘O and BOBBY SZABO with hat trick apiece. JOEL VILLANVEVA, CHRIS LA N G D 0 N . J 0 H N WILSON and MICHAEL WOWIK with singles. JOE LYNAM, JOJO RUSINEK and JOHN DICKSON played balanced soccer for Tony‘s. Congratulations to coach FRANK SZABO and the lads from L.M.L. Financial. ATOM DIVISION In the closest match of the finals, Shawley Printing defeated Wycliffe Group 3-1 in a very lively game. Shawley jumped into a 3-0 half time lead and then Wycliffe fought back in the second half. In this one, Shawley had to work for its win. Scoring for Shawley were BARRY WOOD and STEPHANE BENAYON with a pair and for Wycliffe, JOE PACIONE scored the lone goal. - The game might have been even closer had Wycliffe not missed a penalty kick in the first half. Congratulations to coach BILL WHEELER and the boys of Shawley Printing PEEWEE DIVISION Ugolini Contracting, coached by Tony Piane, were awarded the trophy when Mr. Transmission failed to show up for the final contest. Congratulations to Tony and the boys of Ugolini Contracting. MOSQUITO GIRLS In the final between the only two Mosquito Girls W & P Motors announces." the ’78 Rabbits are here W & P MOTORS teams, KEFFER Real Estate defeated L'Equipe by a 3-0 score. SARAH DeYONG scored a pair and PAULA WILEMAN added a single. The trophy for best team was presented to coach MICHAEL GOBLE. Congratulations to the girls of Keffer Real Estate. REPRESENTATIVE LEAGUE Playoff action con- tinued this week as the process of determining the finalists for October 1 continued. Results were as follows: MINOR BANTAM Thornhill Lions were eliminated from further competition in a game shortened by the fall of darknes as Richmond Hill defe ted them 2-0. Field conditions were very poor. with much water in evidence. In the losing cause, Thornhill got good work from CARLO BRAVO, CAMPBELL TORRA- NCE and DON MUM- MERY. SQUIRT Thornhills Wimpey Squirt team became one of two Thornhill teams to advance to the Cup Final as they handily defeated Richmond Hill 2-0, with both goals coming in the first half. MARSHALL KAYE a n d M I C H A E L LEIGHTON Were the goal-getters. This was an important match for Thornhill and gave the boys much confidence for the upcoming game on Oct 1. MAJOR ATOM In a real heartbreaker, Costain was defeated by Markham 1-0 with the goal coming with only three minutes to play. Good play all around made this one an exciting contest. with Thomhill getting better than average play from STEPHEN MOORE, ROBBIE McALISTER SALES - SERVICE - [EASING 10440 YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL 889-7701 THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 5. 1977 â€" B-J MINOR MOSQUITO McPherson Carriage Company became the second Thornhill team to enter the Cup Finals on Oct. 1 as they won a game decided on penalty kicks against Aurora after regulation time had run out. a n d J O N A T H A N DAVIES. Thornhill tried their utmost to get the equalizer but time just ran out. At the expiration of regulation time, the score was tied at 2-2 with Thornhill goals being scored by TOM HENDRY and STEPHEN MELTZ. Then. in the penalty kick-off, TOM HENDRY and WILLIAM DAVES scored, and when Aurora missed its kick, REINHARD KRAMR- EITHER scored the winner for Thornhill to make the game a 5-4 victory and on to the finals. MAJOR BANTAM Thornhill Area Recreation Committee was eliminated from competition by Richmond Hill as they were defeated 6-2 in a must contest. AUSTIN DELANEY and KEN MACKAY scored for Thornhill. This was a rough contest in which Richmond Hill led 2-0 at the half and became stronger as play progressed. SEE STEVE SHERMAN IN ACTION 884-6661 "EVERY MONDAY NIGHT" BOND LAKE ARENA - OAKRIDGES 7:30 P.M. OAKRIDCEES DYNES ORILLIA TRAVELWAYS Limited LIMITED JUNIOR "B" HOCKEY DYNES JEWELLERS Quick Oneâ€"stop Local Insurance Service Auto Home Life Just call 889-6204 or drop in at YORK FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY 7699 Yonge Street Thornhill. Ontario L3T 125 77-4