I Electricians ngrilding Trade§| Bookkeeping & Accounting Services Accounting-Bookkeeplhylncame Tax By the week, month or year Kenneth M. Pal 889-1377 G & D WARREN CONTRACTORS LUIGI'S DOUBLE STAR 0 FREELANCE 0 COSTING 0 TAX RETURNS 0 PAYROLL BUILDER Qua/fry Painting Written Guarantee Phone for free brochure 270 Enford Rd, Richmond Hill BOOKKEEPING & INCOME TA)’ CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Additions. Renovations 8 Rec. Rooms 83 Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill, Ont. Tel. W171 for anyone interested fast and accurate. Montth profit and loss statements, tax returns, etc. Specialtzatron In small businesses Reasonable rates. 334.5333 l Bookkeeping l Alf Catenaro HAGERMAN JONES & CO. Will construct houses ED'S CARPENTRY COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING SERVICES Fast efficient service gr» 14% KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM QUOTATIONS Electrical Contracting Licensed BOOKKEEPER 851-1847 B-ï¬ â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 1977 J. C. HUGHES ACCOUNTING SERVICE Construction Additions Renovatins New homes, etc 10256 YONGE ST For small busmesses BOOKKEEPING. PAYROLL INCOME TAX ITALIAN, GERMAN. ENGLISH After 4 pm. Sat a Sun anytime Carpentry 889-5683 General Repairs Sheet Metal Work Free Estimates Woodhridge 851-0120 297-4236 88¢ 1 452 Accounting Services Auto Rust Repairs 884-5441 MARLENE PARISI, 884-7530 4441329 883- 1 580 889-7250 Paint A Car TFf‘. A Hz" NC TFC 51 Hch TFC 35 "C 38 Lamps and hangings. Custom made Repairs and Installation Flee estr mates. 751-9022 W LStainedEaK] RELIABLE MAN Man WI"! 3; ton dump truck WI" do odd gobs after 6 pm. Custom Rototillmg gardens. lawns sodded. garden manure. at 221-1466. rrc 12 G AND D GIORDANO ,CARLISLE LANDSCAPING For laundry, bath and rooms. Sun Decks 889-3820 or 775-6390 STAINED GLASS WINDOWS m (‘ompolenl Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. 1‘. (Hum Ross mu ('0nlro 81. “fl - “4-1788 CARPENTHY AND CUSTOM WOOD WORKING Bnan H. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 10265 Yonge Street Phone 834-8651 v 773-5688 Gardening- Landscaping Joscelyn Laughlin Harper, Tory Er Associates Chartered Accountants 10355 Yonge Street Richmond Hill. Ont. 88444745 Chartered Accountants 887-5720 - 883.1664 50 Yonge Street S. Aurora. Ontario Carpet Cleaning LEONARD'S FLOOR CLEANING 88¢6477 FREE ESTIMATES Janitorial Services DON'T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIME will move anything - anywhere Ken Moore Carpentry Chartered Accountants Gardening-Snow Removal RR. 1 Richmond HI“ T. PRICE & SON Handyman 495â€"0502 0: 8845543 Carpet- Upholstery Cleaning Chartered Accountants $42255 ROSENBERG 8 COMPANY Box 1294 110 James St SL Catharina, L2H 7A7 6854811 Custom cabinets Rec. rooms and bars Renovations Sundecks REID Er BRADLEY MAN WITH LARGE TRUCK BOB ROSS CONTRACTING 10255 Yonge St, Richmond Hill 881-7135 884-0194 86’3- 1835 8842092 Carpentry ' CARPENTRV ' CUSTOM HOMES 884-8209 TFC 46 IFC M "C I? nr 1 rec FOR ALL THE CARE & REPAIR YOUR HOME WILL EVER NEED Call "THE HOUSE DOCTOR" He [takes housecak! 884-8646 'Sidlng oSoffit 'Shutters 'WlndOWS 0 Siding 0 Suffil O Shuttt‘rs O \Vindcms Q HODFIIVE . TREEWUHK I HUME/MI I STORM REMOVAL C CLEAN-UP . [)(Tl-"fl/Ufl PAINTING RECREATION ROOMS PATIOS WINDOWS - DOORS 0 Alterations 0 Repairs Sand 8 Gravel Supplies Trenching 8 Drain Service Interior Design & RELIABLE REASONABLE 881-3019 LDMBARDI CONTRACTING DRAIN REPAIRS & INSTALLATION WATERPROOFING 384-2560 884-4506 Flu-I 1-: l-ZS'I‘I \n'rks JUIIN \lzu-I’IIEE 8M8506 x3 ('EVI'RI-Z 51‘. E. RI(‘|I.\IU\'I)IIILI, Hue MacPHEE ALUMINUM FOR WA Humor/Iva comm 4150 PA TIUS, CHIMNEYS. PURCHES LI). 5 1373 MacPHEE ALUMINUM Home Improvements Excellent workmanship GENERAL HANDYMAN Spray Textured Ceilings CABINET WORK Bus. 7494107 Res. 881-0353 'Doovs FREE ESTIMATES JOHN MacPHEE 8843505 85 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL NICK UPTON 887-9365 Quality Roofing 9 years experience Flee estimates Gm! 0mm r355 ES r/MA r55 293-9028 EVSO LTD. 8846162 CALL BILL BUOVEHUODS O Donn After 6 pm. 884-5227 Drywall Insulation Taping arpentry .Euuw .l-‘asciu [humus O Railing“ 0: uSCIa OAwnungs ORallnngs TH: 45 TFC JG "C 39 ï¬cl TFO H IFC 13 IFCJS Snowplowmg & Towmg 238 ANZAC RD STILL ACCEPTING CONTRACTS 24 HOUR SERVICE 8844539 Avoid the many perils of winter ice and snow with NEW, SAFE, NON-TRACKABLE Exclusive, chemically formulated pellets that melt ice and snow easier and faster. Melting action lasts up to 36 hours. RECREATION ROOMS, KITCHEN and BATHROOM CABINETS 'SLIDING GLASS DOORS DCERAMIC TILE Professional renovation and design of buildings 8 landscaping. Specializing in patios, retaining walls, grading Er sodding, tree planting 8 re« moval. THE ONLY SOLUTION GROUNDS & BUILDING MAINTENANCE - KITCHENS - F - BATHROOMS - E - SIDING 136 Yonge St. N. Aurora “DI/rm ELITE ALTERATIONS CO. Estimates - No Obligation 018 YONG}: 81' A I‘ EDGAR I‘HORNHILL Renovation Experts CREATIVE DECOR 889-2462 773-4696 FREE ES T/MA r55 BATHROOM 8 VAN|T|ES DESIGNED-lNSTALLED-REMODELLED Raymond & Co. Contractors - RESTYLING - REBUILDING By Craftsmen Elï¬ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ Also complete lawn 8 garden care. . Call us regarding our “Holiday Lawn Maintenance Program’ For consultation 8 appraisal call BOB'S Upholstering Workman's Prices REMODELLING TIME SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Reliable Automatic Transmission Gardening-Landscaping "PROPELLENT 49" r Painting 0 Decorating 0 Carpentry Interior - Exterior For free Estimates please call Home Improvements DON'T MOVE! IMPROVE CUSTOM KITCHENS Automotive Repair SPECIALISTS IN: Snow Removal Rebuilt 8 Repair Transmix/‘ans. Body 8 Paint Jabs. 889-7821 922-5897 CALL PACE 833-5040 Upholsterers 881-2449 Insulation 884-2753 BANKUTI LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SNOW PLOWING 8 RHVKJVAI 'CEDAR DECKS ' 'COUNTER TOPS ROOFING EAVESTROUGHS 24 HOUR SERVICE FROM 2" UP ON MONTHLY BASIS 889-2353 727-9417 tfcl3 I Photography I l Aut. Repair I CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY Get Ready for Winter Special 12 POINT CHECK-UP MOB/[E NOBLE AUTO SERVICE IT ALL STARTED WITH THE WORKS IN THE DRAWER Repairs to all makes of T.V.’s Major Appliances. Vacuums & Antennas installed Sweetheart Peter York Home T.V. 105w BAYVIEW AVE. Save on your heating bills and be an energy conservationist at the same time, I Contractors I Additions - Renovations Concrete - Cedar Decks 8 Patios Rec rooms - Pool repairs General Carpentry Duality Craftsmanship FREE ESTIMATES ('l'STOM Bl'lLT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates CELLULOSE INSULATION THORNHILL ACOUSTICS & CONSTRUCTION LTD 0 New Homes 0 Additions 0 Alteiations 0 Lathing ° Plastering 0 Stucco 0 Drywall & Acoustic Ceilings Harry Smith & Sons Contracting Ltd. ARMAND PAVING (30.. UNIT 18. RICHMOND HILL 8844165 ED'S CONTRACTING All work guaranteed Quality workmanship CHIMNEY REPAIRS CONCRETE PATIO OR PRECAST SLABS PORCHES - STEPS 889-1578 Home Improvements Insulation Does Not Cost It Paysâ€. SIDEWALKS PLANTER BOXES 8841458 Richmond Hill Contracting Co Ltd. $4.95 881-1546 889-4672 All Weather Insulation TV Service SEWERS INSTALLED TRENCHING EXCAVATING STONE WORK G. BOEKETT 889-4729 Paving 8842454 889-1299 883-3033 CALL NOW £1 "cl "C If] [FE 'l'YPl-IWRITERS \l)l)l\(; \l \(‘IllNl-IS SALES- RENTALS LII. SIMS KN Bakt-r Aux Rit'hmmld llill â€" XXI-IN Fireplaces, Extensions General repairs Landscaping 8 design services Typewnters Adding Machines Sales & Setvice A/f's Ofï¬ce Machines Richmond Hill 8811997 J. WELBOBNE & SON WALKER CONSTRUCTION BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years“ experience Plumbing, ‘ Heating, Air Conditioning Electrical DEAL SERVICES 3899398 7734138 RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL FRANKS PAINTING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Stone 8 Brick work J & M PAINTING | Piano Tuning | C & LPainters 884-9026 PIANO TUNING CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES PAINTING 8- DECORATING Free Eshmales Karl Bundschun 884-4832 Painting Wallpapering Stucco Drywall HUGH BARR 889-2773 In Insurance - Mongages Fire, Auto and Liability Telephone 727-94888 Real 47 Yonge Street S. Aurora, Ontario 887-5031 Office Machines Peter Elliott Excellent rates Plumbing & DECORATING Paperhanglng Comer Agency Limited 889-2163 884-2882 Masonry PAINTING Insurance REPAlRS PAINTING ree Estimates FREE ESTIMAIES Painters cm 832-2667 ], HOFFMAN FORMERLY WITH MASON 8. RISCH 635-5117 and and ":10 “C M "cl "Cd "no tic l4 "<16 IFC 42 DAYCARE given m my home. any age‘ near Beverly Acres public school 884-8709 DAY care available fot newborn or 2 year old, m my apartment. Fulltime only. References. 881-0374. NEWKIRK and South Taylor Mills. Loving care given to preschoolers or young baby. 884-4246. Or um 21 break for the day. Call Mommy's Relref Homemaking Agency. Serwng North Toronto and surround- rng communities 889-1672 DAYCARE given in my home, Walter Scott School alea. 884-1012‘ c2wl4 in my home. Infant to pre-schooler‘ 884-0545. NURSERY assistant WI†give day care Stop smoking and heat wasting. Energy savang Imptovements. home SEWlCe. 2214392 Update your insulation at a Ieasonable cost. 883-3500 884-9000 JDF MADDEN RES. 884-7921 L J THOMPSON 931846195 TAKlNG A VACATION? Year round comfort Is added to {our horné m a slash m Vuel costs when you have a proper lhrck- ness 0! Insulation, Call Us Now In Inspect yours. Joe's Wholesale Insulation FIREPLACE SERVICE REAL v AOTECTION SERVILL 'CAMWAY INSULATING CO.†294-9859 MARKHAM, 0m. BY APPOINTMENT, MONDAY TO FRIDAY, PHONE 884-6383 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SATURDAY. 18:30 AM. TO 5:38 PM. Blown Method FREE ESTIMATES Bus. 8844851 Days. Evenings and Weekends ARTECH DRAFTING SERVICES ADDITIONS, RENOVATIONS. PERMITS ASK FOR TONY Single complete system $250. excluding installa- tion. For details call: Daily checks on your residence, business Or property by mobile patrol. BURGLARY & FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Let us blow cumlo't nght Into vom mm;-E HEATING COST TO HIGH? HEAT LOSS COSTS MONEY Do you have a pote_ntia| theft problem? WITH HI-Fl PRODUCTS FOR THE SERIOUS LISTENER Fire Place Service 137 Centre St. E Richmond Hill ALBERT’S HALL AUDIO RICHMOND INVESTIGATIVE & SECURITY SERVICES LTD. McKlNLAY INSULATION "BLOWIN METHOD" 5“ Daycare INTRUDER ALARM SYSTEM Insulation Drafting 889-3787 495-6267 Going on Vacatlbn? "RELAX" Hee Estimates 10225 VONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL Protect your home with special J.S. CALVERT 889-1502 THORNHILL Audio Consultant CHARG EX 883-3177 Surveillance Fire Alarms tfcld "C H HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid for houseful of Iumltuve and applicances, Brice's Futmtule. 363- 1954. tit 18 DEAD 0r crippled farm animals pucked up promptly. 705-439-2421 Call anytime, Ed Pecom & Son‘ Woodvulle, Ont, Licence No. 324C66. WILL buy any old gold. 223-5938 Proceeds to York Central Hospntal. PHONE: 884-1944 or 8844684 days 884-3762 evenings ,1...†[ADY wants live in position‘ Will do housekeeping and babysitting. 884- 8961. CZwH TYPING done in my home. IBM Selectric typewriter. 884-6872 tic“ CERTIFIED Medical secretary will do typing at home. 8840226. 3w†Requnres WOIK at piastenng. dry wall tapmg. texture CEIIIHES. ceramic Me and panntmg. Call Evgs. uwu BABYSITTER required in my home. from 2:30 and 4:00. Bayview and Rockport area. Will provide tran- sportation coming over. Call from 10 and 2 pm, 884-6302. BABYSITIER required in my home to: Thursdays and Fridays from 2 pm. to 6:30 pm. 884-3274. Cooperative nursery school. MajOr Mackenzre Dnve, Richmond Hull now offers 2 day and 3 day programs In addmon to our regular morning pro grams. 2‘7 - 5 year olds‘ 311 MOTHER'S helper, live in, private room and bath, T.V. Thomhill area. 881-1360. 5‘" Daycare Wanted CLEANING woman required tor Bayview â€" John area. Please call 881-4821 EvgsA MATURE reliable and kind woman to babysit at my home. full time. Monday m Friday. Near Hi||crest Mall, 884-9592 evgs. TFCll Required for household responsrbllihes and 2 school age children. Pleasant new country home with all modern amenities This positron requires an interested and sensitive woman who has a real sense of devotion to responsrbrlitye 40 to 55 year age bracket preferred. Excellent remuner- anon and conditions. Please wnte guvrng full resume to Box 186, THE LIBERAL 10395 Yonge St, Richmond Hill C2w 14 HNE\NH Top Of The Hill “Nursery School 5“ Employment Wanted LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER ARTICLES FOR AUCTION Articles wanted 54° Domestic Help Wanted PLASTERER TILE SETTER Evgs. 888-1225 884-4015 WANTED for details‘ TFClO "C N NC I?