884-2418 Sennces. Sun. 8 am. and 10:30 am Wed. 10 am. and 7:30 pm. Applicants are Mintleaf Developments Ltd., Kipark Construction Ltd., and Brian Mathers. 61 flights It would house 5,620 people in 848 semi- detached and 713 detached dwellings. The largest‘ with 1,561 units. is proposed for 16th Avenue, west of the Ninth Concession. The units. representing four subdivisions, were given final study and sent to York Region for ap proval. Fifth Anniversary Services and Renewal Weekend Fn. 6:30 pm Annual Church Banquet 8:00 pm. Evenlng Servuce Sat 10 â€" 3 pm. Chulch Planning Seminars Sunday SEWICES at 9:45 am. 11 am A total of 1,761 housing units were approved by Markham Town Council last week. Weekend Speaker: Rev. Claude Horton. Executrve Secretary of the Free Methodist Church in Canada Mus Doug Prier (left). son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Prier, 60 Laverock Avenue, Richmond Hill, and fellow cadets examine the control component of a marine radar with Captain Rucy Behram (right), head of Marine Navigation Technology, during a one-week orientation Markham approves 7, 76 7 homes inlets! With HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE ST. THORNHILL S 0F HWY, 78 W. 0F YONGE ST 889-5931 SUNDAY OCT. 9 TRINITY 18 8 AM. Holy Communion 10:30 AM. Moming Prayer 10:30 AM. Church Schools Kindergarten, Nutsery School Wednesdays 10:00 AM IIon Communion ANGLICAN BAPTIST Clergy: Rev‘ Bernald Barrett 884-1394 Rev. William Prentice St. Mary's Anglican Church 10030 Yonge St Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH EVERYONE WELCOME Rev. RobeltC.Qu1ck 884-6629 Rev. Fred Jackson 2 Hillsview Dnve 8845029 883-4149 Alexandev recordian accompanument Jim and Mane Developers are Cadillac-Fairview Cor- Another project on the Eighth Concession would have 141 units on 23 acres, including 31 detached and 110 semi-detached homes. Brenda McKeage of 778 Squadron, Richmond Hill, left receives Cadet Glider Wings from Major Vic Bridgette, Chief Flying Instructor at No. l Glider Pilot Training School, Mountain View. Brenda spent six weeks at Trenton Air Cadet Camp and completed glider training up to the solo level. She had 61 flights. Master teacher program to be phased out in York A motion by Trustee Norm Weller of Aurora to phase out the master teacher program in York, was received without comment by York County Member Baptlst Convention of Ontano and Quebec) An Old Fashioned Country Church on the Edge of the Clty 9:45AM - Chuvch School For Bus. Ministry call 881-2818 11:00 AM - Morning WOISth Pmneet Girls Youth and Adult Studies Nursery Available Meetings tor the whole lamlly New Resudents Espeually Welcome to all Semces 11 am. & 7 pm. At Both Services Pastor E. Corbett Iuesday 5:30 to 8:30 pm. "FAMILY NIGHT" Supper. 5:30 to 6:30 Graded Meetings at7 p‘m Christian Service Bngade PREACHING age‘ AND Richmond HI†Baotust Church 50 Wflght Street Tel 884-3991 9:45 am. Sunday School Hour Classes for Adults Rev. Dana H‘ Lamb B A. 8.0. Mmlster THE NEW BIRTH HE PRECIOUS BLOOD TO THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH meeting Wednesday ST« JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxford Street SUNDAY Prepare for sea me THE OLD BOOK 8844859 Morning Semce Evening Servnce 00! Classes The chm ThulSdayS 8 pm. lhe chour ns Iookmg for new membels‘ In all sections. ll you enloy sungmg - we welcome you to 10m us. In the meantime, the master teachers have gone to arbitration over a grievance procedure Dmne Wetship 11:00 AM. Church School begins In Church WIth Patents. Silver-Elm Holdings Ltd. plans to build 14 townhouses, 16 semi- detached and nine detached houses, near the Board of Education last week. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre Street 889-5391 The Revd. J.B. Burns, M.A.. B.D. Ph. D. SUNDAY. OCTOBER 9th. TRINITY l8 THANKSGIVING SUNDAY poration and Maylar Construction Ltd. Presbyterian program held recently for 70 first-year Marine Technology student cadets at the Owen Sound campus of Georgian College. The following week. the cadets boarded Great Lakes vessels for the first of three work periods they will spend on board ship as part of their training. Morn RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH YONGE ST. mmster Rev. Wm. Wallace muster Rev. Wm. Wallace ry ol Mus-c- Richatd Phl rmng w0rshlp 11:00 AM SR‘ CHOIR PRACTISE A Ch New Ie: CONCORD CHURCH OF CHR‘SI SUNDAY SUWICES 9:45 Bible Classes 'UNDAY 1"Thel ALL WELCOME ‘d Rd WEDNESDAY D m ~Blble! Chutch 0! We Iestament Orde 669 .tet YOL nlng 0mm Atk &N0 klnson 669-“ ald 38C [VICE HID" Hwy \ce 800Dm Famuly Semce of bratuon‘ Nursery children 3-5 years The elementary program with the master teachers was phased out by the board when setting up its budget for this year. The future of the master teachers will be discussed at a public meeting, sometime before the end of the year. Both positions are to be ended under terms of an agreement between the board and the Ontario Secondary School Teachers‘ Federation. 930 am 1] 00 am 1100a.m Kmdergavlen School 10! Gr 700 p m - E On the east side of the Eighth Concession, south of Highway 7, Maylar Construction Ltd. plans 18 semi-detached and two detached homes. Weller's motion called for the program to be terminated at the secondary level, and the positions of responsibility to be discontinued. THANKSGIVING SUNDAY. OCIOBER 9th Cadillac development under their 1976-77 con tract. . Sennce at 10:30 am and 5:00 pm Monday. Oct. 10th at 7:30 PM. We resume Sunday mght next week Mun-stet- Rev. Robett K‘ Shorten Other Denominations Vlsï¬ms and new PENTECOSTAL CHURCH RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH ERYGMA BIBLE STUDY FOR ADULT LUTHERAN 9:30 AM. Sunday Church sum 11 AM. WOYShID Semce 26 CHURCH ST‘ AM, 'Unthankfulnes: mm PASTOR: F. BOND SUNDAY SERVICES' 10:00 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 1100 AM WORSHIP 7:00 A M EVANGELISTIQ WORSHIP WEDNESDAY 8 00 P M BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER UNITED 1.5. DAUPHINEE. PASTOR RICHVALE B|BLE CHAPEL 24 Oak Ave Rxchvale BEIHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 1481hornndge DL Thornhlll Mnmster Rev. JV Mulder MJh. - 889-5225 PAUL S LUTHERAN 31 BayVIew Avenue The Lord's Supper »Famuly Blble Hour - Sunday School :n to Glade 6 Made 7 and up Evemng Semce Bible s‘ Federation future of teachers will TUESDAY and hOOI nmers ESDECIB THORNHILL and Prayer Bible :ele Canada’s WE GUARANTEE largest CHILIIREN'S Selection of - on the Premises BLASSES Eyeglass foreven Frames and 3mm run M ma ' 8mm“: 3mm THE I “\IVI , LTD. A UNIQUE FAMILY OPTICAL CENTRE VISIT OUR SHOWROOM & FACTORY 104 DONCASTER AVE., THORNHILL I STOP lIGHT N. OF STEElES WHY PAY MORE! SYEELESAVE E Hi// studen ts visit Wa fer/00 University They were part of 340 students and teachers from 11 Ontario high schools who were invited to the university. The students sat in on regular science lectures and took part in lab sessions. According to Reg Friesen. one of the organizers of the visits, the event is intended to “give the high school people an accurate im- pression of a typical day in the life of a UW science student“. He says Waterloo has been operating its science day visiting program for nine years, and more than 30,000 Ontario high school Some 60 students from Richmond Hill , High School were guests of the Faculty of Science at the University of Waterloo Friday. eyeglass factory DONCASYEI Approximately 150 high schools in the province are participating in this year‘s program. students have ticipated. The science visiting program will continue every Friday until mid- March. To make repairs and reno- vations before winter arri- ves. A minor repair can become a maior problem by next spring. You can't do better than call ‘TREND POOLS'. We will be happy to inspect at no charge and quote you. With 19 years experience we can handle any problem from complete rebuilding to closing and Winterizing. We manufacture custom fitted liners for any make of pool and our work carries the best warrantee in the business. OPEN MONDAY T0 FRIDAY 9 AM. TO 9 PM. SATURDAYS 9 AM. TO 5 PM. NOW [5 THE TIME! Call us - you’ll see! TREND POOL - SERVICE 3035 Wharton Way Mississauga 3640 Victoria Park Ave. Willowdale 2410 lawrence Ave. East Scarboro 881-1277 par THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 5. 1977 â€" C-S Starting October 11, 1977 the Richmond Hill Waterworks will do the semi annual Flushing of Watermains from Tuesday to Friday. This might temporarily discolour your water, please check the colour of your water before doing any laundry. M.L. Perkins, C.E.T. Maintenance Manager L; TOWN OF . =| RICHMOND HILL FLUSHING 0F WATERMAINS (n Jaw-one As night time temperatures fall â€" so your pool heating costs will soar. Save your money and our precnous fuel resources. Use a ‘FLA- MINGO' Solar Blanket from TREND. They are in- expensive, easy to put on and take off and will eli- minate costly evaporation losses which occur this time of year. Pool Size Price 14' 28' $69.95 16’ 32’ $89.95 18’ 36' $1 19.95 20’ 40’ $144.95 For Above Ground Pools too. 18’ diameter $34.95 24' diameter $49.95 DO IT NOW! 625-6800 497-770] 757-516] $69.95 $89.95 $1 19.95 $144.95