The Talk Of The Town? T-Bone Steak cm From Canada Grade 'A' Bee! cm From Canada Grade ‘A‘ Bee! Boneless Sirloin Steak Boneless qup Roasts}. Cu! From Canada Grade 'A' Bed For A Tlsly Treat Assoned Bunch Onlallo Gmwn Canada'No. I Grade Fresh Yams Dried Flowers Rutabagas Prices Effective October 5-11th, 1977. Except Bakery & Produce Items Effective Until October 8th, 1977. Sales In Retail Quantities Only. c\\\\\\\\~.‘ Maple Leaf Hams 10 LB. BAG Tendersweet No Centre Slices Removed, HOCk Cut Off. Butt \. Half, Shank Half or Bone In Quarter Cry-O-Vac Potatoes “(59¢ Spwu's “$1.99 s1 .98 I .98 {3.66 1 0¢ Round Steak Bombs Full Slice Out From Canada Grade 'A' Bee! CFuEkfcil E7051 Canéda Grade ‘A' Beel Or Cube Sleek Cross Rib Boas} Sandwich Steak U' "ul '3 Spamsn Type Onlano Grown. Canada No I Grade Package 0! Omar-in G-rown Fancy Grade 4 GI Bskl 6" Pat Soamsh Apples Potted Mums or Butternut Buttercup or Hubbarb Acorn Squash Maclnlosh 12¢ 93.32.99 “$1.89 Hock Off “132.16 s .56 .08 2 49¢ Eralsing Ribs Cut From Canada Grade 'A' Baal M Cu! Frovrcanads Grade 'A' Bee! c'utï¬lirdmicanada Gva'de 'A' Bee! Brai§i993i9§ $i_rlqirnli_9fl9as*s om Soulh Frozen Mm“ (355 ml ) 12 502.1’In U.S.A. Grown, No. 1 Grade Wnbsggosaftg‘s} 1.39 gaggggr Cheese $1 Ammo“ can Best Buy Mild 16 oz. Memos Weigh! Package gï¬ggï¬iuice 79¢ Scotch Treat Baby (907 9132 oz Pa All Sizes Canad Grade ‘A’ 1 Frozen Lb. Head Lettuce €289“? ung Turkeys mg; Tomatoes U»S.A. Grown. No.1 Grade $1 .86 88° L Full 04 Tropical Flavor Melons Size 8's Bel-an Frozen'24 02‘ Package PEEPR‘P‘BaPP'e 2§$1 Honey Dews Pumpkin Pie Mexican Grown Size 48 LLSA. Grown, No. 1 Grade Red Grapefruit §99¢ THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. 0ct0ber 5. 1977 â€" C-7 Is This The Round Steak You Bought Last Week? Cranberry Sauce Yawn House Whote or Jefly (398 m| y 14 oz Tm Ganaborough Deep D‘sh Froxan 12 01 Package Who:st 1|)" (654 9.) 16 or. Package Pie Shells Busy Bake! ChocoIa!e Pu" 40‘s 16 Pamper Assorted Flavours 6.5 oz, Tin: Aloro Pizza Cookies Cat Food Spaghetti E GUAEANT'EE ’mWWWW ' CHECK THE TRIM 0 CHECK THE QUALITY 0 CHECK THE PRICE MS%EMSLQSZSZSNSZWSZEEZRMWE5{5EUSE If, for any reason, y0u.are not satistied with any purchase made at Safeway. we will make an adjustment that is satistac- tory to you or refund the pur- chase price in full, MONEY BACK .59c £189 99¢ 000m