A-2 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, October 5, 1977 Third manufacturing plant is proposed A 45,740 square-foot manufacturing plant, proposed for 1.8 acres of land on Edward Avenue north of Elgin Mills Road, has received tentative approval from the Town of Richmond Hill. The automative moulding and stamping plant will employ between 120 and 140 people. It will be the third such plant in Rich- mond Hill. Two other plants cover a total of 67,000 square feet and employ nearly 200 people. All are part of Herman J. Koob Enterprises. The new site is located about 830 feet north of Elgin Mills, and is behind the Consumers Gas Company. Construction of the building was approved, subject to the applicant entering into a site plan agreement. Post Office to open in Thornhill Jan. 1 A new Thornhill post office with the dark red brick appearance of the old village’s homes is to be built for a Jan. 1 opening. It will be on Yonge Street just south of the existing post office. The old building will be torn down to make way for an extension of Centre Street to Eliza Street. Markham council opened the way for the project last week, although some details remained to be settled. Council had its way with builder T.H. McNally in having the design changed from modern commercial style to pseudo “georgianâ€. Municipal staff advisors, however, favored a building of a more con- temporary feeling, respecting the scale proportion, height and character of the old village, built of natural traditional material. They failed to get that. Architect Napier Simpson Jr. told council he‘d prepared the design change to pseudo “georgian†with the agreement and advice of the Society for the Preservation of Historic Thornhill. The new post office will be one-storey with about 10,000 square feet of floor space and in excess of 37 car parking spaces. The building will be leased. Larry Morris of 3 Eliza St. asked council to reconsider the proposed temporary post office access from Eliza. This access would be used during construction of a widened Yonge St. But Morris said a temporary access to Yonge would be better. Eliza Street was only 16 feet wide and had nine children aged six and under, living along the very short length. He said there already was a horrendous traffic problem on Eliza, which constituted a safety hazard. Post office truck traffic shouldn’t be added, he said. Mayor Anthony Roman noted a public meeting was held Jan. 27 at which all possible plans and alter- natives were considered. The Morris submission would be added to those considered. “Hopefully we can everybody,†said the mayor. When street construction is finished, council requires construction of a fence and landscaping along Eliza Street appease behind the new post office. Other landscaping is also required. The parking lot will have a right of way created to give access to the rear of stores to the south for parking there, allowing for a future overall com- prehensive “block development" concept. A5‘W building could get new life and design The former A & W Drive-In on Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, is an eyesore, according to the man who wants to have it remodeled. John Griffin, president of Elgin Mills Investments Ltd., told Richmond Hill council Monday night that two firms have been at the location since A & W closed down, and both went bankrupt. He has another client ready to move in, but renovations must be done, and time is running out, he said. Renovations include enclosing the canopy. Mr. Griffin said he believed a simple building permit was all that was necessary, but later found out he had to enter into a site plan agreement with the planning department. “We applied for a building permit two weeks ago, and we were told a site plan was not necessary," he said. “About five days later, we were told the plan was necessary.†Planning Director Bill Power told The Liberal he recommended Mr. Griffin apply for a site plan. “I could have had a bylaw ready tonight,†he said. Council agreed that Mr. Griffin should apply for a site plan, and if agreement is reached with the planning department, the mayor and clerk would be authorized to sign a building permit. A formal bylaw would then come before council at its next meeting, October 17. Mr. Griffin would not say who the new tenant would be, although there is some speculation it may be an automotive firm. Amnesty at Gallanough Thornhill-Vaughan book borrowers can get rid of their guilt feelings and their long overdue books this week. It's Amnesty Week at Gallanough Memorial Library up to, and in- cluding, Saturday. All overdue books may be returned without payment of fines. TAX SALE PROPERTIES - Each year throughout Ontario, municipal and county treasurers sell properties that have been seized for non-payment of taxes. farm properties. the properties are worth far more. along with complete purchase details. , Dept. 431w, PO. Box 5380 and treatment 10350 Yonge St., Lower Level, Richmond Hill 7-9 pm. Wed. AND 22 Prospect St., Newmarket 9-12 noon Tues. Fri. Morn. - For the informed there are literally thousands of oppor- tunities to buy hunting, fishing, home, investment and â€" These often sell for little more than the taxes owed, which is generally in the $50 to $500 range. Of course - Our service provides the lists as they become available - Cost for one year subscription is $12 payable to: TAX SALE PROPERTIES Stn. r, Ottawa, Ont. m 3.11 York Regional Health Unit SPECIAL CLINICS * FAMILY PLANNING * * BIRTH CONTROL ‘k * VENEREAL DISEASES 1* Free and confidential information, advice, diagnosis TWO LOCATIONS 8841133 297-3633 46 pm. Thurs. 895-4b1 1 887-5843 832-1 296 7-9 pm. Wed. By appointment appointments Montford Johnstone of Gormley has been found guilty of violating the Ontario Human Rights Code because he evicted a tenant for entertaining a black man in her home. In a hearing before the Openings available Openings are still available in three courses organized by the Rich- mond Hill Community Schools group. At Crosby Heights Senior Public School, a course on creating Christmas decorations gets underway October 19 at 7 pm. and continues on a weekly basis. Fee is $5. A weekly sewing clinic began Monday at the Walter Scott Public School. That fee is also $5. Boys, 13 to 15 years of age, are welcome to register in a model air- plane course at Beverley Acres Public School the third Friday of every month from October to May. The fee is $10. Further information may be obtained by calling 884-5322 or 884- 1785. Second Mortgage Loans Amortized up to 20 years. l Personal . Loans Repayment plans up to 5 years. Fast. professional. confidential service Rates subject to change. Example of a $10 000 Second Mortgage Lea." amortzej LA?! 21‘3 gears Rate Term .r Months Cost L tan Mo'tlh'i. Payments Ill/2% 60 55.52900 $106.65 Example 01 a 5:3 000 Perv-"tel Loan 'epals We" 3. :1 ,ea' zer'r 887-5245 121.202. 60 $1,750.00 $112.50 Gu°tazly<< 10132 Yonge Street 884-1188 W. N. Girard, Manager Robert C. Maxwell, publisher of The Liberal in Richmond Hill, Metrospan Community Newspapers Ltd., Nor Man Viola ted Ontario Human Rights Commission, Johnstone was ordered to pay Brigitte Jahn, 26, of Toronto, his former tenant, $200 in damages, as a result of his action. He was also ordered to send letters of apology to Miss Jahn and her guest, as well as pay special damages for her moving expenses, and the dif- ference between her current and former rents, which are to be negotiated. Johnstone will also and general manager of The th Division, announces the appointments of Graham Henrickson, left, as circulation rights code, in Johnstone phoned Miss Jahn when he saw the man entering the house and ordered her to get him off the property immediately. testimony revealed. He later ordered her to move out of the house. The decision by the hearing stated that: “Houseâ€"holders who extend the warmth of family ties, or of hospitality to people of different origins should not be deterred from commission of any future rentals of his property for two years. The action brought by Miss Jahn against Johnstone was the first test of a rights code provision, because of the race, color and place of origin, not of the tenant, but of “any person or class of persons." The inquiry was told that Miss Jahn had in- vited a landed immigrant to her rented house, next door to Johnstone’s, a SISMAN'S FACTORY OUTLET RETAIL STORE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 4 PM. - 8 RM. SATURDAY 9 A.M. - 12 NOON SISMAN'S OF CANADA LIMITED, OPEN EVERY 111 MOSLEY ST. AURORA OPEN YOUR MIND N HOUSE OPE manager, Ron Wallace. centre, as editor, and John Fergus, right, as advertising director at Liberal. The appointments took effect October 1. quiry ï¬nds doing so by the tervention of those whom they look security of tenure.†in. Mary Eberts, a to University of Toronto law for professor, headed the inquiry. Interest paid annually on 5 Year G.l.C. s 9 '3 0/0 poid semi-annually on 5 Year G.l.C's l 8. 2 Years 8°/o, 3 8. 4 Years 8 3/4 °/o. Roles subiect to change. \longuord Trust of Canada Limited call Heather Russell (4161868-0234 Toronto Dominion Centre Royal Trust Tower Surte 3706 PO Box 141 Toronto Ont MSK 1H1 Member of the Canada Deposll Insurance Corporation @lk ' WILL OPEN THE DOOR TRAVEL FOR FRIENDSHIP... IT’S PRICELESS. lfit a small space in a big land whose face I hardly know. You say / can go exp/ore its regions. discover its seasons venture, taste adventure sing a new song, find I belong anywhere, everywhere. Open House Canada invites anyone between the ages of 14 and 22. to A youth exchange program sponsored by the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada. / Secretary of State discover Canada, its geography, its people: to meet other young people like themselves in another part of Canada and visit them for a minimum Secretariat Secretary d'Etat of State I1! of 5 days either in a group or as an individual . . _ and Open House Canada will pay the fare. i would like to learn more about I Open House Canada. Open House Canada 1 l I 66 Slater I Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0M5 I I Name I Address I C‘t I I y Postal I I Provmce Code I Canada is your land and this is your I chancetoseeit. â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€"