M i k e S h a r m a , proprietor of Avenue Taxi, said he had talked to Markham’s bylaw enforcement officer, Bill Walker, and the idea of a taxi committee would be put to the bylaws comâ€" mittee of Markham council. All drivers on the committee would have to ha_v_e_ Vaughan plates. The town will recom- mend that someone from Thomhill or Olympus taxi companies join the committee, as well as Avenue, but it wants the drivers to come up with names. a number of companies involved, not just Avenue. Mrs. Kennedy owns her own car but works through Avenue. She returned to council Monday, despite suf- fering frbm a severe cold. and said that she wanted The committee requested by Richmond Hill taxi driver Joan Kennedy was called “a step in the right direc- tion†by Councillor Dave Fraser. Taxi committee will be formed Mrs. Kennedy of Avenue Taxi had asked for the committee to see that cabs are properly licenced, “cars clean and drivers half-way decent." Vaughan councH agreed to form a taxi committee last week. involving drivers and councillors, and town staff. It was a triumph for the many volunteers from the Thomhill Block Parent Central Committee and local block parent groups. Orange drinks from McDonalds and coffee donated by Ron‘s Catering Service were available. Other items included a mantle piece taken out of a living room, an old solid brass chandelier lamp with five globes, skis and ski boots. drapes, bed spreads and baby equipment. The Block Parents had a special booth from which they distributed posters, many done by local school children. Paper back and hard cover books, priced at 5 and 10 cents each were gone in an hour. x “We were all sold out by noon,†she said, although the sale was slated to run from 10 am. to 3 pm. The Thomhill Block Parents‘ Garage Sale held last week at Thor- nhill United Church was a tremendous success, said Linda Wadsworth, Co- Chairman of the Thomhill Central Committee. If you have contact Doris' 1273 or Betty at 881-0573. Block parents garage sale big success The Richmond Hillâ€" 'I‘hornhill Area Family Services Volunteers are asking for any donations of antiques. collectables and plants for this event. If you have any please contact Doris Todd at 884- There will also door prize and a sale. Dick Piller of “The Country Shop“ Antiques in Victoria Square is holding an auction of Antiques and Collectables on Tuesday. October 25 at 8 pm. in the Blue Flame Room, Consumers’ Gas Company. 500 Elgin Mills Road East in Richmond Hill Antique aucï¬on Oct. 25 It was his belief that the ultimate adjudicative authority in this con- nection should rest with the courts, that the Ombudsman’s function Former Canadian Finance Minister John Turner chaired the session of the Conference which was concerned with “The Ombudsman and Access to Infor- mationâ€. From September 12 to 16, the Canadian Con- ference of Legislative Ombudsmen was held at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto, on the initiative of Arthur Maloney, the Pronvincial Ombudsman for Ontario. By ALF STONG MPP â€" YORK CENTRE D-2â€"- THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 5, 1977 Access“. t9 _ information-who gets it? Wallbanks plant Donald MacDonald, M.P.P. maintained that the parliamentary system cannot be truly democratic unless there is freedom of in- formation. He believes that freedom of in- formation 'will lead to genuinely responsible government and reduce the alienation of people from government. Gerald Baldwin, MR, a long-term proponent of freedom of information, expressed the view that secrecy led to in- competence, indecision and scandal. He favoured the idea of the Ombud- sman intervening to secure documents which had been denied. was quite distinct, although there is con- siderable overlap. Margaret Campbell, All pricea shown in this ad guaranteed effective through Saturday, October 8th, 1977. a private enterprise which receives some seven million dollars annually from the Province. For example. she mentioned an 11-page document reporting on efforts to obtain in- formation from the government, particularly the Ministry of Health. on She also dealt in specific terms with the right of the citizen to know what the govern- ment is doing, citing experience in the provincial legislature. M.P.P., dealt directly with freedom of in- formation available to the public through the Legislature, one of her concerns being the right of the individual to see his or her own file. Oral questions and In April 1974, we learned of the existence of a Committee meeting Then there is the matter of the Toronto Island Airport, and its possible use for STOL (Short Take-Off and Landing) 'planes. Order Paper questions failed to obtain the in- formation, and we resurrected a little known procedure called “A Notice of Motion for Production of Papersâ€, in addition to letters to the Minister. All to no avail. queen's park However, the minutes we received were con- Originally, we sought membership of the Committee. Subsequently observer status was requested. This too was denied. although it was resolved that the minutes of meetings be made available. behind closed doors to review “technical in- formation" on this matter. (Incidentally, not all the members serving on this Committee had technical expertise.) Don’t for get to pick up a delicious A&P Pu’mp kin Pie CLIP VALUABLE COUPONS BELOW AND SAVE Garlic Sausage [b1.08 Chicken Cutlettes 1588;! Sliced Bolognat-Ibvacm94¢ Pork ShOulders "1.89 Breakfast Slices 1.08 Beef Steakettes 1.58 Maple Leaf â€" Regular or All Beef (2 lb Vac Pu 1-55) Beef or Pork Prime Beef Rib Roasts I“.38 Steaks "1.5 Whole "@336? n, ¢ or Shank Portion airpért. alternative It is interesting to note that among those matters deleted from our minutes were the numbers of passengers which might be expected to use a STOL The Minister stated: “In creating this sum- mary there was no at- tempt to distort the facts or mislead people as-to the Committee’s con- siderations". a summary of proceedings Which contained “All the essential and basic points that were discussed". siderably less than complete. The matter was referred to the Attorney General on the basis of an investigation into the falsification of public documents, but he ruled the Chairman of the Committee had prepared Illa‘rVé’éi"éFLiHéH""'3§H L79 Fancy Pumpkin 49¢ pkg BEATRICE PLASTIC ’ ACTION Rica» Cottage Cheese :7; 69¢ Glad Bags vksotzol.99 LYNCH â€" WITH RUM §3cran Wrap ‘°‘3§.‘.’°’ 99¢ Mincemeat “.3,†1.49 SAUCE Quench ':::::89¢ Grapo, Lemon, Orange, Rupborry, Wild Frull Flmur Anion Friend} Shortcake, Nice, Digestive, Chip Rings Action Priced! QUAKER CRANBERRY 49" BUTT PORTION“. 1.08 Rniuln I. Data, lqulnr, Appla Cinnamon Amen Prleodl M-fl-oz tin CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF! CRYSTALS ‘l-Ib vac pac To date neither report has been received from the Government, although the report on ambulance services has been sent to us “in a brown paper envelope" Experience with government information offices is equally discouraging. Earlier this summer we requested reports from the Ministry of Health, one on am- bulance services, the other on allegations by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association that people had been im- properly detained in mental hospitals. airport sites, the full name of a provincial government study and a statement regarding provincial policy towards introduction of air service in Southern Ontario. I lb Vac Pac Town Club, Frozen jelly 79¢ Burns Sausage "89¢ 22-02 container TRY OUR OWN w BRANDS. THEY'RE EVERY BIT AS GOOD OR BETTER THAN THE OTHER FAMOUS BRANDS AND YOU PAY LESS. IF SAVING MONEY AT THE SUPERMARKET IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS FINE QUALITY, Golden Skillet, Frozen, Hut & Servo Maple Leaf, Dinner Style 1.79 Peanut Butter 1.99 However, one flaw in the legislation is the question of the con- fidentiality of the Ombudsman‘s Office. For example, a Select Committee wrestled for This may be true if one searches the archives, but hardly answers the present burning problems. It has been suggested that creation of the Office of Provincial Ombudsman is a big step forward: this may well be true as far as individuals are concerned. Replying to questions in the House from the Liberal Leader, the Premier said, July 7, this year that his “experience has been that there has been very little that hasn‘t been made public in one form or another.†from an unknown source 2‘79" STOKELY PETER PAN MONARCHâ€"IO Varieties ACTION PRICED! CAKE MIXES Jane Parker, Sliced, Enriched, White or 60% Whole Wheat )) BREAD SANDWICH 24â€"0: loaf 9-02 pouch pack 34.3 JAR ACTION Plll Other problems have arisen from the practice of tabling “interim†answers to questions and from questions which have died on the Order Paper, as well as the habit of Ministries resorting to the devise of Cabinet confidentiality in refusing to release reports. Finally. he concluded that he could not in- troduce the report, either to the Speaker or to the Committee. although it had been received by the Ministry. some time with problem in correctional in stitutions, as a result of report of the Ombud sman. and discussion were deferred becaus ‘ his office was preparing a comprehensive report on‘ the subject. for 2â€â€! TI" 2": pkg