This year. like the year before. the weather By DOREEN LIVINGSTONE 889-9922 Does rain dampen the enthusiasm of residents of the German Mills community? Apparently not. For the second year in a row their annual dance Jeans ‘N Things, held last week at the Thornhil] Community Centre. was a success. German Mil/s Chicken Noodle Go|den Bell Pkg 0| 2 env. Steiqberg‘s Corgderlsed TOMATO SOU P Check out for less on your Thanksgiving Dinner Civic Corner The following meet of Civic interest 1 been scheduled during next two weeks: Wednesday. Octobt 7:30 p.m. Cou Chambers. By~la Procedures. Fire Personnel Commi Meeting. Monday, October 1| SOFT MARGARINE 1011.01. tin 1|bJub Campbell‘s Condensed LIPTON SOUP MIX 6759bm CORN FLAKES 1oll‘ozlin AllVegemrbleishgnening Yes... Mira_c|e is on your Slde. SPECIAL K 150kag‘ MUSHROOM SOUP CRISCO 1lhpkg. 2|b. bag Fresh from the Tropics Valley Farm Champlain OntarioGrpyn‘Eaniada FancyGrade 24 oz. loaf Slh bag WHITE SLICED BREAD LARGE SIZE BANANAS Pdect of USA LavgeSizeG MaclNTOSH'APPLES Oniarioerm-Canada No.1 Grade Poly bag HONEY DEW MELONS CARROTS-S LB. FROZEN FRENCH FRIES Mira Mart Frozen Concentrated Unsweetened 12-1/2 fl. oz. tin Parchment Wrap 1 lb. pkg. FLORIDA ORANGEJUICE CHEF MASTER MARGARINE Dance brings crowds despite weather One such prize was “won†by German Mills Public School principal Gordon Maunder â€" two dinner tickets and two theatre seats, which in reality turned out to be a refused to co-operate, but many residents braved it to attend. The ratepayers danced to music provided by a disc jockey, enjoyed spot dances, an energetic limbo dance and handed out several door prizes. 25° 78° 19“ Earlier in the day, part one of Family Day â€" Parents ‘N Kids Olympics held at German Mills Public School, was more fortunate. Many pounds of cold cuts and salad rapidly disappeared before the evenings end. gag prize â€" two McDonald's hamburgers and actual seats from an old theatre. Check & Compare at Miracle. TABLE POTATOES Ontario Grown-Canada No.1 Grade 10 lb. bag The rain clouds held off Marlboro Pink orWhiw Mira Man 128 ll, oz.]ug BATHROOM TISSUE 4 roll pkg. 1-ply LIQUID BLEACH ProduclolOntarioovUSA anada Na 1 Grade Large Sizg F'WUC‘ Ul WIHHU §E§Ni§°ï¬Â¥Â§$e ONIONS 1o Inbag Pmmolusk OntarioHolHouseGrown Canada Na1rGradgEnglish SEEDLESS CUCUMBERS RED EMPEROR GRAPES tWO Joan and Lionel Boxall won the egg toss. Games co-ordinator Gary Randall won the mile race and Michael Grand at age 8 was the youngest entry in both mile races â€" 13 and under and 13 and over. until after the final event Claude Halpin and his Road East in Richmond F a m i l y S e r v i c e s was completed. committee are to be Hill. volunteers. commended. . _ _ _ _ ’2 He was fourth in each. Mayor Tony Roman and Councillor Tom Gove were in attendance. L878° 48° Have fun while you learn antique refinishing with Dick Pillerwitty antique restoration consultant of The Country Shop Antiques in Victoria Square. This takes place on Tuesday. October 25 at 8 pm. in the Blue Flame Room, Consumers' Gas Company. 500 Elgin Mills Switt's Semi Boneless SUGAR PLUM HAMS 12Ib. avg. size Cu! from Canada “GRADE A“ Bee! Cut from Canada “G RADE A" Bee! Cut horn Canada "GRADE A" Bee! Regulal Capon Nocap Back Strap Removed Cut (mm the Loin Cut from Canada “GRADE A" Bee! PRIME RIB STEAKS PRIME RIB STEAKS Cut lrom Canada "GRADE A" Bee! SIRLOIN STEAKS All sizes PRIME RIB ROASTS Full Slice Boneless Cut Irom Canada “G RADE A" Bee! Frozen Eviscerated Utility Grade Frozen Young Eviscerated Picnic Style 4-6 lb. size Boneless Top Round STEAK ROASTS YOUNG TU RKEYS CANADA GRADEA TURKEYS I ROUNDSTEAKS SMOKED PORK SHOULDERS 10-16 lb. size All sizes Frozen Young Eviscerated Canada Grade A Deep Basted BUTTERBALL TU RKEYS PRICES EFFECTIVE IN THE TORONTO AREA UNTIL OCT. 11, 1977. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. â€" rummage 33/9 BEST BUY There will be a door prize. The show is sponsored by the Rich- mond Hill-Thornhill of antiques and collec- tables at 9:30 pm. as well as a plant sale. For tickets at $2 contact Isabel Ewing at 884-3577 or Elinor McMaster at 889-2843. Therewill be an auction The Thornhill Com- LB $1.78 L8 1.48 1.58 1.78 1.58 1.38 Two of their new films are “In Search of Ancient Astronauts“ narrated by Rod Sterling which examines the theory that munity Centre Library now has a brand new edition of their 16 mm film catalogue} with all their latest acquisitions listed and indexed by subject. Empire or Pioneer Mary Miles Frozen Evisceraled Grade A YOUNG DUCKLINGS 35 lb. size SLICED SIDE BACON 1 lb‘ pkg‘ SLICED SIDE BACON 1 lb. pkg. Famous foIOuality 8 oz. chub Taillele! NewSeason Frozen. Pacilic 2-4Ib.wholeorha|1 SCHNEIDER’S MINI DELI TOURTIERE PIES 1601pkg‘ PINK SALMON Thaw.C|ean and Enjoy. Norwegian COOKEDVPRAWNS 78° L378†L368“ L393“ THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. October 5, 1977 â€" A-7 BEST BUY BEST BUY the earth once had visitors from outer space; and “The Incredible flight Of The Snow Geese“ which follows the migration of the snow geese from their birth in the Arctic country of Hudson Bay to the South. The German Mills Tennis Club is holding an awards dance on Saturday October 14 from 8:30 to 1 am. at the Heritage Restaurant in BEST BUY BEST BUY BEST BUY BEST BUY BEST BUY BEST BUY £1.48 $1.98 L888†1.28 1.39 1.17 Path from argna W/// ha ve to wait Tickets at $20 per couple are available from any member of the German Mills Tennis Club executive or'by calling Diane Bain â€" 889- 2892, Verna Painting â€" 889-9646, or Diane Wells â€" 8894707. There will be a buffet dinner, dancing and door prizes. The following meetings of Civic interest have been scheduled during the next two weeks: Wednesday, October 5, â€" 7:30 pm. Council Chambers, By-laws, Monday. October 10, â€" Thanksgiving Day Holiday. Municipal Offices closed. Monday October 17, â€" 7:45 pm. Council Chambers regular Council meeting. Tuesday, October 18 â€"â€" 7:30 pm. Council Chambers Planning Committee. Procedures. Fire and Personnel Committee Meeting. Thursday, October 20, â€" 8 a.m., Commissioner of Works Office â€" Engineering Committee meeting. Monday, October 24, â€" 8 p.m., Thornhaven School. Ward 2 Public meeting. The meeting is slated for October 11 and will get underway at 8 pm. the Ontario Science Centre. A request for $700 to construct a path to the parking lot was denied by Richmond Hill Council Monday night. “The door leads to a muddy lot and the area needs improvement,†Councillor Al Duffy said. in his attempt to reverse an earlier finance committee decision which denied the request. “You have to be careful, though, or you could fall," he said. The East Central Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary will hold its next meeting at the home of Mrs. Stan Leno. Willowdale Christian School will hold its annual Rummage and Bake Sale from 11 a.m. to 2 pm. Saturday, Oct. 15 at the school. 60 Hilda Ave., Willowdale. Councillor Andre Chateauvert said he had used the exit “and I’ve managed to surviveâ€. Features of the sale include garden-fresh vegetables and an almost- new clothing room. Anyone with items to donate can call 2224160 for pickup. Councillor Bill Cor- coran said $700 “doesn‘t seem too much to rectify the situation“. “It just might make things a bit easier for people at the arena," Councillor Mike Burnie said. “It would be $700 that is well spent, especially if someone gets hurt." Councillor Lois Hancey said she sympathized but felt there were more pressing areas where the money could go. The majority of council agreed, Auxiliary branch sets meeting date Leaving the Richmond Hill Room at the arena will still be a challenge to those going outside.