New TV program debuts No v. 8 on Classicomm The York Region Chapter of the Association for Children w i t h L e a r n i n g Disabilities is starting '4 television series to debut Tuesday, November 8 at 7 p.m., on Classicomm's Channel 10. The first half hour program deals with a general discussion of learning disabilities featuring Craig Shields of C-6 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. November 2. 1977 Clergy: Rev. Bernard Barrett 884-1394 Rev. WiIIiam Prentice 883-4149 Rev. Fred Jackson 8842418 Services: Sun. 8 am. and 10:30 am Wed. 10 am. and 7.30 pm. (Member Baptlsx Convention of Ontano and Quebec) Sunday. November 61h Inmty 22 8:00 am. Holy Communion 9.15 am, Choral Eucharist 11:00 am. Remembrance Servrce & Choral Eucharist 11:00 am. Church School Kindergarten and Nursery School WEDNESDAY 10:00 AM. . . . it you haven'l had your blood pressure checked lately. You could have hlgh blood pressuve and not know it. It can lead to slvoke. heart and k-dney tailuve, See your doctorâ€" only he can telL HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE 31., THORNHILL S. 0F HWY, 78 W. 0F YONGE ST 889-5931 yarn-{whistling III the dark. 9:45AM Church School Fat Bus Mlmslry call 881-2818 11:00 AM. V Morning Wetshup DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK WWWQ Richmond HI“ lw‘ Am BaptlstChurch mm: w» ‘ “M I 50w msr t ‘. a N ' ' SLMarv" Anallran {Thmrh Tnl (gimme ‘ 1 'k' A ‘ M Give Heart Fund (I? BAPTIST St Mary's Anglican Church 10030 Yonge St‘ Richmond Hull Rev, Dana H. Lamb BA. 8.0V Mln‘ISIEI ST. JOHN‘S BAPTIST CHURCH Holy Communion 75 Oxfotd Street United Way SUNDAY booster On Tuesday, November 15, there will be a parents’ panel, made up of par- tents of Learning Disabled kids, talking about educational problems and hopes for the future. the York Centre for Learning Disabilities; John Mcrae of the York Region Separate School Board; and Rosemary Underwood, Executive Director of Ontario ACLD. The third program. November 22, will be a panel of young people who will talk specifically about their learning disability handicap. The final program, November 29 at 7 pm. will be on juvenile delinquency and un- checked learning disabilities as a con- tributing factor. Judge Terry Moore will be interviewed by Craig Shields and Rosemary Underwood. Laurie Leblanc-of the York Centre will moderate that panel. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH '0: all age‘ 11:00 am 7:00 pm. Player | 10:00 rayer meetmg Wednesday at Div 8:00 pm. _ Church An Old Fashioned Cauntry Church parents on the Edge of the City LUTHERAN 9'30 AM. Sunday Chutch School 11 AM. WOIShID Semce Pioneer Guls Yguth and AduIt Studies Nursery Available Meetings for the whole family New Residents EspeCIalIy Welcome to all Sewices 9:45 am. Sunday School Hour Classes for Adults 11 am. & 7 pm At Both Services Pastor E. Corbett Iuesday 5:30 to 8:30 pm. "FAMILY NIGHT" Supper. 5:30 to 6:30 Graded Meetings at 7 pm Christian Servrce Brigade PREACHING THE OLD BOOK THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTlST CHURCH Comer oT Weldtick Read and Bathursj Street Rev. ST. McSpadden Pastor Phone 8844859 I am. » Bible School Classes S, DAUPHINEE. PASTOR Richmond HI†Baptist Church 50 erght Street Tel: 884-3091 Morning Semce Evening Semce Bob Higgs (left) and John Stevenson receives a $25,000 cheque from the Stephen B. Roman Foundation Thursday for York Region’s United Appeal, presented by Mayor Tony Roman. The Markham mayor is the nephew of Stephen Roman, chairman of Denison Mines. The donation was one of a number pledged at the start of the campaign which now has about $125,000 in pledges and a target of $400,000. THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centre Street 889-5391 The Revd. J.B. Burns. MA“ 8D" PhD. SUNDAY. NOV. 6. 1977 TRINITY 24 Guest Preacher: Ihe Rev. Professor Lam Nrco| M.A.. B.D.. Ph D, Divine Worshrp- 11:00 am. Church School begrns rn Church wrth Presbyterian The March of Remembrance forms at 2 pm. at Rich- mond Heights Centre - proceeds along Yonge Street to the Cenotaph. Alrl ex-sefvice personnel are invited to take part in the march. 7 in groups or persons who wish to deposit wreaths at the Cenotaph during the service are requested to leave their names with the Police Department. (Anglican) BROOK ST..THORNHILL All citizens are urgent|y requested m attend this ser vice. Frank Barton SERVTCES every SUNDAY Morning New Ie AT THE CENOTAPH Town of Richmond Hill The Annual Remembrance Day Service will be held 9:45 Bible Classes Holv Trinity Church 8 '00 HOLY COMMUNION 9-15 } REGULAR 11-00 MORNING SERVICES @{ï¬lï¬m‘ï¬lfl‘ï¬ï¬ 6692/84. NDAY SERV ALL WELCOME ‘EDNESDA‘ m - Bnble COMMENQINQ SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6 AT 3 PM. GUEST SPEAKER HONORABLE BARNET DANSON MINISTER OF NATIONAL DEFENCE "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" ‘I “1‘ FROM LIBERAL ADVERTISERS NOVEMBER 6.1977 LEST WE FORGET TUESDAY _ 8 00 p m - Bible School and Playe Rememb 9 30 a m -Ihe Lom's Suppel ll 00 a m‘ - Family Bible HOUI 1100 a m - Sunday School Kindetgarten to Glade 6 Bible Schoo! lo: Glade 7 and up 700 p m - Evening Semce Service at 10:30 am. and 5:00 pm RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Yonge and Centre Sheets 8844301 nday, November 6. 1977at nemmance Semce - ‘Keepu In With Ihem' sery Care and Chuwh School 1‘ dren and youth to 14 was. UNITED H.D. Schi|lel Mayor RICHVALE BIBLE CHAPEL 24 Oak Ave Richvale BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 148 Thornridge Dr. Thornhlll Munister Rev. J. Mulder M.Th. - 889-5225 KERVGMA sway ta Adult: @W Keepung By REV. P. W. DOWNER To say our world of 1977 is in a desperate mess would be merely to utter a truism and to comment upon the obvious. Humanity as a whole is. whether consciously or unconsciously in dire need of some incisive new directives to avoid a general collapse of much of what at least the Holy Trinity. Thornhill Bad trick or amazing treat? Western “Christian†Even and Day of All civilization has regarded Saints'. as the pillars of a Stable Does appear and progressive society. ridiculous. naive or Yet in the midst of that there comes the ob- servance. first of Thanksgiving and then. almost on its heels the To add to this the threats of widespread starvation. disease, nuclear conflict com- pletes a very gloomy picture. ridiculous. naivé‘ or contradictory? It need not._ There will be many differing ideas about what to give thanks for; but an honest appraisal will reveal that the things which threaten are ‘man caused‘ and the great bulk of that for which we should give thanks are ‘heaven-sent'. The beauties of our environment. the productive capacities of our earth, the powers of mind and spirit as well as the marvels of our physical bodies. for none of which humans can take credit. For these and a host of other tangible and in- tangible things of life and the other certitudes they convey to our beings. our heartfelt gratitude is the There will. however. be numbers who. taking a negative over-view of the world and life. with a ‘gloom and doom' only rightful response year by year. prospect. will not par- ticipate in the opportunity of thanksgiving, and so be in contrast to those great souls whose lives will be commemorated by millions as the next month opens.