By Alf Stong MPP York Centre During the past week I had occasion to meet with representatives from the Region of York and the Minister of Energy with respect to the re- structuring of the Hydro Commission in the Regional Municipality of York. The meeting was initiated as a result of the wishes of the Town of Newmarket to establish immediately a Hydro Commission to provide C-6 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. Léwer tier hydro appears favorite 100% bran Nabisco cereal Aunt Jemima. Irozen. blueberry buttermilk. qr regular Blue Bonnet soft . margarine Hcfheydevvi dnnk [ejrigerated prange >ancake ï¬ner on Loblaws side bacon isle bacon :7] b I pkg. I a frozen Loblaws beef 8. pork “VLu-v hv-._...- -v... .â€" -V. ' tray pack' breakfast sausage 1 lb. pkg effective unnl Tues. Nov. 22, 1977 smoked Canadian kippers lb.- Ziggys. boneless smoked eflecnve until Tues. Nov‘ 22. 1977 with this coupon and $10._ I Loblaws purchase In addition to coupon purchases (excluding cigarettes) limit one package ham Slices effective until Tues. NOV, 22. 1977 Loblaws sliced ‘en Sea Fresh Brand slices 32 H. 0;, bottle 450 gr‘ 1.69 1 lb canon services for the Town of Newmarket. It appeared from the meeting that all those who attended as representatives of the Region, that the lower tier system of hydro is favoured. 1 indicated at the meeting that if the Minister did not include in his proposed legislation which would re-structure hydro. a method for direct election to such Commission, then I would move an amendment to .69 was 1.85 .59 was .75 .59 _69 BSSéï¬â€™oWéis 29;? .99 was .69 ._lohnso_r] 5 Pledge - reguIar or |e10n wa_s 2â€".59 was .79 November 16. 1977 $31.1 8 pkg yvijh porhln tomat'o sauce Véï¬VCahp’s beans furnitu re polish garden_ cocktail E. D, Smith's W -_all colours Kite Swan .1.15 23 .17 per coupon that legislation which would require that members serving on the Hydro Commission be elected directly thereto by the voters of the Regional Municipality oil York. I R e c e n t l y , t h 9 Executive Director of the Ontario Hospital Association said that hospitals might have to impose a $5 a day fee on patients and lay off 4,000 medical workers to stay within budget. oz 2 45 aero hn I 48 fl. oz. bottle 28 fl. 02, (In was .79 lb was 1.25 was 1.09 .63 .88 .99 was .73 The Minister of Health announced that while hospitals may have to close active treatment beds and reduce staff by attrition, he has no in- tention of introducing deterrent fees. 2 | -_a||c010urs VWute Swan facial tissue Stoker lancy cream style corn Tetley tea bags fav0unte 5. Danish crisp or cloud 9 wa§1.1_5 Westqn blscmts offer expires Tues. Nov. 22, 1977 limit one dozen per coupon dozen Pride of Arabia frozen coffee creamer ground or whole bean Mountain Blend coffeé effective until Tues. Nov. 22, 1977 effectNe until Tues. Nov. 22, 1977 oranges Florida grown! new crop effective un'tll Saturday. Nov. 19. 1977 medium Loblaws Canada grade 400 9. un- tie bag queen's park 72 Hï¬r‘ H be: 1.69 3332? 2:;1 89 10H 02‘ tm 2003 box Lay-offs were possibility. The reason for the hospitals‘ financial problems is that grants from the province will not keep pace with the rate of inflation, forecast by 3 lb. bag‘ was 2.19 .59 .25 .99 was .69 was .41 5 blah; l9 32 oz. ctn. I 4.49 3:33 plus 30¢ deposut returnable seven-up Club House mix sour crear_n sauce MIX Kraft smooth Jiffy _ pie crust mlx Mother Jackson's .81 Ottawa to run at about 6 per cent. In a speech to the OHA. the Minister outlined exactly what they can expect in terms of money until at least 1980: no increase in capital ex- penditure for two years: further reduction in active treatment beds by increasing out-patient, home and chronic care; and further staff reduction, mainly by attrition. According to the Minister of Consumer and was .66 was .39 ea. 02:41.00 was 1.99 1.5 litre Dome 510 gr. box .59 .73 was .79 Commercial Relations, many firms offering instant cash for income tax refunds will be driven out of business in Ontario by legislation limiting their profits. The legislation will make it illegal for tax discounters to take more than 5 per cent of the refund owing to a tax- payer, including over- payments of unem- ployment insurance premiums and Canada Pension Plan con- tributions. C359"! Stafford pie filling Robin Hood flour Quikki 30.5 garbage bags pkg stuffed manzamlla - loose pack 7 W33 1.17 waiflllafeâ€"ï¬s' 7771's“ 1 Ollves oz Jar I Roll-O. kitchen Roman meal sliced 24 oz. loaf éflectlvé until Tues Nov. 22. 1977 Gay Lea Swiss - all flavours yogoun Loblaws sliced ï¬ibé‘k'éhibken or bologna effective until Tuesday. Nov. 22. 1977 5 lb. paper bag 19“. oz. ï¬n l. H. David Schiller, Mayor of the Town of Richmond Hill do hereby proclaim the week of November 2131 to November 27th, 1977, as in and for the Town of Richmond Hi|| was 1.03 was 1.11 .95 .89 HELPMATE INFORMATION WEEK .89 was .97 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL vuwun. . u. -VU, vv.†v. .V:_._V . 16" CL 1 creme rlnse bottle I M A...“ MM A. mm. mm was 2.44 normal. dry or Olly Breck Golden 400 m. shampoo bottle Head and Shoulders lotion shampoo balsam wulh body - body or regular (a flu ° V0. ¢ 53;?2“;};y" 1422.: 1.99 6 oz. tub I 'ep qxtra hold or blue regular pkg. 6 oz. pkg .21 .22 .27 H. David Schiller, Mayor. 100 ml‘ bottle was .42 was .55 was .54 1.79 was 2.69 was 2.69 was 1.15 .93