FOR Fuller Brush Service. Call H Losberg, 889-0827. tfcl( Beet. Chicken. Ljveg 25.5 0L (in fleinbflcendgnied TOMATO SOUP 10 ll. oz. tin 24 01. lost Pony Tail ng Champlain WHITE SLICED BREAD ’P’E’P' DOG FOOD Mira Man 128 ll. 01. jug Salad Dressing Assorted Flavours Mira Man 32 H. oz. jar SOFT DRINKS LIQUID BLEACH KRAFf MIRACLE WHIP 750 ml btl. (Plus 20: deposit on NI.) ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE NOV. 23 - 29, 1977. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. 2 lb. bag Choice Valley Farm Canadian Processed Mira Mart Regular or Singles, 16 oz. pkg. CHEESE SLICES Parchment Wrap 100% Vegetable Oil 1 lb. pkg. FROZEN FRENCH FRIES Lipton’s Soup Mix Fresh trom mo TroI ï¬ï¬i'f'E‘EmPEFRUIT 98c 5 lb. bug Pkg. of 2 env. 12/936 Size 176 Product 0' U.S.A. 8 oz. Bag Fresh lrom (he Tr LARGE@EE BANANAS CHEFMASTER MARGARINE » HICKEN OODLE RADISH SNOW TIRES F78-14 - $35 each L78-15 â€" $44.50 each New rims $14.95 each LR78â€"15 $59.80 each 875-165 $64.50 each Used truck 16.5 rims $25 each BJ's ENTERPRISES Monday to Friday 6:30 pm. to 11:00 pm. Saturday and Sunday 12 noon to 11 pm. Call 88-3-3732 “ Save With Miracle’s Regular Everyday Prices. Some examples listed below III H. REFRIGERATOR, white, good ï¬clO condition. Asking $50. 495-0656. E12:22" 3°“ Articles fut Sale 1.28 Product 0! Japap‘ MAN DARIN ORANGES Appox. 8 I1. box Ontario Grown. Canada No. 1 Grade TABLE POTATOES 10 In bag Produc! 01 U.S.A., Florida TANGELOS Slzo ‘20 Quintin Grown. fancy Gradg 4 qt basket McINTOSH APPLES OUR 32nd Christmas sale now on. The sale 0ur many customers take advantage of. LOWREY, Wurlitzer, Conn. Pianos too! At real genuine bargains; prices you cannot afford to pass up. Also good used organs, all makes, large stock. Open evgs. No inflated prices or high pres- sured selling PINE FURNITURE iDoutings magi: 6213mm Plain or Salged Steinberg SODA CRACKERS 16 oz. pkg‘ HAND TURNED PLANK CONSTRUCTION WOODEN PEGS 773-5584 15 Mil. N. of Hwy_. 7 0n Woodbine (Newmarket) 1-895-6311 CHECK OUT FOR LESS. TH) 20 ALPHA'CAMERA New $100. CCM Hl-RISE BICYCLE $25 BOYS HOCKEY PADS AND HELMET‘ MAKE OFFER 884â€"4698 POLAROJD SXJQ 12/98" v ’amo I 7‘0“ 58° £319"? 1 lb, pkg. Product 0! Canada SLICED SIDE BACON 1 lb, pkg. Product 0! Canada SLICED SIDE BACON Boneless Bottom Cut Swift‘s Premium Siiced Side or 1 lb. pkg. Product 0! Canada Sliced Side 1 lb. pkg. Produc! of Canada Fearman‘s Davem Fresh Onlavio Pork T-Bone or From Best Quality"‘GRADE A†Beef LB, LAZY MAPLE BACON MAPLE LEAF BACON ROU N D ' STEAK ROASTS Shank Portion. Flesh LEG OF PORK ROASTS Frozen Eviscerated Utility Grade, Frying or Properly Aged Expertly Cut and Trimmed Aloro Frozen 2-3 lb. size CHEESE PIZZA 16 oz‘ Top Quality Sliced â€"'--‘v-â€"-I" From Best Quality “GRADE A†Beef LB- 500 g‘ pkg SIRLOIN STEAKS From Best Quality “GRADE A†Beef F,P. Cod ï¬llets. Cod tish sticks or ‘6 02. Mg BOLOGNA ROASTING CHICKENS F.P. COD CUTS PORTERHOUSE LOIN’ STEAKS . Boadway’s Meats (4) RV. 15x11. For ‘4 ton Dodge or Ford. 8475. complete, Ask tor Ruck. SNOW Tires, G78x14, on 69 GM rims, 325‘ Chrome kitchen table $20. 884-7443. Tires and Rims EVGS Evgs Mike Boadway Prop R.R.1,Unionvil|e Freezer Orders BEEF & PORK SIDES & HINDS 6 pack 887-5526 884-3385 884-2348 (1 - 5 pm) 65w18 CULLIGAN water softener. Mark II, in exchange for repair to clothes dryer, Inglis (new igniter), 884-7421. Aftu 5:30 pm. NOVELTY fish tank‘ Looks like T.V Complete with stand and ac cessories. 8843076. DININGROOM suite, walnut, tabie, 6 chairs. buffet and hutch‘ $435. Exrn‘lent condition. Persian lamb 1. size 12. dark brown with mnnk collar, 3235‘ Appraised new $700. 884-6979. WRINGER washer. Inglis. good condition. Only 350‘ 8844978. WRINGER washer, Viking. Good working condition. 335‘ 8833756. WASHER and dryer, Moffat, 3 yeats old‘ $500. 884-4383. after 5 pm. COLLECTION Rayal Copenhagen Christmas plates. 884-3190, J .18 1.54 1.28 1.78 305 Articles For Sale 4-6 lb. size From Best Quality “GRADE A" Bee! Pfian Sim: Smgkgd The King at Roasts P'RIME RIB STEAKS Full Cut Bone-in From Best Quality “GRADE A" Bee! From Best Quality “GRADE A" Bee! 3 lb. size frgzgn ï¬gigcgrajed Utility Grade PORK SHOULDERS YOUNG TU'RKEYS 8-14 lb. size RUMP ROASTS PRIME RIB ROASTS COTTAGE ROLLS Sweet Pickled Frozen VYgung Eviscerageq Gvado A Deep Bum! F9131 Y_ou39 Eiscgratfli GRADE A TU RKEYS Frozen Young Eviscerawd Grade A Deep Blsled BU RBALL TURKEYS Over 10 lbs. Over 10 lbs. Tea wagon, glass and brass wrth walnut trim. Attractive, $50. Simplicity washer, spin dryer. Excellent condition. $79. Two pair lined cham- pagne Damask drapes, each 48" wide x 40" long. Almost new. 884-1636. 7 clel ALUMINUM Doors, wmdows‘ awnings railings. sndung. soffit system. trougho Free estimates. Ron Woods 884-1514. A H Teakwood Furniture Drrect from Importers warehouse Open ml 9 pm EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED Hwy 7 Bramalea 7912355 79 Doncaster, Thornhrll 881-0000 ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS I: 44 THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, November 23. 1977 â€" B-5 AIR hockey set‘ Like new. $35. 881 2402. DOUBLE Iron bed with brass knobs. 865‘ White wicker chair S45. Baby's crib and mattress, used for 1 child, $15. Saving for single and 36 size bed $5 each‘ Wicket hump trunk $15. 889-1602. COAT, leather, long. brown. size 11 12‘ Almost new. 884-5619. FIREPLACE, including grate. suitable for cottage 360‘ 881-7205 Evgs. 293 SKOPIT RD.. RICHMOND HILL SAT‘ NOV. 26th 9 T0 2:30 PM. Coleman large camp light, 3 burnet stove. heater: antique guns; baby scales, crib and mattress: china, books. clothes. double bookcase headboard, foot board and «ails; etc. 1.48 $1.58 “1.48 Garage Sale JJB 88° “88° “78° “98° TEAKWOOD, Rosewood furniture. Bedroom suite, diningroom 9 piece‘ Chesterfield suite, wallunit. Bland new. Reasonable. 247-4377 4 LARGE SHOWROOMS - 472 YONGE ST. 924-8408 Above College St. opposite West~ bury HoteT. o 1218 KENNEDY RD. 759-2234 South of Hwy. 401 0 29 DUNDAS ST. E. 275-1135 Corner of Hwys, 5 & 10 Missmsauaa - 4900 DUFFERIN ST. 667-1170 Between chh & Steeles Warehouse & Showroom OPEN DAILY 9T0 9 PM. SATURDAY TILL 6 TYPEWRIIERS, adders, calculators, sales, service, rentals. Newmarket Business Machrnes, 497 Iimothy SL, Newmarket. 895-7621. If: 36 Bed Chesterfields used, Will sell far 350. Bargain. 889‘ 4293. C.B. RADIO, new 40 channel Hy-gain‘ $150. including antennae, 881‘ 7576, old. HEAIER. pertable Alladin, hardly Saturday, November 26 10 a.m. to 4 pm. THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE Perfect c best offer INFORMATION MARKHAM 297-3459 727-8517 CHESTERFlELD CLEARANCE OFFICE EQUIPMENT OIL SPACE HEATER HEINZMAN PIANO DEACONS BENCH ROCKING CHAIRS Chest of drawers etc. Knappett's Landscaping & Garden Supplies Bayview and 18th Ave., Richmond Hill 884-3089 Corner of John and Bayview Ye Olde School of Antiques Well Seasoned 16†Beech and Maple Mixed PICK UP 0R DELIVERED $148 tor$_498 FIREWOOD $30. cord - Delivered FIREWOOD CENTRES OVER 900 Chesterfields 884-3813 FIREWOOD WOODEN SKIS. 195 CM STOVE Electric. 30" white LINEN IRON 884-9677 CASH AND CARRY 0R DELIVERY ARRANGED USED BOOK SALE Between 8 am. & 5 pm or Evgs‘ & Weekends TWO TWIN BEDS DRESSER NIGHT TABLE $175 FOR ALL 889-5137 884-6603 887â€"5618 727-8508 Seasoned hardwood Maple, Oak 8. Ash Cut, split 8. delivered $30 per face cord Seasoned Hardwood Maple. Beech, Ash $35 per face cord Immediate delivery 1-476-4961 condition Two office desks Four office chairs 884-0841 BANJO FIREWOOD SKI BOOTS SSTRING Men's size 9/2 AND Asking $50. or 895-6779 Evgs YFC 13 Ch 20 "C 19 tic 39