COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL BOOKKEEPINO AND ACCOUNTING SERVICES fast and accurate. Monthly profit and loss statements, tax returns, etc. Specialization in small businesses. Reasonable rates. 3341,5333 Qua/fry Painting Written Guarantee Phone for free brochure 270 EnfOrd Rd, Richmond Hill B-(i â€" TIIE LIBERAL. Wednesday. November 23. 1977 Accountivflookkeepinglnmme Tax By the week, mam/I a! year Kmâ€! M. Pal Bookkeeping & Accounting Services HAGERMAN JONES & CO. Paint flw A Car ACCOUNTING SERVICE BOOKKEEPING 8. INCOME TA) ROOFING Independent Bookkeeping Service G & D WARREN CONTRACTORS 884-2792 Alarm Systems KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM QUOTATIONS 0 Residential 0 Complete professional serwce. 0 Free Estimates BOOKKEEPING. PAYROLL INCOME TAX ITALIAN, GERMAN, ENGLISH 'J. C. HUGHES ED'S CARPENTRY R a D SERVICE REPAIR INTRUDER ALARM SYSTEM PROTECT YOUR HOME WITH Specnallzlng‘ln smaH busmess & self-employed Accounting Services 10256 YONGE ST For s'mall bUSInESSGS MARLENE PARISI. FOR DETAILS CALL: Auto Rust Repairs Construction Additions Renovatins New homes, etc 889-5683 Call Evgs. 6- 9 pm Appliance Repairs 8845441 General Repairs Sheet Metal Work Free Estimates Woodbridge WINDOW CLEANING 851-2573 851-0120 883-1 680 Window Cleaning 297-4236 889-7250 884-7530 889-1377 Maia Appftancw Ouaï¬ty wow 88.9- 7502 222-7851 Ht" TFC 5| "C 35 "(3] TFC33 clwl7 IFC ll! tic l7 Ih (‘ompelent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour H. l’. ( Bob) Ross I30 ('entre St. W. - 884-I78H For laundry, bath and rec rooms‘ Sun Decks 889-3820 0! m " 77§§m I Contractors CARPENTRY AND CUSTOM DRYWALL. OFFICES REC ROOMS, INSULATION Priced b y the ham or job Prepare fat the Holidays CARPETS PROFESSIONALLY STEAM CLEANED York General Services 1-640-4953 DON'T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIMEH CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Additions, Renovations & Rec. Rooms 83 Rosoview Ave. Richmond Hill, Ont Tel. 8844171 FREE ES T IMA TES Alf Catenaro (‘L'STOM BL‘ILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS Free Estimates FREE ESTIMATES Ken Moore Carpentry WOOD WORKING CARPENTRY LE. ROBERTS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 311 Essna Pk. on, Markham SEWER CONVERSION Harry Smith & Sons Contracting Ltd. Bnan H. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 10265 Yonge Street Phone 8848551 - 773‘5688 For complete service call BOB ROSS CONTRACTING 495â€"0502 0! 8845543 Janitorial Services Carpet Cleaning LEONARD'S FLOUR CLEANING 8843177 Custom cabinets Rec. rooms and bars Renovations Sundecks Chartered Accountants Richmond Hill Contracting Co Ltd. Carpet- Upholstery Cleaning SEWERS INSTALLED TRENCHING EXCAVATING Carpentry 884-7178 REID & BRADLEY Chartered Accountants 10255 Yonge St, Richmond Hill ASK FOR JEFF 495-1360 Woodbine - Steeles area 294-3770 883-3033 8842092 TFf‘. A? IfC In TH: 16 IFCIE "(1 ltDZl CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 8899398 Custom Rototllling gardens, lawns sodded. zarden manure. etc. 2214466. TFC 12 RELIABLE MAN Electrical DEAL SERVICES Man WIN] 3a ton dump truck WI†do odd lobs after 6 pm. Plumbing, . Heating, 1 Air Conditioning G AND D GIORDANO Ctnnered Accountants Markham Place 2900 Steeles Ave. East, Sune 215 ,CARLISLE LANDSCAPING 0 Siding D 50â€â€œ O Shunt-rs . Wimth Joscelyn Laughlin Harper, Tory 8 Associates Chartered Accountants 10355 Yonge Street Richmond Hill. Ont. 884447†CARPENTER He makes hmsecalls! Chartered Accountants Home Improvements 832-2610 ." ROOFING I THfEWUflK C PLUMBING O STORM flfMOV/u . CLEANUP O EXTfR/Dfl PAINTING Gardening- Landscaping FOR ALL THE CARE & REPAIR YOUR HOME WILL EVER NEED Call "THE HOUSE DOCTOR" Renovations and Home Improvements “Large and Small†8M8506 NS ('I‘IVI‘RI‘I ST. E. l(l('l|\l(),\'l)|lll.l. "<35 RELIABLE REASONABLE 881-3019 MacPHEE ALUMINUM FREE ES'I‘INIA'I‘ES .IUII.\ \lzu-l’lll‘Il-Z Plumbing & EUSENBERG & COMPANY 887-5720 - 883-1664 50 Yonge Street S. Aurora. omen-'19 Gardening-Snow Remova| R R 1 Richmond Hill 921-3894 Box 1294 110 James St. St. Caflnritm. L2H 7A7 GENERAL HANDYMAN 884-8646 Handyman 884-2255 MOWNG ~CARTAGE LANDSCAHNG CEDARS NRCH HRBNOOD EXPERIENCED 881 -8220 881-7135 TREES I0 569-2879 ASK FOR JOE m9 0 Door 6854811 .l‘laws .Fascia 0A“ nings O Railings 773-4138 TFC 46 IFC 20 IFCI “C 39 SPRUCE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION & PAVING DOORS PATIOS TILtNG SIDING - KITCHENS - H - BATHROOMS - E - SIDING 136 Yonge St. N. Aurora LEONARDI BROTHERS BUS: 88118122 RES: 881-6981 OUR ACTION YOUR SATISFACTION Plumbing Repairs Renovations New Work Residential - Commercial - Industrial Thornhill Plumbing Services Ltd. CURBS & SIDEWALKS SNOW REMOVAL EXCAVATING Renovation Experts Brain 8‘ Concrete Contractors SEWER CONVERSION m Workman's Prices o°=&~ HI NEIGHBOUR, WW SPECIALISTS IN CONCRETE & DRAINS Reliable Automatic Transmission Artymko Portable Welding Maintenance Welding FIREPLACE SPECIALISTS 0 CALL ANYTIME 0 FREE ESTIMATES Repairs (0: Farm Equipment - Snowmobiles Most Metal Objects Insured 14th Ave., Milliken WINDOWS DRYWALL GARAGES ROOFING 2 face cords fire Wood FREE with each contract All kinds of stone work FREE ESTIMATES Home Improvements Automotive Repair FREE ESTIMATES Rebuilt 8‘ Repair Transmissions. Body 8 Paint Jabs. Fireplace Service 57 GREEN LANE, THORNHILL 881 2449 889-0375 889-0420 Liberal Classifieds Contractors FREE ESTIMATES 297-3473 889-5228 773-5612 884-1105 - 6 COTTAGES KITCHENS REC Rooms ADDITIONS - ROOFING - EAVESTROUGHS GENERAL CARPENTRY ' BACK FILLING ' PATIOS 727-941 7 BATHROOMS RENOVATING CEDAR DECKS CONCRETE WORK tfc19 TFCZl cZw20 thl NC 20 ‘ERVICEMASTER CLEANING SERVKES CHIMNEY SERVICE 0 SNOW BLOWERS 0 CHAIN SAWS 0 AIR COOLED ENGINES 0 PAINTING ' CARPET & FLOORING INSTALLATION 0 CARPENTRY 'Lamps and hangings. Cu'stom made, Repairs and Installation. Free esti- mates. 751-9022 «c9 Save on your heating bills and be an energy conservationist at the same time. MACHINES RENTALS A.B.M. DiFonzo Home Insulation 223-9300 226-0960 ANDREWS LAWN MOWER SERVICE MR SERVICEMASTER'S HERE!" ' RUGS ' CARPETS - FURNITURE ' FLOORS - WALLS I Stained Glass I CELLULOSE INSULATION DRAIN REPAIRS Er INSTALLATION WATERPROOFING 884â€"2550 GENERAL HOME REPAIRS Home Improvements IT ALL STARTED WITH THE WORKS IN THE DRAWER! OREPAIRS OLININGS installed Sweetheart Peter York Home TN. 10610 BAYVIEW AVE. 884-4506 Repairs to all makes of T.V.'s Majm Appliances. Vacuums & Antennas Insulation Does Not Cost It Pays". The Howe-Wide Cleaning Expnn STAI NED GLASS WINDOWS REASONABLE EA 755 CALL WES UNIT 18. RICHMOND HILL 884â€"4165 All Weather Insulation Quality Roofing 9 years experience Free estrmates TV Service WE SELL CELLULOSE INSULATION 773-4081 88443032 CALL BILL 889-1299 Building & Supplies Mower-blower sewice Authorized Sales & Service WELCOME NEW HOME OWNERS WE REPAIR (all makes) WE SELL (new & used) WE SHARPEN (Rotary & Reel) CALL NOW 42 GUARDSMAN R0,, THORNHILL (North from Green Lane. Eas‘ of Bayview) Blows Well 40 |b. bag. Gov’t approved 727-6063 Chimney Service MEMBER B.B.B. 889-6725 Cleaners “‘0' l3 tfcl TFC 19 NC I Additions - Renovations Concrete - Cedar Decks 8 Patios Refl‘o‘ri’r'ï¬s’Wool repairs General Carpentry Duality Craftsmanship FREE ESTIMATES ED'S CONTRACTING Interior Design & JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER [EN LOMBARDI CONTRACTING Management Services for small businesses. Woodbine - Steeles‘L I. L & B ROBERTS Home Improvemeng ’ FOR WA rmmaarm cancnm A180 PA nus, cmmns. PORBHES OPOINTING 'CLEANING l Member Beuev Busmess Bureau McPHERSON CARRIAGE CO. LTD. CUSTOM BUILDERS & DESIGNERS 0 CABINETS 0 ADDITIONS EXTERIOR - INTERIOR RENOVATIONS HOME AND BUSINESS 0 FREE ESTIMATES GENERAL CARPENTRY KITCHENS RENOVATIONS REC ROOMS Mai'agï¬féï¬t“ Consultants CABINET WORK Renovahons NICK UPTON 887-9365 Consultants Inc. 311 Essna Pk. Dr. Carpentry 881-2094 884â€"2454 881M489 495-1360 8845227 0 LAWN MOWERS 0 EDGERS 0 PUMPS Ill-7535 lit. 8 1373 flc20 tfc15 c2w 20 tfc16 2w2 WC 7 SnDWplowing & Towing 'Kioe’S FLOWERS 239 ANZAC no STILL ACCEPTING CONTRACTS 24 HOUR SERVICE Roda-«mm Serving Richmond Hill, Thornhill and surrounding areas; Flowets wired anywhere Twice daily delivery to Tummo 884-1812 889-1812 ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS HONORED Yea: round comian us added to your home wnth a slash In lueI costs when you have a DIODE! [luck- ness 0! Insulanon. Calt Us Now To lnspec‘ yours, JOF MADDEN RES. 8847921 I. .i'HOMPSON 85388445195 YORK FARMERS' MARKET FRESH cur HOWEBS PUTTED PLANTS GREENHOUSE, 118 PEMBERTOMRP: Fireplaces, Extensions General repairs Landscaping Er design services Joe's Wholesale Insulation SIVUW PL UWIIVG 8845657 V, CLIFF TURNER FLOWERS FLOWERS FUVR ALL OCCASIONS “CAMWAY INSULATING CO.†294-9859 MARKHAM. om. 10520 Yonge St, Richmond Helgms Shopping Cenyg SNOW Pl DWI/VG & BEMO VAL BUILT AND REPAIRED Free Estimates Expert Workmanship 20 years‘ experience J. WELBORNE & SON Update your insulation at a reasonable cost. WALKER CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL CONTRACTS 883-3500 8849000 Blown Method l FREE ESTIMATES ‘l BUS. 38mm I HEATING COST TO HIGH? Let us blow comfort ught Into your hemp. Stone 8 Brick work H. BROWN FENCING CONTRACTORS CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES HEAT LOSS COSTS MONEY 137 Centre St. E Richmond Hill See us Saturday at Contracts Now Being Taken in the Maple 8 Richmond Areas. "Good monthly 8 hourly rates For dependable service call Frank Hollingshead P0775†PLANT SPECIALISTS 887-5031 Insulation SNOW REMOVAL 24 HOUR SERVICE Maple 1-669-2879 Masonry 8844539 Florists 773-4009 McKINLAY INSULATION mowm METHOD‘ BOB'S 884-2882 88441623 Snow Plowing O "2| IFC 20 "(I H39 CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY ELIMINATE HOURS OF DIRTY WORK AND MESS BY LETTING US STRIP YOUR TROUBLESOME PIECES. PAINTING 727-3303, A FRANKS PAINTING INTERIOR EXTERIOR 6123 YONGE S‘I WILLOWDALE 225-888] CANADA'S LARGEST CHAIN 0F FURNITURE STRIPPERS 780 STEEPRDCK DRIVE DOWNSVIEW 636-8895 Vin’E\VRITPst unn\uxlu1u\ï¬s SALES-RENTALS Lu.mxm xx Baker kw. Richmond Hill â€"- KM-IHS PAINTING PAPER HANGING TEXTURING PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R.E. Dunn 727-3303 PAINTING 8. DECORATING Free EshmaVes Typewmets Adding Machines Sales 8 Service Alf’s Ofï¬ce Machines Richmond Hill 0 COMPLETE LINE OF BEFINISHING SUPPLIES m Kafl Bundschun “884-4832 CARPET LAYING Peter Elliott HUGH BARR 889-2773 m by Ursula Llane Excellent rates Limited Insurance - Mortgages Fite, Auto and Liability Telephone 727-94888 Rear 47 Yonge Street 8. Anton, Ontario Paperhanging DECORATING Furniture Stripping 889-2163 Free Estimate» SERVICING THE AREA SINCE 1946 . Fast efficient selvice Reasonable rates EEnér Agency Carpet Installation PAINTING Office Machines A. ROLLINSON 833-6671 Painters PAINTING 383-1288 Insurance NOW OPEN CALL 832-2557 ALL TYPES ‘nal 11m Call John and alanlee NC 20 TFC 20 "(19 cdw 20 NC 42 "<36 clel