The Rotary Club of Richmond Hill is looking for people who want to further their education in different parts of the world. Such people, men or Anyone interested in learning how to play the bagpipes and march with the Legion band should call 884-7030. Richmond Hill Legion is looking for pipers for its pipe band. Pipers wan ted more fresh produce Broguce of g.S.A.! sweet & juicy! ribier variety! Ont McIntosh apples more qrocerv values french fries wig; Loblaws frozen unsweetened. concentrated black grapes orange juice su ar sweet. assorteId flavours 23.3 . ooI-Ald 331 .85 Cling Free sheets fabric softener tea bags dental cream McCain frozen fancy beefeater facial tissue sh'a mpoa infant foods Lady Scott, 2 ply, assorted §alada ora_nge pekoe. 2 cup Pepsodent Heinz meatless strained Sua_ve, herbal, golden or egg dinner hams Travel, study are parts of this Rotary program lb offer expires Tues. Nov. 29, 1 977‘ 5 lb. box Tide {$1295Xm on! with this coupon and $1 . Loblaws purchase in addition to coupon purchases excludmgcugarettes limit one box per coupon - Clip this valuable coupon ----â€"---' In its programs, which are carried out with a practical and realistic One girl who is on the Rotary program, is a temporary resident in Richmond Hill from Australia. Liz Casey is furthering her studies at the University of Toronto, thanks to the Rotary Foundation. women, will participate in the Rotary Foundation, and Rotary is willing to pay for it. 150$ 59 box I ms 69 pkg. I 12.3". oz. btle. I 100ml tube I 20 oz.jarl 75 polvbag l Ited 121/2fl. oz. tin I 122.69 Since the Foundation’s objective is the fur- therance of world wide understanding, each recipient is required to The rant is for one year of cademic study. An award recipient may be selected annually by each of the more than 350 Rotary districts. approach. the Rotary Foundation seeks to promote understanding and good will among people of different nations. frozen Highliner Brand, battercrisp frozen Bluewater Brand cooked shrimï¬' ocean snacks 532! Wieners chef’s pride pizié‘ Claussen Brand. whole or halves dill pickles Ziggys, 7 varieties Z & W Foods Biemyrst or beer salami chubs smoked meats side badâ€"6h Schneiders_sliced (9_varieties) S 8. M Brand. 2 - 7 oz, pepperoni Buddig, sliced, 6 varieties Map_|e Leaf cut from Canada grade "A" beef Schpeicjers or Loblaws sliced cooked meat chubs cooked méats $chneiders, frozen rump roasts beef patties cut from Canada grade “A†beef boneless round steak fresh chicken legs 33:29 tuna 7 oz. tin Each recipient must possess qualifications which enable him to serve as an “ambassador of good will". Through his ap- pearances at Rotary functions and those of other groups. after returning home, he ex- tends his Rotary-inspired concept of international understanding by sharing study in a country other than his own. H Each must be a student of outstanding abilities. bone in round end lb. Ra")! pack {00 grams ‘ pkg. 33 oz 2 lb. box each full slice 'epaké’a'I . sat;- 1 .69 343:1 .48 $33: .48 ‘ 25225 .95 $5.1 .48 a) Have maintained high standards in his academic studies, technical field or actual teaching or journalistic experience and must show promise of distinguished achieve- ment during his study as a Rotary Foundation award recipient. his own experience with many people in his home country, just as he did abroad. Specifically, the person must: PRICES EFFECTIVE TO TUES. NOV 29 EXCEPT PRODUCE 8. BAKERY PRICES EFFECTIVE TO SAT. NOV. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT RICHMONDHILLONLY previously frozen whole pork tenderloin corned bé_ef or pastraml each was 1.58 Shopsy - + 2 gz._pkgs‘ pound was 2.48 your choice Shop§y Old Vienna salami gag 18 02. or 1.99 Piant 195 chocolate bars returnable bottle Jell-o Ways hiDit all flavours 3 oz. pkg- rnable bottle plus 20¢ depo oca-Cnla FIR emi-sweet ch . d) Be physically and mentally able to carry on a rigorous year of study and travel in another country. c) Be proficient at the time of application in the language of the study country and assigned institution. b) Demonstrate Members of the Rich- qualities of leadership, mond Hill Rotary Club initiative, enthusiasm, would appreciate the adaptability, maturity, community's help in gage-seriousness of pur- Aflr‘r‘nr Do you qualify? was all meat frankfurterj was 1.15 jelly fresh chicken breasts Ziggys pound was 1.79 Richmond Hill trustee, Bob Houghton, of York County Board of Education, chairman of a committee studying school facilities in the town, M. L. McConaghy Public School. 62 Yonge Street South in Richmond Hill, may be closed to cut down on taking children out of their neighborhoods by bus to fill up other schools. was 1.65 was 1.34 McConaghy may close Imorethanthepriceisright'l Loblaws instant coffee Maxwell House 10 oz. jar 48 fl. oz. tin Welctwade frwt punch drink sbft margarine 5.43: .79 tortillas all purpose flour Monarch fruit cocktail bananas Gay Lea Chiquitéï¬Ã©iï¬rg'e . everybody-’sfavourite Hostese. cheese or regular Del Monte fancy THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. November 23. 1977 -â€" A-7 Information should be presented to the Rotary identifying candidates for these awards. was 5.29 was .83 said that closing McConaghy would reduce extra classrooms available in the core area, which the Ministry of Education wants filled through bussing. He said the committee has also recommended that all schools go from Kindergarten to grade 8, where possible. a move also favored by parents opposed to bussing. instant or quick Quaker oats Lady Scott, 2 ply all colours l ï¬ssue 1.25 kg. box was 1.04 bathroom 4 roll Pkg- was 1.33 1J9 He may be reached at 884-7441. Foundation Chairman Ed Nokes. 150 gr bag I .08 79 2. tin I .16 .10 mg 1.95 was .88 ."ï¬â€˜Ã©â€™