B-IZ â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. December 1973 MONTE Catlo. Al condition. cerkifled. power brakes and steenng‘ 54.000 mules. $1,875.00 ï¬rm. 473 3040. 1969 CUTLASS Supreme. Recon- ditioned throughout. Bucket seats. Power steering and brakes. A1 shape. Excellent runner. Certified. $1500. Firm, 0r best offer. Serious calls only after 6 pm. 884-9845. 1973 FORD LTD Brougham, power steering. DOWCI makes. AM FM radio, radials. 50,000 miles. $1,300.00. Phone 895-5995. 1972 PINIO. Mechanically very good condition. Needs minor body work on door. $400.00 or best offer. 727- 8851. 1973 MONTE Carlo. air conditioned‘ lust-mooted, excellent condition 32200. 727-6873. Excellent condition, $650.00. 727 4811. 1966 CHEV Bel Aire, low mileage 1971 PONTIAC Le Mans wagon. power brakes, power steering. radials, snow tires, new brakes, new paint iob, WI" certify. $95000 or best offer‘ 476-2275. WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 775-6773 889-0353 1973 TOYOTA Mk. II, AM FM. radio. power steering and power brakes. 6 cylinder, 4 speed, reclining seats, new snow tires. $950.00. 727- 4749. Certified. Automatic, Good running alder. Snow mes. Can be seen BP Station, Baywew and Markham Rd. Richmond HIII. 1970 VW. deluxe. Good condition‘ $800.00. Certified. Phone 727-2784 Good condition Must seIL Sacrifice $450. Uncertified. 884-2674. 1972 DATSUN 1200‘ TRUCK CAP SALE FROM $239 1973 HONDA Enduro, As is $75. Call Chris at 884-4541 1975 MT 250 Honda‘ Good con dition. 2100 miles. $775.00. 727 8455 ‘55 All conveniences. Fndge‘ stove. oven, washroom. showel. furnace. fully sen-contained. $5000. or trade {or car, TRUCK CAMPER 12’ Good condition. 318 V-8 engme As Is. $350 68 MOTO SKI “° Motorcycles fut Sale 318 Lbarrel. 4-speed. $1.800 73 ROADRUNNER TAG-A-LONG FLOAT 832-1074 Bethesda Sales & Sgrngg Lany Van l5yke Bus. 884-7774 Res. 838- 2‘“ Snowmobiles All suzes, colbrs. Insulated ’71 TOYOTA COROLLA MCKENZIE TRAILERS Cars & Trucks POLARIS 1978 88-340 Walls Sales & Service Cars 8 Trucks 68 DODGE 73 MOTO SKI 883-3919 230 1-895-9786 , 727-8486 01d Hwy. 7 at Bayvtew ’66 CHEV 884-9005 ARCTIC CAT & SKIROULE 832-8975 888-1998 888-1998 Good condition 884-5738 with tech and speedo F-295 twin POLARIS Parts & Accessories Bull Walls Sales & Semce 889-1831 and Trailer BELAIRE Campers 8 Trailers 74 NOMAD 3'4 TON $200 $1,450 low mileage Evgs M529 CZW 23 "C 10 IFC M L081 cat, grey and white. Richmond Hill area. Answers to Smokey, 884 2004 or 221-3065 fKitchens. bathrooms, rec room, bars, vanities. fire- ‘places. insulation. stairs. stucco, flooring; Immediate service. 1974 MERCURY Max. good con: dition. $500.00 727-6600 or 727 3632 (afte! 6 pm.) MaIe. 7 months old. San and pepper colour‘ Black ears. Iarge black spot on snde. $20 teward‘ 832-1492. Sunday night. Seal Pomt Siamese cat. Highland Park Blvd, (n. o! Steeles) area. Reward‘ WILLING to do any light work at home, such as stufï¬ng envelopes are 881-4099. Smail tmc'k ta; (Elï¬n Shepv herd. Weanng choke chaln with 3 tags. Answers to "Buster". Please call 727-8486 or 884-2722 ' REWARD 6 months. answers to JET. Harding‘ Lennox alea. 884-7913 $100'0-F-Fâ€" sflééééted retail price of an 1978 modelsin stock. . H 340 'D‘(;1_Pérk1?oad, Markharï¬ (Woodbine-Steeles) POLARIS SNOWMOBILES GUNAR CONSTRUCTION Renovations Additions Carpentry HIGHEST cash prices or trade value paid fur housefuI of furnitule and applicances. Brice's Furnitute. 363- 1954. n: 18 WILL buy any old gold. 223-5938 DEAD or cnppled farm animals picked up promptly. 705439-2421 Call anytime. Ed Pecom 8. Son Woodvulle. Ont‘ licence No. 324C663; BLUETICK'HOUND CARPENTERS Require work meets on Tuesday evenings. Service work in the community is our goal. Are you interested in helping? REFRIGERATOR, Admiral, white. automatic defrost. good condition. S35. Stove, Chei Master. white‘ excellent condition. $35. 495.0798 630 ‘a 0" remaining stock of new Farhsa organs. M.0.C‘ DIXIE Plaza. LOST NEUTERED BLACK CAT 7" Miscellaneous Inquiries invited for fully qualified day care for infants 2 years of age and under. Anyone interested in the above. please telephone 294-2961 or 889-1016 221-7352 or 881-7810 NOV. 25th IN MAPLE 311 305 5‘5 Employment Wanted 889-5076 $30. curd - Delivered EST DOG ALLWEATHER EQUIPMENI FIREWOOD PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Lost it Found SPECIAL INFANT CARE AVAILABLE THORNHILL KlWANIS CLUB Articles wanted Articles For Sale LOST. 884-6603 LOST 274-7322 ORGANS 'dï¬Ã©} expires December 24, 197? Sales. Service, Parts, Accessories REWARD 2‘“ Snowmobiles “Nursery School 889-7320 MRS‘ HILL 0R MRS. CARELSE 889-0464 495-1837 Please call 7. 1977 ram 23 Wt 13 He 10 Ilc ch 23 URGENT, free room in babysitting. 4 hours daily or 924-7371. CLEANING week, own 889-5179. Evenings, weekends or longer telm Henderson - Clarke area. BABYSITTER for 6 year gill. after school; 884-4353 after 6 pm. DAY care available in my home. Bathurst - Carrville Rd‘. area‘ 881‘ 5622. c2w23 WILL do babysitting in my home. Hillcrest Mall area, 884-9863. c2w23 DAYCARE available in my home. Hot lunches. M John - Bayview. 889- 8200. TRAINING. Keep your pob 8. learn m spate time - you could be on the an In 5 months! News. Sports. 0 L Ialk Shows, ngvam Host. TV CommerCIals. In-statlon halmng & placement serwce. RADIO -* TV ANNOUNCER EOR RECORDED MESSAGE ON HOW YOU QUALIFY. PHONE ANYTIME - 921-2420 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BROADCASTING LEARN to fly‘ Introductory flight $5. Townto Auways Ltd., Buttonville Airport. 297-1422 «:32 TYPING done In my home‘ IBM Selecmc typewnter. 884-6872 m u 5‘“ Daycare Wanted Bnng your class to Just~A-Farm Call for anangements Babysitter wanted 5‘“ Domestic Help Wanted Good running condition. Can be seen In use. 832-2688 CHIRSTMAS TREES and HAY RIDE CHESTERFIELD and chain green and gold‘ $200. Excellent condition. 884- 3350. SNOW tiles, Akron F78 x 14‘ ch. Ladies skates, size 9. $5. 3473. CHAIRS. kitchen table, and chairs‘ drapes. etc‘ 883-3786. Spinning Wheel 305 Authentic 27" wheel. Quebec type 7" Miscellaneous TEACHERS ANTIQUE WALL TELEPHONE 555 Employment Wanted 881-3133 “Notice†Career Training Evgs. 5“ Daycare (northern Electnc) Excellent condition 3125 473-2732 « Articles in: Sale lady required. 1 day per (ransponation‘ Thornhill, SPEED QUEEN 727-6712 DRYER 884â€"5818 place of 884-1959 c3w 21 ï¬cZZ c3w22 ,4w 2! wZZ $10 884- GERHARD HEINTZMAN Upnght. stool. Good condmon. $500 Used furniture, Christmas gifts, candles, Easter- ling China dinner plates, obsolete stock, several patterns, also large quantity of drinking glasses, pictures, mirrors, novelty items, pots and pans, bedding, odds and ends. SATURDAY DEC. 10 Garden tractor and snowplough 884-7995 Lady's brown leather coat Size 13. brand new. $75 Old oaktable square, 5 legs. $60 Rangette$25 Hot plate. $4.50 Old chairs. dishes, etc. Size H78x15 Good COI'IdltIOI" $50 pan 9 am. to 1 pm. KIRBY COMPANY Box spring and mattress 2 electric stoves White sewing machine Large picture frame window All in good order VACUUM CLEARANCE SALE Saturday, December 10 883â€"1661 or 773-5779 Rachel type. 1"102". new. Sir New $25. 1-895-9786 DELUXE gas dryet. Floor polisher‘ G‘E. 884-2740. Mornings only. Numerous Items. household furnl ture, baby needs. etc, FUR COAT Size 12. full length. 1 year old $750. Also 18 carat gold udenllh cation blacelet, lady's. $75. new. 4 LARGE SHOWROOMS o 472 YONGE ST, 924-8408 Above College St. opposnte West- bury Hotel. 0 1218 KENNEDY RD. 7592234 South of Hwy. 401 0 29 DUNDAS ST. E‘ 275-1135 Corner of Hwys‘ 5 & 10 MISSIssauga 0 4900 DUFFERIN ST. 667-1170 Between Finch 8. Steeles Warehouse 8. Showvoom OPEN DAILY 9T0 9 PM. - SATURDAY TILL 6 Bed Chesterfields Stove and Dryer CHESTERFIELD CLEARANCE MICROMETER $148 to $498 GIANT GARAGE SALE CENTRES OVER 900 Chesterfields APARTMENT SIZE HITACHI SNOW TIRES ON RIMS 889-4524 COMBINATION TRADE-IN CASH AND CARRY 0R DELIVERY ARRANGED 1-895-9786 883-4275 360 Newkirk Rd. Richmond Hill 9 to 4 pm. 883-1276 884-8517 881-6165 WESTINGHOUSE 884-3208 889-5783 MOVING White. Like new PIVANO FREE DELIVERY & FREE KINDLING $40. CORD sonwooo & HARDWOOD MIXED AND FIREWOOD HARD MAPLE & BIRCH 691-5867 new. Stranet‘ MIXED HARDWOOD $45. CORD $35. CORD WOLF c2w 23 [23W 23 clw 23 clw'ZJ WASHER and dryer, Moffat, 3 years old. 3500‘ 883-4810 after 5. Doms, wmdows. awnings‘ railings. stdmg. sofm system. trough‘ Free estimates. Ron Woods 884-15141“ SNOW tiles, 1 pair Gulf Winter Way, F78-14A 1 pair 7-3514. Excellent condition 884-4649. ELECTRIC stove, self-cleaning. Humidifier, apartment s‘yle, Baby changing table. 881v3133‘ SKI Boots, high, adiustable buckles‘ size 98%. Used for 1 day only. $50 884-4075. Location: 6th Conc.. of Whltchurch Twp.. 2 mi. north of Aurora Slderoad, 2 mL south of Davus 07.. 895-5422. John Bosworth Ltd. c3w 23 Teakwood Furniture Yamaha Acoustic and case. Excellent condition. Evgs. Christmas‘Trees SMALL Front end |oader 3, Hutch New lea: channs Excellent condition. Phone Gary 884-9372 £ng Direct from Importels warehouse Open till 9 pm. EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED Hwy. 7 Bramalea 791-2355 79 Doncaster. Thornhlll 881-0000 10 AM. TO 5 PM. 230 ALSACE ROAD (South on Blue- grass 1mm Elgm Mulls Rd. East) RICHMOND HILL ..,. Q BASEMENT SALE FARM TRACTOR MATTRESS 0! box swing. Reg. $69.75. Now $39.75. Limited quantity. Hurry to The Aurora Mattless Factory. 234 Yonge St‘ South, Aurora‘ 7274600. 727-8517 TEAKWOOD. Rosewood turniture. Bedroom suite, dimngroom 9 piece Chesterï¬eld suite. wallunit Bland new, Reasonable. 247-4377‘ WASHER â€" spin dryen Kenmme. 2 yeats old. 3125 G. E‘ dryer, lull size, while, excellent condition. 375‘ Oval dining table, 4 oak chairs. $125. 883-3477, PlNBALL MACHINES Gravely snow blower Attachment DECEMBER 10 AND 11 FIREWOOD $30. face cord FREE DELIVERY 221-4819.. FIREWOOD 'VClVJt Your Own Scotch Pine - $4 Like new. Haldly used. $350 Between 8 am. & 5 pm or Evgs. & Weekends 884-7758 727-8508 773-5952 Seasoned hardwood Maple. Oak & Ash Cut, split 8. delivered $30 per face curd INDIAN RUG 884-6589 Seasoned Hardwood Maple. Beech. Ash $35 per face cord Immediate delivery 1-476-4961 ALUMINUM $300 & UP RECONDITIONED GUITAR 889-0941 CALL COLLECT Stuped Velvet FIREWOOD 305 SOFA Like New Articles For Sale 895-6779 IFC "c M [It A IFC 22 NC 19 lw23 He 39 TYPEWRITERS. adders, calculatots, saIes. service. rentals. Newmarket Business Machines, 497 Timothy St., Newmarket‘ 895-7621. m as Excellent condmon. Used 3 months $45. Excellent condition. but needs new element. Best offer. ONE pair snow tires, 560-15. Ex. cellent condition‘ $10. each. 889 1745‘ FUR coat, natural musktat, 3 years old. size 10. $200. 8841249 after six‘ c3w21 SIX 10119 YONGE ST ’2 5 883-1608 EMMMESEMMMMS Located 1/2 mile east of 9th Lme on 17th Ave.. 3 miles south of Stouffville. See us at York Farmers Market, Thornhill, -~~ uu mu uwuy \,u||l Fridays & Saturdays, for flowers & Ruth gcnnstmasshoppmgï¬ Cragg Handcrafts - 889-8681 Evgs 4 MAG WHEELS I-EART FUBD' v1 889-5420 889-8513 Smooth. long & wirehaird HUMlDlFlER V|K|NG ELECTRIC JENNY’S GREENHOUSE (77) WIDE VARIETY OF TROPlCAL PLANTS Miniature & Standard $1 to $500 Original BRIANDCHRIS KENNELS 297-1569 DRYER ART PUPPIES 10 am. t05 pm From $100 OPEN 10 - 5 pm. 640-4792 evgs FRONT door. width 35%" x 7 ft high. Vanity, basin and Vtaps. 884 7640 aftel 6. l pan wmter ladlals, on mm. [mm new Size 185 x 70 SR~13 55C Weight lifting set‘ 100 lbs Bat bel 2 dumb bells. $10. 884-5756 08‘ radio. SBE side banner 2 with amplifier and antenna. Top of line model. 23 channels. 884-9845‘ WASHER and dryer. compact size. Simplicity Super Twin. Excellent condition. $275. Evgs. 881-6327. CHESTERFIELD. 8' long and chair, like new, T cushions, b|ue with gold fleck. 1 yeat old, $250. 889-3059. wan: 1w. m7 me; gTHETREASUREa CHEST § POOL table. 8' x 4', all accessories Excellent condition. $200. firm‘ 884‘ 3543. g5 [U‘o urr ~ g SILK FLOWERS . . , QWiï¬ :7 2 ATTEACMELYVBVOXED ‘ YOUNG DUCKLINGS $12.95 KING COLE DUCKS 364-1081 mm MWWWW iwéflyï¬iéï¬â€˜wBiNET a GLASS FRONT SNOW TIRES CORNER OF YONGE ST. & KING RD OAK RIDGES 773-5428 GIFTS & HAND CRAFTS WICKER BASKEIS & PLANTERS RUG CANVASES NEEDLE POINT CRAFT YARN. etc RR. 3. Newmarket 888-1032 20% OFF HOLDS 10 GUNS SEALED TENDERS will be received at the Reception Desk. The Y0rk County Board of Education, Administrative Offices, 60 Wellington Street West, Aurora, until 4:00 PM. local time. Tuesday, January 3, 1978. Tender Forms and Specufications are available from the Purchasing Dept, 60 Wellington Street West, Aurora‘ C. CRIBAR CHAIRMAN Low Bid or any tender not necessanly accepted LOOKING FOR HORSEY GIFTS? 5‘ DO NOT LOOK ANY FURTHER g g We have ashtrays. mugs. glassesg note paper. sterling Silver chaTms.t . books. etc. etc. A new shipment mg g jewellery and buckles lust arrivedg Also some great Christmas cards plus a complete line of English and Westerng g Tack at pnces that cannot be beat. 3 m Do not delay - come and do all your; “65% 3 1 ml. west of 48 Hwy on the Smit- gwlle Rd. Open 7 days a week from \ now until Christmas. 10 am. M -7 pm. » (WWW! 33 8845411 :‘9 g THE EQUESTRIAN PIT ‘3? HAND MADE QUILTS $889-9405 889-32321? gEntlrely hand sewn, Log Cabin and Dresden Plate deSIgns‘ Limited supply 3 available. Orders accepted. . Q RCLIFF TURNER 1% g FLOWERS é 3253' ’3 GREENHOUSE, 118 PEMBERTOF‘LRD ï¬c20 swwwmwuwï¬a g 5 King Centre Plaza, Klng City 833-6151 PLUS DRAW ON 100 skateboard .50 ticket mu EMMEMMMMMMR YE OLDE SCHOOL OF ANTIQUES "GIFTS FOR THE RIDER" 727-3622 M , Woodbine Ave. S. of Victoria Square GIFTS CHINA & ANTIQUES YORK FARMERS’ MARKET FRESH (:07 rzawms P0 7750 PLANTS Y0ur local lashlon show directs! Lee Smyth. Thornhlll 881â€"5762. (SN 23 VVHY NUI UIVL g E SARA COVENTRY Little Red's Rlding Goods "'\ THE YORK COUNTY @ BOARD OF EDUCATION â€"-’ TENDER # 427 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUPPLIES FOR CHRISTMAS? "Open Sundays" 13132 Yonge St, Oak R|dges We feature both FLOWERS & GIFTS ATTENT|ON HORSE OWNERS THE ENCHANTED GARDEN See us Saturday at P0 TTED PLANT SPECIALISTS WHY NOT GIVE 889-8837 640-4198 Snowball Village Wellington St 2 miles W 01 Aurora 884â€"0623 887â€"5618 609 Tenders :7 'Kl'oe" 7 ': FLOWERS ' "‘ (Aw 22 ET 3 Used toys stll‘lnt'a'k'elrm on constgn- g ment. also long gawns needed, 1 Oak Ridges Plaza 773-5734 L4» 1' g wwwwwwwmg‘ UPLANDS AVE. THORNHlLL g ' Season Memberships g Introducing CrossCountry Skiing g 5 Lesson Package available $15. for 5 lessons ANTIQUE HUNTING FOR CHR|STMAS? VISIT THORNTREE ANTIQUES QWWWW (corner Dutfenn & Malor Mackenzte) Have Fun all wmter, give a [\Inu" Mum-(m Serving Richmond Hill, Thornhill and surrounding areas._ 8841812 8894812 ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS HONORED HB 20 157 Main Street West Stouffwlle Wednesday to Saturday 10:30 to 5. Sundays 1:00 to 5. Closed Mondays - Tuesdays. KWï¬WWN‘HWW! Do you huff and puff when you run for the bus'.’ You may share the malaise of poor physical ï¬tness with many other Canadians. Get active - your health is at 10520 Yonge SI. Richmond Heights Shopping Cemre FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS active stake. Flowets wired anywhete Twice daily delivery to Tomma SLG. CHAPMAN DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION SEASONS MEMBERSHIP Phone 832-2246 A UPLANDS SKI CENTRE CLOTHES RACK 640-1418 HONEY POT SKI VALLEY and some new Good used GAMES TOYS