Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1977, B8

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The tramtion from Shea Real Estate to Family Trust Corp- oration, Realtor has enlarged our scope of operations. We are anxious to meet either experienced real estate sales persons or individuals who enjoy working with people and desire a career where income is only limited by desire and ability. Let us explain the many benefits we offer, includ- ing commissions up to 75%, amil (Tm 9M 8-8 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, December 14, 1977 AlllllfflllIIlIlll|||||l|l||llllllll|llll|IIIIIIIIllIllIII|IlllIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllll|llllIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIllllllIlIllIllllIllllllIIIIIIIIlIllllllIIIlIIIIllllllllIllIlllllllulllllllllllllll||||llllllllllllllmlllllllllll|IIllllll|||IIIIIIlIIlllllllll||Illlllllll||lllllllllmllllllllII|Illllllllllllll|||Iflll|IIIII||||IIIIIIllIIIIII|uu“mm"mmmm'III[I"mmmmmmmmm|"m"II"m"IIII|I[Imm"|uIImm""ml"mmmmmmnmu REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITY THORNHILL, three bedroom townhouse, family room, garage, schools. 2 appliances, No pets. 3400 8814768. WORKING couple wishes to lent 2 bedtoom house or flat. Call Barbara. weekdays 9-5. 231-7216. JEFFERSON Sideroad â€" Bathurst, 1 acre lot and new 11 room ranch bungalow, 3 garages. Possession December lst, 663-9720 or after 5 pm 884-2255. tfclB We have funds-to lend for renovations, debt consolidation, or any other purpose - No Penalties for prepayment -NoHidden Costs‘ ' - Best Rates Er Terms -'Up to 20 - year amortization - Up to 85% of appraised value. SEVERAL homes for rank in Ruch‘ mond Hill area. Call Toronto 488 4386. THREE bedroom townhouse near Hillcrest Mall. 3350. AvaiIable now. Phone 884-0362. FURNISHED room. January-May Richmond Hill-Maple area. Ca" collect after B. 1-519-8850078‘ THORNHILL. bungalow. 2 bedrooms available Immediately. Phone 889 6843 after 6 pm. Private Lockups in large heated Industrial building. “Reasonable Rents” 'filllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllIIINIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIII|lllllllllllllllllllIll|lllllllllIlllllllllllllllllIllllllllllmlllllllll||lllllllllIlIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllflllllI|ll|||I|||lIllIllI||Ill]lllIIII||lllllilllllllllllllltlll|l|II||IMIHINIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIlllllllmlllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllfllllll|||Il||lllIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIDMIIIINIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIlllllflllIIIlllIllIIIllllllllllIllflllfllumllfi Heated burldrng 150’ x 60'. large parking lot, tables 8. charrs. Surtable for bazaars. bmgos. polltrcal meet- ings. shows. rallys. fund rarsmgs. etc. Reasonable rent. Just ’1 mrles north of Steeles Ave, York Farmers Market. 7509 Yonge St, nfimmu Call Ed Gladding at 887-5435 s .. Fufasthanappmvalsewbecmemls. We're in you: neigltourhood. Modern 3 bedroom bungalow. Hwy. 27. BunIt-In stove and oven. Fridge. washer and dryer. Large garage. Asking $310 per month. Call Lois Stansfield, TorOnto 495-0417 or Barrie. 705-728-8082. Weekdays & Sundays Loans for Home Owners Call DOUG BENNETT 884-8183 “’4 Wanted To Rent WAREHOUSE SPACE "’3 Halls For Rent CANADA TRUST CO. REALTOR COUNTRY LIVING Northtown Shopping Centre 5385 YONGE ST. 22mm) NATIONAL TRUST FOR RENT THE MONEY MANAGERS CLOSE TO BARRIE ‘2“ Factory filly: 5709 Steeles Avenue West ‘6‘ Houses To Rent 2nd Mortgages ‘M Real Estate 743-5845 1“ Mortgages c4w21 -|ndustria| Space "funeral Classifieds 884-110 5 - PROPERHES m be sold 10: m anears. Othelal Ontario lists. Dgpt. RLW. Box 5380. Statlon F. Ottawa. Ont. KZC 311. m2 Brle 3 bedtoorn bungalow wuth hmshed basement apartment. No agents F0: more Inletmahon call Ltd. Realtor CALL 884-5422 THINKING ABOUTSELLING YOUR HOME? WE NEED HOMES TO SELL IN THE RICH- MOND HILL AREA. FOR RELIABLE, PROMPT. EFFECTIVE ACTION. CALL FOUR unluinished rooms in large house. centre 01 Maple. $100 per month plus utilities. Shale kitchen. 832-2567. c3w24 FURNISHED room. Close to tran- sportation. All convemences. Working girl or student preferredl 884-2345. FURNISHED room. share kitchen Oak Ridges area‘ 2972136. FURNISHED room, lacillties available‘ Business woman .or student Some babysitting required for [educed lent. 851-2861. Ext, .59. or 889-7362 evenings. Ask for Kathy. FURNISHED room, suit one or two‘ Close to Rec Centle. Evgs. 889-0844 HWY. 7 - Keele. Wotking male, nicely Iurmshed, broadloomed. share kitchen, $35. weekly. Parking. 669. 2258. c2w MOTEL units} telephones. 4 piece baths. television. Weekly - daily rates. Colonial Motel 889â€"4823. 04w23 ROOM. private entrance, kitchen and washroom facilities, cable. broadloom. privacy, suit clean quiet working gentleman. 884-4377. FURNISHED room. share bath and kitchen. Gentleman only. Close to transportation. 8844878. ROOM f0! ienl. Cooking facilities. Central Richmond Hill GO bus at comet. 8841000 after 6‘ tfc36 Advertising: ‘7“ Rooms For Rent MURPHY 884-5422 SERVING RICHMOND HILL AREA SINCE 1954 “DIM ADVERVISING ADVISOHV some 884-4953 tells you what’s new. PRIVATE $62,000 TOM cdw Zl c2w24 TWO bedroom apartment, Thornhull. Close to transit and shopping. $281 per month. 88144196 evenings QUIET tesidential area Two bedroom apartment for rent. Working couple welcome. 889-1245 after 6 pm. RICHMOND Hull. 2 bedroom self- contalned apartment, $225. per month including utilities, No trudge or stove supplied. Available Jan. lst. TWO bedroom apartment. central. no pets, references required, 884-9878. THREE bedroom apartment for rent Adults only. No pets, 884-6840 ONE bedroom apartment, Bayview and Markham area, Available Jan. 1, $220 monthly. Call 884-6253. TWO bedroom apartment. adult bull ding. RJChI’flODd Hull. 881-8137. MODERN one bedroom furnrshed basement apartment, Surtable for one person, $225. References. After 6, 883-3780. lor rent in Bradford Bachelor 1, 2, 3 bedroom. Sauna. Underground parking. Also new spacious luxury 2 & 3 bedroom apartments available. SUBLET one bedroom, 102 Malkham Rd‘ Apt. 203,‘ Richmond Hill. Immediate occupancy. $165. month‘ 883-4190 after 6. TWO bedroom apartment. No ap- ONE bedroom. Fust and last months tent. Ruchmond Hill area‘ Available Immediately. 8844297. 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, Eqqu ped. heat. hydro. water Included Available January lst. phances. $200. per month plus hydro. Available Immediately. 773- 5559. 1-895-7062 BACHELOR apartment, 298 Markham Road, Richmond Hill. See superintendent apartment 109. Located in a shopping centre. Lots of parking space. Operated by 4.stylistss Good potential. 5 year lease at roughly $32500 per month in‘ cluding maintenance Business has been run for 5 years Iake over anytime. 727-1631 mg ADULT BUILDING PHONE 775-3128 or 775-7238 or 775-7383 47 STORE for rent. air conditioned, Yonge St. up to 500 square feet Must be seen. Will rebuild to suit. Phone 7276633. . 48 4c Alr condmoned, heated‘ Richmond Hill. $125 monthly 884â€"5444 W, FLORIDA on the whitest sand of the Gulf of Mexico. Rent a luxury condominium. Two bedrooms. two baths, color T.V,, golf, tennis. swimming, fishing Joyce 889‘0344. ‘29 Business 2 offices with large work area. $225. monthly Well established business SPACIOUS APTS. Call 863-9634 "2 Apartments To Rent Reasonable. 13130 Yonge Street Oak Ridges TWO STORES FOR RENT BRADFORD TOWNCENTRE COMMERCIAL ~ SPACE 884-2475 SUITABLE FOR SMALL OFFICE 600 SQ. FT. FOR RENI IN PRIME LOCAIION IN OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT 884-9257 “’5 Vacation Properties Space ‘, Office tfc 24 47 3c 46-4c 'cZw 23 IFC DO you have a dunking ploblem7 It so AA can help Wnte Box 84. Richmond Hill 0: call 487-5591 RICHMOND Hill Manl Atom Soccer team 50 ~50 draw was won by Mrs. Elame Hobbs, 65 Westwood Lane. Thornhill. Ilcket No. 1803‘ Get rid of unwanted hair. FaCIaI and body hair permanently removed. Eyebwws shaped. Complimentary consultatlon. Audrey Graham C.E, 883-1803 884-3269 NC )9 looking for same to share luxury 3 bedmom condominium. $200 per month. Yonge - Royal Orchatd. RESPECTABLE person required to share apartment wnth busmess woman. 884-5991 mornings. 10350 Yonge Street at Crosby Avenue Richmond Hill (lower level). Wednesday 7 - 9 pm, 8. Thmsdays 4 - 6 pm, No appomtment necessary we 23 DO sutnemmg new vous Uatlng Ltd Brampton ll am ages welcome. Pregnancy Testing. Counsellrng Free & Confidentialv Wednesday 7 - 9 pm. & Thursdays 4 » 6 pm, 10350 Yonge Street at Crosby Avenue. Richmond Hrll (Lower Level) Santaé DOBERMAN PUPPIES BIRTH CONTROL Reg'd. black and tan. ears cropped shots‘ 4 months. 1895-9786“. CATS, 2, free, neutered and have had shots. Call after 5, 8846806 PUPPY 6 months old, house trained, very affectionate, looking for a dog loving and kInd family. 889-7237. FREE, 5 month old puppy to good home. 224-0242 after 6. PUPPIES, free to good home. 884 6965, 884-4895. FREE to good home â€" Beautiful 18 month old Irish Settet. Male. All shots‘ 773-4015, V.D. Confidentia| Diagnosis & Treatment OLD ENGLISH Sheep Dog puppies Poodles, Terriers, Spaniels a speCIalty Free pick-up & delivery Gluntondale Kennels Reg'd. 833-5715 8896116 DRESSMAKING and alterations, Reasonable, Call Mrs. Jones after 6 pm. at 883-3618. tfc 485-4148 881-0857 Imy long coat or smooth males Reg'd CHIHUAHUAS 889-3626 766-4808 767-3781 PERSIAN KITTENS In Thornhlll area. December 4m Ident letters In ears. Give Heart Fund. Brawndale Cres.. Richmond H|Il Mon Dec 12th Perform a death-defying act. MALE BEAGLE $200 Reward Accommodation WHITE MINIATURE ELECTROLYSIS No appomtment necessary 1-895-9786 630 black. reg'd, males. $125 "2 Dressmaking 887-5956 52“ Personals NEWFOUNDLAND BLACK 8. LANDSEERS C.K.C. Reg d 881-4260 ‘6“ Shared ALL BREED DOG GROOMING 884-1133 Reg'd, 4 months 884-1133 POODLE 884-8074 Lost 8‘ Found 884-8966 350 Pets LOST LADY PUPS LOST FAMILY PET FEMALE Phone Rendez "453-1661" - 9 pm All fic23 JW 23 1c M 2w 23 IFC13 QUARTER HORSE Also need a set 01 heavy harness or sled and set of light harness. Twin Pine Farms Board available HORSE AUCTION Appronmately 75 registered and grade horses of 3H breeds, New English and Western saddles and tack auctloned preceedlng horses. LEARN to fly. |ntroductory flight 35 Toronto Airways Ltdv, Buttonville Airport, 2974422 ttc32 TRAINING, Keep yom lob & learn m spare time - you could be on the an In 5 months! News‘ SDOItS. D.J.. Talk Shows. Program Host‘ IV Commemals. In-statcon tyalmng 8. placement semce. Through wooded trail for small and large groups. We also travel to winter carnrvals and partles. wrth surtable grounds. Make reservations now. rHIGHEST cash pnces or trade value paid for houseful of furniture and applncances. Brice's Fumiture, 363â€" 1954. mm RADIO - TV ANNOUNCER 'EOR RECORDED MESSAGE ON HOW YOU QUALIFY. PHONE ANYTIME - 921-2420 NATIONAL |NST|TUTE 0F BROADCASTING STOUFFVILLE SALES BARN Home of "Grand Old Bull HORSE LOVERS DAY CAMP 888-1175 ,., Featuring David Trotter. Award Wirrrnrrg Artist in Leather Urnque work from small rewellery items to large decorative hangings in laminated and moulded leather. Public rs invited to meet guest artist along wrth regular crafts people who work In batik, pottery, metal. weawng and jewellery Admrssron Free. Proceeds to Metropolitan Associatrorr for Mentally Retarded, Open Daily 10 to 3 pm. 2224112. WILL buy any old gold. 223-5938 HORSES BOARDED WANIED â€"Snow tire. 825 x 14. 881 8045. DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptiy. 705-439-2421 Call anytime. Ed Peconl & Son‘ Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C662. Ifc E At Wholesale Prices SKIS, One pair men's, one pait women's, Cross Counhy. After 4 pm. 884-1482. meets on Tuesday evenings. Service work in the community is our goal. Are you interested in helping? HORSE DRAWN SLEIGH RIDES WE FRAME ANYTHING Monday. Dec 19th 630 PM 311 5‘5 Coming Events 883-4392 for Intormatlon call 1-895-9786 LARGE BOX STALLS Everyone welcome 351 883-4723 $400. days 832-1129evgs. Career Training THORNHILL KIWANIS CLUB REGISTERED Articles wanted 14540-4198 WILLOWDALE ARTISANS Livestock 5422-Yonge St., Willowdale Open House SUN. DEC. 13m 2 ‘5 pm. 889-7320 Evgs Please call tfc22 llc 21 SPECIAL CHRISIMAS GROUP SHOW BY GALLERY ARTISIS. ART A UNIQUE GIFT â€" A GOOD INVESTMENT. SEALED TENDERS clearly Identified Will be received up to 4:00 PM. local time‘ January 3, 1978 at The York County Board of Education, 60 Wellington Street West. Aurora. PO. Box No. 40. Aurora, Ontario. L4G 3H2. At "Just-A-Farm” with a bonfire. Birthday parties, Christmas Parties, New Years Eve, Church groups, Clubs. Private parties, etc. Details and bidding Instructions are avai|ab|e from the Purchasmg Depattment. BABYSITTER required for two children. 2 afternoons a week. Near Waiter Scott School‘ 884-9321, DAY care wanted. 5days week, in my home. Markham Rd‘ - Newkirk‘ 883- 1492 Evgs. DAY care available in my home. Bathurst - Camille Rd.. area. 881‘ 5622‘ c2w23 Rentals available. Good apres skung Tnps ananged, F0! turther Informa- [ION call ' WILL do babysitting in my home, Hillcrest Mall area. 884-9863. c2w23 Inqunies Invited for fully qualified day care for infants 2 years of age and under. Anyone interested in the above. please telephone . Meet new members Decembet 20 ‘at Honey Pot 800 P M. CLEANING lady requiied one day per week Must have own (ransportation. Please phone 884-8040, TYPING done In my home. IBM Selectnc typewritel. 884-6872 11:44 5‘“ Daycare Wanted HORSE DRAWN SLEIGH RIDES PAT EAGAN 883-6162 JANIS HOUGH 884~7131 ST. MARY'S SKI CLUB 5‘5 Coming Events 7" Miscellaneous 5‘“ Domestic Help Wanted THE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION TENDER NO. 428 SPECIAL INFANT CARE AVAILABLE 5‘5 Employment Wanted 473-2732 THURSDAY'NIGHTS AT HONEY POT 541 YORK FINE ART GALLERY SNOWBALL VILLAGE BOUTIQUE 7 with LIBERAL ADS CARETAKING SUPPLIES SKIING Daycare 310 712Nursery School 2% MILES WEST OF AURORA 0N WELLINGTON ST. MRS. HILL 0R MRS. CARELSE 889-0464 Antiques 8 Art Tenders Aw 23 TFC 16 Bnng you: class to lust-A-Farm Call for arrangements Selling to cover storage omng‘ Written ONEIS only accepted. Call 1974 DART sport slant-6 Automatic, new exhaust and shocks. 46,000 mi|es‘ 32195 727-6476 afte! 6 pm. 1974 DUSTER, 2 door automatic V8 radio. As is $1,200. Phone 640-3147 1972 VOLKSWAGEN 'bus. New engine, New paint, Clean, good Iunmng condition. $2.495. 889- 0827, 1973 FORD LTD Brougham, power steering, oower brakes, AM FM radio, radials. 50,000 miles. $1300.00. Phone 895-5995. 1971 TOYOTA 1600 Uncertlfted. Needs work. 57,000 miles. $150. 884-0644. 1969 FORD LTD. 62,500 mlles, body fair. mechanically good. Uncertified. $325. Phone after 5. 884-2108. 1970 FORD Maverick, 2 door automatic, fair condition $250.00. 7276677. 1974 CUDA. Good conditlon. Best offer. 884-2129. ‘ 1965 OLDS. Rebullt engine. Un- certified. Best otter‘ Phone 884‘ 4838. 1973 PLYM( 3TH Fury, 4 door power steering, power blakes, snow tires, no rust, will certify. 6516‘ 1972 PINTO, good running con- dmon. $695.00, Snow tires, and tadlo Phone 895-9151‘ CHIRSTMAS TREES and HAY RIDE CertifiedJoaded. $1,200.00 or best offer WIth tIade. 1975 Montego MX, power steering and brakes‘ Air conditioned, 2,500.00. 7751248. New brakes. steering, and rad. Done wlthin this year. Good runner. Needs body work. Asking $325. or best ofler. Call 1972 FORD custom 351 engine. good mechanlcal condition. automatic, power steering and brakes, radio,' asking $500000. 833-54860 6 cylinder. 4 door. 32.000 mules. $1.450. A-l COIIdIIIOIl. 69 CHEV BEL AIRE ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks TEACHERS 1974 Datsun 610 72 PLYMOUTH “Notice” 84000 miles. Mmt condition $1295 certified. 1970 FORD ASK~FOR DENNIS 0R LIZ 473-2732 773-5727 ECONOLINE VAN 884-8912 884-2252 '70 GMC 727-5743 MUS? SELL VALIANT 241-3642 727-3215 1/2 TON c3w22 2w 22 318. new 727- $1,995 1973 Ford ’1. ton pickup camper SDECIBI wrth cap $2,195 1973 Maverick 6 cylv automatic $1,695. 1971 Pontiac Ventun $1,295 1970 Maverick 6 cyl. ~automatic $795 1970 Dari 1974 Dodge Monaco slant 6 $895 6 automatic $995 CARS ARE CERTIFIED AND PRINTED 881-8255 Evgs. 497-271,;ij 1972 PINTO. Mechanically very good condition, Needs minor bodywork on door. $400.00 or best offer. 727- 8851. Cars & Trucks WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 775-6773 889â€"0353 Custom stationwagon, powet steermg. brakes, and rear window, Good condition. Snows included. 727â€"6926 DOHERTY MOTORS 727-3322 ‘55 Cars & Trucks V2 mile south 0! Aurm Sidemad on Don Mills Rd. LANGSTAFF AUTO PARTS We buy scrap Cars & Trucks Free Towmg 79 Langstaff Ave. Thornhill Best Prices $100 OFF suggested retail price of a|| 1978 models in stock. 340 Don Park Road, Markham‘(Woodbine-Steeles) Cross Country Ski Attendants and Instructors for weekdays and/ or weekends. Applicants should have some experience in Cross Country skiing. ' lntenested appIicants should apply in person before Decem‘ her 16th, to: « POLARIS SNOWMOBILES able to produce Progression Dies with minimum supervision. Good rate for the right person. Please phone C. BRIDLE POLARIS 1978 83-340 Walls Sales & Service (“Ola-tone THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Requires 000000 0.0000 000000 (“Ola-tone 0.0000 TOOL & DIEMAKER ' TOOL MAKER l973 Ford pickup V2 (on 888-1998 888-1998 SPECIALS ALL WEATHER EQUIPMENT POLARIS Parts 8. Accessories Bl" Walls Sales 8- Sennce PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 1967 Galaxie $695. 1970 Chev Nova 881-3948 1-936-2100: $1,450 Sales, Service, Parts, Accessories Offer expires December 24, 1977 THE PARKS AND RECREATION OFFICES ROOM 102 10266 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL 2““ Snowmobiles 5““ Help Wanted 495-1837 c2w 23 TFC ll c2§ 1976 DODGE DART SWINGER 2 door hardtop, 6 cylinder, automatic. power steering, vinyl roof and copper metallic paintr Lic. No. KO] 335 1976 DODGE ASPEN 'SPECIAL EDITION 4 door. vunyl moi. 6 cyl. auto. PS. all factory Special Edition accessmies Luc‘ No. KPS‘957. 4 dour hardtop. Pewer steering. and brakes, Automatic. aIr. Ziebarted when new. Good condition. Very dependable, Bes‘ ofler over $1.200. 1974 BUICK CENTURY 4 door, power steering, power brakes. Michelin radial tires. Vinyl root_& outside door mirror. Finished in dark blue acrylic, Test drive this one today Lit. No, FBK 803‘ 1974 PINTO Acyl. automatic, real economy. Lic No. KYM-191. Bank Financing Available 1969 CORTINA - 4 passenger‘ Goad running condition, good tires plus snows. New battery. Some body work 3350.003 Phone 8336353 (after 5) for further information 73 Dodge Monaco All conveniences. Fridge. stove, oven. washmom, shower. furnace, fully self-contained. $5,000. or tvade for Car 1-895-9786, .N TRUCK (23AMPER 1 , SKI-DOG ‘ 1965 Chalet, 8 h.p; in excellent condition‘ Ideal l0! beginner, $22500, 727~1433 (evgs.) 727-4258 (office). ‘55 Cars & Trucks (Toronto Line) or Bemesda Sales & Service Larry Van Dyke Bus‘ 884-7774 Res. 888-1_1_§§ Dal WALTERS AUTOMOTIVE SNOWMOBILES 2 â€"l970 -399 Notdics 1 â€"l972 â€"250 Motor Ski Cadet $550 takes all three All mechanical tepairs Body repaits and painting 165 WELLINGYON ST. E., AURORA ARCTIC CAT & SKIROULE 230 1970 MUSTANG 727-3012 884-5763 727-9713 PARTS Campers & Trailers 74 NOMAD 50-2c "C 10 c3w 23 clv. 23 all

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