8 pm“. in the gym at Bayview Glen. Speaker for the evening is Ken McDonald, area four supervisor who will discuss the feasibility of expanding Bayview Glen School to include Grades 7 and 8. Everyone con- cerned is invited to at- tend. The Parent Liaison Group has a new executive. Margaret McDonald is Chairman. Janice Levine Bayview Glen Parent Liaison Group is having its next general meeting Wedne§day, January 4‘ at C-4 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. December 21. 1977 Bayview Glen grade 7 and 8 to be discussed 3---- Clip this valuable coupon ----- whole butterball turkevs sausage meat .35 Lob‘léWé‘“ semi-boneless cooked 1.00 off smoked ham with this coupon the purchase price of one Loblaws whole cooked smoked Limit one whole ham per coupon Offer expires December 31, 1977 Another member of the executive Sue Cotton is a is responsible for the newsletter. Laura Brown is in charge of publicity. Gord Van Toon is head of fund raising. Paula Silver organizes the class mothers and volunteer parents at the school. Sherry Shaw is chairman of a group organizing a parent effectiveness training program. Barb French is chairman of adult French classes and principal of Bayvie‘w Glen. Jerry Fisher is also on the executive. ham The Grade 6 class at Bayview Glen raised over $104 for United Way by putting on a Gong Show parent volunteer in the school and is very active in craft work. She has been assigned by the Junior League to Bayview Glen Public School and presently teaches crafts to Grades 5 and 6. She is also organizing a green thumb committee integrating with the science classes at the school and hopes to head up a craft program for adults. v shrimp cocktail 2 dinner hams “,2. meat chub dinner hams en Sau Sea B ‘5 old fasnioned b0neless for the students in which all the grades par- ticipated. The school also raised $194 through UNICEF boxes. MASS The Good Shepherd Parish is having a Christmas Mass at Holy Redeemer Church on A s p e n w o o d i n Willowdale. There will be a children’s mass at 8 pm. and masses at 10 pm. and midnight at which the choir will be singing and there will be a soloist. On Christmas day there will be masses at 9 gampmmflgail 48 fl. oz. btle. smoked was 3.64 was 2.96 1 an a.m., 10:30 am. and 12 noon; Saturday and Sunday Masses will be held at St. Michael‘s Separate School on Simonston beginning on Saturday. January 7. Emily Bunker. Mill Street. Richmond Hill, was the winner of the Dresden Plate quilt in the Richmond Hill Historical Society's annual (‘hristmas draw. The lucky ticket was drawn by Robert Carter Quilt winner selected fruit cocktail tomato juice The weather also caused a change in place for the party â€"- from the of Parkston Court at the society's Christmas party which had been postponed from December 5 to December 12 because of inclement weather. Saturday masses will take place at 4:30 and 7 pm. and Sunday masses at 9 am, 10:30 a.m. and 12 noon. CALENDARS Scout calendars for 1978 clpuble the , . d_I_f_ferenoe , are now being sold by the Fifth Thornhill Boy Scouts. They sell for $1 each and are available from the scouts and cubs or by calling Roz Chapâ€" nick at 8892004. Several members recounted stories of memorable Christmases of the past. both amusing and heart-warming. Burr House to [he Maclaren Auditorium of the public library on Wright Street. was 1.23 was £9 was .89 pota '\I II‘ ItO CthS AT BAYHILL MEWS PLAZA CHIROPRACTIC DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF RICHARD S. COLLIS. D.C1 PHONE 881-7700 8185 YONGE STREET SUITE 204 THORNHILL, ONTARIO was 1.49 I 6" was 4.35 .99 was 1.29 was .97