1‘ ï¬r, w- A1529 7 _.:II'- .E“' ‘ RICHMOND HILL LIONS HALL Fri. Jan. 20th, 8:30 PM TICKETS TELEPHONE 8842933 669-2186 ROBBIE BURNS DANCE Carnival â€" 10 successful years Sale of Winter Carnival buttons for the event's 10th anniversary is brisk, according to carnival committee member Marg Barrow. mond Hill High Janice James Bayview Seconda Dennis Anderson Langstaff Sec< acting as the firs Don Head Langstaff RH HS THYME BLACK HAWK MOTOR INN RED CLOUD LOUNGE APPEARING TILL JAN. 21 From Don Head come three Snow Princess competitors: Lisa Cannon, Linda Auger and Gwen Hood. (Photo by Alec Bruyns) Richmond Hill’s Snow Princess lineup includes Miriam Johnston, Wendy Wilcock, Lilian Burg, Anke Bakker and Gertrude Simitz. (Photo by Alec Bruynsiw Langstaff Secondary School‘s Snow Princesses are decked out in their ribbons and ready to go for Richmond Hill’s Tenth Winter Carnival. From left are Paula Frasca. Cory Bockus, Maureen Svensen and Brenda Porter. Absent is Manuela Vani. Mississauga, ext. 332/333. . ‘ Genard Sq., ext. 278/279. . . Richmond Hill, ext. 21 2 . . . . . Newmarket, ext. 212 . . . . . . . Markham Place, ext. 298/299 Call for an appointment Store hours: Mon., Tues., Sat. 9:30 am. to 5:30 pm Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9:30 am. to 9:30 pm Really special prices for really special perms . . . the perfect support for all the new hairstyles. If you‘ve been thinking about a perm wave lately, now’s the time to do it and save. Offer good 'til 5:30 pm. Jan 28th. All permanent waves Great investment! S€ars HAIR BAZAAR 270-81 1 1 461 -9092 883-1444 898-2300 881-6600 The committee had grown to include Paul Binkley, Evie Ruttle, Don Hodgson, and Don Wulf, with Sandy Cameron, and Paul O‘Brien from Rich- Scanning the minutes of that first meeting. it was amazing to see how far- sighted they were in their planning as most of the proposed attractions are still running and getting bigger and better every year, One of the reasons for the success of the Winter Carnival was written on the first page of the minutes: “High school student involvement to be stressed“. Every year the com- mittee has been blessed with intelligent and spirited representatives who have acted as liaison with the students of their respective high schools, spreading involvement and enthusiasm to all grades Sale of Winter Carnival buttons for the event's 10th anniversary is brisk. according to carnival committee member Marg Barrow. Students in all Rich- mond Hill high schools are selling the buttons. and Bayview Secondary is presently leading the race. having sold 200. Buttons may be pur- chased from students or at any local bank, she said. Meanwhile, plans are continuing for the bash, scheduled for February 3,4, and 5, at the Mill Pond,anda pre-carnival event needing par- ticipants in the bed race. Invitations are open to anyone who wishes to enter. and the judging will take place at Hillcrest Mall January 28. For rules and further information, call Tom Carvin at 884-9577. As plans for this year‘s festivities continued, organizers took time out to look through the minutes of carnivals over the past 10 years. With Shaun Beggs having been Chairman of the Richmond Hill Parks Board for 11 years and Bill Ruttle having been on that board for nine years, it was easy to see how these men got together with local businessmen Dalt Hicks and Warren Davey to discuss the idea of a Winter Carnival for Richmond Hill. Anja Beggs acted as secretary. The date was November 3. 1968‘ With the help of local contractors and con- tributions from many merchants. the com- mittee built a portable stage which is for use by any local group, free of charge. Years have gone by quickly. From a budget of $1,500 for the first year. finances have grown to more than $10,000. With the 10th annual Carnival now less than a month away, committee members are pushing for Richmond Hill residents to participate and “celebrate winter". mond Hill High School: Janice James from Bayview Secondary; and Dennis Anderson from Langstaff Secondary, acting as the first school representatives. It wasn‘t until January 31, 1971, that the Big 00k- pic called “Luke†made his appearance. After a trip to Eaton's Santa Claus Parade workshop, many hours of figuring, and many more of bending heavy wire and taping it together, “Luke†became a reality. That first year. the Parks Department paid for the purchase of posters and buttons. rAIIIIIIUAl SALE 8401 Woodbine Just Seuth of Hwy. 7 Mon. - Fri. 9:30 » 9:30 Sat. 9:00 - 6:00 WE GUARANTEE T0 PLEASE YOU-AND TO SAVE YOU MONEY DON MILLS Cancun†museum DINING ROOM - LIVING ROOM - BEDROOM FURNITURE (WASHABLE) SELFâ€"LINED PRINTS 96 (WASHABLE) 144' WALON (WASHABLE) LINED DRAPES SATIN PRINTS Er BROCADES ALSO TABLES LAMPS PAINTINGS SA l/E 20,050 % MICHELANGELOM 18 LEVENDALE RD. RICHMOND HILL 884-5127 BANK RATE TERMS IF DESIRED 48"wx95’ 144wx95 96"wx95’ 144"wx95 144"wx95 96"wx95" 144â€wx95 144"wx95" long reg 59:95 "wx95†'Ong reg 39:95 2160 Hwy. 7 Just East of Keele. Mon. - Fvi. 9:30 - 9: Sat. 9:00 - 6:00 70W ï¬lms “for women who deserve the best" H Levendale Rd. Richmond Hill. 884-4741 EXAMPLES †long long long long long reg 14:95 long reg 39195 long price plus 10% THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. January 11. 1978 â€" A-7 reg 35:95 reg 52195 JAN SALE JAN SALE JAN SALE JAN SALE JAN SALE JAN SALE JAN SALE JAN SALE JAN SALE ALSO 1 pl 29.95 p. 7.95 pr 1 9.95 pr 17.95 W 27.95... 26.95 39.95 47.95 MISSISSAUGA BARBIE BRAMPTON OAKVILLE furniture