We buy Scrap Cars Er Trucks Free Towing Bv Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour H.P. (Bob) Boss 138 Centre St W. 8841788 Fov laundry bath and rec looms. Sun Decks Bookkeeping & Accounting Serwces CARPENTRY AND CUSTOM Accounting Bookkeeping-Income fax By Me week, month at year Kenneth M Pal GU NAR CONSTRUCTION Renovations Additions Carpentry BOOKKFEI‘INGS |N(OME YA) HAGERMAN JONES 8 C0. ED'S CARPENTRY WOOD WORKING CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Additions, Renovations 8 Rec. Rooms 83 Roseview Ave. Richmond Hill. Ont. Tel. 8844171 109 CASCADE CIRCLE K.A. SMITH CARPENTRY Qua/Irv Pamnng Wr/Hen Gua/antee Phone for free brochure Alf Catenaro 0 No Job T 00 Small 0 Unusual Jobs 0 Pine Furniture KNOW YOUR COSTS FIRM QUOTATIONS INTRUDER ALARM SYSTEM FOR DETAILS CALL: gr» 4% J. C. HUGHES ACCOU/V TING SERVICE PROTECT YOUR HOME WITH 889-5076 AUTO PARTS Auto Parts Construction AddlllOHS Renovatins New homes, etc 881-8255 Evgs. 497-2710 INCOME TAX ITALIAN. GERMAN, ENGLISH 10256 YONGE ST BOB ROSS CONTRACTING 889-5683 8841634 BOOKKEEPING. PAYROLL 297-4236 Carpentry Accounting Services Auto Rust Repairs MARLENE PARISI. 884-5441 LANGSTAFF 884-7530 8893820 or 775-6390 88.9- 1502 mall husmvssos 8891377 883-1680 889-7250 HM , erhmond HI“ Paint A Car H( WC 2] flc24 "C 24 "C 51 "C 47 15035 "C 30 005 T 0M W000 T URN/[VG servnce 0 Free Estimates Call Evgs. 6- 9 pm OPLASTERING OCERAMIC TILE ODRYWALL TAPING 'TEXTURED CEILINGS 8 WALLS 0 Residential 0 Complete professional Building Trades Small orders welcome Length to 6’1 1" LE. ROBERTS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 311 Essna Pk. Dn, Markham 495-1360 Woodbine Steeles area ROSENBERG & COMPANY CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS G & D WARREN CONTRACTORS ROOFING Home Improvements mma’nemy OFREE ESTIMATES °A|| work uaranteed "N0 J08 7' 0 SHAH " Bnan H. Cowen CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 10265 Yonge Street Phone 884 8551 773 5688 Chaneted Accountants Marklam P|ace 29m Steels Ave. East. Suite 215 ROOFING SHINGLES CARPET LAYING DON'T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIMEH 389-3228 Chartered Accountants PLASTERER TILE SETTER 887-5720 - 883â€"1664 50 Yonge Street 5. Aurora. Ontario WINDOW CLEANING Fast efficient service Reasonable rates Call John B. SMITH 773-5584 Chartered Accountants General Repairs Sheet Metal Work Free Eshmales Woodbridge Carpet Installation 851-0120 Window Cleaning 883- 7288 REID Er BRADLEY 10255 Yonge St Richmond Hill 887-0751 ALL WORK GUARANTEED lic. 8868 884-2092 881 -8220 All TYPES Rooï¬ng 089- 1006’ TFC I! "C 20 m2 0 Siding 0 Soflit 0 Shutters 0 Windows I HUGH/VG O MUM/DIM C HUME/NU O STORM HIMUVAI 0 leA/IIUP . [Xflfl/URPAM/f/M? He makes housecalls! STEAM CLEANING [LIMINATE HOURS OF DIRIY WORK AND MESS BY LUIING Uh blRlP YOUR IROUBUSOM} HMS DIP’N STRIP RELIABLE MAN Man wnth 2 ton dump Much Will do odd 10b: after 6 p m RELIABLE REASONABLE 8813019 I Contractors IT ALL STARTED WITH THE WORKS IN THE DRAWER Typewrners Adding Machines Sales 8 Selvice Ali's Office Machines Richmond Hill 881 1997 Repairs to all makes of T.V.'s Maia Appliances, Vacuums h Antennas installed Sweetheart Peter York Home T.V. mew BAYVIEW AVE. MacPHEE ALUMINUM Home Improvements FOR ALL THE CARE 8 REPAIR YOUR HOME WILL EVER NEED Call "THE Carpet wall to wall Sofas and Chairs Flair Upholstering 889-7321 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES SALES - RENTALS LH. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill - 8841745 GENERAL HANDYMAN wâ€"SEWER CONVERSION CANADA’S LARGEST CHAIN 0F FURNITURE STRIPPERS 780 STEEPRDCK DRIVE DOWNSVIEW 636-8895 UNIT 18. RICHMOND HILL 88414165 884-8646 For complete service call ' COMPLETE LINE OF REFINISHING SUPPLIES 884-8506 85 CENTRE ST. E., RICHMOND HILL 0 Doors FREE ESTIMATES JOHN MacPHEE HOUSE DOCTOR" TV Service Handyman ' Office - Machines Furniture Stripping 881-7135 294-3770 NOW OPEN OEaves 0 Fascia 0 Awnings 0 Railings "c 36 IILH "E If l Snow Plowing} BOB'S SNOWPLOWING & TOWING 8899398 7734138 I Photography I MANAGERS: Len Wall Er Son Plumbing, . Heating, ,Air Conditioning Lamps and ha: Repdm and. u male) 4 Walls Fireplaces FREE ESTIMATES PRESIDENT: JAMES J. WALL CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY Driveways and parking lots. Phone Save on your heating bills and be an enevgy conservationist at the same Ilme. Pumps of All Makes Parts and Repairs SNOWPLOWING‘ Plumbing and Heating Oil, Gas, Hot Water 8 Steam DEAL SERVICES CELLULOSE INSULATION Reliable care for your plants and/0r pets in your home while you are away for a day, a week, a month 0: a season. PLOW/[VG 88¢5657 DRAIN REPAIRS & INSTALLATION WATERPROOFING 884-2560 Stained Glass I WALL BROTHERS ‘..by Ursula Llane 6] 23 YONGE ST, WILLOWDALE 225-888] Insurance - Mortgages File. Auto and Liability Telephone 72794888 Rear 47 Yonge Street 8. Aurom, Ontario Home Improvements TRAVELLERS' Insulation Does Not Cost It Pays’fl CAB/NET WORK ’ OINTERIOR DESIGN &RENOVAHONS OCARPENTRY NICK UPTON 7, 887-9365 "€29 STAINED GLASS WINDOWS Comer Agency Plumbing & Electrical All Weathev Insulation HOME SITTING SERVICE SIVUW 594-4821 Insurance 889-1 299 297-1553 751-9022 8844539 773-4085 Angela Jeffery Carpentry Masonry Drywall Tiling Flooring Limited CALL NOW ASLO ‘Iallal elZ-Jt ‘nad Update your insulation at a reasonable cost. McKINLAY INSULATION "BLOW m MEIHOD' veal louna comlon n added In yam home mm 3 Jun In tuel (IN) when you have a plane: muck nen 0| In\ulal|0fl Call U\ Now In Inxnecl mun 883-3500 884-9900 Persistent depression, which may make you feel bored, restless, tired or unable to concentrate. need not inter- fere with your normal social behaviour. It can be success- fully treated - it makes sense to seek professional advice. Fireplaces, Extensions General repairs Landscaping 8 design services PAINTING 8 DECORATING Free Estimates I ‘ Contractors CAMWAY INSULATING CO 2949859 . MARKHAM, ONI J. WELBORNE & SON WALKER CONSTRUCTION Karl Bundschuh 884-4832 FRANKS PAINTING INTERIOR EXTERIOR HEATING COST TO HIGH? Le‘ Harry Smith & Sons Contracting Ltd. PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R.E. Dunn 727-3303 Stone 8 Brick work HEAT LOSS COSTS MONEY 889-1578 CHIMNEYS & FIREPLACES Paperhanging HUGH BARR 889-2773 Excellent rates professional finish guaranteed Richmond Hull Contracting Cn CUSTOM BUILT HOMES ADDITIONS REC ROOMS BUILT AND REPAIRED Peter Elliott DECORATING SEWERS INSTALLED TRENCHING EXCAVATING Insulation DIEM Flee Estirmtes Expert Workmnslip 20 yrs’ experience PAINTING 887â€"5031 8892163 PAINTING Free Estimates 884-2882 Painters Free Estimates 883-3033 CAM 832-2567 IIOH Hum mlo Wm hnme Ltd and (II\IN.| TFC.27 UL“ I“ IV "(I H( (It 36 DOORS PATIOS TILING ISIDING ERVICEMASTER CLEANING SERVKES 2240212 Complete general bookkeeping, financial state- ments, T4, personal income taxes, accounts payable. G & C CUSTOM CIARPENTRY Specializing in: ‘ 0 REA/OVA non/s ORECREA T IUIII RUDMS O AUDIT/0N8 0 ALUMINUM WORK 37 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Plumbing Repairs Renovations New Work Residential - Commercial - Industrial K.F. FURNITURE LTD. 495-0285 MR SERVICEMASTER'S HERE!" - RUGS - CARPETS - FURNITURE - FLOORS - WALLS Thornhill Plumbing Services Ltd. You’ve heard it before: You’ve got to walk before you can run. Offices-Rec. Rooms-New Additions LEONARDI BROTHERS Drain & Concrete Contractors SEWER CONVERSION THE WEBSHELL INVESTMENT GROUP OF CANADA INC. For quality hand crafted custom made FURNITURE and cabinets, call Ihe House-Wide Cleaning Expvrh Builders, Conyractors and Small Business Our Specialty Pick Up and Delivery Priced by the hour or job FREE ES T [MA 7155' SERVALL SERVICES 773-4081 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: RIZZI PLUMBING - NEW WORK ° ALTERATIONS 0 SERVICE CALLS Free Estimates 291-0190 Accounting Sérvices Plumbing and Heating - CALL ANYTIME 0 FREE ESTIMATES WINDOWS DRVWALL GARAGES ROOFING CUSTOM CABINETS 889-9346 Home Improvements CARPENTRY DRY WALL 67 GREEN LANE. THORNHILL 889-0375 FREE ESTIMATES A Subsidiary 0f ASK FOR JEFF 8847178 Contractors 773-5612 889-5228 Emerita Cleaners COTTAGES KITCHENS REC ROOMS ADDITIONS Faflfltlflafllfll. . Walk a block.Today. GENERAL CARPENTRY ‘i VIII/1:7[f/Dfl BATHROOMS RENOVATING CEDAR DECKS CONCRETE WORK 881-8287 C2w 29 TFC 28 Hc19 "C 23 TFCR THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. January 18. 1978 â€" B-ll The workshop will begin with a slide presentation on wildlife habitat in both urban and rural areas. The rest of the time you will spend hammering together prefabricated bird boxes. You may select from boxes for bluebirds, wood With this in mind, the Ministry of Natural Resources is holding its annual Bird Box Workshop at Maple. These workshops are held to give interested in~ dividuals a chance to get involved in providing nesting structures for birds. BIRD BOX WORKSHOP As more and more of Southern Ontario is covered by housing and industrial development, the natural habitat and nesting grounds of our native birds are being destroyed. pm. to 7:00 p.m. Admission is $3.00 for adults; youths 13 to 17 $2.00, children from 5 to 12 $1.00 The hours on weekdays are from noon to 10:30 p.m.. Saturdays from 10:30 am. to 10:30 pm. and Sundays from 1:00 By ALEX EBERSPAECHER Now is the time to look in the want ads for the best buy in boats and motors. Not only can you end up with a good used outfit from private hands, but many dealers have slashed their prices. For those who would like to look at a brand new outfit or for people like me who can only afford to dream about it, the an- nual winter excursion into boating takes place January 13‘22 at Exhibition Place in Toronto. Johnson has a 235 hp outboard motor on display and for a change of pace, the Honda 7.5 hp fishing motor eliminates mixing oil in their four stroke design unit. Whatever your fancy, one thing is for sure â€" if you are a dreamer, a boater or a fisherman, there is lots to see and do at Canada’s largest marine show. The largest sailboat on display will be the 55 foot Swede for a mere $145,000 while the largest power cruiser is a 41 foot Chris- Craft. Of course those boats are strictly for the dreamers but I have been told that the more ver- satile family and fishing boats have been given a large share of the space. This show is estimated to attract about 150,000 visitors. All the money, as with all the Canadian National Sportsmen‘s shows, will go in aid of conservation. Best buy in boats is right now ..... Dated at the Town of Richmond Hill this 30th day of December, 1977. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL C.D. Weldon, Clerk. Date of first publication January 11th, 1978 Date of second publication January 18th, 1978 Date of third publication January 25th, 1978 Date of fourth publication February 15!, 1978 The Council will consider the proposed by-law at its meeting on the 6th day of February, 1978, and at that time will hear any person or the solicitor or agent of any person who advises the Clerk in writing prior to the 6th day of February, 1978, that he would like to appear. The portion of the highway affected is shown as Parts 3, and 4 on Reference Plan 64R-6415 and a copy of the plan and the draft by-law are available for inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk, 10266 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill proposes to consider the passing of a by-law to sell part of a public highway known as ELMWOOD AVE- NUE between CEDAR AVENUE and the CANADIAN NATIONAL RIGHT-OFâ€"WAY as shown on Registered Plan 2383. NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING Ic‘ftcucts °vone Alex Eberspaecher THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Derek DiBattista got the lone Richmond Hill goal in the Aurora game from Danny Jensen. Saturday’s game saw Richmond Hill goals by 'I‘todd Savoye unassisted; and by Russell Arm- strong from Dave Nicol and Danny Jensen. In the past, I have taken all Bucktails and other wooly contraptions off all my lures. Ifeel that if you put one of those wet lures into the box, it will give off enough water to rust most of your hooks and spinners. One final word about rubber worms. Be careful as some of them will dissolve the liners of your tackle box and sometimes even the whole box. Hill wins The Richmond Hill Minor Atom A‘s edged Newmarket 2-1 on Saturday but lost 5-1 to Aurora Sunday. Wash your tackle box out with warm water and soap and let it dry thoroughly. Get some metal polish and shine those flat dirty lures. The hooks on most lures can be exchanged for sharp ones or at least sharpened with a small stone. If you are interested in attending one of these free workshops held between January and the end of February. contact the Ministry at 832-2261, ex. 275. Due to the overwhelming responses in past years, the workshop is filled on a first come, first served basis Call now as I have been told that only a few openings are left. TACKLE BOXES Now is the time to clean out those tackle boxes. Not only will you get rid of a few pounds of sand and mud that has collected over the past year, but you will also get an idea of what you will need in the coming season. Sport- smen's Show time is not too far off! ducks, flickers, wrens and screech owls. After you have assembled your boxes take them home and erect them in a suitable location. STAY ALERT S'l'A‘I ALIVE