He is survived by his daughters, Marion (Mrs. Jas. Ash) of Moorefield; Gretta (Mrs. William Gill) of Collingwood; Nancy (Mrs. Harold Ellis) of Moorefield; and son, Robert. of Port Credit. Mr. Middleton worked at Canada Wire and Cable in Leaside for 25 years and was a member of their Quarter Century Club. He was predeceased by his wife on October 5, 1977‘ Mr. Middleton was also associated with the old Richmond Hill Combines Lacrosse team. He was married to Murel Walker in April‘ 1933, and they lived on the Carrville Sideroad until 1967 when they moved to Palmerston. Richmond Hill Councillor Lou Wainwright (back row, extreme right) representing Vaughan Hydro, is one of the officers of the Ontario Municipal Electric Association. He was elected at the annual meeting in Toronto last week. Others elected are, seated, left to right, As a young man he began to teach Sunday School in Carrville United Church and was superintendent there for 40 years. Mr. Middleton was born in Thistletown and moved to the Carrville area as a teenager where his parents owned the Read farm on Bathurst Street, and later built the Kirk home on Carrville Sideroad. He was also an elder of the church. R. Morris. Toronto Hydro; RE. Cavanagh, Scarboro PUC; G.C. Huffman, Etobicoke Robert E. Middleton Robert dleton, also known as Bert and Rusty. a respected citizen of the Carrville area for more than 40 years. died at Palmerston District Hospital recently. He was in his 76th year. Services were held at Carrville United Church in Vaughan. with burial in Carrville Cemetery. Edwin Mid- children and two great grandchildren. He was a brother of NOTICE SUNDAY, JANUARY 8, 1978 ‘EPIPHANY I 8 am Holy Communion 9:15 am Mornrng Prayer 9:15 am, Nursery School only 11:00 am. Morning Prayer 11:00 am. Nursery School. Kin dergarten and Church School. Every Wednesday 10 am. HOLY COMMUNION Rev. Fred Jackson 8842418 Sennces: Sun 8 am. and 1030 am Wed. 10 am. and 7:30 pm. 4“!qu «VVNVWW 4‘4! JV ‘VC‘{\(‘ 4 Wt; m-W‘Wflv» m¢ ' N N â€";‘r4/r r v ’3 ’ Arr/“$93, ) »"$’)‘r$$ C-2 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. January 18, 1978 “3 M"â€O" ‘\ . W9‘r‘;‘¢‘r$$‘rw ’3 N ’ rv 'N .o "3’ ANGLICAN There are 10 grand HOLY TRINITY CHURCH (ANGLICAN) BROOKE SI . THORNHILL & 0F HWY, 78 W/OF YONGE 81 889-5931 9:45 am. »C For Bus, Mlnlstr 11:00 am. ‘ M ST, JOHN'S BAPTIST CHURCH 75 Oxfmd Street Membet Baptist Conven Ontano and Quebet Rev, Dana H. Lamh BA. 80. Minister BAPTIST St. Maly's Anglican Chutch 10030 Yonge St. Richmond HI†ClergyzRev, Bernald Bauett 884-1394 Rev‘ WIIIIaITI Plentlce DIRECTORY OF RELIGIOUS SERVICES FOR THE WEEK 8834149 SUNDA Former Carrville area man dies In hospital LUTHERAN ‘hnp 10:00 am for all ages 9:30 am. 1100 am Faster E.Cl Corbett 9:45 am. Sunday School Sunday Semces 11 am. and 7 pm. Tuesdays Each Week FAMILY NIGHT Supper, 5:30 - 6:30 pm Age-Graded Meetings at7 pm. Chnstlan Semce Brigade lor Boys Pioneer GlllS Youth and Adult Studles Nulsery Available Meetings lor the whole family Vusntors Very Welcome DATE Jan. 31/78 Feb. 1/78 Feb. 7/78 1: am. .Mormng Senate 00 pm. - Evemng Serwce 3L Ptayet meeting Wednesday at _ 8'00 pm. 10-00 An om Fashioned Country Church 11100 on the Edge of the cm mt .. Feb. These hearings are being held in accordance with the, requirements of section 12 of the Planning Act RSO 1970, Chapter 349, as amended. This is a NEW Official Plan and will replace the Plan which is presently in' force in theTown. THE PLAN PROVIDES FOR: 105,000 Population, 52,000 Jobs, A North Urban Area, A South Urban Area, A New Civic Centre, A New Industrial Park, A Large Rural Area, Transportation Servicing, Parks and Recreation, Environmental Issues and Financial Concerns. You are invited to attend one of the above hearings. IF You have any QUESTIONS or wish to state your VIEWS PLEASE DO SO IN WRITING to: OFFICIAL PLAN PLANNING DEPARTMENT TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL 10,266 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO L4C 4Y5 THE LAST DATE for submission is MARCH 10th, 1978. Subsequently Council will ADOPT the Plan and FORWARD to the MINISTER OF HOUSING for approval. THE PLAN MAY BE REVIEWED IN THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE OR AT THE TOWN LIBRARIES. M. GRAHAM, CHAIRMAN PLANNING COMMITTEE RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH PREACHING THE OLD 800K THE NEW BIRTH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD AND THE BLESSED HOPE AT WELDRICK ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH Corner 01 Weldnck Road and Bathmst Street Rev. BT. McSpadden Pasto: Phone 8841859 0 am. - Bible School Classes 1.5. DAUPHlNEE. PASTOR ST, PAUL LUTHERAN 50 WRIGHT ST. TEL 884-3091 31 Baywew Avenue NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 8/78 Sunday Church School WOIShIp Servuce 8:00 PM. Hillcrest Mall Auditorium 8:00 PM. 16th Ave. Public School 8:00 PM. Consumer’s GasrBlue Flame Room Elgin Mills Road East 8:00 P.M. Lake Wilcox CommunityCentre g, TOWN OF 2 RICHMOND HILL OFFICIAL PLAN TIME LOCATIONS Myra (Mrs. Jack Barton) of Thornhill and Sarah (Mrs. Jack Oliver) 10:00 AM Adult Study GIOUD [1:00 AM Celebtatlon of Ho|y Communion ,Chlldren go directly to classes today) 12:15 PM Presbyteen Group Hydro; D.V. McNabb, Markham PUC. Stan- ding, left to right. W.C. Rowney, Milton Hydro; James Yarrow, Brampton Hydro; Gayle Christie. York Hydro; Tom Surgeoner, Newmarket Hydro; and Mr. Wainwright. They represent Central Region District No. 4. (Ontario Hydro photo) THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 271 Centve Street 889-5391 CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHUHCH 26 CHURCH ST.. THORNHILL PASTOR: F. BOND 881-555] Presbyterian PENTECOSTAL CONCORD CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Rd, & No. 7 Hwy. A Chutch oi The New Testament 0tdet AVE Atkinson Minister ~ 669-1831 A. Young- Sec. 6692784 SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 Bible C|asses 11.00 am. Morning Serwce 7:00 pm, - Communion Serwce WEDNESDAY 8:00 pm. - Bible Study SUNDAY 1230 pm. SUNDAY 15th JANUARY 1978 Watch "The Herald 61 Iruth TV Channel 3 Barne Organist and Choir Mastet MI. Christopher C. Hunt. Mus. Bac. The Revd. J,B, Bums MA, 8.0.. PH 0 W.J. POWER DIRECTOR OF PLANNING predeceased on October 7, 1977. formerly of Rich- mond Hill. Sunday Evening at 7:30 pm. KERYGMA 11 at St. Paul's United Church Oak Ridges ~ Adult Bible Study Sunday, January 22. 1978 at 11 am 'CHOSEN. FOR WHAT?’ The SaCrament of Baptism 8846029 Pastor: Rev. Robert C. Quick 884-6629 SUNDAY JAN. 22, 1978 9:45 am. Chnstian Education Hour Classes for an Ages Bus Transportation Provrded 11:00 am. Mornrng Worship Nursery and Children's Church 7:00 pm. Frlm: “CORRIE: Behind The Scenes With the Hldmg Place" Visitors Most Welcome Semce at10'30 am. and 5:00 pm RICHMOND HILL UNlTED CHURCH Yonge and Centre Sheets 8841301 Other Denominations RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH UNITED BETHEL CANADIAN REFORMED CHURCH 148 Thomndge Dr. Thovnhlll MINISIBI Rev. J. Mulder M.Th‘ - 8896225 212 Hillswew Dnve Jan speaks Wednesday. January 4: North-South â€" Rose Morrell and Grace Saunders; Mable Howe Thornhill Community Centre manager Jan Percival will be the guest speaker when the North York Chapter of the Toronto General Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association holds its annual meeting. Set for Monday, February 6, the meeting will be held at the Bathurst Heights branch of the North York Public Library, and all graduate nurses are welcome. at meeting February 6 t0 nurses Bridge winners 212 Hillsview Drive SUNDAY JANUARY 22 7:00 PM. RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH By CLETA DIEKEN We invite you to see your lenses in the process of grinding and polishing. It is an interesting experience. Hakim Optical Factory Outlet is the only independent Company where the Owner is a lens grinder by profession and personally supervises his product. Every customer is given personalized attention. We are in operation from 8 am. to 9 pm. to provide top quality and fast service. / Behind ‘1 the Scenes with THE. HIDING PLACE HAKIM'S OPTICAL FACTORY OUTLET 727-5789 East-West â€" Natalie Platner and Phyllis Mountjoy: Jim and Bob Hull; Cleta Dieken and Ann Rawlinson. Friday, January 6: A howell movement was played with the overall winners being: Bob Hull and John Leonard; Ross Jenkinson and Fred Dieken tied with Bob and Edna Dunn; Ruth and Gerry Browning. and Edith Windsor; Jack and Byllie Maver. Monday‘ January 9 â€"â€" Guaranty Trust offers you ï¬ve different kinds of RSP’s each one tailored to individual ï¬nancial needs. Call us for details on the plan that best suits you. FREE PARKING AT [MK/M’s DRIVE-IN OPTICAL Branuhe Guaranty Trust WHEN NOTHING ELSE IS GOOD ENOUGH 10132 Yonge Street 884-1188 Hakim and Management Tel. 224-1400 HILLTOP MEMORIALS LIMITED 10231 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL Canada Artistic Memorials of Distinction LETTERING A SPECIALTY APPOINTMENTS OR COURTESY CAR BY REQUEST Overall winners were: A] Lehman and George Newton; Gerry Browning and Bev Jones; Fred Dieken and Bob Dunn; Rose Morrell and Grace Saunders; Marjorie Nekechuk and Verda Moore. For information or partners call Ann Payment 727-3873. January 23‘ Monday, is the American Contract Bridge league Mem- bership Game. All players must be A.C.B.L. Members. 884-1393 may FOR SENIOR CITIZENS, AND CHILDREN UNDER 12 ONLY PAY FOR YOUR LENSES Soft and easy. See naturally with contact lenses. We Iii (00mm lenses to perfedion. low reasonable price Open I tun. to 9 p.m., Sn. 9 Mn. to 6 pm. WHEN YOU DECIDE TO WEAR (ONTACI lENSES WE ASSURE YOU TO SAVE TIME, MONEY and DISCOMEORT ‘ 0 (ONIACI [ENSES with o WARRANTY - EASY Y0 WEAR and EASY ON YOUR BUDGET ~ FREE OF CHARGE You can try laden tommiflin. your- so" to have (SOFT and HARD) canton Imus. STUDENTS s5, ADULTS ’7, COUPLES 510 TO PRE-REGISTER OR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE 883-2253 BETWEEN 8 AM. - 4:30 PM. Want the smoking habit? Pmaa‘ug, m to floï¬ald/z gamut. Me THROUGHOUT THE YEAR 5-Day Plan to cm W.’ at the York Central Hospital Auditorium 10 TRENCH 31., RICHMOND mu A small fee will be collected for materials used JANUARY 22 - 26, 7:30 - 9 PM. 5643YONGE (N.of FINCH)