Suitable for stomge or light automotive work. Can take up to 3 cars. Heated. Up to 1.500 sq, ft. Also office space up to 300 sq‘ ft. 889~0272 "3 Factory-Industrial Space WORK SHOP GARAGE SPACE FOR RENT INDUSTRIAL SPACE JACK BlYTH l'l'D. 773-5241 383-3939 887â€"5026 Available March 13! $300 monthly Includes heat & hydro 889-5334 KING TOWNSHIP Set nicely back on 51/2 acres, this 8 room brick and frame home offers great views and wonderful country living. The family room has a stone fireplace and there is an inground pool. Located just minutes to main highways and offered at $170,000. KING CITY Over 2 acres, 2 storey older style, full basement, horse lover’s delight. Close to transportation, schools and shopping. BE YOUR OWN BOSS Small sports store, bicycle sales and repair. Unlimited potential. 15 miles north of Metro. PIGEON LAKE Owning this lovely all seasons cottage or retirement home. On large waterfront lot overlooking beautiful Tate’s Bay, 5 miles from Bobcaygeon. Extras include glass sliding doors, cedar deck, fireplace in livingroom, and walkout basement and town water supply. Priced to sell at $42,900. AUTO BODY SHOP Business and property, 4,500 sq. ft. space. Paved lot, fully equipped, over 10 years same location. Financial statements and terms available. FINCH & DUFFERIN â€" TRIPLEX $115,000. asking. Yearly income $11,000. Live in one and collect the rent on two. Very large apartments with bathrooms ensuite. Lots of extras. For more details call now, Gino Matrundola, 226~6910. c2w31 B-8 â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, February 1, 1978 : fllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIlIllllllllllllIII“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIInIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIlmllIIIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIlllllIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIll|IllllllllllllIIll|lllllllllllllllllllIIIIN[IllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIllIIIIIIllllIIIllllllllIIllIllIllllIIIIIIIIllIIIIIllIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllIIIIlllllllllllllllllIIIllllllllllllllillllllIllllllllIIlllllllllllnllllllllllllg MARKHAM SPECIAL â€" $125,000 Move in tomorrow to this beautiful back- split, 3,600 sq. ft. Professionally finished and tastefully decorated. The extras are too many to mention. Get your money’s worth, it is one of a kind, I mean it! Call now, Gino Matrundola, 226-6910. ' Moffat Dunlap Real Estate Limited RICHMOND HILL SOUTH 379.500. BRICK BUNGALOW Detached, 1,500 sq. ft., 2 years new, at- tached garage. It is a bargain. I mean it! Call now, Joe Pacitto. 226-6910. THORNHILL SOUTH â€" $104,000. 5 BEDROOMS â€" 2 STOREY Move in tomorrow to this well appointed, personalized, bright home. Separate diningroom, 2 full baths, fireplace, double garage. Gino Matrundola, 226-6910. Eul'mmmmmlmnummllllllmlflllllllllIll||llIllllllllllllllllllll|IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIII|"ll|IllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllIllllllllllllIlll|llllllIIIllllllllllllllll|||llllmIIIIIIllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|IIIIIIHIHHIIIIIMIIIIHIHIIIMI"IllIll"llHlllllllllIl"IIIIllllIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllmll‘flllllmlflIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllfllllllumlllï¬ I "I ,â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ' ’7 r ‘â€"_‘ BUILDING LOTS READY TO GO Have your own custom built home, choose your colors and design, east & west sides of town, good sized treed lots. RICHMOND HILL BARGAIN Solid brick bungalow, 3 queensize bedrooms, spacious living-dining area, big eat-in kitchen, finished rec room, two car garage, open mortgage, only $64,900.00. 881-5673 RICHMOND HILL WEST! 4 bedroom solid brick bungalow, tastefully decorated, two fireplaces, attached garage, many extras, mature trees, steps to the Mill Pond. Hurry! FOR RENT my: 10720 Yonge St. 883-1324 D. Hill Real Estate 883-1824 REALTOR (at Baywew & Hwy‘ 7) 600: 1.200: 1.500; 1,800 sq.ft‘ ’23 Factory-Industrial Space Em Zfihmtl mum; Classiï¬eds 884-1105 - 1105 New Industnal Unhs FORRENT INTHORNHHL (at McCowan & Hwy, 7) 600: 1.250: 2.500 sq. ft Day or Evgs. 889-0728. 889~7151 IN MARKHAM 727-1511 Au conditioned. heated. Richmond HIII, $125 monthly. 150 sq. ft carpeted. YongeElgin Mulls FURNISHED room. private entrance cooking facilities No parking. Evgs 884-0345, ROOM fat rent. Cooking facilitnes‘ Central Richmond Hm. 00 bus at corner. 884-7000 after 6. TFC30 13 YONGE 37. SOUTH. AURORA 1.200 SQ FT, FURNISHED roomï¬tleman only Close to transportation. 884-7564 A0055 Summit Golf Course. wooded and ravmed lots Verv SCENIC. MAPLE. room wrth private entrance Garage faciliries. Close to tran sponation. 832-1080. MOTEL units, teléphones. 4 plece baths, television, weekly. daily rates. Colonial Molel. 889-4823. c4w31 ROOM and board for moiher and child. Use of the house. Hillcrest Mall ma. 884-8728. ROOM, private entrance, semi- furnished, cable. telephone, kitchen and washroom facilities. Near bus. Suit clean quiet working gentleman. 884-4377. c2w31 Ample parking Hwy. 7 â€" Yonge area Open storage also available THREE bedroom bungalow. Hillcrest Mall area. Available now‘ 654.9699 Evgs. ROOM available in two bedroom apartment. 330. weekly‘ Woman preferred, 883-4725 after 6. FOURbedroom brick detached, back split. Available March lst. 3475‘ 8847715. TRAILWOOD NEW BUILDING ‘29 Business, Ofï¬ce Space 3 bedroom bungalow, gatage. latge ienced back yard. finished basement. nucer landscaped lot $400 per month‘ 888-1255 HARRIE WERTHEIM LTU.. REALTOR attached garage 1 we let Call 438 4386. LARGE 6 room bungalow. Double QUEENSVILLE ’6 we treed lot. 3 bedmoms. Full basement. 3350 884-4224 or 478-4351 3 BEDROOM HOUSE '7“ Rooms For Rent 0FF|CE SPACE FOR RENT 124 AURORA, 5 bedrooms. large livingroom, diningroom. kitchen, broadloom. Central. Close to shopping and transportation. 3400. Available March lst. 887-5267, 727- 6763‘ BRADFORD TOWNCENTRE HOUSE FOR RENT 0R SALE Phone 884-6060 Large 2 room Office trailer COMMERCIAL SPACE 223-9811 ‘5‘ Houses To Rent 889-2081 2 Acre lots Bayview Ave. 887-5251 or 887-5795 STORE FOR REM? II PRIME LOCATION IN Heated Garage Richmond Hill Very private £375.00 884â€"2480 883-4711 SUITABLE FOR SMALL OFFICE 600 SQ. FT‘ Lots - Acreage NEWMARKET In Richmond Hull 884â€"5444 773-5155 STEVE "C 28 NC 1970 MODEL. Snowmobile trailer‘ single. 3140. 884-1095. 1973 ALOUETTE 440. $200.00 as us Phone 77366514 (after 6 p.m.). We have funds to lend for renovations, debt consolidation, or any other purpose - No Penalties for prepayment - No Hidden Costs - Best Rates 8 Terms - Up to 20 - year amortization â€" Up to 85% of appraised value. Fufasthanwovalsewbecunetous. We're in your neighbouthood. Northtown Shopping Centre 5385 YONGE ST. 224-0300 NATIONAL TRUST Get a Low-Cost Billâ€"payer Loan from GUARANTY TRUST to retire those high rate, high cost Charge Cards and Personal Loans!!! Mr. T.G. Wilson, Loan Manager Guaranty Trust Company 10132 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill 8841188 Loans for Home Owners 2nd Mortgages CONTACT: HEATED INDOOR SHOWROOM RECONDITIONED BOATS 884-4288 727â€"2327 Guarannz Trust 115 MEVClNy .WEILINGER LTD. UP TO 35' CHR|S CRAFT CORINTHIAN FACTORY SPACE FOR LEASE 8,200 SQ. FT. Centre St., Richmond Hill, good terms CALL BRAM OGDEN 889-7624 THE MONEY MANAGERS 30‘ CHRIS CRAFT CAVALIER 28' CHRIS CRAFT CAVALIER IW185 Homes-Cottages Farms Dept. Consolidation SUTTON W 210‘ genelatm. many extras ‘29 Business, Office Space 26' TROJAN EXPRESS 122 INDUSTRIAL RD†RICHMOND HILL MORTGAGES PURCHASED Call FRANK COULSTING SAVE .10% A Conveltlble. [W 185 Morris Pompili Mortgage Broker 28' CARVER OMC 25' TROJAN ngfe. canvemble DOWEI (Ill. aluminum traulev PRINCE CRAFT Single 190 1““ Snowmobiles “° Money to Loan , (416) -722-8343 1 “ Mortgages LOANS‘ IST MORTGAGES 10% % 2ND MORTGAGES IIV2% MORTGAGE 1973 $695 $595. $495. JOHNSON electric 438 â€" 1972 Skidoo Olympic 399 â€" 1974 M010 Ski Cadet â€" All with covers. 898-2429. ANNUALLY! ! ! !! $3,600 $7,500 $10,900 $11,500 $14,500 $14,500 $35,500 1977 DODGE 1/2 ton pick‘up, 6 cyclinder, 3 speed, radio. Excellent condition, certified. 594-4757 4 duo: hardtop 455 engine. Radlo Unceltutned. $600 69 OLDSMOBILE Air tools. Hydraulic Jacks. 300 amp. battery chargers. Air com- pressors. Electric grinders. Spot and arc welders. Air hose and Bosch shears. Wholesale prices. lmmacuiate Over duve NEW Mmhebn Ines. 3000 Mk3, $6.200 sealer. In good condition. Call 727 2667, 1974 VOLKSWAGEN. Beetle, asking $900. Call 773‘5072(evemngs). 1972 PONTIAC station wagon‘ WANTED, used house halter 40‘ 60' long, 10' â€" 12' wide. Call 727 8200. ditéon‘ Certified. 31,200, or best offer, 727-2139. wagon. uncertihedA Best offer‘ 727 5178. ’67 Austin Healy 1974 PONTIAC Astre, Good con 1973 PONTIAC Le Mans station 3 MOTORSKI trail bikes. $250.00 for all thtee. Phone, 173-5654 .(atterâ€˜ï¬ 340. excellent condmon 3745 Please call condition. Excellent lady‘s machine Great for bush. 5925. 881-5797, 1975 Free air SKI-DO 1977 MOTO Ski Spirit 250. Perfect FAST GUARANTEED SERVICE 727-3661 AURORA 6 cylinder engine. 17 restored Asking $500 “° Motmcycles for Sale Call Jeff 492-1043 or 495-0480 ‘55 Cars 8 Trucks EQUIPMENT SALE Bethesda Sales & Se’rv‘Lc_e_, Larry Van Dyke , _ _ Bus, s_34.7774 Res. 888-1315 '77 KAWASAKI 1972 MOTOSKI 1970 BOASKI 4 Wheel Dnve Snow Plow AM/F M stereo 8. cassette Moon roof & cap TON PICKUP 832-1582 Call Days 881-6911 Evgs. 224-0242 2‘" Snowmobiles Nielsen’s 23†Campers & Trailers 669-2582 250 SKIDOO 884-1605 1976 Ford F250 ARCTIC CAT & SKIROULE ' Yamaha Days 884-4288 Evgs. 727-2327 GOOD CONDITION Snow Jet SST 440 Fan Speedometer and Tach 10 miles PARTS & ACCESSORIES 884-6822 1965 GMC BOTH A-l ELECTRIC SIART 857-1153 884-7331 SALES & SERVICE 888-1998 AFTERSP‘M RUPP WALLS Evgs. sfrc m 218~0H clw 30 NC 29 4 door. Fully equipped. Only 3000 miles. $5.550. 884-6269 1175 cc engine Wlth 20.000 miles on englne. New valve lob. Body needs work. Ideal 10! do It your selfel $200 0: best 008! 1971 PONTIAC Z doon radials ( 2 new) new starter motor and btakes‘ 100,000 miles. $500. unceniiied. $600. celtified. (2 Iowe! ball joints)‘ 727-5589 after 4. 1970 DODGE 340 engine, selling block. new crank never used. 10% to one pistons with main rods, asking $275. Call 7272408. 350 automatic, power steering am brakes. Certified. S700. -‘BAN-K~Fl-NANC|NG AVAILABLE 1968 MUSTANG, good mechanical condition. Needs some body work, uncertifled, Asking $250. evenings 727-4948. Maulded fibreglass, sliding windows front and sides. Wonh $840.00 new. se“ for $650000. motor, Ca†727-3351 after 7, 773‘ 5145‘ 1972 GREMLIN. 6 cyl. automatic. body excellent. Runs well. 380000 or offer. 898-3099. 1970 V.W. A‘l, reasonable. rebuilt 1974 BUICK CENTURY 4 dr. sedan PS + P8, Michelin 'adial tires, Vinyl root and outsnde (100. mirror finished in dark blue acwlic. Test drive this one today. Me. No. FDKA803. 4 door hardtop. 3400 mules. Like new. New trres, shocks. battery. Snow tires on wheels $1.700. 1975 PONTIAC le MANS Stationwagon PS + PB, radio. wheel discs and outside remote mirror, radial tires and roof luggage rack‘ Car has been finished in green factory finish an. No. LXD-US. ' 1975 OLDS CUTLASS V8, PS + PB, tadial ï¬res and radio, outside minor, finished in bronze metallic only 35.000 miles. Lic, No‘ JPU-999‘ 1970 CHEV IMPALA' 1976 CHEV BELMRE 4 dam. V8, PS + PB, radial tiles. certified. light brown metallic paint, exceptional value on this 2 yL car. he. Noi KLC-157. 1976 DODGE DART SWINGER 2 door hardtop, vinyl roof, 5 summet and 2 snow tires, radio. real defrosier and outside mmor. 6 cyl. automatic, power steering. Us. No. KOJ-335, 6 cylinder, aqurnatic. 23,000 miles ALL CARS CERTIFIED AND PAINTED 1971 VOLVO WAGON, 145 Certified. Good condition. After p.m, 8951170 1975 MERCURY Grand Marquis. 4 dr., 32,000 mi., aura, air cond.. full power. Cert $3,800. Must Sell‘ 832- 2631 after 6. VANDORF MOTORS 727-3322 71 KW. BUG 72 V.W. STATIONWAGON 69 MW. FASTBACK 7O V.W. BUG 1973 MAVERICK 6 AUTOMATIC 1970 DAR? 6 AUIOMATIC 1973 FORD PICK-UP TRUCK 1971 PONTIAC VENWRA 1970 DAR? SWINGER 67 AUSTIN MINI 77 CAPRICE 73 FORD LTD ‘55 Cars it Trucks All mechanical repairs Body repairs and painting 165 WElLINGTON ST. E., AURORA WALTERS AUTOMOTIVE 773-5454 TRUCK CAP 727-3012 727-4330 884-1621 V.W. SALE 1978 LICENSE CUSTOM PORD 8844967 7 ME NOW PARRY â€"3361 L AN 31 2 ; CA ‘ BRI 1973 VW Beetle For Children's Home‘ Until March 31 1978. Monday to Friday 7:00 ft 10:30 AM. and 3 PM. to 6:30 PM. Also Weekends 8 AM, to 4:30 PM. on guard duty. These positions to run during the regular school term only PLEASE APPLY TO PERSONNEL OFFICE 10266 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL To act at various locations throughout Town when ragular guards are absent Rate of Pay: $20.00 per month plus $3.25 per hour when 7' NEED A CAR? 0 New rn the country? - Over 18? ' or no matter what your past credrt expenence FAST, EASY CREDIT ISAVAHABLETOYOU (5 mm. on the phone can do rs all) Evans Mercury Sales To act at various locations throughout Town. Rate of Pay: $3.25 per hour with a guarantee of 20 hours per week during school weeks only. 1972 FORD TORINO Good 318 engme 300 a! best one} Expenence. able to do own setup. Excellent wages. cannot be refused, AH benefits paid day work. steady employment. 661-0595 KEELE & HWY. N0. 7 2 door hardtop, 6 cyl. automatic in excellent condition, certified. 7734362 881-8255 ' " Evgs. 497-2719. 360 4-speed‘ New paint. 43000 miles $2.500 1973 Plymouth Fury % TON Camper Package. V8. 4 speed. Good condition. 31300 as is. Automatic. new engine, good condn hon A515 $400 Days. 8844687 EVES. Llw 1‘1 New paint, gas heatel. $1.300 Radial tires. Radio, and gas heater Good condition. 1395 or best offer WANTED FOR SCRAP Top Prices 775-6773 889-0353 884-7871 Evgs. 884-0717 67 BARRACUDA 889-7022 1973 Volkswagen BEETLE Cream. Radio. block heater Excellent condition Certmed $1600 LANGSTAFF AUTO PARTS We buy scrap Cars & Trucks Free Towing 79 Langstaff Ave. Thornhill Best Prices “5 Help Wanted OVER 200 CARS READY TO GO O55 Gn-ta't-one DAYS reqUIres SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS I: ' (teat-t; 883-3585 Expenenced. requlred to do general Purchasmg Cars & Trucks COLLECTOR'S CAR 884-2252 MATURE HELP '72 FORD Cars & Trucks Ask for Ken Strong 881-0775 74 CUDA STATIONWAGON 1973 VW 884-7871 Evgs. 884-0717 884-8119 0 MlLLlNG MACHINIST 0 LATHE OPERATOR OPURCHASING AGENT, TECHNICIAN STAND-BY GUARD After 330 'nfu Me 29 foi THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Required locally. must be expenenced Call collect TAX PREPARERS COMPANY IS EXPANDING and requires persons for full and part time work. Car and neat appearanw necessary. Earn $4.50 to $600 per hour. Could lead to management. Call 8956532 To handle sterile supplies in Sterile Room. Cleaning and operating autoclaves. Previous related exper~ ience preferred. Prestnge assugnment Richmond HIII Area Shopping Centre Biazers. Shifts $4.35 to start Plus bonus for Experience Requrred 2 to 3 evenings per week plus a|ternate Sunday day shifts. Prevrous clencal experience preferred. SECRETARY Apply to LEATHER ATTIC Operating Room Technical Aid Needed lor general ollice walk Able to construct own letters Steady employment Good wages Keele 8. Hwy. 7 10 Trench St.. Richmond HIH 10 TRENCH St‘ Richmond Hill CALL MR. STAPLEY 883-1400 YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL FILE CLERK SALES PARTTIME HILLCREST MALL RICHMOND HILL APPLY TO: PERSONNEL DEPT Apply in person SECURITY OFFICER PERSONNEL DEPT “5 Help Wanted HEALTH RECORDS 661-0595 844-7580 8832250 883-2250 YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL PARTTIME t2w30