Arrangements are now being made for the raf- fling of a needlepoint purse. February 14 has been set as' the date for the next meeting. From now on, if the If any members hear of anyone confined to their homes because of illness, they are asked to call sick convener Elsie Burnie at 884-3147. According to the Oak Ridges detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. the most they had to contend with were numerous minor Many members were absent because of illness. After huddling with the regional clerk and solicitor, Councillor David Fraser of Vaughan Vaughan's $2.5 million loan for Ontario Housing Action Program housing did not quite get the blessing of York Regional Council last week. Stormy weather postponed the last regular meeting of the Richmond Hill Legion's "Over 65 Club†from January 10 to 17. ‘ Although it was touted as the worst storm to hit Ontario in ten years and responsible for nine deaths across the province. the southern portion of York Region was mercifully spared from weather-related tragedy Thursday. Over 65’s set Valentine's meeting Vaughan’s loan request receives cool reception It’s time to call your Welcome Wagon hostess. w RICHMOND HILL 884-8674 EMFâ€"Mlï¬llfl" THORNHILI. 889-0701 Mame/Wigqu Stonn of 78 “I am not prepared to say whose fault it is but the most we can ask for is that the’ region allow the town an amount of $2.5 million for a loan." Highways 47 and 48 were closed almost at the outset of the storm in the The group meets at : pm. in the Legion Hall apologized that not all the documentation was there. weather is bad, the meeting will be put off from the second to the third Tuesday of. the month. By late afternoon. police were more con- cerned with closing major arteries than attending fender bender accidents. Council could not proceed with the approval However. winds reaching gusts of up to 120 kilometres (72 miles) an hour and blowing. blin- ding snow made it im- possible for them»to deal with every call they got. automobile collisions VSHDP 'N SAVE AT. ALLENCDURT PLAZA; BAYVIEW & MARKHAM BAKED FRESH DAILY BUTTER TARTS BRAN MUFFINS FRESH SECONDS FROM OUR lN-STORE BAKERY TEA BAGS THE TEA HEINZ STRAINED WHITE SWAN BABY FOODS PAPER TOWELS Regural 69° per Pkg. SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TIL SATURDAY. FEB. 4178 Vaughan has two OHAP areas, Pine Valley and Thornhill. Ironically, Fraser mentioned at another point in the meeting that four of the subdivision plans that have come in solar have been for lower densities than the Thornhillâ€"Vaughan plan would allow. The loan is designed to lower the price of housing and amounts to about $60 Der year for five years. Merv‘yn Perkins. maintenance manager for the Richmond Hill Works Department. said snowplows were out on Thursday until 4:30 pm. By then. the storm had of two documents required by the minister of housing before the loan comes through. The Ontario Municipal Board also has to authorize the amount, which is to be paid back through lot levies. early afternoon and High- way 7 became so im- passable. because of the number of stalled vehicles and the white~out conditions,‘ it might just as well have been shut down cpmpletely. Reg. ‘4.17 BOX OF 120 TWIN PACK 4V2 OZ JARS PKGS. 0F 6 PKG. OF 12 The blowing snow made it difficult to see the cars, especially without emergency flashers , on. At times. it wasn't until you were no more than 20 feel from a car when you realized there was nobody inside. Many of the slowdowns on Highway 7 were caused by motorists. Every 30 or 40 feet saw another car abandoned â€" some at the roadside but many right in the middle of the highway. The only problem the Works Department faces now is where to put plowed snow from the next snowfall‘ Mr. Perkins says there have been so many thaws followed by snow that trucks are running out of space at the sides of roads. of the roads had to be done The trucks stopped sanding in the afternoon but were called. to major intersection by York Regional Police to keep ice down to a minimum. He also added that ho extra sanding or salting “The storm was not really as bad as everyone thought." said Mr. Perkins. “It was the winds that made things difficult. We got our boys out early the next mor» ning and by 9 am. the roads were pretiy~well cleared in this area." intensified to such a point they had to be pulled off lhe roads. 799 18g 339 Planned Maple landfill site may be too big for approval Gravel pit operators want to convert nearly 1,000 acres of the Maple pits into sanitary landfill sites, but it is unlikely that the ministry of the environment will approve that large an operation. About one eighth of York Region‘s sewage capacity for industrial development could be used up for the proposed Maple landfill site. If the project is ap- proved, the ministry will almost certainly require a connection between the landfill sites and the Maple branch of the Region refers guideline Mayor Schiller said he had no major problem with the plan, but noted it used constant birth. death and immigration rates. be. The town does not want development in the Humber River Valley north of the village in the area designated as part of the rural centre. municipalities. but Vaughan would have a projected rural population of 7,000 with all but a 99-loL subdivisioxi in the Kleinburg area. The region‘s new rural population guideline is based on approving “virtually every sub- division that has been submitted", Richmond Hill Mayor David Schiller said Thursday. Most municipalities have criteria for ac- cepting estate residential subdivisions such as an interesting topography, unsuitable for farming, well water and the right kind of soil for septic tanks. After giving approval in principle, regional council voted to refer the plan for the population goal of 117,000 by the year 2,001 to area municipalities for comment. The population would be evenly split between “rural centres" from Kleinburg to Sutton and rural areas. Councillor David Fraser of Vaughan said later that the question in Kleinburg was how big the rural centre should Most of the rural area is For further information or assistance, telephone S.T Application must be made each year for this assistance. This credit, where allowed, will be an outright grant made by the Town and will not entail repayment of any kind S.T. Jones AT THE TOWN OFFlCE, 832-2281, and an appliCation form will be mailed to you. C. Occupy the property on which the municipal taxes are imposed and D. Have been continuously assessed as the owner of such residential real property in the Town of Vaughan for not less than 5 years immediately preceding February 28, 1978. To provide financial assistance to elderly homeowners. The Town of Vaughan C0uncil has authorized the Treasurer to allow certain owners of residential property a credit 0f 5190-09 against the 197813Xes imposed on such real property subject to the following qualifications: T0 QUALIFY, THE OWNEROR SPOUSE OF THE OWNER MUST: B. Be in receipt of the monthly GUARANTEED INCOME SUPPLEMENT provided under the Old Age Security Act (Canada): If you qualify for this assistance and have not received an application form TELEPHONE A‘ Be 65 years of age or more by Februaly 28‘ tions: ~ TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME 1978 ELDERLY HOMEDWNERS' APPLICATION MUST BE MADE NOT LATER THAN FEBRUARY 28, 1978 Paflfltlflatflflfll Fitness is fun Try some. Too fat? Too thin? Too tired? Too often? Do something for . somebody. . . Your body! THE TOWN OF VAUGHAN VII/U†Yorkâ€"Durham sewer to pick up the leachate or contaminated drainage from the landfill sites. according to a regional engineering report. The region has only been allotted a total of 8.400 acres of industrial acreage to be served by the York-Durham sewer. to be split among five municipalities. Last week. Mayor Tony Roman of Markham had the region‘s decision on sizing the Maple trunk sewer delayed until after the industrial allotment Richmond Hill-Thor- nhill Family Services regrets any in- convenience caused by the cancellation of his planned visit last night to Allan Spraggett of “The Unexplained" is in hospital._ is postponed PERSONALIZEDï¬SVERmE m WE ALSO CLEAN CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY FOR THE PERSONALIZED SERVICE JUST PHONE GAVIN McKENNA RICHMOND HILL SUSSEX CARPETING SHOP IN YOUR OWN HOME WHERE THE DECORATING TAKES PLACE AND SAVE MONEY ..... BECAUSE WE ARE NOT A STORE, COSTS ARE MUCH LOWER ..... ORAPERIES UPHOLSTEORYO CARPETS CUSHION FLOORING 1978 which is the last day for filing appli'ca‘ Jones, Deputy-Treasurer 8842430 Regional planning commissioner Herschel Weinberg said that with the 530 acres in the Maple area, almost all of York’s allotment has been used up. The engineering committee proposed a sewer large enough to serve a population of 10,500 people in Maple and an industrial capacity of 530 acres including 240 acres for the Maple theme park. for the whole region is considered. Ticket holders should contact Wendy Sinclair at 884-9559 or' Betty Wallbanks at 881-0573 for further information. A later date for his visit will be announced. Bayview Secondary School. The Town of Vaughan H.CV BURKHOLDER TREASURER. THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. February 1. 1978 â€" A-3 The region also wants to set the conditions under which the landfill site gallonage will be ac- cepted. Councillor David Fraser from Vaughan suggested that the gallonage from the pits not be counted as part of the quota, something the province would have to agree to. had requested that the sewer be built as far as the Langstaff Road this year to serve new in- dustrial subdivisions there. Dated at the Town of Richmond Hill this 30th day of December, 1977. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF R|CHMOND HILL C.D. Weldon, Clerk. Date of first publication January 11th, 1978 Date of second publication January 18m, 1978 Date of third publication January 25th, 1978 Date of fourth publication February lst, 1978 The Council will consider the proposed by-law at its meeting on the 6th day of February, 1978, and at that time will hear any person or the solicitor or agent of any person who advises the Clerk in writing prior to the 6th day of February, 1978, that he would like to appear. The portion of the highway affected is shown as Parts 3, and 4 on Reference Plan 64R-6415 and a copy of the plan and the draft by-law are available for inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk, 10266 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill proposes to consider the passing of a by-law to sell part of a public highway known as ELMWOOD AVE- NUE between CEDAR AVENUE and the CANADIAN NATIONAL RIGHT-OF-WAY as shown on Registered Plan 2383. NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill fire 'fighters were called to the building at 278 Cedar Avenue and soon had the smoke cleared. A burning garbage chute caused smoke to fill corridors on three floors in a Richmond Hill apartment building, Monday night. Damage was confined to the hallways. and costs will be mainly for cleaning. Burning chute ï¬lls building with smoke