3-12 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday, May 3, 19715 Queen’s Park Report By ALF STONG MPP York Centre The Provincial Treasurer has been forced by the combined Opposition Parties to back down on the major revenue-raising item in his March 7 Budget. It was the Treasurer’s intention to raise the OHIP premiums by 37.5 per cent as of May 1, in- creasing single monthly coverage from $16 to $22, family coverage from $32 t0$44. [h a statement in the Save 10¢ or 170/0 Save 49¢ or 50% muUSA. simulating GREEN ONIONS OR RADISHES mmmm.1(§nde YEIJ.OW ONIONS 3,, unassamuug We!†malaise MANGOES WHOLE WATERMELONS MIL-Issue Liana-um COTTAGE CHE Eugen) GRANNY’S BU1TER TABTS igu1zuihu77mu-ysmly) Save 201: or 20% â€"BESTVBUY Save36¢or26 Wresh Quality Produce ALI. PRICES EFFECTIVE HAY 3â€"9. 1978 IN IETRO TORONTO O MISSISSAUGA IARKHAI O IALTON â€" WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIIIT QUANTITIES. NO-NAME PRODUCTS A variety of No-name products is now available at Miracle Food Mart. They are your lowest cost option and offer satisfactory quality and periormance. BEST A BEST BUY IS AN EXTRA SAVING MADE POSSIBLE BY AN UNUSUAL Buy PURCHASE on A MANUFACTURER’S TEMPORARY ALLOWANCE. Legislature last Tuesday, the Treasurer announced that the premium in- crease will be reduced 50 per cent â€" to 18.75 per cent â€" resulting in a rate of $19 a month for in- dividuals and $38 a month for families. Had the originally planned premium in- crease been put into ef- fect, some $271 million in additional revenue would have been generated, to pay a higher share of the Province’s health care costs. At the new lower ORANGE JUICE ‘°/o Save at Miracle on brand name products Jafla Crown or Sunsqueeze Concentrated . 12-1/2 fl. oz. tin Our Reg. Price $1.35 FROZEN Our Hng’rieeDSt Product 0! Mexico, Canada No. 1 Grade Large Size 45 CANTALOUPES BEST BUY rate, premiums will only generate $126 million more. To make up the dif- ference, the Treasurer announced that the Government will reduce spending by $73 million, partly by means of a freeze on hiring in the civil service. Also, the Minister of Revenue has introduced a bill to raise the Corporate Income Tax one percentage point. This tax rate will now rise to 13 per cent for large companies and 10 per ED. Smith GARDEN COCKTAIL 28 ll. oz. jar Elias! Ice Cveam Parlour Save11¢orr16i ICE CREAM 2 Hire pkg Save 40¢ or 18% BEST BUY SEVEVA12¢Of20°/o BEST BUY Paramount FLAKED WHITE TUNA 6m 01. tin Mira Man Save 16¢ or 12% 'BESTâ€"BUY‘ TOMATO KETCHUP 25 ".01. MI Save 16¢or16ï¬ 0 OAKVILLE O THORNHILL O BRAMPTON O Our Reg. Price 53¢ Our Reg. Price 98¢ cent for small firms It is anticipated that the hiring freeze will result in a reduction by attrition in the civil service of some 4,400 employees, at a saving of about $35 million. Summer student jobs will not be affected. loan program will receive $37 million instead of the proposed $47 million. Highway construction will be reduced by $5 million, government building construction by Development C(_J_r_poration HI-C FRUIT DRINKS Our Reg. Price 51: Assoned Flavours 48 II. 01. tin Our Reg. Price $2.15 Ouv Reg. Price 69¢ Our Reg. Price $17.25 BEST BUY Our Reg. Price 95: BEST BUY $2 million and university capital projects by $4 million. Loans by the Ontario Housing Corporation will be reduced by $8 million and the Northern Ontario regional priority program will be cut by $9 million, making up the total of $73 million in spending cuts by the Government. You will recall that in my last week’s report I outlined the Liberal package of proposed alternatives to the Treasurer’s originally Save 18¢ BEST Ol’ 35% BUY 33" Fresh. Shank Portion Fresh Ontario Pork LEG 0F PORK ROASTS Fresh. But! Portion iresi'l Ontario Pork LEG OF PORK ROASTS Save10¢or§ Fresh Rib & Tendenoin End Fresh Ontario Pork PORK LOIN CHOPS B.C. Redspring Save 24¢ or 16% Tall Portion Roast NEW SEASON FRESH SALMON] Empire 0: Pioneer Save10corg‘zg Eiéghuéoélmon Stâ€"éék§$3.98£ SLICED SIDE BACON 1 lb. pkg Swm's Premium Sliced at EVeiyday Low Pn'ce 1 lb. pkg LAZY MAPLE BACON An all Canadian Company ROLLS intended 37.5 per cent premium increase. We proposed a 6 per cent increase in the monthly premium, to $17 single- coverage and $34 family- coverage. This would have raised an additional $51 million. To compensate for this change in the Treasurer's projected revenues, we suggested using provincial lottery funds ($38 million); reducing the Ministry of Health's budget estimates by $50 million; forcing the .-_1.26 “1.28 PORK SHOULDER L398" Our Reg. Price $1.18 Our Reg. Price $1.18 Our Reg. Price $1.52 Our Reg. Price $1.78 Mira Mart Hot Dog & Pkg. of 8 Fresh Whole or Half Picnic Style FRESH ONTARIO PORK Government to im- plement its 4 per cent limit for salaries and wage settlements ($67 million); cutting Government spending on services such as public relations, consultants and printing $24 million); and increasing the Corporate Income Tax by 0.5 per cent to 12.5 per cent for most businesses ($41 million). The Premier has agreed to our proposal that a select committee be established to study Sklnnod and Deveined Frozen BEEF LIVER STEAKS Everyday Low Price EVéiyday Low Price "‘ Save20¢or19ï¬ Store Packed 1/4 lb. size FROZEN BEEF BURGERS Fresh Whole or Ha" Fresh Ontario Pork Frozen Turkey Log or TURKEY BREAST QUARTERS PORK BUTT ROASTS Our Reg. Price 98¢ Our Reg. Pï¬ce 51¢ SMOKED PORK SHOULDERS Our Reg. Price $1.08 Plcnlc 5!er alternative methods of financing health care in the long-term. Two bills have been introduced by the Attomey-General which will amend the Judicature Act and the Juries Act, respectively. The amendment to the Judicature Act provides for bilingual trials in courts in designated counties and districts of Ontario. and would L358“ 5-7 lb. 5le L398" Our Reg. Price $1.18 enable these courts to receive evidence and conduct proceedings in the French language in appropriate cases. The Juries Amendment Act is complementary to the Judicature Act and provides for the sheriff to identify the persons on the jury roll who are bilingual English. In the opinion of the Attorney General, these amendments represent a major step towards laying the “foundation for the further development and expansion of French language services in Ontario courts". Albert Roy. Liberal MPP (Ottawa East), who has â€" since 1973 â€" introduced Private Members‘ bills which would amend this legislation in a similar fashion, congratulated the Attomey-General on the bills, which he conâ€" sidered “an important stepâ€. According to Ministry of Education statistics, only 43.5 per cent of the 6,279 people who graduated from the 13 provincial teacher education institutions last year found work with public or separate schools. Elementary teachers were more fortunate than their high school counterparts: some 55 per cent of them are employed, compared with only 33 per cent of secondary graduates. A report prepared by the Council of Ontario Universities states that twice as many teachers graduated in 1977 than were required by provincial schools and the market is expected to deteriorate before it begins to irr_1pro_ve._ At the high school level, according to the report, the supply of teachers is three times the demand. More than 3,000 high school teachers graduated in 1977 and only slightly more than 1,000 were required. Projections outlined in the report indicate that the demand for high school teachers will fall to near zero by 1981 or 1982 and then increase slightly. A _ _ The demand for elementary teachers will, apparently, remain constant until early in the next decade, when it will begin to increase a little. Maj. Ballard to be guest this Sunday at Map/e Major Norman Ballard of World War II fame, will be the guest preacher, Sunday, May 7 at a regimental parade to be held at St. Stephen‘s Church in Maple. Veterans of the Old Third Battalion, Toronto Regiment, the Royal Regiment of Canada and allied units will gather for their annual Spring Regimental Parade, which is scheduled for 11 Norman Ballard was a member of the 48th Highlanders of Canada during the war. His fame came from the Italian campaign and most of the veterans in the parade will remember that well. Welcome Wagon is planning a special party for all Bndesto-be who live In Auto", Newmarket. Richmond Hill and am. Thele wull be fashion shows. demonstrations, specnal dlsplays. |exciting glits to: every bnde and numerous door pnzes. Admission us by mutation only, For a free personal mvutation tar you and your mothe: ov attendant, call the Autota Highlands â€" Tues. May 30‘ 1978 in French and Hostess Crystal Wlngel Phone 727-6179 You'll be glad y0u dld! in gourluture WELCOME WAGON M ~:\\‘1 LbePeS a