Gentleman to share apartment or $25 a week. Telephone televismn cooking facilities 889-6913 SINGLE lady seeks same to share 2 bedtoom apartment. Thornhilla 881- 7842. on Trent rivér at Hastings. Vacancres In July and August. weekly or seasonal. Toronto 'phone 421â€"8005. Chalet on wooded 260' lakefront lot. Magnificent view. Year round access. Sauna, 2 balconies. Finished interior & completely lurnished. 830.000. DRESSMAKING and alterations. Carmela. 889-8236. c2w44 HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES T0 GOOD HOME "Cassidy" 3 year old neutered male. part standard poodle and terrier Had all shots. Needs large yard and loves children. 'DO you have a drinking problero? It so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hlll or call 487-5591 â€(M FREE to good home, 9 month old dog‘ 773-4114‘ All areas of the face and body. Jean Zwarych Electrolysis 881-3421 or 884-8388. Audrey Kupchanko 889- 5113 or 881-3421. Members of E.A.0. & ALA. mu V.D. CONFIDENTIAL DIAGNOSIS I. TREATMENT, 22 Prospect Street, Newmarket, 8954511 Tuesday AM. 9 » 12 and Wednesday 7-9 pm. No appointment necessary Get nd of unwanted hair. FaCIaI and body hair {emoved safely‘ perma- nently and economically. Eyebrows shaped. Complimentary consultation. Audrey Glaham. 0E. 883-1803 884- 3269. um Wednesday 7 - 9 pm & Thursdays 4 ~ 6 pm. No appointment nece§§g(y YONGE-STEELES 10350 Yonge Street at Crosby Avenue Ruchmond HI“ (lower level) Pregnancy Testing. Counselling Free & Confrdentral. Wednesday 7 - 9 pm, & Thursdays 4 - 6 pm. 10350 Yonge Street at Crosby Avenue. Richmond Hrll (Lower Level) Accommodation V.D. Confidential Diagnosis & Treatment BIRTH CONTROL! 7" Dressmaking PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL 1000 sq. ft each, $275 per month HALIBURTON “5 Vacation Preperties 21o Cattages WE CAN OFFER YOU: 1. Reasonable rental - set rate! 2. Secretary - pay for use only! 3. Photocopier - pay for use only! 4. Free coffee for tenants and customers! Call diversified office services today! No appomtment necessary â€C BAYVIEW-STEELES 2 INDUSTRIAL UNITS AWENTION SMALL BUSINESSMEN! Film Producers. Television Producers, Advertising Agents, Magazine Publishers. Photographers Management and Scouting Firm: has character actors. animals, extras, models and beautiful babies available for work in film. television and magazines. ‘50 Shared 727>5§§873fter6 35° Pets ELECTROLYSIS 881-4078 aftet 6:30 884-1133 884-1133 Wanted: Dead or Alive FREE 889-0272 Evgs. 222-7085 Call for our free Talent Catalogue at Offices across Canada Yonge a Sheppard â€" 224-1502 West a Central â€" 922-5726 Scarborough â€" 757-8748 Locate in Richmond Hill’s most prestigious commercial building! â€9 Business, Office Space TALENT SEARCH 52†Personals at 883-4722 49‘tfn aged children and one infant. Live‘m. Call 881-3807. c2w44 BABYSITTER required for two school rn Walter Scott Publrc School. Mark< harn Rd.. Sussex Ave†chhmond Hill. Preschoolers 3 - 5 years, ‘7 days mormngs or afternoons, 3 8. 5 day programs. 883-3013 _, .. DAYCARE in my home, have 3 old boy of my own, Nonh Taylor Mmosss. 7†Daycare Wanted Is now open for September '78 at RESPONSIBLE couple with_ baby, wish to rent house within 15 mile radlus Richmond Hill area. References l - 852-6564. SUNNY DAYS NURSERY SCHOOL WANIED â€"transportation to work at John St, and Woodbine, from John St., and Bayview. Thornhill. 881- 5436. Evenings, REGISTRATION Corrective shoeing a specialty Available. 10 years experience. FREE HORSE MANURE ‘3‘ Wanted To Rent Holiday Mon‘ May 22nd. at 12 o'clock Noon at Stouffville Stockyards, 712 All breeds, some of last sales prices. Reg'd. Quarter stud, $1,300. Grey gelding, $600. Appaloosa gelding, $675. Half Arab gelding, $700. Quar- ter Stud, $960. Grey mare, $750., etc. New nylon halters $4.75. New Western saddles, $95., etc. For information call 622 HORSE AUCTION REG'D. Horse Auction BLACKSMITH Air conditioned, heated‘ Richmond Hill. $125 monthly. Nursery School Mon. May 15th 6 PM. at Stouffville Stockyards 888-1991 "2 Daycare 887-5256 For information call 1-640-4198 1-640-4198 Reasonable rates Transportation WELL AGED 351 SUITABLE FOR SMALL OFFICE 600 SQ. FT. Bob Livestock 884-5444 STEVE 3 year rr Mills :5»: u c2w 45 c2w 44 TFC 23 AUCTION CONSIGNMENTS WANTED THURS. MAY 18 AT 7:00 PM. BEING HELD AT "VICTORIA SQUARE COMMUNITY HALL". LOCATED JUST WEST OF DON MILLS RD. (WOOD BINE) 31/2 MILES NORTH OF HWY. #7 AT VICTORIA SQUARE. FEATURING OVER 200 SELECTED ITEMS IN- CLUDING IN PART: Beautiful pine flatback cupboard. pine Scotch dressers, pine com- modes A chest of drawers. prne blanket boxes. pine hall stand. prne table. superior oak furniture, Victorian balloon back chairs. china cabinets, tea wagon. desks. bookcase. chests of drawers, tables. chairs. unusual set of cranberry finger bowls w/plates cranberry vase & basket. Mary Gregory cranberry selection oI old biscuit barrells. Port Neul bowl. figurines. mrlk glass. flowblue. Mille liore. Doulton tobies & plates. wrcker pcs. brass & iron bed. brass bells. brass inkwell. Irght fixtures. scales. lanterns. leaded & stained glass, pictures. frames. hunter cased pocket watches. wall & mantle clocks. gingerbread clock. crocks. primitives and much more. A REAL GOOD SELECTION. TERMS CASH 0R GOOD CHEQUE. N0 REâ€" SERVE. PREVIEW FROM 5:00 PM. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 9858161. CLEANING lady required once 2 week. Royal Orchard and Inverlochy Thornhill. 8816394 after 6‘ 11666 Yonge St‘, Richmond Hill Storage available Rosetown AUCtIOflS CLEANING woman Thursday, Baywew 0626. After 6 pm. MOTHER’S helper required for summer. Live in. Ihornhill. Box 29. The Liberal. 10395 Yonge St‘. Rich- mond Hill. LADY or gin to Iook after boy and girl live In. Keswick, 1-476-3246. 883-4051 884-4351 CLEANING lady requned Royal Orchard, Thornhill after 7 pm. TYPING done In my home. lBM Selectnc typewriter; Also black and white, colour copying machine. 884- 68†ï¬c40 Billings, budgeting, sales anflysis, some typing, advertising experience, cashier and a willingness to learn. Wants fulI time job. Collectors Auction ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE IRAINING Keep your lob & learn In spare time - you could be on the an In 5 months' News Spells DJ Ialk Shows Progtam Host TV Commercials m-statlon [tanning & placement semce FOR RECORDED MESSAGE ON HOW YOU QUALIFY‘ PHONE ANYTIME ‘ 921-2420 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF BROADCASTING Special Antique RESPONSIBLE LADY 5‘" Domestic Help Wanted With PBX Switchboard Console A ‘_ Training Estates. antiques 309 Copy of Board Order with Plan attached was registered in the Land Registry Office at Toronto on April 21, 1978 as number 10712 and in the Land Registry Office at Newmarket on April 26, 1978 as number 221846 Claims for compensation for injurious affection with particulars of the claim shall be made within one year after the physical closing of the road and if not so made, the right to said compensation will be forever barred in accordance with Section 22 of The Expro- priation Act. TAKE NOTICE THAT the Ontario Municipal Board has approved the closing of certain roads intersecting the controlled-access Highway No. 404, in the Towns of Richmond Hill and Whitchurch-Stouffville, Regional Municipality of York, as a result of an application by the Minister of Transportation and Communications at a Public Hearing on January 18, 1978 at Toronto. Auctions 5°9Tenders 0 Night Classes Available 0 Graduate Placement Assistance Phone. Write or Visit: Herzing Institute, 44 Eglinton Ave. W., Ste. 310 DEPT. T.S. 740. TORONTO MAR 1A1 THE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT ACT ROAD CLOSING Register now, start May 15 OComputer Programming & Systems Concepts 12 mos. 0 Data Processing & Keypunch 8 â€" 10 wire CALL BRENDA WATTS AT DATA PROCESSING COLLEGE THINK ABOUT IT! 555 Employment Wanted THE COLLEGE THAT CARES wanted, every Fairways, 881A 889-1822 c2w45 0R TELEPHONE 484-6996 55° Career Training Bayview - 889-8138 Markham Membet of Ontario Campmg Assocxa- hon. Campets 5 to 11. Farm animals and aCIIViIIES. Swnmmlng‘ Clafts. pony ndlng and mom. ADVENTURE DAY CAMP HORTON TREE FARM Fun living with nature for 4-14'5, 200 acres, woods, ponds, log cabins. swimming, pioneering, ecology, wide games. woodlore. French immersion optional. Transportation provided. Toronto line, 888-1738 FOR ST, PATRICK'S RECREATION CENIRE 0N PREMISES AT 10944 YONGE ST, RICHMOND HILL WATCH FOR SIGNS SAT. MAY 27th 12 noon All equipment, tractor. mowers, pic- nic tables, pool filters, pumps, miscellaneous hardware. tools, fenc- ing. lumber. Also antique (LN. bell (large), old spinning wheel and other antiques and furniture. A little bit of everything. To be held outdoors - Rain or Shine Coffee and snacks available Ample parking Everyone welcome No Reserves Cash or cheque with proper I.D. accepted ROY WARD, AUCTIONEER 533-0452 (Auctioneer donating services to St. Patrick’s) GLENBROOK DAY CAMP GIRLS 6 To 16 Years BOYS 6 To 13 Years TEEN CAMP GIRLS 13 To 20 Years JUNE 18 TO JULY 1st aw And Western Riding Full Camp Program Wn'te F0! Blochure RR. 4 DURHAM, ONT. 5 19-369-3739 27° Summer Camps AUCTION SALE Required to complete retain- ing wall, sodding and tree planting. Call Peter Kinnear. Kinnear Leasing Ltd. 9612 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. INDOOR RAINY DAY ACTIVITIES I Transportation provuded 439-3104 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR 309 884-4481 609 Auctions Tenders c3w M é5w43 C3»: 45 We aâ€"lso carry major brand chemicals including H.T.H. 100 lb. drum $98. Open 7 days 9 to9 Visa Accepted Present this ad and you will receive 4 gal. liquid chlorine plus container for pnly $5.80. "Things for Mom and things for Dad, Things to furnish a student pad, Things for building, things to serve tea, Things so many, you’ll have to see" Large country home, 238 Green Lane, 1 street north ofJohn, 1 mile east of Bayview. LAWN furniture. wooden. 3 chairs, 1 double seater. Best offer. 883-16214 lhe Separation from our collection of unusables went so well last year, we decided to do it again. We have cleared the cellar of 231 Ashlar Rd.‘ and came up with treasures of unbelievable uselessness to us. but good functional finds to you We have everything from books to baby furniture, bikes to bedrOom suites, car (73 Marquis) to clothes, lamps to lawn mowers, punch bowl to ping pong table. stereo to small appliances, tools to toys and a bunch of other stuff. Some new. some old, some used. non abused Come early from 9 am. til I get tired. May 13th at 231 Ashlar Rd. Richmond Hill. 884-9554 At Don Little Ford, corner of Yonge & Benson, Richmond Hill BULK LIQUID CHLORINE Sale of Household Items THORNHILL AREA DEAD or cflppled farm animals. picked up promptly. 705-439-2421, Call anytime. Ed Peconl & Son. Woodwlle. Ont. Licence No. 324C66‘ He 29 Will lease and install for home- owners, family size aluminum swimming pools with patio, Choice of styles, meeting all fencing regulations on a one. two. or three year rental basis with option to own. Try before you buy! Call collect anytime. 1-416-663-9508 OFree watet sluing 'Sandy beach 43036 1. canoes OOrganizgd ac- tivities 0Speccal tates available 2nd ANNUAL SEPARATION SALE SWIMMING POOLS T0 RENT OAK RIDGES GARDEN CENTRE LOOK WHAT WE'VE GOT GARAGE SALE BLOCK PARENTS 2nd ANNUAL LEARN to fly. Introductory flIgnT $5. Toronto Airways Ltd . Buttonwlle AII'DOIL 297-1422. m _<2 l-IAliMAR LEINAII CLAUSEN LTD. only. 13 years up, GIIIS and boys. 4 to 16 years July 2 to Sept 2 RR. 2. Cavan. 0ntar.o LOA lCO 0 EXICI’ISIR sandy beach 0 Heated smmmmg pool 5 sauna 0 Ienms, um slumz. I" soon: Bruce L Manon Henry Malubunon KOM ISO (705 Western & Englrsh nding, swimmrng. archery. camp- outs. etc. Excellent supervrsron and instruction. Teen Camp. June 25 to July lst. Grrls_ ’TEAKWOOT 311 305 Steele; Ave 29 King Sideroad, Oak Ridges, 1/1 mi. west of Yonge WHILE SUPPLY LAST'SZ ‘ PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY Mon. - Fri. 8 am. - 5 pm. Sat. 8 am. - Noon LACARNO ON THE LAKE Modiï¬ed 0: Full American Plan Haliburton. Ontario. KOM ISO Phone Tomato 755.1215 RONDO VALLEY RANCH .nbunon xou ISO (705)4574300 SPECIAL wcmm on mum mum. Industrial Cast Stone Ltd. 51 Observatory Lane. Richmond Hill 889-6273 2’" Summer Camps From3110-Sl72 SIDEWALK and PATIO SLABS 7" Miscellaneous 0n beaulaiul Kashalallzzmoz Completely equipped comzes A apt: I‘M/MA If rain, will be Sunday May 14 noon to 4 pm hâ€"SALEf Summer Resort 1-705-799-6325 Articles wanted Articles for Sale FURNITURE FACTORY REJECTS AT 1/2 PRICE 791-2355 SATURDAY, MAY 13 10 AM. TO 3 PM. 881-0000 Duncaster Blarnptpn Bramalea 773-5075 9 to 5 SAT. MAY 13th 881-5608 Steeleé Ave Featuring E151! c4w 41 South of Hwy 401 029 DUNDAS SI E 275 Corner 0! Hwys 5 8. 10 Mm: - 4900 DUFFERIN ST In, Between Finch 8. Steele: WatehOuse & Showroom OPEN DAILY 9 IO 9 P M SAIURDAY IILL6 0 12l8 KENNEDY RD 4 LARGE SHOWROOMS - 472 YONGE SI 9248408 Above College St opposne Wesl- bmy Hotel TEAKWOOD Oakwoodv Rosewood furmtute complete bedroom dmmgroom. lwlng room suites Brand new Reasonable 247-4377 Doors. wmd0ws. awnings. ralhngs, sudlng. soHIt.system. tlough. Free eisthates. Ron Woods 884-1514 Bed Chesterfields $148 to $498 Leading swummmg pool manu lecturer must dISDOSE of blaï¬t new 1978 models Fully wananted complete Wlth pump. motor filter lencmg. walkway and decks. Sug gested retaal pnce $2350 Avail able at pre-season speCIaI cl $13222 Call now to: early Installation Long term fmancmg available Call collect anyttme. Ladies golf bag and cart containing 4 irons, and putter, balls, tees, gloves. etc. Also one men's golf bag and cart containing 5 irons, Z putters. umbrella, gloves. balls, tees. etc. All in good condition. Both yours for $190 cash. CHESTERFIELD CLEARANCE Teakwood Furniture Duecthom Importers warehouse Open till 9 p m EINAR CLAUSEN LIMITED 305 SWIMMING POOLS CENTRES OVER 900 Chesterfields CASH AND CARRY 0R DELIVERY ARRANGED Hwy. 7 Bramalea 791-2355 79 Doncaster Thornhlll 881-0000 Articles For Sale 884-2247 1-416-663-9508 GOLFERS ALUMINUM AND 275-[135 75972234 CLOTHES dryer, large heavy duty Frigidaire Flow Heat. white. $100 833-5582 CHAIN Saw 14". 3100‘ Small stereo cabmet. $75. Shop vacuum, $35. Electric broom. $15‘ Treasure Hunter's Meta! detector. $50. 884 1837 Anytim'e. TELEVISION, 20" console black and white. $50 or offer. Single wardrobe. walnut, $35. 889-5593. Lemming, Excellent condition. $795 889-3612 MOVING Sale Including lawn swing, antique dressers. Stereo‘ 10 speed bicycle. 884-6034. PIANO, upnght Gourlay Winter Two maple single, $30 each Two hockey bedSpreads $10 each Drapes to match $15. Mauve gingham Single bedspread $10 Mauve sheers.$10, FIREWOOD 12' ROUND swvmming poo! with ladder $35 9x 9 tent used 3tlmes. $35 884 2522. face cord FREE DELIVERY 221-4819. CONTENTS â€" 1,000 bunk bed sets. $119. complete Cash and Carry, Harry, 488-7911, Toronto c4w45 CAR seats. pair high back Volkswagen. $30, or best offer. 884 3362. QUALITY BEEF 881-5513 GARAGE & RUMMAGE SALE SAT. MAY 13 9 AM. - NOON EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH TIRES. van, 800 x 16.5 tubeless 8 ply nylon, 4, $25. 889-7710. FRIGIDAIRE and stove. avocado color, nearly new. also washer and dryel, almost new, also beautiful hi~ ll, also heavy drapes, new. wall to wall. custom made work bench‘ 883- 1797 after 6. 6000 BTU s Coldspot. $160. Adding Machlne Olympia wuth tape A-lg condition $75 883'4785Evg8. SAT. MAY 13th 10 T05 PM. 245 Alsace Rd,, Richmond Hill (Bluegrass- Elgln Mulls) Anything and Everything Priced very cheap WED., THURS. FRI. MAY 10, 11 & 12 9 T0 4 PM. Woman 5 clothing Books ciothes hamper. NIC- Knacks. Toys 50 years. Needs refinishing. Reason able. 884-3012 Viking, Frost Free. A] working condi- tion. $175 firm Wnnger Washing Machine, McClary, A-l working condi- tion‘ $60 firm, 773-4700 Air-conditioner 889-1090 881-6361 SAT. MAY 13 11 AM TO 4 PM Plants and gifts for Mother's Day 9216 Bayview. Richmond HI“ On Baywew Ave. at 16th Ave. Postponed if Rained Out 3 burner stove 64 Quart Cooler. Like new BRAND NEW TIRES ANY SIZE 38 Benson Ave.. RIcHrï¬ond HI†305 15 MacKay Dr‘, Rlchvale REFRIGERATOR LARGE DRIVEWAY SALE GARAGE SALE STEEL BELTED RADIALS GARAGE SALE DINING SUITE BUY DIRECT FARM FRESH COLEMAN 884-7197 HOUSE SALE FREE COFFEE 61 Clarkhaven St. Thornhill (Off Arnold Ave‘) 833-5777 GUARANTEED 10AM T03PM $30 and up Articles For Sale SAT. MAY 13 BEDS 9 PIECE ch 45 Take notice that all persons having claims against this estate are re- quired to send to the undernamed their names and particulars of their claims on or before the 9th day of May, 1978. after which date the estate will be distributed havrng re gard only to the claims at which the executor then has notice, WAYNE As RUMBLE, Esq. 10350 Yonge Street Suite 303 Richmond Hill. Ontario L4G 388 416-884-9286 SoliCItor lor the Estate, of the Estate of JOSEPH LANDL, 1 Bond Avenue. in the Town of Rich- mond Hill. in the Regional Munici- pality of YOIK, who died on the 2nd day of March. 1978. DATED at Richmond HIâ€, this 21_st day of Apnl. 1978. ALL persons havrng claims agalnst the Estate of TINA BOWES. late of Maple Nursrng Home, Maple. Ontano. who died on or about the 15th day of December. 1977, are hereby notified to send partrculars of same to the undersrgned on or before June 15th. 1978 after WhICh date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of whrch the undersrgned shall then have notice. and the undersigned Will not be liable to any person of whose clarms he shall not then have notice. COCA Cola machine. 4 flavours, good condition. Call after 6 pm. 727- 2158. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the estate of TINA BOWES, late of the Town of Vaughan. 1n the Regional Mumcxpallty of York. de- ceased. DRYER. electnc, Ideal for cottage $25. 8844570. TEAKWOOD. Rosewood furniture. bedroom 8 piece. dlmngroom. 9 piece. IIVInngm. All new. Reasonable. 247-4377. VEIL and Wedding dress. sizg 15 $150, 8843579. , Betwee'n Bathurst & Yonge off Thorn- ridge Drive. Thornhlll Presbyterian Church Women. Upright, Henry Herbert (Mason & Rusch)‘ Modern mahogany cabinet. $600. May be seen In Richmond HIâ€. For appomtment call 4 chairs. oval top table. buffet and hutch. $550, SAT. MAY 13 9 am, to 3 pm. Furniture. anthue smk. fudge too|sT etc. 35 NETHERFORD RD. _ MAPLE. SOUTH AT IGA PLAZA and all accessories. 3 months old $375 complete Call Marilyn Perfect for any stereo system. In- cludes Dolby Norse reduction. Ferrite and Ferrite heads, Brand new. PHOTOGRAPHIC DARKROOM SUPPLIES 8. EQUIPMENI Includes B-GG Omega enlarger. Gray lab timer. cumng easel, trays, papers & chemicals. $450 or best offer‘ DINING ROOM SUITE 510 247 DREWRY AVE.. WILLOWDALE CASSETTE DECK STOVE, 24" Moffat. Excellent condition‘ $50. 884-6634. CONTENTS OF 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT CALL FOR INFORMATION FIRE SCREEN, freezer. stove. dish- washer, desk, dehumidifier. harvest table, antique desk. 8895085. TELEVISION. R.C.A. 26" colour. A-l condition‘ VHF‘UHF. $350. or best offer. 8810231. c2w44 SAT. MAY 13th, 10 am 7 RAYMOND DRIVE GARAGE SALE 305 WILFRED G. BOWES AND ROLPH AV BOWES Executors. by then solicnors. 881-6620 POOL TABLE Legal Notices 881-6620 THE NOTICE TO CREDITORS COMPLETE SEW Braun Kitchen Machine With 5 attachments Two tan leather suitcases Double Bedspread. Italian brown & melon PLAXTON AND MANN. PO. Box 36 10350 Yonge Street RICHMOND HILL. Ontano L4G 4X9 884-0059 889-3537 Paul GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE 884-7746 884-8981 SONY T0135 SD Articles For Sale 1-877-3106 and all accessones Evgs, SAT, MAY 13th 8 AM. 881-2497 PIANO SUPER KILN After 6 LIBERAL. Wednesday. May 10. 1978 â€" B-ll 4x8 c2w 44 63w 4] evgs evgs CZW 44 TF 44 MR, and Mrs. Earl Gray. and Mr. and Mrs. George Woodrufl are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children Valarie and Brady on May 20. 1978 at Richmond Hill Umted Church. RICE â€"Tom and Janet (nee Vigneux) are pleased to announce the birth of a son. Matthew Thomas, on Ihursday Aprrl 27th. Proud grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Rice, Richmond Hrll‘ and Mr.’ 8. Mrs. U.J. Vigneux, Willowdale. Frrst Great grandchrld far Mrs. Kenrle Vigneux of Central Park Lodge. HNATIAK‘ Georgra and Steve are pleased to announce the arrival of therr daughter Susan Marie, welghrng9 lbs. 4 025‘ April 26, 1978, at York Central Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Harry Dalton and Mr and Mrs Michael Hnatlak. WILSON â€" Opus two makes us a quartet. With love Laurie, Jane and Hannah welcome Derek James, born Apnl 25, 1978, weighing 3050 grams. ROOTS: Beverley and Bob are pleased to announce the arnvat of therr second daughter Kern Anne, on May 6. 1978 at YorkCentral Hospital. A sister of Jodr. Fourth grand- daughter for both Mr. and Mrs. Bill Clubine. Oro Statron and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Roots. King City. Specral thanks to Dr. James McPhee and stattt MANOCK â€" Grant and Odette are happy to announce the arrival of then daughter Robin Alexandra. 7 lbs. 8 025. A srster for Scott. At York Central Hospztal, May lst, 1978‘ Many thanks to Dr Granton and the nursrng stall, HOPSON: Steve and Bonnre are pleased to announce the arrival of therr son Trevor Paul. born April 28, 1978 and werghrng 6 lbs, 15 ozs. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ivor D. Hopson of Richmond Hill and Mrs. E. Cochrane of Huntsville. Second great-grandchild of Mrs. F. Houldey of England. SpeCIaI thanks to Dr. Paul Woo and the obstetrical nurses. WHITE, Robert Edward At York County Hospital. Newmarket, on Sunday. May 7. 1978. beloved husband of the late Myra Cain. dear father of Paul and Robert, beloved brother of Doug. Kathleen. Wanda and the late Murray. Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, 10366 Yonge St. Richmond Hill. Service Wednesday. 1030 am. Interment Old Stone Church Cemetery, Beaverton, at 2 pm. Legion Service 8:30 pm Tuesday. LOCK - Don and Sandy (nee Hewrtt) wrsh to announce the birth of their first son‘ Kristopher Robert, born Aprrl 27, 1978, Frrst grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Lock. Richmond Hill, Many thanks to Dr. K0, Dr. Luk, Dr. Mann and the maternrty staff at York Central -Hosprtal. SAMSON, John S. Suddenly. on Thursday. May.4. 1978. dear husband of the late Marjorie McKay, dear father of Betty (Mrs. R. Kennedy), Jack. Marjorie (Mrs‘ G Collins), Andy and Lynda (Mrs. R, Wood) Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. chhmond Hill. Servrce was held Monday 11 am. Interment Maple Cemetery 5“ Forthcoming Marriage PLESS, Joseph At York Central Hospital, on Thursday, May 4. 1978, beloved husband of Kathenna of Ruchmond HIlI, dear lather of John and Joseph Pless. and the late Jacob. also Survwed by Six grandchildren. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. Mass was held rn St. Mary Immaculate Church, Saturday 11:30 am. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. NICHOLSON, George I. At Sunnybrook Hosprtal, on Monday, May 8. 1978. George, beloved husband of Madge Nicholson, of 22 Beaverton Rd., South. chhmond Hill, dear father ol Betty (Mrs. Robert McNarr)‘ Davrd and Robert and loved by hrs lour grandchildren. Robert, Joanne. ermy and Jennifer‘ Resting at the Marshall Funeral Home, thb- mond Hrll. Funeral service on Thursday, 11 am Cremation. At York Central Hospital. on Friday, May 5. 1978, Bonar McKenzre, beloved husband of May Prtman. of Oak Ridges. dear lather ol Carolyn (Mrs. Earl Arnold) Bonar and Dale (Mrs. Doug Cretney) beloved by six granJchrldren and dear brother of George Jean, Dorothy and Donald. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home. Richmond Hill. Servrce was held Monday 130 pm. Interment York Cemetery. PLAXTON AND MANN PO. Box 35 10350 Yonge Street RICHMOND HILL. Ontano L40 4X9 MCKENZIE, Bonar H‘ In the Estate of Lilly Gray, late of the Town of Richmond Hill, in the Regional MuniCIpality of York. deceased. ALL persons haying claims against the estate‘ at Lilly Gray. late at 165 Centre Street. Richmond Hill. On- two, who died on or about the 28th day of October. 1974 are hereby notiâ€" tied to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before June 12‘ 1978 after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the under- SIgned shall then have notice. and the underssgned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED at Richmond Hill, this 27th day of April, 1978. ANNIE GRAY. Executrix by her solicitors, 510 “5 Births “55 Deaths NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Legal Notices C3w44