Oak Ridges boys wan 1‘ team in Hill 3-4 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. May 10. 1978 He was referring to his efforts to get the council “off the ground for the past two or three years with no luck". The Sports Council found plenty of sup- porters Wednesday night of last week at the Blue “The time was just right for it," said Rich- mond Hill Superintendent of Recreation Lynton Friedberg last week as the newly-formed “Sports Council†held its kick-off meeting. Town’s ski program The Richmond Hill Minor Ball Association met briefly Sunday with a few parents from the Oak Ridges area. The meeting was held in response to a letter received from a 15-year- old Oak Ridges boy stating he and his friends would like to play organized softball but at this time there was not a The Richmond Hill Parks and Recreation Committee added a postscript last week to what most crossâ€"country skiers would consider an all right winter. 2 Although the score reflects a close game, the ..Dairy Queens were ' shuffled from one position , to another for the purpose :ot' evaluation. --~ Karen McInnis pitched â€the first half of the game without allowing any runs while Heather Moore and Lynda Bell combined on a superb play at second base to stop any further base stealing by Chinguacpusy: _ They received a report on the success of the town's second year of operating a cross-country ski area at the Richmond Hill Summit Golf Course. In a word: Very suc- cessful. Attendance increased 125 per cent over the previous winter. States the report: “The trails were open five days a week, Wed- nesday through Sunday. The good snow conditions this year, as well as the increase in number of days open, the operation of a snack bar, washroom facilities and the minimal ski rentals all resulted in the attendance increase." By GALE FERRANDO >There were some prpplems encountered: ’ Not enough skis at the beginning of the season to rent. A resultant deal was made towards the end of the season with Recreation on Wheels to use its equipment of a 50- 50 split of the rental revenue. Dairy Queen gals tie 4-4 in ba/l Richmond Hill Dairy Queen Bantam girls softball team met last year’s Ontario bantam c h a m p s f r o m Chinguacousy and came up with a 4â€"4 tie. Lynda Bell hit the only homerun plus a long out to right field driving in two runs. Dorothy Norman batted in the other two runs while Karen Wells and Kathy Trumbull went two for two at the plate. Tom Price, Fred Dawson and Bill Wid- difield were the umpires. Girls 13 and 14 wishing to represent Richmond Hill in Ontario com- petition should call 884- 5200 or 884-3248. s129w l LU p~p-. dbl. ace. 0 Price includes round trip nansponation lrom Toronto ‘0 New York via Gray Coach Lines 0 2 nights accommoda‘ion at (he Rooseven Holel 0 Box seals for all games 0 Transfers (o and from Yankee Stadium. For furl/'9' information call’ May 26-May 23 BLUEVJAYS YANKEES NEW YORK Form Sports Council AT Flame meeting room of Consumers' G55 with 19 sports body represen- tatives turning out; “Three other bodies weren‘t out for the meeting." said Fried- berg, “but they assured us they would be joining.“ W'Ii‘rhe' Sports 'Counicil concept is a simp1_e one: â€To encourage the co- ordinating of amateur sports programs in Rich- mond Hill.†said Friedberg. “We feel much more can be ac- softball organization in Oak Ridgesa A 7 The boy, Phil Lusk, and his friends would like to register with the RHMBA but as a team and not individually. Trails were properly rnarked. The boys want to stay together for various reasons, one of which is transportation. As a team they could hold practices in their own area and would only have to travel to Bradstock Park once a The site was not properly equipped with emergency first aid equipment such as a first- aid sled. C ylvyy. There was also in- PUICllaa sufficient parking. markers; Hill 8/0 pitch loop gets ready to start Calling all slow pitch softball enthusiasts. There will be a general meeting tonight (Wed- nesday) of all those persons wanting to play slow pitch this year in Richmond Hill Locale is the Richvale Community Centre in the Weldrick Room. Time is 7:30 pm. Teéms will be selected, rules will be gone over. and an executive will be selected for the league. Those wishing to compete are asked to bring $15,cash or a cheque PAYMENTS BASED ON 48 MONTH TERM AT 13‘2“» INTEREST. TOTAL PAYOUT $2,853.60. INTEREST COST $657.60. PLUS...FREE... F03 LISTDWEL ' ONTARIO DEALER PREP AND DEALER FREIGHT CHARGES EXTRA PRICES START AT NO DOWN PAYMENT...$59.45 PER MONTH ON APPROVED CREDIT. A SPECIAL 3 PIECE BONUS VALUED AT UP TO $195.50 IF YOU BUY YOUR NEW STARCRAFT CAMPER BETWEEN APRIL 17 and JUNE 12, 1978. 0 FREE CANOPY 0 FREE TIRE COVER 0 FREE PROPANE TANK cover: I 7 Open Syndays for viewing 12-4 THE All NEW SIARMLSI FAMILY CAMPER ..... MASTER CANVAS CRAH lTD. 573 Albion Rd. Rexdale 741-2121 TRAILERS â€" Sales, Service. Rentals & Tent Repairs AT: 19600 (STARCRA STARMA not complished with organized groups instead of various groups doing things on their OWn." The council will be involved with the Rich- mond Hill Parks and Recreation Committee in evolving projects of various types, both present and future. BIGNINE The initial meeting saw nine objectives ham- mered out for the Sports Council: â€" To encourage the co- week for a regulation game At the meeting on Sunday Phil was assured everything would be done to make suitable arrangements. All parents from the Oak Ridges area who would like to have their children play organized ball are urged to attend a meeting that has been scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday) at 7:30 pm. The committee kicked around the idea of pur- chasing a snowmobile to be used for emergency situations; applying for Wintario funding to purchase proper trail markers: made pay yable to‘ Rich- mond Hill Slow Pitch League" ‘ A previous meeting saw the rules committee setting down some rules which included restric- ting footwear to running shoes or sneakers for the games. Anyone unable to at- tend the meeting is requested to send his money with someone who is attending as it's im- perative that the necessary funds be available to purchase the uniforms, balls and bats. LI‘ All new m the line up for 1978 One 01 many Starcraft models waiting to steal your heart. (STARCRAFT STARMATE) ordination of amateur Sports programs so that the greatest number of people can derive the greatest benefit to promote the physical, intellectual and moral development of the people of Richmond Hill through participation. â€"- To provide a central library and an in- formation centre. -â€" To act as a forum for the exchange of memâ€" bers’ views. in the Bond Lake Arena. PRACTICING The RHMBA players have been out on the diamonds practising for the past week and a half. The players were put into groups and assigned to temporary coaches for these sessions. Teams will be set up during the week of May 15. At this time all players will be called and given the names of their coaches and team, vvv‘ ,,,,,,,, Regular scheduled games will get underway the week of May 22- There is still one opening in senior girls for a coach and a convener. Anyone wishing to fill either position should contact Gale Ferrando at 884-2883 or Anne Thorpe at 884-4419. â€" To act as a liaison Hillcrest Mall. Carrville & Yonge. 883-1444 ext. 223 Richmond Hill, Prices in effect until 5:30 pm. Sat, May 1 3th, while quantities last. 'oï¬Searsguaranteed brake pa Sears__ .7 A com le brakg jggl Here's what we do 0 Install new brake shoes and/or disc pads 0 Replace all springs and hold-down parts 0 Replace caliper hardware 0 Remove rust, lubricate guide pins 0 Replace front grease seals. repack bearings 0 Rebuild wheel cylinders and/or calipers 0 Machine turn all drums and/or rotors 0 Inspect master cylinder. hydraulic lines and hoses Free and adjust emergency brakes Check rear seals for leakage Flush and bleed hydraulic system Road test Available only at these three Sears stores . . . 0 Richmond Hill - Newmarket 0 Markham with government agen- cies and to bring before the government and agencies such recom- mendations as are ap- proved by the Sports Council â€" To assist in correlating the efforts of all amateur sports organizations in stimulating interest in amateur sports. â€" To encourage in- teraction between and among sports groups for understanding of mutual problems' â€"â€" To encourage the provision and optimum use of all existing sports facilities and to con- tribute to the develop- ment of new ones. â€" To insist in the arrangement of leadership clinics for coaches, referees and others. â€" To foster an interest in and assist in organizing the hostingof provincial, national, and in- ternational sports events. INTERIM HEADS The meeting saw the electing of an interim executive committee comprising Bruce Smith, Richmond Hill Tennis Club, chairman; Ed Kenny, Richmond Hill Soccer Club, viceâ€" chairman; Lynton Friedberg. secretary; and four other members, Tom Simpson, minor hockey; Stan Thornington, Richmond Hill Dynes Jewellers softball team; Pat Mills. Richmond Hill figure skaters; and Kerry Gilmor, president of the Richmond Hill Provincial Junior A Rams. Upper Canada Mall, Hwy. #9 81 Hwy. #11 Newmarket, 898-2300 ext. 228 Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Markham Place 'ill‘S ‘Me and my Alcan storm CIOOI‘S and windows can do beautiful things with cold weather...|ike keep it outside: Dw-suon of AIEan Canada Products L Siding, soffit, fascia, eavestroughs, downpipes. storm windows and doors. replacement wmdows and the Thermalok patio door Corner of Don Mills & Steeles Markham Place 881-6600 ext. 290 This isn'tjust anv ordinarv storm door. . this is an Alcan alumi- num storm doorWith tempered safety glass and thick, poly-pile weatherstripping. All held together by tough, high-strength aluminum. And available in a range of styles and colours And storm windows. , ‘your Alcan dealer will install them to fit your house like a glove. an Sure, somebody else may offer you cheaper storm windows and doors‘ . .but that's exactly what you'll get. . .cheaper storm windows and doors, So let your local Alcan dealer give you a free estimate. He's listed in theYellow Pages under '5' for Siding and he can keep winter where it belongs outside, Alcan lullllh Building Products > A‘Lc‘M'J‘" Mon., Tues., Sat. 9:30 am. to 5:30 pm. Wed., Thurs, Fri. 9:30 am. to 9:30 pm. Store hours: ’ALCAN umlted