THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. May 10. 1978 â€" B-5 +9399 I Home Improvements A}; DON'T CUT INTO YOUR LEISURE TIMEI! {.9 9 P E" . , 4‘ I it 9 r u « 9, eter iott W & W R FIN xf PAINTING a DECORATING NEWWOHK REHOOFS ‘9 a USE OU R : 1‘- Free Estimates REPAIRS REMOVE OLD SNINCLES- L ï¬gï¬s 21 SH womguaranteed v _, , _ 4 litre . . - ~ x rt orkmanship - 8‘ ' 25â€â€œ » FRED; ESTIMATES ' .gme's ,Avsmngs DAVE STEVE_ ~ , V . Windows . pairings & WILLIAMS 883-5218 INOLFREYS -. , . VI,“ F- . Doors TFC I . “WWW†. , Bookkeeping. Handyman- ‘S‘Sï¬ilsrl'a’llf‘rléé DECORATING HOME MAINTENANCE (chum) BOONKEEEIING SERVICES KNOW YOUR COSTS c PlMlan. 85 cm?ng E" {X Cg I I9 m , ates _ REID 8, wirifck up & deliver. FIRM QUOTATIONS, TESTON MILL HANDIMAN SERVICES RICHMOND HILL H In prOIeSSIonal Ilnlsh SP ECI ALIZI NG IN 12 8:555:58an “"5572? 5:"4‘27218 27,727 3' FURNITURE INTERIOR Er EXTERIOR Mame“ R00 H N G | N SU LATI 0 N BRADLEY 8323803 m “m†P†smlppms co LIGHNINQEQSITRY H U G H BA RF‘ . Over 10 years experience to serve you Chartered â€"â€"-â€"- 8894377 m 15 professional Remove. OI'A†AND LAWN CUTTING ‘ 773 Guaranteed Workmanship 1; Accountants Bookkeeping & good . F Paénthagluers FOR ESTIMATE For free estimate and advise call .3 - - ree Ic - p 8 New Please call after 6 .m. ‘IIEEJSL‘SRE" “iffifltlï¬iiilifes 9919999996" “Imam†PA'NT'NG 884-3479 - begins HERE! ‘33 J“ 334.2375 . and . . V IF“ Double OI’ triple glass I _ HAND STRIPPING Storm W'â€d°WS’ Paperhang'ng . - Storm Doors Building rad f "‘c'II‘IIEI-JI'IC'IEIRII'" FLAIR . - ver ang < SUIISI$.SZOOZORT)QV|:‘IZBI;?II:IBMQ H R O 0 M S EaVSSSBD‘llâ€"Jrghlng IC mond HI I ITLQTIO w r "-4â€"__#> ‘ T - 884-2011 . _ 884-4832 Com p I eter m 0d em I ZBd J- JENKWS & 80†w -RESTYLING - REBUILDING KENRIIEFIIEI’IEIIEIIIINN Thomas Clegg GARDEN SUPPLIES LTD. ALJflm‘UM COLLEGE PRO BY Craftsmen L'C- 5“ '“Sï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ssï¬ï¬ï¬fg- ALLPSINOLINSTS7 83940821 - ic mo†i " ' 0 E ' -N bl' ti '- gï¬ggï¬" 6 9 1 -6 8 7 8 TOP 50' L - EAVESTROUGHING Y EAR S EX PERI EN CE 9018 YONEEIST‘IO AT EDGAlrgc'TITO‘RNHILL « 4 ~ - GARDEN SOIL “8238836932†“‘“JI‘I'UEISIIS‘W‘ 2882112 memes Monro-mm; CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ‘ ‘ 832-2238 10220“A†Yonge St., at Richmond 99797299999999 CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL MANURE - Bought and Sold DES-W LAMBERT'S Richmond Hill 50 Yonge Street 5. , . . . SERVING YORK ‘ _ _ 8 Aurora, Ontario Any |Iv1ngroom, diningrOom and hall, I _ REGION SINCE 1W: NOW 42 Painting Er Decorating â€"â€"-â€" regardless of srze Delrvenes from our Markham Yard GIFJraranteted VtVork SAgKgrEfghDEIIAN $32.50 I 7335137 STONE WORK 231833;; FOAM CUSTOM CUT CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Janitorial sew'ces _ crime/131% IREIREAIRS ____M TO ORDER _ L I s D and E :55; cr33;I(T)f')‘lssltering chesterfields, chairs, camping 8 m _ 884-6477 and IIILIIIIIIIE Accounting SPRING CIJEAN-UP pSI‘RIII’ILé‘EEs 331-5324 883-4533 7 [penny contractors ID argErrlghiLagnugrzen & com lete land G. ROCKET-I- r, r" Reupholsterrng done at discount prices ‘ CCUU/VTI/VG ~ -‘ sail gs: med 9 ' p Palms CLOSED MONDAYS 9 A G U N Catenalro WaIDergIllg's, rOCkIery (31 natural gardens specialists 889-4729 IFC 40 amâ€" , CARPENTER S pARQUH CONSTRUCTION coNTRAcron aoommmmu mm, “9mm 8: LANDSCAPING SERVICES summon-nine CONTINENTAL UPHOLSTERY Renovations â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"936-2545c°“c°“e°* ASSIST??? PAVING 00- 818283111918: m ALAN. GERMAN. ENCLIsH I _ _ osevneiN ve. _ Ca†Factory QUALITY . . . . , " AdditionS “â€I£:.°I“A'JIIII’“" LCaI'Is'e. TREE SERVICE 9991999 wngmAONRsKmP 839 7250 Ca me n try â€"â€"â€"â€"m A CUSOTSSngg SlINsTrZï¬mongitc’: Alt t. GUARANTEED CUSTOM INTERIJIIJNIOLINU NOIIEIIISCICLE SEATS ETC. - mm G d ,I w dd d guarantee . era Ions FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL WAYNE ___.__ 7 6 CFTAIEQLEAYgEsg‘ GgidgNsMaandurIE Egodfeor 787-1332 W 0 Repairs 298†77 3.4023 1 rd - I r __ . , _ "m BUILT AND REPAIRED General yclearsi-upeoIVIIaeckyards. . Recreatlon rooms 1 Photograph I LL BUSINESSES we 5W5 t , r d - - FFlilrh‘asnnggl Statements K.A. SMITH - Exp; Vjflmm [u I 0 Patios I y I PIONEERSRENRIIIIILSTERY Month'v CARPENTRV 221-1466 ~ I “'3 'W'"d°ws' 900†x Quality service - Free estimates Quarterly Excellent workmanship Yearly o Rec. Room Built 8 Designed L K E R PHOTOGRAPHY By $Â¥5W7h£1we U B Income‘rax :Nodobll’mmll I'll NI; I'l 11â€"11119 1 cdwaz \jC/hlnr 3(75 D.J. DILWORTH' emu-.99 In am ~ 3343034 Afte, 6 m "Iv-II ; III 3‘: 7; _ - - .. & Assoc - 3333953329 9989999999 884-2882 After 5 1m stand for , _ p- - ms I I . - , 8mm 7â€"â€" QUALITY â€" â€"â€"Cm * ' IE I _ 43 v 881L403“ “I 35 B NS CONSTRN LTD » 9 9. WEDDING COVERAGE $155 L 189 CASCADE CIRCLE HOMES Home improvements 1 Corner Agency $20 CUSTOM BUILT Limited ‘ 0 ALUMINUM SIDING WEDDING SPECIAL Peter Deroche Photography . 889-4271 CM OSIGNS,ETC.!! All/ED on Insurance - Mortgages CLEANING ' ' T Ie h 727-94883 - C II b I ‘ bl Eff f A†Residgmial & g 2 ; l Z 7 Re; 4,7208% Street S. egtirrï¬tgsém your c eamng pro ems or fee V Ltd I nggggiflge‘gk I moral (imam . ‘ V CUSTOM BUILT HOMES $ 0 ' Ofï¬ce co a ' Repairs to all makes WAVE'Gormley 887578845 ‘ o ’ n I â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" Refrigerators, freezers, stoves, . ‘ I " :51 : s _ ' d'shwaztezneeeem mm â€"â€"â€"7â€" ‘8 mm ("MING a" Typewriters P'ETmb'l‘g '3 ' . Secretarial: 884-8217 ______883'3"33 FRANK '9 AND UPHOlSTERV CLEANEILSG 8139333311? ecmca ' ?:~--‘38:che 9 ' IT ALL STARTED M v M, W M h. DEAL SERVICES WITH THE WORKS :A t P '18:] J. WELBORNE General Contractors CALL ~~ SUDSY †ANYTIME ‘Richnï¬ew 3g. ’"9‘ 8899338 7734139 SECRETAR| AL IN THE DRAWER 9 u o a a so" Building renovations DAY 0R NIGHT 884-2433 881-1997 = . numbing SERVICE LANGSTAFF _ TypEwn ' I I - __ AUTO pARTs Ste 8 a B .Ck O k Watermef'nQ F Y N ADDING MIIOIIEIINES Re ' II n n W I New SALES - RENTALS I I 9 - pans m a I We buy :33; Trucks Firemaces Extensions Verandas _ Lu SIMS Richmond "Ill D_ gorLIpleteRtypIng service makes of T.V. s , L 8 IC one. . R t3. ‘ ' 881-8255 General repairs Concrete work 31:. Richggngagï¬m‘ï¬in“ p esumes epor Mala Apphances' Evgs. 497-2718 Landscaping Er design services Garages FLOOR MAINTENANCE ' Also new work _ Specialized in medical and Vacuums & Antennas a: legal transcribing, immued . Sweetheart Peter Drains Ltd. 1'722'5066 1 York Home T.V.. IL! ALL WORK - - . BOB Ross GUARANTEED ReSIdentIal &.Com.mercral _ - 106m BAYWEW AVE. CONTRACTING 654-6373 884.9230 Competative Prlces PAINTING AND StaIned Glass UNIT 18' fl, - By __ , . “*4? FREE ESTIMATES All drains cleaned RICHMOND HILL ‘ P Pamt Competent-Tradesman ’ Toronto Loca' by eIGCtnc Sn.akes STAINED 884â€"4165 j r V A c Pnces on request . n Resrsigilagafommgrmal Hr. Sen/Ice 911 11 ll» R 9 "W Alrlgsspsegggying Same hourIy rate Largpsgng hangiggs. ICahrstom I] a,†I†. . Fr E t ma e. e aIIS an “'15 anon. RIL,I§I,,I,,,~C W“ DIP'N mm â€"ronmmecmé‘9 ' Pmsrmm 28265-583335 SETS??? Pmb'e 10% down “m†“"65†CNN" REPAIR YOUR HOME TILE SETTER ' ' gyicnzgérhgsgee financing 337 fume, "m":':’v:‘:“"’““s WILL EVER NEED .Etaiï¬mï¬ 223-4257 m man“ i -‘ = We'dmg ocarr in C ar es PE ' _ Ry" QR'NMSW H‘" DRYWAU' 780 STEEPROCKNDRIVE "NINE :Tngmaï¬â€™mm PAIID’AEIIIITING & MUTAIII/I I I I Am: Open Saturday 9 - 2 pm. CEILINGS 8 WALLS l _ 883-1680 & PLASTERING DOWNSV'EW 5358895 HOUSE OFREE ESTIMATES RE. Dunn ACCOU NTI NG & M'G' ._ _ V ELIMINATE HOURS OF DIRTY ,, .A“ work uarameed \ 3 ~ TeXt'LIred - Sprayed WORK AND MESS BY LET’ IWDJOB r USMAH" \ â€"â€" S after 3 C I & TING us STRIP YOUR , . m 2, Neal, £98m $532; TROUBLESOME PIECES. He makes housecalls! “em I EAVESTROUGHING A†B kk . o COMPLETE LINE MEN‘REngEEIQSZ your agdo eepmg Trcu 7571C88NE SHOP 888-1985 “I†M REHMSH'NG “ Done on Weekends FREE ESTIMATES INCOME TAX THOR%EH?JLREET » flew __;__W.SVUPPUES .L I “:I‘."='::.9“::,:1 600d Wo'k 1478-4736 RETURNS REPï¬â€˜Iflg‘TIgï¬ALL V ’ : Electrrcians ' ' CUNletï¬CTING " “CHARLIE .LENSES?25535558“ W'†“W : ‘1, «A Ii m <78 TYPES OF BICYCLES WATERPROOF/NocaI/Cflm 5 SEAMLESS THE PAINTER" 19V I ‘17 "PRE SEASON SPECIAL" FE E N PAr/as CIT/#118585 Pane/Its EAVESTROUGH 1 1 Jr" [5 I A?" “8ԠINC COMPLETE TUNE-UPEI Electric ltd. I mama ALCAN COLOURS Am“ - LL: ‘91 SIVVEVRRIXNEE f, I “ResidePtSial 8845227 m Wh'ter $3352.02?“ 'V°’Y' “mm SHINGLES Typing â€"~â€"â€"=-r ~~â€"~~ “° nsta ation O ervices We deliver 0 “it A I , r1 Stoves, dryers, rec rooms. CAï¬ITg‘E: [gERK DO-IT-YOURSELF-ers FRANKS PAINTING GUNOXVNOTZED I ' | N ' ' - I F Estlmates Done In my home Yogg‘éme I 834.0443 “AIRLINE SSEJSOEZLEIXEILRUSI Iggggggg "’9 5999999399 WNW I NICK UPTON WHEELS- “Come 3* 9W“ o _ 9?: SILL- hefore9a-m- AfterII-m- I 887-9365 sg’ï¬z‘gm W 3838353, . a!†33'1"“