Entertainment The emphasis is on youth in the forthcoming production at the Rich- mond Hill Curtain Club. For the cast of “The Mumberley Inheritanceâ€, described as a “good- C-12 â€" THE LIBERAL, Wednesday. May 10, 1978 Preparing for a play is frantic at the best of times but one problem that always occurs is locating of props. The Richmond Hill Curtain Club, preparing for the opening of “The Mumberly Inheritance’ May 26, needs a rather unusual selection of props this time round. Who out there has a flexible suit of armour; a picture with moving eyes; and two buckskin suits â€" with fringes? Trial by Jury is held over This Gilbert and Sullivan prize will be held Due to popular demand, the Richmond Hill United Church choir presents a repeat performance of “Trial By Juryâ€. By MARY WATTS Most interesting to note about the final feature of the Winter Travelogue Series recently was Robert Brouwer’s dramatic portrayal of the many faces of Canada. Shown with slides on three large screens through six projectors, with appropriate musical background, the entire audience felt that Canada’s cities, towns and countryside became Presentation was drama tic Thornhi/l girls pass dance exams Several Thornhill girls were successful in Royal Academy of Dancing examinations held recently. In Grade 2, Sandra Flow, Linda Norheim, Jacquelyn Ross, Pamela Anderson, Nicolett Graham and Anastasia Kozma won passing grades. Tracey Grightmire in Grade 3 was highly commended, while Cori Halpern, Sandra Giggey, Marni Price and Allison Moorhouse were also :_|__JllllllIIlllllllIlllIlllllllllIlllIllflllllllE = _the = =piano & E teacher ï¬lllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllï¬ RICHMOND INN % DINING LOUNGE ‘ Estefle Matkham 884-3787 SURPRISE MOM THIS SUNDAY! SUPER SPECIAL! LOBSTER - SURF Er TURF Complete Meal just $595 Served from 4 mm. WINDHAM MANOR 12:00 NOON TO 8:00 PM. For reservations ask for Steve DELICIOUS HOT & COLD BUFFET Our Curtain Club needs a suit of armour , please (LICENSED) 11595 YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL 884-1370 RICHMOND INN 10097 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL Young cast selected for Club’s next play (Reseï¬/ations Suggested) MOTHER’S DAY |S - MAY 14th Served from 4 pm 8841101 7.75 time melodrama" by Warren Graves, director Cicely ThomSon has drawn from the younger members of the Club. Richmond Hillers having any of these everyday items stashed away in attics are urged to come forth and lend them to the club. Producers Shirley Stanley and Leslie Reid are faced with the for- midable tasks of finding the people and props so necessary in putting together a show, and are being assisted by a goodly crew of hard working henchmen. David Phillips adds yet another feather to his cap Tickets are limited and are selling fast. They may be purchased by calling 884-1301. Admission is $3 for adults and $1.50 for children Wednesday, May 17, beginning at 8__p.{n. . more meaningful to them. Mr. Brouwer is renowned for his previous slide presentation on the Grand Canyon, a couple of season’s ago. The film program is organized annually by the Richmond Hill Rotary Club as one of its en- deavors to give en- joyment to the com- munity and in so doing, provide the necessary funds for many comâ€" munity needs. successful in obtaining passing marks. They are all members of the Joan Barrett School of Ballet and passed their tests at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Thornhill. Wendy Travis, a fourth Mrs. Lynett Kelly was the examiner. year student at Bayview High, is playing the role of the “pale and wan" heroine, Daphne, and her “hero" Rodney Stoutheart, trying had to live up to his name, is by designing the set, which is being con- structed by Brian and Dennis Stainer and crew, with decorations by Marie Nickle. iiTony Durrant win provide the lighting with Steve McNeil] adding sound Costumes are being dreamed up by Va] Haworth, with make-up daubed by Leslie Whit- taker. Everyone knows that backstage the Stage Manager’s word is law, and Richard Francoeur, assisted by June Coleman, will take on this noble task, “prompted†WITHIN wen. MAY 10 FULLY LICENSED EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 7:40 pm. Earlybirds House Of Lords â€"â€" L?L.)@®E)L;) @CDL'JB? E BEWNJW L3: EMBED INE GHACIOUSLY WITH H THORNHILL COMMUNITY CENTRE JACKPOT $1,000.00 TREAT MOM TO AN ORIENTAL DINNER Special On Dinners (FULLY LICENSED) 10720 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL OPEN 11:30 A.M.-1O P.M. FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 883-3611 10133A Yonge St. Richmond Hill John St. and Bayview Ave. Thornhill 884-7224 BETWEEN 5% Off 11:30 A.M. â€" 3:30 P.M THORNHILL LIONS portrayed by Peter Kite. Both he A recent graduate of Richmond Hill High School, Peter is now in his first year General Arts at York. by Chris Watt Directing the whole shooting match is Cicely Thomson, who directed “The Rape of the Belt" for the Club last season. In between time, she has done some professional acting and has recently directed “The School Mistress" by Arthur Wing Pinero at The Firehall. “The Mumberly Inheritanceâ€, by Warren Graves, will open May 26 for 11 performances. For tickets, in- formation and volun- teering suits of armour etc. please call Brian Moore} at 884-2638 57 RESERVATIONS Relax over a dinner at Richmond Hill's elegant little steak house. Our service is prompt and friendly, our food is distinguished and affordable. WITH ANY COMPLETE MEAL WE WOULD LIKE TO OFFER YOU FREE - FRENCH ONION SOUP SALAD. GARLIC BREAD. COFFEE 8:00 pm. Regular Games NUMBERS "FIRST CARD Both he and Wendy made their respective debuts at the Curtain Club during the recent production of “Oh, What a Lovely Warâ€, both playing a formidable number of parts. Having made herself almost indispensable in a number of backstage roles during the last three productions, including co- producing “Table Manners", the Club‘s last offering, Ann Dewdney, now has a chance to tread the boards herself as the delightful maid, Dotty, whose loyalty is matched only by the villainy of Marmaduke Mayhem. Ann is a recent graduate of Guelph University with a S.Sc. in child studies and works at a local nursery school. Peter Darrell will also be making his first ap- pearance on the Club’s stage as the long lost brother, Jack. Clay Warner plays the whimpering Crispin Cringe. MAJOR MACKENZIE ARNOLD CENTRE ST 51.00" VISA MARKHAM RD. HOUSE OF LORDS LORNE A recent winner of the award for Best Per- formance in a Supporting Role at the '78 ACT Festival, Clay has been involved with the Curtain Club for some years, more recently helping with sound and lights, and was last seen in the Club’s production of “The Lion in Winterâ€. Others in the cast are John Illingworth por- traying the evil Mar- maduke Mayhem; Carolyn Trenton as Polly, caught in his toils; and Claude Watt, as Sir Rogery Mumberley who has (gashp) frittered his substance. The play, which opens May 26 for 11 per- formances, is produced by Shirley Stanley and Leslie Reid. For tickets and in- formation call Brian Moore at 884-2638. 4 WAY COMBINATION BOILER WITH DOMESTIC HOT WATER OIL, GAS WOOD & CHARCOAL Give Heart Fund. WOOD STOVES ALSO AVAILABLE ve Heart Fund FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 8843872 7“ ForaSpecial â€Heat... Mothcm’ Dayï¬undayMay 14th. 113'le Canadian menu which promises to bring you back time after time. Phone for reservations it’s always nice to know when company is coming. City. Not since theturn ofthe century has the discriminating diner been invited to Hogan’s Inn at Four Corners. A tasteful country atmosphere accents an original early Traditional country dining has returned to King Hogalnâ€™ï¬ affom cog/1% 10 K6616 St.5.,1<ing City, Ontario Talephone (416) 833-5311 832-1520 GILDA It No. 1 Jackpot 'DUUԠNo.2 ' UUU" Wed. May 10th No. 1 Jackpot 53 No's No. 2 52 No's Early Birds at 7:35 pm. - Reg. Games 8 Specials at 8 pm. Mmflwi f?“ $$TWO JACKPOTS$$ No. 1 Jackpot $60000 No.2 $50000 1 0 T M. P n 3 4 BLACK HAWK ( â€YOUR BINGO CENTRE FOR ALL SEASONS" MOTOR INN - 8849171 10711 YONGE ST. at ELGIN MILLS. Richmond Hill Featuring: ROASTTURKEY-ROASTLEGOF LAMB - ROAST PRIME RIBS 0F BEEF -ASSORTEDCOLDCUTS-SALADS- A CHINESE DISH, DESSERTS - BEVERAGE 9 RICHMOND HILL LEGION BINGO DIIIE OII'I' FOII NO PLAYERS UNDER 16 YEARS ADMHâ€"I’ED LO'Sâ€"Qrkï¬â€™rKâ€"{jaâ€"a. WWWQ' EXCELLENT VALUE AND A CHEERFUL ATMOSPHERE [eï¬iod Hall, Ohio rm. ofl Elgin Mills Road E CHILDREN 7T0 10 YRS. OF AGE 4.25 $850