Residents of the newest section of Thomhill are forming their own association. Houses first started going into the Willow Brook area east of Thornlea Secondary School two years ago and new residents were confronted with the usual problems of no schools, social or recreational facilities that they could call their own. There is no letter carrier delivery either. From the number of corner mail boxes, it was determined that 500 families have moved into the area. The group at first in- tended to include only the residents of the im- mediate area but have found they have been joined by new residents of adjacent areas. Chief instigator of the group and the first president is Geri Berholz. There are two vice About a third of them were represented at the first meeting of the Willow Brook ratepayers held recently at Thomlea. Willow Brook area ready for action You are invited to attend the Hearing and to state your support of or ob- jection to the proposed amendment. Should you be unable to attend, written submissions will be received up to the time of the Hearing. The proposed amendment, the Official Plan, and existing land use maps may be examined at the Planning Office. W.B. Grieve, Chairman, Planning Committee. The purpose of this amendment is to permit a proposed plan of sub- division with lots having a minimum area of one acre each. In addition it is proposed to delete the location of the school site. The subject lands are presently covered by Official Plan Amendment No. 16 (Secondary Plan for the Devil's Elbow Community) which requires development to occur with lots having a minimum area of two acres and a school site location on the subject prOperty. DATED April 27, 1978 A Public Hearing will be held by the Planning Committee of the Town of Markham Council to consider an amendment to the Official Plan of the Markham Planning Area for Part Lot 19, Concession 4. the subject property (Seagram Estates) comprl'ses some 39 acres, located imme diater south of the existing Cachet Country Club development shown on the map below. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17. 1978. 8:00 PM. muncu CHAMBERS, MUNICIPAL BUILDING, BUTTONVILII By GEORGIE BURKHOLDER AMENDMENT AREA 0, THE TOWN : 0F ‘3‘; MARKHAM PUBLIC HEARING Winners (Sgram Estates) DEVIL'S ELBOW COMMUNITY 1 6TH AVENUE The board of directors is composed of the chairmen of the com- mittees. They are: Janet Goodman, Social and Recreation Chairman; Mort Goldstein, Com- munity Services; Nate Falter, Constitution Committee; Susan Reid, Brownies; and in the Children Concerns Committee there are four sub-committees whose chairman are Carole Tator. Barbara Nollins, Yunus Desai and Carol Beevers. Harry Berholz is Public Relations Chairman while establishing the 10th District Cubs and Beavers. presidents, Meredith Coristine and Simar Gelman. Treasurer is Mr. Peter Taylor and secretary is Mr. Arthur Donin. IGOT A LAWNMOWERL FOR SALE? “3%,,"3'31552325, "CLASSIFIED AD" Elgr liberal PHD/VE- 1 727.4221 r The Thornlea Secondary School team placed tenth in the Canadian Junior Mathematics Contest for Canada and was fifth overall out of 525 schools. Six top team members were (left to right) Susan Rodger, H5}ch Councillor Stan Daurio said that the new association is a great asset to the community of Willow Brook and pledged his coâ€"operation. He also stated that the Playground Equipment will likely be installed in Willow Brook Park this year. On June 4, the Willow Brook Association plans a Huge Garage Sale with June 11 the alternate date in case of rain. There will also be an accompanying Auction Sale and of course, a Bake Sale. All proceeds are to be used for the new community‘s activities. A Home and School Association will soon be formed in conjunction with Hendertson School, now attended by many of the Willow Brook Com- munity children. T.M. Januszewski, Planning Director. 32:?1100 Children’s sizes 8-] 2 to 12 Regular Kinney Price $13.99 Boys‘ and Girls‘ sizes 12-] 2107 Regular Kinney Price $149910 $I 5.99 The constitution of the Council will be amended to add, "The organization shall be carried on without purpose of gain for its members and any profits or other accre- tions to the organization shall be used in promoting its objects The Richmond Hill and Area Social Planning Council Annual Meeting will be held on MEETING WEDNESDAY MAY 31st. 1978 TIME 8:00 PM. l08ATION: Municipal Building 10266 Yonge St, Richmond Hill NOTICE Teresa Kan, Glen Lott, David Sidwell, Glenn Gundermann and Philip Mansfield, who placed tenth in Canada. (Liberal photo by Bruce Hogg.) DAYS ONLY Q/ j E maiéï¬hyrl mney shoes Fashion aï¬d style for everyone CHARGEX A great casual featuring comfortable 3 eye-tie, moc toe, brown suede leather uppers, padded collars and sure grip unit soles. Made in Spain. 'Based on 'msulanon malena] wuh R-3 value per Inch (2 54 cm) If your homers like 90% of Canadian homes, it’s not properly insulated This Chan gives you an idea of how much you could save by bringing your home from the average level of insulation up to today’s recommended standards. Of course. as energy costs go up. so will these savings. ST. JOHN‘S FREDERICTON MONTREAL TORONTO WINNIPEG REGINA EDMONTON VANCOUVER These savmgs axe based on a typical 2-slorey pre-wa: home 9! 1. 1(1) squaxe {eel Canadlm Home Insulation Program IF YOU DON’T HAVE 10 INCHES" OI-' INSULATION IN YOUR A'I'I'IC, YOU’RE LOSING HEAT AND WASTING MONEY. ‘ TODAY. 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D Send me the free book [3 Send me the gram a pllcauon kll "Keeping the Heat In" (My home was bum foxe 1946. "‘ m English 1" en {xancals |S 3 storeys or less. and IS my Please print. pnncnpal resndence) THE LIBERAL. Wednesday. May 10. 1978 â€" C-5 NAME _ ADDRESS POSTAL CODE Mall lo Canadlan Home lnsulatlon hflam. P O Box 1270. Slanon T. Toronto, Omano B 4M Or call collect throu h our telephone operator (4 ) 89-0671 Please allow 2 lo ¢ weeks [or pLocEsslmlaxld Talflng 7 7 Wednesday May 10 to Saturday May 13. 3 Queen S1. North Streetsvulle 826-4250 DRROW. @ Men's sizes 7 to II Regular Kinney Price $19.99 Ladies’ sizes 5 to 10 Regular Kinney Price $18.99 2499 Eghnton Ave, East Scarborough 267-6619 m Englxsh T‘. en francals Georgetown 877-6333 222 Guelph Street PROV 9AvE