C-s â€" THE LIBERAL. Wednesday, May 10. 1978 Members Canadian produced . . . “from the Curtain Club in RICHMOND HILL†â€" wild applause, and so ends another taping of the CBC radio show, The Royal Canadian Air Farce. The day after the show is taped, Margo Crack, a former Liberal employee who now works at the CBC, is snowed under with requests to attend the next taping, which is free When the shows are taped at the Curtain Club on Elgin Mills, as they are most of the time, the regulars know to come early because the seats are all taken well before show time.‘ Two half-hour shows are taped in one evening. Prior to the actual taping Roger Abbott comes on stage to “warm up†the audience by reading excerpts from the Toronto Star in his own zany way. You know who are the regulars in the audience by the way they gently heckle Abbott and looking around you can usually see one or two of them wearing T-shirts with The Royal Canadian Air Farce or a name of a cast member lettered on them. Nursery school plans fun day German Mill Nursery School, a coâ€"operative run by parents in the comâ€" munity, will hold a Fun Day Saturday, June 3 from 10 am. to 3 pm. Events include the sale of handicrafts and baked goods, pony rides for kids, games, clowns and a white elephant sale. goods, pony rides for kids, The school is at 80 games, clowns and a German Mills Road. In white elephant sale. case of cancellation . because of rain, the Refreshments W111 be events will be held June available and there will 10. good nq begins HERE! After the audience is ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FARCE iA Mother’s Day Gift from the Colonel of the team working on the Royal Air Farce, a radio show usually in Richmond Hill, include, left to OVER 100 LOCATIONS IN ONTARIO- sufficiently chuckling it is time to introduce the other members of the cast who are Dave Broadfoot. Don Ferguson. Luba Goy and John Morgan. Alex Sheridï¬n is also heard on the air, but not by voice. He is the distinctive looking sound effects man with dark, curly eyebrows and moustache who is usually surrounded by beer bottles. telephones, bells, gongs, glasses, water, keys etc. and by the time the show is over the floor is strewn with debris. When the cast has finished adâ€"libbing and everyone can stop laughing long enough, the first of two tapings begin. Although it seems like a lark, a lot of hard work goes into writing the show. The writers are also Roger Abbott, Dave Broadfoot, Don Ferguson and John Morgan. They write and rehearse the show in their homes and arrive in Rich- mond Hill the day of the taping for last minute re- writes and final rehearsals. Sitting in the small dressing room back stage of the Curtain Club. they throw ideas back and forth until the right word also be a raffle held All funds raised from Fun Day will be used for equipment, books, toys and whatever is needed by the nursery operation. The only cost will be that of raffle tickets. ‘toti’s ChiCkeflviflQQ: SEE :OUR PHONE BOOK FOR'THE ONE NEAREST YOU right Don Ferguson, Luga Goy, Dave Broad- foot, Alex Sheridan, John Morgan and Roger Abbott. (Liberal photo by Bruce Hogg) works. Then it’s time to start rehearsing. Rehearsals end around 6 pm. and they usually go out for dinner to .Pop’s Tavern on Yonge Street where they continue to talk shop. Although mbst of them have appeared on television in commercials and comedy shows, they are not noticed by the diners at Pops. Occasionally a show is taped when they are on the road or from the CBC studios in Cabbagetown. Dave Broadfoot says he likes working in Rich- mond Hill and in Cab- bagetown but finds the response a lot quicker in Richmond Hill. He says “laughs come a lot faster so the show goes a lot quicker.†For various reasons some of the funniest moments do not get on the air. Occasionally there are bloopers and on one of the shows this season John Morgan entertained the studio audience for Kentucky Fried mm. Colonel Sanders‘ beys and gnrls make It Fans laugh faster in Richmond Hill about ten minutes when he read a line incorrectly, started laughing and when he started to read the line again he not only burst out laughing himself, but broke up the cast and the whole audience as well. Unfortunately the home audience cannot see Luba Goy’s rubbery face but they can hear Don Ferguson’s imitation of Pierre Trudeau making you wonder just who the real Pierre Trudeau is. The Royal Canadian Air Farce was nominated for an ACTRA award this year and is broadcast on CBC FM radio Saturdays at 1:30 and CBC AM radio Sundays at 1:05 pm. And isn’t it great to know that the little guy from Chilliwak, B.C. who has probably never been east of Winnipeg, but is a fan of the Royal Canadian Air Farce, has heard of Richmond Hill. As Roger Abbot puts it “we put Richmond Hill on the map.†nger Iuckln‘ good“. Heart Foundation WI// meet Monday York County Association elects exec The Ontario Foundation will meeting Monday The York County Elementary Teachers‘ Association of Federations elected its new officers during the Annual Dinner and Meeting at the Aurora Highlands Golf Club recently. Annual meetings of the two local federation branch affiliates, the Ontario Public School Men Teachers’ Federation and the Federation of Women Teachers‘ Associations of Ontario, were the first order of business for the evening. They officers of YCETAF and the affiliate groups 231:8 For YCETAF: past president, Ted Smith, Sutton Public School; president. Dean Bodkin, Meadowbrook Public; first vice-president, Wendy VanStraten, Prince Charles; second vice-president, Don Hansen, Prince Charges: secretary, George Mainer, Roselawn Senior; treasurer, Gary McMurran, Sutton High School. For YCWTA2. past president, Isobel Emmerson, James Robinson; president, Shelagh Harris, Crosby Heights; first vice- president, Pat Hunter, German Mills; second vice-president, Gail Profit, Woodbridge; secretary, Evelyn Lawrence, O.M. MacKillop; treasurer, Donna Smith, James Robinson. For YCOPS: past president, Theo Rothe, William Berczy; president, Bud Dunlop, King City Senior; first vice-president, David Painter. Stornoway Crescent; second vice- president, Sid McFarlane, Dr. G. W. Williams: secretary, Rick Mistelbacher. Sharon Public; treasurer, Brian Warrington, Morning Glory. BATHROOM vTISSUE VIVA TOWELS MOTOR OIL ‘ GARBAGE BAGS TABLE NAPKIN , u}- 10f“.- 5/ $100 59‘ $29? £95. v vv 7 vv 3/ .I. 33" ‘ UV ' $235835; RC COLA POTATO CHIPS BELTLESS DUTCH BLEACH Ken-L-Meal o 750ml . Maple Leaf CONFIDETS 96 oz. bottle Banner Bit’s plus deposn 225-250g 48,5 10 kg bag (No dealers plea: We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices effective while quantities last. DIAPERS Baby Scott Reg. 30’s Toddler 24’s Your choice Cottonelle 4’s 89¢ 89¢ 69¢ 49¢ $199 2/ $100 9.9.5 Heart hold a , May 15 DISCOUNT FOOD WARE TO SAVE YOU REAL- This meeting will be of interest to anyone now working with the Heart Foundation and those interested in becoming involved. The Director of Public Education for Ontario, Sue Lawson,will present a film called ‘Celebration‘ and will speak on some of the foundation’s work. at 7:45 pm. in the Blue Flame Room at the Consumer’s Gas Building on Elgin Mills Road. For more information on this meeting or the Ontario Heart Foun- dation. please call 884- 8662. _. EICIAL Tâ€"ISâ€"SUES CREST TOOTHPASTE Scotties 200’s 100 m1+ 50 m1 free 2’s ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNC NEW PARTNERSHlP FOR THE PRAC Esso 10W30 per quart SHELDON H. STEINBERG STEINBERG 8c WALDMAN HOWARD L. WALDMAN IN THORNHILL. ONTARIO UNDER THE FIRM NAME OF THORNHILL. ONTARIO TELEPHONE 881-3116 12 CENTRE STREET L4J 1E9 AND 1.25 ml 10’s THE FORMATION OF TICE OF LAW FROZEN PIZZA Pizza Famosa 11b. 15 oz With in-store coupons (Limit 4/customer) $174 $399 Scott’s 180’s